fix compile against newer giflib
[rofl0r-obeditor.git] / src / entity__panel_platform.cpp
1 /*
2 * entity_panel_platform.cpp
4 * Created on: 17 nov. 2008
5 * Author: pat
6 */
7 #include "wx/wxprec.h"
8 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
9 #include "wx/wx.h"
10 #endif
13 #include "ob_editor.h"
14 #include "images__MyPalette.h"
15 #include "entity__enums.h"
16 #include "entity__globals.h"
17 #include "entity__MyAnimationZone.h"
20 Panel_Platform *panel_Platform;
23 //************************************************************************************
25 Panel_Platform::Panel_Platform(wxNotebook* _parent)
26 :Panel_withAnims(_parent)
28 panel_Platform = this;
29 off_x = off_y = 0;
30 up_l = up_r = 0;
31 d_l = d_r = 0;
32 depth = alt = 0;
34 //******************
36 //******************
38 //top level sizer
39 wxBoxSizer *sizer_main = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
41 //Top part of the panel
42 wxBoxSizer *sizer_top = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
43 sizer_main->Add( sizer_top, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND);
45 wxBoxSizer *sizer_topLeft = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
46 sizer_top->Add( sizer_topLeft, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND);
48 wxBoxSizer *sizer_scrollWndFrameProps = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
49 sizer_top->Add( sizer_scrollWndFrameProps, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 6 );
51 wxBoxSizer *sizer_topRight = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
52 sizer_top->Add( sizer_topRight, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND );
54 wxBoxSizer *sizer_topRightUp = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
55 sizer_topRight->Add( sizer_topRightUp, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND );
57 wxBoxSizer *sizer_topRightDown = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
58 sizer_topRight->Add( sizer_topRightDown, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND );
61 //Bottom part of the panel
62 wxSizer *sizer_bottom = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
63 sizer_main->Add( sizer_bottom, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND );
65 //******************
66 //* OBJECTS
67 //******************
69 //**************************
71 //**************************
73 list_Anims = new wListAnims(this);
74 list_Anims->SetMinSize( wxSize(150,50));
75 sizer_topLeft->Add( list_Anims, 0, wxALL |wxEXPAND );
78 //**************************
80 //**************************
82 scrollPanel = new AScrollPanel( this );
83 sizer_scrollWndFrameProps->Add( scrollPanel, 1, wxALL, 0 );
85 wxBoxSizer *sizer_topCenter = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
87 scrollPanel->SetSizer( sizer_topCenter );
88 int border_size = 4;
91 //**************************
93 //**************************
95 chckbx_noplatform = new wxCheckBox(scrollPanel, ID_NO_PLATFORM, wxT("No/Clone Platform"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
96 chckbx_noplatform->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtButtonClick), NULL, this );
97 sizer_topCenter->Add( chckbx_noplatform, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_LEFT, border_size );
99 wxStaticBoxSizer *sizer_PlatformDatas = new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, scrollPanel, wxT("Platform Datas") );
100 sizer_topCenter->Add( sizer_PlatformDatas, 0, wxALL, border_size );
102 wxGridSizer *sizer_temp = new wxGridSizer( 8, 2, border_size, border_size );
103 sizer_PlatformDatas->Add( sizer_temp, 0 , wxEXPAND );
105 // OFFSET X
107 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("xPos"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
108 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
110 txtctrl_off_x = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_OFF_X, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
111 txtctrl_off_x->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
112 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_off_x, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
116 // OFFSET Y
118 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("yPos"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
119 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
121 txtctrl_off_y = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_OFF_Y, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
122 txtctrl_off_y->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
123 txtctrl_off_y->MoveAfterInTabOrder( txtctrl_off_x );
124 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_off_y, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
128 // Uper left
130 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("upperleft"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
131 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
133 txtctrl_up_l = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_UPL, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
134 txtctrl_up_l->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
135 txtctrl_up_l->MoveAfterInTabOrder( txtctrl_off_y );
136 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_up_l, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
140 // lower left
142 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("lowerleft"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
143 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
145 txtctrl_d_l = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_DL, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
146 txtctrl_d_l->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
147 txtctrl_d_l->MoveAfterInTabOrder( txtctrl_up_l );
148 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_d_l, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
152 // Upper right
154 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("upperright"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
155 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
157 txtctrl_up_r = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_UPR, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
158 txtctrl_up_r->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
159 txtctrl_up_r->MoveAfterInTabOrder( txtctrl_d_l );
160 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_up_r, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
164 // Lower right
166 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("lowerright"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
167 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
169 txtctrl_l_r = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_LR, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
170 txtctrl_l_r->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
171 txtctrl_l_r->MoveAfterInTabOrder( txtctrl_up_r );
172 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_l_r, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
176 // depth
178 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("depth"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
179 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
181 txtctrl_depth = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_DEPTH, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
182 txtctrl_depth->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
183 txtctrl_depth->MoveAfterInTabOrder( txtctrl_l_r );
184 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_depth, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
188 // altitude
190 wxStaticText *txt_temp = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("alt"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
191 sizer_temp->Add( txt_temp, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
193 txtctrl_alt = new wxTextCtrl(scrollPanel, ID_PLAT_ALT, wxString(),wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER | wxTE_RIGHT );
194 txtctrl_alt->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , wxCommandEventHandler(Panel_Platform::EvtCommand), NULL, this);
195 txtctrl_alt->MoveAfterInTabOrder( txtctrl_depth );
196 sizer_temp->Add( txtctrl_alt, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
199 // The color chooser of the platform
200 wxSizer *sizer_color = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
201 sizer_topCenter->Add( sizer_color, 0 , wxALL );
203 wxStaticText *txt_color = new wxStaticText( scrollPanel, wxID_ANY, wxT("Color :"), wxPoint(wxDefaultCoord, 8) );
204 sizer_color->Add( txt_color, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, border_size );
206 plat_color = new MyPaletteElementCtrl(scrollPanel);
207 plat_color->SetId( ID_BBOX_COLOR );
208 plat_color->SetRGB( 0,0,0 );
209 plat_color->SetMode( AUTO_ELTCOLOR );
210 sizer_color->Add( plat_color, 0, wxCENTER | wxALL, 2 );
212 //**************************
214 //**************************
216 sizer_topRightUp->AddStretchSpacer();
218 //**************************
219 //Animation controls
220 wxBoxSizer *sizer_anim_ctrls = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
221 sizer_topRightUp->Add( sizer_anim_ctrls, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 6 );
223 wxBitmapButton* butt_Zoom_M = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_ZOOM_M,
224 wxBitmap( wxImage( GetRessourceFile_String(wxT("zoom-out.png")))));
225 sizer_anim_ctrls->Add( butt_Zoom_M, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
227 wxBitmapButton* butt_Zoom_P = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_ZOOM_P,
228 wxBitmap( wxImage( GetRessourceFile_String(wxT("zoom-in.png")))));
229 sizer_anim_ctrls->Add( butt_Zoom_P, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
231 sizer_topRightUp->AddStretchSpacer();
234 //**************************
236 //**************************
238 platformView = new MyPlatformViewerCtrl(this );
239 sizer_topRightDown->Add( platformView, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 2 );
241 //**************************
243 //**************************
245 wList_frames = new wListFrames( this );
246 sizer_bottom->Add( wList_frames, 1, wxALL );
249 //**************************
251 //**************************
252 SetSizer( sizer_main );
253 wList_frames->AssociateToListAnims( list_Anims);
254 list_Anims->AssociateToListFrame( wList_frames);
255 list_Anims->ReloadLastSessionAnim();
256 list_Anims->Refresh_List();
257 Layout();
262 //************************************************************************************
264 Panel_Platform::~Panel_Platform()
269 //************************************************************************************
271 void Panel_Platform::OnActivate()
273 Panel_withAnims::OnActivate();
275 if( b_entity_has_change )
277 // Check for new platform datas
278 Update_PlaftformDatas();
281 platformView->UpdateFrames();
282 wxSizeEvent event;
283 scrollPanel->EvtSize( event );
284 Layout();
288 //*********************************************************************
290 void Panel_Platform::Reload()
292 Panel_withAnims::Refresh();
293 Update_PlaftformDatas();
294 platformView->UpdateFrames();
298 //*********************************************************************
300 void Panel_Platform::ReloadGifs()
302 Panel_withAnims::ReloadGifs();
303 platformView->UpdateFrames();
307 //************************************************************************************
309 extern wxColour cloneColour;
311 void Panel_Platform::Update_PlaftformDatas()
313 if( entity == NULL || curr_anim == NULL )
315 scrollPanel->Enable( false );
316 return;
319 if( frameActive == NULL || frameActive->GetImage() == noImg )
321 scrollPanel->Enable( false );
322 wxMessageBox( wxT("Not a valid frame for making a platform"), wxT("ProPlem"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );
323 return;
326 scrollPanel->Enable( true );
328 ob_object* platform_prop = frameActive->GetSubObject( wxT("platform") );
330 if( platform_prop == NULL )
331 EnablePlatform( false );
332 else
334 int nb_tokens = platform_prop->nb_tokens;
335 if( nb_tokens != 6 && nb_tokens != 8 )
337 scrollPanel->Enable( false );
338 wxMessageBox( wxT("Malformed platform property in entity header"), wxT("ProPlem"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );
339 return;
342 EnablePlatform( true );
344 // In case of old platform format, convert to new format
345 if( nb_tokens == 6 )
347 // set some default value to offset x and y
348 ob_object* fr_offsets = frameActive->GetSubObject( wxT("offset") );
349 platform_prop->SetName( wxT("platform" ));
350 platform_prop->SetToken( 0, fr_offsets->GetToken( 0 ) );
351 platform_prop->SetToken( 1, fr_offsets->GetToken( 1 ) );
353 for( int i =0; i < 6; i ++ )
354 platform_prop->SetToken( i+2, platform_prop->GetToken(i) );
356 entity->SetChanged();
359 txtctrl_off_x->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(0));
360 txtctrl_off_y->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(1));
361 txtctrl_up_l->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(2));
362 txtctrl_d_l->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(3));
363 txtctrl_up_r->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(4));
364 txtctrl_l_r->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(5));
365 txtctrl_depth->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(6));
366 txtctrl_alt->ChangeValue( platform_prop->GetToken(7));
368 UpdateBG_colours( platform_prop );
369 return;
374 //************************************************************************************
376 void Panel_Platform::EnablePlatform( bool b_enable )
378 chckbx_noplatform->SetValue( ! b_enable );
380 txtctrl_off_x->Enable( b_enable );
381 txtctrl_off_y->Enable( b_enable );
382 txtctrl_up_l->Enable( b_enable );
383 txtctrl_d_l->Enable( b_enable );
384 txtctrl_up_r->Enable( b_enable );
385 txtctrl_l_r->Enable( b_enable );
386 txtctrl_depth->Enable( b_enable );
387 txtctrl_alt->Enable( b_enable );
391 //************************************************************************************
393 void Panel_Platform::EvtCommand(wxCommandEvent& event )
395 Update_entity_platform();
399 //************************************************************************************
401 void Panel_Platform::Update_entity_platform()
403 if( curr_anim == NULL || frameActive == NULL )
405 wxMessageBox( wxT("No animation selected !!"), wxT("ProPlem"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );
406 return;
409 ob_object* platform_prop = frameActive->GetSubObject( wxT("platform" ));
411 if( platform_prop == NULL )
412 return;
413 else
415 // If no change
416 if( platform_prop->GetToken(0) == txtctrl_off_x->GetValue()
417 && platform_prop->GetToken(1) == txtctrl_off_y->GetValue()
418 && platform_prop->GetToken(2) == txtctrl_up_l->GetValue()
419 && platform_prop->GetToken(3) == txtctrl_d_l->GetValue()
420 && platform_prop->GetToken(4) == txtctrl_up_r->GetValue()
421 && platform_prop->GetToken(5) == txtctrl_l_r->GetValue()
422 && platform_prop->GetToken(6) == txtctrl_depth->GetValue()
423 && platform_prop->GetToken(7) == txtctrl_alt->GetValue()
425 return;
427 platform_prop->SetToken(0, txtctrl_off_x->GetValue() );
428 platform_prop->SetToken(1, txtctrl_off_y->GetValue() );
429 platform_prop->SetToken(2, txtctrl_up_l->GetValue() );
430 platform_prop->SetToken(3, txtctrl_d_l->GetValue() );
431 platform_prop->SetToken(4, txtctrl_up_r->GetValue() );
432 platform_prop->SetToken(5, txtctrl_l_r->GetValue() );
433 platform_prop->SetToken(6, txtctrl_depth->GetValue() );
434 platform_prop->SetToken(7, txtctrl_alt->GetValue() );
436 entity->SetChanged();
438 UpdateBG_colours( platform_prop );
439 platformView->UpdateFrames();
444 //************************************************************************************
446 void Panel_Platform::UpdateBG_colours( ob_object* platform_prop )
448 wxColour t_col( *wxWHITE );
449 if( platform_prop->parent != NULL
450 && ((ob_frame*) platform_prop->parent)->b_platform_cloned == true )
451 t_col = cloneColour;
453 txtctrl_off_x->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
454 txtctrl_off_y->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
455 txtctrl_up_l->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
456 txtctrl_d_l->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
457 txtctrl_up_r->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
458 txtctrl_l_r->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
459 txtctrl_depth->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
460 txtctrl_alt->SetBackgroundColour( t_col );
465 //************************************************************************************
467 void Panel_Platform::EvtAnimSelectionChange(wxCommandEvent& event)
469 Panel_withAnims::EvtAnimSelectionChange(event);
473 //************************************************************************************
475 void Panel_Platform::EvtButtonClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
477 int id_wind;
478 wxWindow *winSrc = (wxWindow*) event.GetEventObject();
479 if( winSrc != NULL )
481 id_wind = winSrc->GetId();
483 else
485 id_wind = event.GetId();
488 switch( id_wind )
490 case ID_ZOOM_M:
491 platformView->Zoom(0.8);
492 list_Anims->SetFocus();
493 return;
495 case ID_ZOOM_P:
496 platformView->Zoom(1.3);
497 list_Anims->SetFocus();
498 return;
500 case ID_NO_PLATFORM:
501 if( curr_anim == NULL || frameActive == NULL )
502 return;
504 // Deletion case
505 if( chckbx_noplatform->GetValue() == true )
507 ob_object* platform_prop = frameActive->GetSubObject( wxT("platform" ));
508 if( platform_prop != NULL )
510 platform_prop->Rm();
511 entity->SetChanged();
513 Frame_CascadeChanges();
514 Update_PlaftformDatas();
515 // If a cloned value has appear, decheck the box
516 if( frameActive->GetSubObject( wxT("platform") ) != NULL )
517 chckbx_noplatform->SetValue( false );
518 platformView->UpdateFrames();
521 // Creation case
522 else
524 if( frameActive == NULL || frameActive->GetImage() == NULL || frameActive->GetImage() == noImg )
526 scrollPanel->Enable( false );
527 wxMessageBox( wxT("Not a valid frame for making a platform"), wxT("ProPlem"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );
528 return;
531 entity->SetChanged();
533 // set some default value
534 ob_object* fr_offsets = frameActive->GetSubObject( wxT("offset") );
535 wxString new_tokens[8];
536 new_tokens[0] = fr_offsets->GetToken( 0 );
537 new_tokens[1] = fr_offsets->GetToken( 1 );
539 wxImage* curr_img = frameActive->GetImage();
540 int w = curr_img->GetWidth();
541 int h = curr_img->GetHeight();
542 new_tokens[2] = IntToStr( -w/4 );
543 new_tokens[3] = IntToStr( -w/4 );
544 new_tokens[4] = IntToStr( w/4 );
545 new_tokens[5] = IntToStr( w/4 );
546 new_tokens[6] = IntToStr( w/4 );
547 new_tokens[7] = IntToStr( 2*h/3 );
549 frameActive->SetProperty( wxT("platform"), new_tokens, 8 );
551 Update_PlaftformDatas();
552 platformView->UpdateFrames();
554 return;
556 return;
559 //************************************************************************************
561 void Panel_Platform::EvtFrameSelectionChange(wxCommandEvent& event)
563 Panel_withAnims::EvtFrameSelectionChange(event);
565 Frame_CascadeChanges();
566 Update_PlaftformDatas();
568 if( platformView != NULL )
570 platformView->UpdateFrames();
577 //************************************************************************************
578 //************************************************************************************
579 //************************************************************************************
580 //************************************************************************************
581 //************************************************************************************
582 // Event table
583 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(Panel_Platform, Panel_withAnims)
585 EVT_BUTTON (ID_ZOOM_M, Panel_Platform::EvtButtonClick)
586 EVT_BUTTON (ID_ZOOM_P, Panel_Platform::EvtButtonClick)