agssim: fix bugs emitting strings with a size divisible by 4
[rofl0r-agsutils.git] / bmap.h
1 #ifndef BMAP_H
2 #define BMAP_H
4 /* this is a map behaving like a hashmap, but it uses binary search
5 on a sorted list behind the curtains. this allows to find the
6 required entry very quickly, while avoiding a lot of the complexity
7 of a hashmap.
9 for e.g. 10000 array elements, a binary search will only require 12
10 comparisons, whereas a hashmap needs to compute a hash, then find
11 a corresponding bucket and iterate over the bucket items, of which
12 there could be multiple as well. so it shouldn't be much faster,
13 while having a lot more overhead in code and RAM.
15 since we use our per-value tglist behind the scenes, which looks
16 basically like a flat array of the stored items, there's almost
17 zero memory overhead with our method here.
19 the slowest part is insertion of the item into the list, which uses
20 memmove on a single block of memory. this is no problem when the
21 total number of entries is relatively small.
23 when comparing to khash, which is known as one of the fastest hashmap
24 implementations due to usage of macros to generate inlined code,
25 we reach about 80-75% of its speed with around 1000 items, but only
26 40% with 3000, 33% with 10000 etc. the more items, the slower it
27 becomes in comparison.
29 so for the vast majority of tasks, this implementation provides
30 speed comparable to the fastest hashmap implementation, while adding
31 only a few hundred byte to binary size. a size-optimized benchmark
32 program with bmap is 5.5KB, an equivalent one with kash 9.6KB.
34 an additional advantage is that the map can be iterated like a
35 regular array, which is already sorted by key.
39 #include "tglist.h"
40 #include <stdint.h>
41 #include <stddef.h>
42 #include <stdlib.h>
43 #include <unistd.h> /* ssize_t */
45 #define bmap_cat(a, b) bmap_cat_impl(a, b)
46 #define bmap_cat_impl(a, b) a ## b
49 #include "tgilist.h"
50 #define VAL_LIST_TYPE tgilist
51 #define VAL_LIST_ARGCALL(FN, A, B, C) FN(A, B, C)
52 #else
53 #define VAL_LIST_TYPE tglist
54 #define VAL_LIST_ARGCALL(FN, A, B, C) FN(A, B)
55 #endif
58 typedef int (*bmap_compare_func)(const void *, const void *);
60 #define bmap_impl(NAME, KEYTYPE, VALTYPE) \
61 struct NAME { \
62 tglist_impl(, KEYTYPE) keys; \
63 VAL_LIST_ARGCALL(bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _impl), ,VALTYPE, unsigned) values; \
64 bmap_compare_func compare; \
65 union { \
66 KEYTYPE* kt; \
67 VALTYPE* vt; \
68 ssize_t ss; \
69 } tmp; \
72 #define bmap(KEYTYPE, VALTYPE) bmap_impl(, KEYTYPE, VALTYPE)
73 #define bmap_decl(ID, KEYTYPE, VALTYPE) bmap_impl(bmap_ ## ID, KEYTYPE, VALTYPE)
74 #define bmap_proto bmap_impl(, void*, void*)
76 /* initialization */
77 /* bmap_compare_func is a typical compare function used for qsort, etc such as strcmp
79 #define bmap_init(X, COMPAREFUNC) do{\
80 memset(X, 0, sizeof(*(X))); \
81 (X)->compare = COMPAREFUNC; } while(0)
83 static inline void* bmap_new(bmap_compare_func fn) {
84 bmap_proto *nyu = malloc(sizeof(bmap_proto));
85 if(nyu) bmap_init(nyu, fn);
86 return nyu;
89 /* destruction */
90 /* freeflags:
91 0: free only internal mem
92 1: 0+free all keys,
93 2: 0+free all values,
94 3: 0+free both
96 #define bmap_fini(X, FREEFLAGS) do { \
97 if(FREEFLAGS & 1) {tglist_free_values(&(X)->keys);} \
98 if(FREEFLAGS & 2) {bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _free_values)(&(X)->values);} \
99 tglist_free_items(&(X)->keys); \
100 bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _free_items)(&(X)->values); \
101 } while(0)
103 /* set value when key index is known. returns int 0 on failure, 1 on succ.*/
104 #define bmap_setvalue(B, VAL, POS) bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _set)(&(B)->values, VAL, POS)
106 #define bmap_getsize(B) tglist_getsize(&(B)->keys)
107 #define bmap_getkey(B, X) tglist_get(&(B)->keys, X)
108 #define bmap_getval(B, X) bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _get)(&(B)->values, X)
109 #define bmap_getkeysize(B) (tglist_itemsize(&(B)->keys))
110 #define bmap_getvalsize(B) (bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _itemsize)(&(B)->values))
112 #define bmap_find(X, KEY) \
113 ( (X)->tmp.kt = (void*)&(KEY), bmap_find_impl(X, (X)->tmp.kt, bmap_getkeysize(X)) )
115 #define bmap_contains(B, KEY) (bmap_find(B, KEY) != (ssize_t)-1)
117 /* unlike bmap_getkey/val with index, this returns a pointer-to-item, or NULL */
118 #define bmap_get(X, KEY) \
119 ( (((X)->tmp.kt = (void*)&(KEY)), 1) && \
120 ( (X)-> = bmap_find_impl(X, (X)->tmp.kt, bmap_getkeysize(X)) ) == (ssize_t) -1 ? \
121 0 : &bmap_getval(X, (X)-> )
123 /* same as bmap_insert, but inserts blindly without checking for existing items.
124 this is faster and can be used when it's impossible that duplicate
125 items are added */
126 #define bmap_insert_nocheck(X, KEY, VAL) ( \
128 ( (X)-> = tglist_insert_sorted(&(X)->keys, KEY, (X)->compare) ) \
129 == (ssize_t) -1) ? (ssize_t) -1 : ( \
130 bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _insert)(&(X)->values, VAL, (X)-> ? (X)-> : \
131 ( tglist_delete(&(X)->keys, (X)->, (ssize_t) -1 ) \
134 /* insert item into mapping, overwriting existing items with the same key */
135 /* return index of new item, or -1. overwrites existing items. */
136 // FIXME evaluates KEY twice
137 #define bmap_insert(X, KEY, VAL) ( \
138 ( (X)-> = bmap_find(X, KEY) ) \
139 == (ssize_t) -1 ? bmap_insert_nocheck(X, KEY, VAL) : \
140 bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _set)(&(X)->values, VAL, (X)->, (X)-> \
143 #define bmap_delete(X, POS) ( \
144 (X)-> = POS, \
145 tglist_delete(&(X)->keys, POS), \
146 bmap_cat(VAL_LIST_TYPE, _delete)(&(X)->values, POS) \
149 static ssize_t bmap_find_impl(void* bm, const void* key, size_t keysize) {
150 bmap_proto *b = bm;
151 void *r = bsearch(key, b->keys.items, bmap_getsize(b), keysize, b->compare);
152 if(!r) return -1;
153 return ((uintptr_t) r - (uintptr_t) b->keys.items)/keysize;
156 #endif