3 X-Chat ("xchat") Copyright (c) 1998-2010 By Peter Zelezny.
5 This program is released under the GPL v2 with the additional exemption
6 that compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed. You may
7 provide binary packages linked to the OpenSSL libraries, provided that
8 all other requirements of the GPL are met.
9 See file COPYING for details.
14 X-Chat is an IRC client for UNIX operating systems. I.R.C. is Internet
15 Relay Chat, see http://irchelp.org for more information about IRC in
16 general. Xchat runs on most BSD and POSIX compliant operating systems.
21 * GTK+ 2.10 (this is available at http://www.gtk.org)
22 * GLib 2.12 (GTK+ 2.10 requires GLib 2.12)
24 X-Chat is known to work on, at least:
33 * DEC/Compaq Tru64 UNIX
36 * Windows XP/2000/Vista/7
42 If you need your packages to work on i386, you don't need to compile with
43 --disable-mmx, because it's also checked at run-time.
48 Scripts for 1.8.x are not compatible, and a brand new interface has be
49 written. Documentation can be found here: http://xchat.org/docs/.
50 Consider using the Python interface for your scripts, it's a very nice
51 API, allows for loading/unloading individual scripts, and gives you
52 almost all the features of the C-Plugin API.
57 Perl 5.8 or newer is required.
58 Scripts for 1.8.x are compatible with the following exceptions:
60 * IRC::command will not interpret %C, %B, %U etc.
62 * user_list and user_list_short:
63 If a user has both op and voice, only the op flag will be 1.
65 * add_user_list/sub_user_list/clear_user_list
66 These functions do nothing.
69 Not implemented. Always returns an empty list.
72 Lists servers that are not connected aswell.
74 * Some print events may have new names and some were added.
76 * Text printed by scripts must now be UTF8.
78 * Text passed to scripts (via add_message_handler) will be encoded in UTF8.
81 Autoloading Perl Scripts and Plugins
82 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
83 * X-Chat automatically loads, at startup:
84 ~/.xchat2/*.pl Perl scripts
85 ~/.xchat2/plugins/*.pl Perl scripts
86 ~/.xchat2/*.py Python scripts
87 ~/.xchat2/plugins/*.py Python scripts
88 ~/.xchat2/*.so Plugins
89 $(libdir)/xchat/plugins/*.so plugins
90 (this usually translates to /usr/lib/xchat/plugins/*.so)
95 %% - A single percentage sign
96 %C - Control-C (mIRC color code)
100 %O - Reset all Text attributes
101 %XXX - ASCII XXX (where XXX is a decimal 3 digit number)
102 (Eg: %007 sends a BEEP)
104 %Cforeground,background will produce a color code, eg: %C03,10
106 These are now disabled by default (see Settings > Prefs > Input Box).
107 Instead you can insert the real codes via ctrl-k, ctrl-b and ctrl-o.