fix compile against newer giflib
[rofl0r-obeditor.git] / src / common__tools.h
1 #ifndef OB_TOOLS_H_
2 #define OB_TOOLS_H_
4 #include <wx/colour.h>
5 #include <wx/config.h>
6 #include <wx/confbase.h>
7 #include <wx/log.h>
8 #include <wx/hashmap.h>
9 #include <wx/image.h>
10 #include <wx/event.h>
11 #include <wx/valtext.h>
13 #include "common__globals.h"
14 #include "images__pngFile.h"
15 #include "images__gifFile.h"
16 #include "common__object_file.h"
17 #include "common__validators.h"
19 #ifdef MTRACE
20 #endif
23 #define t_size_of(t) (int)(sizeof(t)/sizeof(wxString))
26 /**\internal*****************
27 * Miscellanious facilities
28 * **************************
30 bool Frame_RestorePrevCoord( wxWindow* it, const wxString& name );
31 void Frame_SaveCoord( wxWindow* it, const wxString& name );
32 void Frame_DestroySavedCoord( const wxString& name );
34 // Shortcuts Saves/Write config for the EditFrame objects
35 wxString ConfigEdit_Read( const wxString& subpath, const wxString& def_val = wxString() );
36 void ConfigEdit_Write( const wxString& subpath, const wxString& val );
38 void ClearMenu( wxMenu* menu );
39 void EnableItemsMenu( wxMenu* menu, bool b_enable );
42 void OpenInExternalEditor( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& filePath );
44 /**\internal*****************
45 * Ob_objects facilities
46 * **************************
48 void Sort_ob_Object_ByName( ob_object**& objs, size_t count );
49 void Sort_ob_Object_ByTag( ob_object**& objs, size_t count, size_t num_tag = 0 );
50 void Sort_ob_Object_ByTag( ob_anim**& objs, size_t count, size_t num_tag = 0 );
52 wxString* Reverse_Null_StrArray( wxString* tokens, size_t tokens_size );
54 wxArrayString Tokenize( const wxString& str );
55 wxString UnTokenize( ob_object* _obj );
57 // ... are <const char*>
58 void
59 wxArraystring__Add( wxArrayString& arr_str, size_t nb_str, ... );
60 wxArrayString
61 wxArrayString_Build( size_t nb_str, ... );
64 /**\internal*****************
65 * Conversions facilities
66 * **************************
68 wxString IntToStr( int i );
69 wxString IntToStr( size_t i );
70 wxString FloatToStr( const float f);
71 inline wxString BoolToStr(const bool b ){ return (b ? wxT("1") : wxT("0")); }
73 int StrToInt( const wxString& str, bool& ok );
74 int StrToInt( const wxString& str );
75 unsigned int StrToUInt( const wxString& str, bool& ok );
76 float StrToFloat(const wxString& str, bool& ok );
77 float StrToFloat(const wxString& str );
79 bool IntToBool(const int i );
80 bool StrToBool( const wxString& str );
84 /**\internal*****************
85 * Strings facilities
86 * **************************
89 bool StrIsObBool( const wxString& str );
90 bool StrIsInt( const wxString& str );
91 bool StrIsUInt( const wxString& str );
92 bool StrIsFloat( const wxString& str );
94 inline wxArrayString
95 Concat_ArrayString( const wxArrayString & arr1, const wxArrayString & arr2 );
96 wxString
97 ArrStrConcat( const wxArrayString& arrStr, const wxString& separator = wxString() );
98 wxArrayString
99 StrSplit( const wxString& str, const wxString& delim, bool b_remove_emtpy = true );
101 wxArrayString
102 ArrayString_PrependAll( const wxArrayString& arrStr, const wxString& _prefix );
103 wxString
104 ArrayString_Join( const wxArrayString& arrStr, const wxString& _jointure );
106 void TabStringToArrayString( wxString* tStr, size_t nb, wxArrayString& arrStr );
108 bool IsInArray(const wxString& _t, wxString* arr, size_t arr_tay );
110 // Compare String with taking care of numbers in it
111 // Return -1 if s0 < s1 , 0 if s0 == s1, 1 else
112 int P_StrCmp( const wxString& s0, const wxString& s1 );
113 bool IsEmpty( const wxString& s );
115 /**\internal*****************
116 * Files facilities
117 * **************************
120 wxFileName MyDirAppend( const wxFileName dataDirPath, const wxString& subDir );
121 wxFileName MyPathAppend( const wxFileName dataDirPath, const wxString& subPath );
122 wxString ObPath_To_FullPath( const wxString& _subPath );
123 wxFileName GetObFile( const wxString& _subPath );
124 wxString Convert_To_Ob_Path( const wxString& _path );
126 wxFileName GetRessourceFile( const wxString& _strFileName );
127 wxString GetRessourceFile_String( const wxString& _strFileName );
129 wxString TryRepairObPath( const wxFileName& _filename );
131 bool SimpleBackUpFile( const wxString& filePath );
132 bool myBackUp( const wxString& filePath );
133 bool myMove(const wxString& _src,const wxString& _dest );
135 bool IsFileEmpty(const wxString& _path );
137 class Repair_Set
139 public:
140 Repair_Set();
141 ~Repair_Set();
142 void Add_Repairable( const wxString& _prop_name, size_t _num_token );
143 size_t Try_Repair(ob_object* o );
144 struct d_s_i
146 wxString* prop_name;
147 size_t num_token;
150 protected:
151 std::list<struct d_s_i> props;
152 size_t RECURS_Repair(ob_object* o);
157 /**\internal*****************
158 * Images facilities
159 * **************************
161 // The NoImage image
162 wxColour MeltColor(wxColour _c0, wxColour _c1 );
165 // Tool class to save some code reusing when an object hold an image
166 class Image_Holder
168 public:
169 Image_Holder();
170 virtual ~Image_Holder();
172 virtual wxFileName GetFileName() = 0;
174 wxImage* GetImage();
175 imgFile* Get_GIF_or_PNG();
177 void RemoveImages();
178 int Get_ColorIndex( const int x, const int y );
180 protected:
181 wxImage* img;
182 imgFile* png_or_gif;
186 wxImage*
187 Build_Remap( wxImage* src // The target image in wxImage format
188 , imgFile* src2 // The target image in imgFile format
189 , imgFile* remap_src // The reamp src image
190 , imgFile* remap_dest // The reamp dest image
192 wxString wxColour_ToStr( const wxColour& c );
193 wxColour wxColour_FromStr( const wxString& s );
196 void Image_Rescale_To_Fit( wxImage& img, size_t w, size_t h );
198 /**\internal*****************
199 * LOGGINGS facilities
200 * **************************
205 // wxWindow log
206 extern wxLogWindow* guiLog;
208 //const int max_log_level = wxLOG_Debug;
210 void MyLog( int level, const wxString& source, const wxString& message );
211 void ObjectsLog( int level, int num_line, const wxString& message );
212 void EmptyLogKeeper();
214 class myLog : public wxLog
216 public:
217 virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *msg, time_t timestamp);
219 extern myLog *logger;
223 /**\internal******************************
224 * Validations facilities
225 * Note : implemented in parsing.cpp
226 * ***************************************
228 #define _V int*
230 class ob_validator
232 public:
233 ob_validator();
234 ~ob_validator();
235 ob_validator( _V* _arr_glob_constraint );
236 void Validate( const ob_object* it, wxString* tokens, const size_t tokens_size );
238 _V* arr_glob_constraint;
242 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( wxString, ob_validator*, wxStringHash, wxStringEqual, hash_constraints );
243 extern hash_constraints entity_constraints;
244 extern hash_constraints models_constraints;
245 extern hash_constraints levels_constraints;
248 #endif /*OB_TOOLS_H_*/