--debug: use -g3 instead of -g
[rofl0r-rcb.git] / rcb.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use File::Basename;
6 use Cwd 'abs_path';
7 #use Data::Dump qw(dump);
9 my $this_path = abs_path();
10 my $cflags = defined($ENV{CFLAGS}) ? $ENV{CFLAGS} : "";
12 sub syntax {
13 die "syntax: $0 [--new --force --verbose --step --ignore-errors] mainfile.c [-lc -lm -lncurses]\n" .
14 "--new will ignore an existing .rcb file and rescan the deps\n" .
15 "--force will force a complete rebuild despite object file presence.\n" .
16 "--verbose will print the complete linker output and other info\n" .
17 "--debug adds -O0 -g3 to CFLAGS\n" .
18 "--step will add one dependency after another, to help finding hidden deps\n";
21 sub expandarr {
22 my $res = "";
23 while(@_) {
24 my $x = shift;
25 chomp($x);
26 $res .= "$x ";
28 return $res;
31 sub expandhash {
32 my $res = "";
33 my $h = shift;
34 for my $x(keys %$h) {
35 chomp($x);
36 $res .= "$x ";
38 return $res;
41 sub name_wo_ext {
42 my $x = shift;
43 my $l = length($x);
44 $l-- while($l && substr($x, $l, 1) ne ".");
45 return substr($x, 0, $l + 1) if($l);
46 return "";
49 sub file_ext {
50 my $x = shift;
51 my $l = length($x);
52 $l-- while($l && substr($x, $l, 1) ne ".");
53 return substr($x, $l) if($l);
54 return "";
57 my $colors = {
58 "default" => 98,
59 "white" => 97,
60 "cyan" => 96,
61 "magenta" => 95,
62 "blue" => 94,
63 "yellow" => 93,
64 "green" => 92,
65 "red" => 91,
66 "gray" => 90,
67 "end" => 0
69 my $colstr = "\033[%dm";
71 my %hdep;
72 my @adep;
74 sub printc {
75 my $color = shift;
76 printf $colstr, $colors->{$color};
77 for my $x(@_) {
78 print $x;
80 printf $colstr, $colors->{"end"};
83 sub scandep_doit {
84 my ($self, $nf) = @_;
85 my $np = dirname($nf);
86 my $nb = basename($nf);
87 if(!defined($hdep{$nf})) {
88 if(! -e $nf) {
89 printc("red", "failed to find dependency $nf referenced from $self!\n");
90 die unless $nf =~ /\.h$/;
91 } else {
92 scanfile($np, $nb);
97 sub make_relative {
98 my ($basepath, $relpath) = @_;
99 #print "$basepath ::: $relpath\n";
100 die "both path's must start with /" if(substr($basepath, 0, 1) ne "/" || substr($relpath, 0, 1) ne "/");
101 $basepath .= "/" if($basepath !~ /\/$/ && -d $basepath);
102 $relpath .= "/" if($relpath !~ /\/$/ && -d $relpath);
103 my $l = 0;
104 my $l2 = 0;
105 my $sl = 0;
106 $l++ while(substr($basepath, $l, 1) eq substr($relpath, $l, 1));
107 if($l != 0) {
108 $l-- while(substr($basepath, $l, 1) ne "/");
110 $l++ if substr($relpath, $l, 1) eq "/";
111 my $res = substr($relpath, $l);
112 $l2 = $l;
113 while($l2 < length($basepath)) {
114 $sl++ if substr($basepath, $l2, 1) eq "/";
115 $l2++;
117 my $i;
118 for ($i = 0; $i < $sl; $i++) {
119 $res = "../" . $res;
121 return $res;
125 sub scandep {
126 my ($self, $path, $tf) = @_;
127 my $absolute = substr($tf, 0, 1) eq "/";
129 my $nf = $absolute ? $tf : abs_path($path) . "/" . $tf;
130 printc("red", "[RcB] warning: $tf not found, continuing...\n"), return if !defined($nf);
133 if ($nf =~ /^\// && $nf !~ /\.h$/) {
134 $nf = make_relative($this_path, $nf);
136 die "problem processing $self, $path, $tf" if(!defined($nf));
137 if($nf =~ /\*/) {
138 my @deps = glob($nf);
139 for my $d(@deps) {
140 scandep_doit($self, $d);
142 } else {
143 scandep_doit($self, $nf);
147 my $link = "";
148 my $forcerebuild = 0;
149 my $verbose = 0;
150 my $step = 0;
151 my $ignore_rcb = 0;
152 my $mainfile = undef;
153 my $ignore_errors = 0;
154 my $debug_cflags = 0;
156 sub scanfile {
157 my ($path, $file) = @_;
158 my $fp;
159 my $self = $path . "/" . $file;
160 my $tf = "";
161 my $skipinclude = 0;
163 $hdep{$self} = 1;
164 open($fp, "<", $self) or die "could not open file $self: $!";
165 while(<$fp>) {
166 my $line = $_;
167 if ($line =~ /^\/\/RcB: (\w{3,7}) \"(.+?)\"/) {
168 my $command = $1;
169 my $arg = $2;
170 if($command eq "DEP") {
171 next if $skipinclude;
172 $tf = $arg;
173 print "found RcB DEP $self -> $tf\n" if $verbose;
174 scandep($self, $path, $tf);
175 } elsif ($command eq "LINK") {
176 next if $skipinclude;
177 print "found RcB LINK $self -> $arg\n" if $verbose;
178 $link .= $arg . " ";
179 } elsif ($command eq "SKIPON") {
180 $skipinclude = 1 if $cflags =~ /-D\Q$arg\E/;
181 } elsif ($command eq "SKIPOFF") {
182 $skipinclude = 0 if $cflags =~ /-D\Q$arg\E/;
184 } elsif($line =~ /^\s*#\s*include\s+\"([\w\.\/_\-]+?)\"/) {
185 $tf = $1;
186 next if file_ext($tf) eq ".c";
187 if($skipinclude) {
188 print "skipping $self -> $tf\n" if $verbose;
189 next;
191 print "found header ref $self -> $tf\n" if $verbose;
192 scandep($self, $path, $tf);
193 } else {
195 $tf = "x";
198 close $fp;
199 push @adep, $self if $file =~ /[\w_-]+\.[c]{1}$/; #only add .c files to deps...
202 argscan:
203 my $arg1 = shift @ARGV or syntax;
204 if($arg1 eq "--force") {
205 $forcerebuild = 1;
206 goto argscan;
207 } elsif($arg1 eq "--verbose") {
208 $verbose = 1;
209 goto argscan;
210 } elsif($arg1 eq "--new") {
211 $ignore_rcb = 1;
212 goto argscan;
213 } elsif($arg1 eq "--step") {
214 $step = 1;
215 goto argscan;
216 } elsif($arg1 eq "--ignore-errors") {
217 $ignore_errors = 1;
218 goto argscan;
219 } elsif($arg1 eq "--debug") {
220 $debug_cflags = 1;
221 goto argscan;
222 } else {
223 $mainfile = $arg1;
226 $mainfile = shift unless defined($mainfile);
227 syntax unless defined($mainfile);
229 my $cc;
230 if (defined($ENV{CC})) {
231 $cc = $ENV{CC};
232 } else {
233 $cc = "cc";
234 printc "blue", "[RcB] \$CC not set, defaulting to cc\n";
237 $cflags .= $debug_cflags ? " -O0 -g3" : "";
239 my $nm;
240 if (defined($ENV{NM})) {
241 $nm = $ENV{NM};
242 } else {
243 $nm = "nm";
244 printc "blue", "[RcB] \$NM not set, defaulting to nm\n";
247 sub compile {
248 my ($cmdline) = @_;
249 printc "magenta", "[CC] ", $cmdline, "\n";
250 my $reslt = `$cmdline 2>&1`;
251 if($!) {
252 printc "red", "ERROR ", $!, "\n";
253 exit 1;
255 print $reslt;
256 return $reslt;
259 $link = expandarr(@ARGV) . " ";
261 my $cnd = name_wo_ext($mainfile);
262 my $cndo = $cnd . "o";
263 my $bin = $cnd . "out";
265 my $cfgn = name_wo_ext($mainfile) . "rcb";
266 my $haveconfig = (-e $cfgn);
267 if($haveconfig && !$ignore_rcb) {
268 printc "blue", "[RcB] config file found. trying single compile.\n";
269 @adep = `cat $cfgn | grep "^DEP " | cut -b 5-`;
270 my @rcb_links = `cat $cfgn | grep "^LINK" | cut -b 6-`;
271 my $cs = expandarr(@adep);
272 my $ls = expandarr(@rcb_links);
273 $link = $ls if (defined($ls) && $ls ne "");
274 my $res = compile("$cc $cflags $cs $link -o $bin");
275 if($res =~ /undefined reference to/) {
276 printc "red", "[RcB] undefined reference[s] found, switching to scan mode\n";
277 } else {
278 if($?) {
279 printc "red", "[RcB] error. exiting.\n";
280 } else {
281 printc "green", "[RcB] success. $bin created.\n";
283 exit $?;
287 printc "blue", "[RcB] scanning deps...";
289 scanfile dirname(abs_path($mainfile)), basename($mainfile);
291 printc "green", "done\n";
293 my %obj;
294 printc "blue", "[RcB] compiling main file...\n";
295 my $op = compile("$cc $cflags -c $mainfile -o $cndo");
296 exit 1 if($op =~ /error:/g);
297 $obj{$cndo} = 1;
298 my %sym;
300 my $i = 0;
301 my $success = 0;
302 my $run = 0;
303 my $relink = 1;
304 my $rebuildflag = 0;
305 my $objfail = 0;
307 my %glob_missym;
308 my %missym;
309 my %rebuilt;
310 printc "blue", "[RcB] resolving linker deps...\n";
311 while(!$success) {
312 my @opa;
313 if($i + 1 >= @adep) { #last element of the array is the already build mainfile
314 $run++;
315 $i = 0;
317 if(!$i) {
318 %glob_missym = %missym, last unless $relink;
319 # trying to link
320 my %missym_old = %missym;
321 %missym = ();
322 my $ex = expandhash(\%obj);
323 printc "blue", "[RcB] trying to link ...\n";
324 my $cmd = "$cc $cflags $ex $link -o $bin";
325 printc "cyan", "[LD] ", $cmd, "\n";
326 @opa = `$cmd 2>&1`;
327 for(@opa) {
328 if(/undefined reference to [\'\`\"]{1}([\w\._]+)[\'\`\"]{1}/) {
329 my $temp = $1;
330 print if $verbose;
331 $missym{$temp} = 1;
332 } elsif(
333 /([\/\w\._\-]+): file not recognized: File format not recognized/ ||
334 /architecture of input file [\'\`\"]{1}([\/\w\._\-]+)[\'\`\"]{1} is incompatible with/ ||
335 /fatal error: ([\/\w\._\-]+): unsupported ELF machine number/ ||
336 /ld: ([\/\w\._\-]+): Relocations in generic ELF/
338 $cnd = $1;
339 $i = delete $obj{$cnd};
340 printc "red", "[RcB] incompatible object file $cnd, rebuilding...\n";
341 print;
342 $cnd =~ s/\.o/\.c/;
343 $rebuildflag = 1;
344 $objfail = 1;
345 %missym = %missym_old;
346 goto rebuild;
347 } elsif(
348 /collect2: ld returned 1 exit status/ ||
349 /collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status/ ||
350 /In function [\'\`\"]{1}[\w_]+[\'\`\"]{1}:/ ||
351 /more undefined references to/
353 } else {
354 printc "red", "[RcB] Warning: unexpected linker output!\n";
357 if(!scalar(keys %missym)) {
358 for(@opa) {print;}
359 $success = 1;
360 last;
362 $relink = 0;
364 $cnd = $adep[$i];
365 goto skip unless defined $cnd;
366 $rebuildflag = 0;
367 rebuild:
368 chomp($cnd);
369 $cndo = name_wo_ext($cnd) . "o";
370 if(($forcerebuild || $rebuildflag || ! -e $cndo) && !defined($rebuilt{$cndo})) {
371 my $op = compile("$cc $cflags -c $cnd -o $cndo");
372 if($op =~ /error:/) {
373 exit 1 unless($ignore_errors);
374 } else {
375 $rebuilt{$cndo} = 1;
378 @opa = `$nm -g $cndo 2>&1`;
379 my %symhash;
380 my $matched = 0;
381 for(@opa) {
382 if(/[\da-fA-F]{8,16}\s+[TWRBCD]{1}\s+([\w_]+)/) {
383 my $symname = $1;
384 $symhash{$symname} = 1;
385 $matched = 1;
386 } elsif (/File format not recognized/) {
387 printc "red", "[RcB] nm doesn't recognize the format of $cndo, rebuilding...\n";
388 $rebuildflag = 1;
389 goto rebuild;
392 if($matched){
393 $sym{$cndo} = \%symhash;
394 my $good = 0;
395 for(keys %missym) {
396 if(defined($symhash{$_})) {
397 $obj{$cndo} = $i;
398 $adep[$i] = undef;
399 $relink = 1;
400 if($objfail || $step) {
401 $objfail = 0;
402 $i = -1;
403 printc "red", "[RcB] adding $cndo to the bunch...\n" if $step;
405 last;
409 skip:
410 $i++;
413 if(!$success) {
414 printc "red", "[RcB] failed to resolve the following symbols, check your DEP tags\n";
415 for(keys %glob_missym) {
416 print "$_\n";
418 } else {
419 printc "green", "[RcB] success. $bin created.\n";
420 printc "blue", "saving required dependencies to $cfgn\n";
421 my $fh;
422 open($fh, ">", $cfgn);
423 for(keys %obj) {
424 print { $fh } "DEP ", name_wo_ext($_), "c\n";
426 print { $fh } "LINK ", $link, "\n" if($link);
427 close($fh);