initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / system / SysConst.pas
2 {*******************************************************}
3 { }
4 { Borland Delphi Runtime Library }
5 { }
6 { Copyright (C) 1995,99 Inprise Corporation }
7 { }
8 {*******************************************************}
10 unit SysConst;
12 interface
14 const
15 SUnknown = '<unknown>';
16 SInvalidInteger = '''%s'' is not a valid integer value';
17 SInvalidFloat = '''%s'' is not a valid floating point value';
18 SInvalidDate = '''%s'' is not a valid date';
19 SInvalidTime = '''%s'' is not a valid time';
20 SInvalidDateTime = '''%s'' is not a valid date and time';
21 STimeEncodeError = 'Invalid argument to time encode';
22 SDateEncodeError = 'Invalid argument to date encode';
23 SOutOfMemory = 'Out of memory';
24 SInOutError = 'I/O error %d';
25 SFileNotFound = 'File not found';
26 SInvalidFilename = 'Invalid filename';
27 STooManyOpenFiles = 'Too many open files';
28 SAccessDenied = 'File access denied';
29 SEndOfFile = 'End of file';
30 SDiskFull = 'Disk full';
31 SInvalidInput = 'Invalid numeric input';
32 SDivByZero = 'Division by zero';
33 SRangeError = 'Range check error';
34 SIntOverflow = 'Integer overflow';
35 SInvalidOp = 'Invalid floating point operation';
36 SZeroDivide = 'Floating point division by zero';
37 SOverflow = 'Floating point overflow';
38 SUnderflow = 'Floating point underflow';
39 SInvalidPointer = 'Invalid pointer operation';
40 SInvalidCast = 'Invalid class typecast';
41 SAccessViolation = 'Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p';
42 SStackOverflow = 'Stack overflow';
43 SControlC = '^C';
44 SPrivilege = 'Privileged instruction';
45 SOperationAborted = 'Operation aborted';
46 SException = 'Exception %s in module %s at %p.'#$0A'%s%s';
47 SExceptTitle = 'Application Error';
48 SInvalidFormat = 'Format ''%s'' invalid or incompatible with argument';
49 SArgumentMissing = 'No argument for format ''%s''';
50 SInvalidVarCast = 'Invalid variant type conversion';
51 SInvalidVarOp = 'Invalid variant operation';
52 SDispatchError = 'Variant method calls not supported';
53 SReadAccess = 'Read';
54 SWriteAccess = 'Write';
55 SResultTooLong = 'Format result longer than 4096 characters';
56 SFormatTooLong = 'Format string too long';
57 SVarArrayCreate = 'Error creating variant array';
58 SVarNotArray = 'Variant is not an array';
59 SVarArrayBounds = 'Variant array index out of bounds';
60 SExternalException = 'External exception %x';
61 SAssertionFailed = 'Assertion failed';
62 SIntfCastError = 'Interface not supported';
63 SSafecallException = 'Exception in safecall method';
64 SAssertError = '%s (%s, line %d)';
65 SAbstractError = 'Abstract Error';
66 SModuleAccessViolation = 'Access violation at address %p in module ''%s''. %s of address %p';
67 SCannotReadPackageInfo = 'Cannot access package information for package ''%s''';
68 sErrorLoadingPackage = 'Can''t load package %s.'#13#10'%s';
69 SInvalidPackageFile = 'Invalid package file ''%s''';
70 SInvalidPackageHandle = 'Invalid package handle';
71 SDuplicatePackageUnit = 'Cannot load package ''%s.'' It contains unit ''%s,''' +
72 ';which is also contained in package ''%s''';
73 SWin32Error = 'Win32 Error. Code: %d.'#10'%s';
74 SUnkWin32Error = 'A Win32 API function failed';
75 SNL = 'Application is not licensed to use this feature';
77 SShortMonthNameJan = 'Jan';
78 SShortMonthNameFeb = 'Feb';
79 SShortMonthNameMar = 'Mar';
80 SShortMonthNameApr = 'Apr';
81 SShortMonthNameMay = 'May';
82 SShortMonthNameJun = 'Jun';
83 SShortMonthNameJul = 'Jul';
84 SShortMonthNameAug = 'Aug';
85 SShortMonthNameSep = 'Sep';
86 SShortMonthNameOct = 'Oct';
87 SShortMonthNameNov = 'Nov';
88 SShortMonthNameDec = 'Dec';
90 SLongMonthNameJan = 'January';
91 SLongMonthNameFeb = 'February';
92 SLongMonthNameMar = 'March';
93 SLongMonthNameApr = 'April';
94 SLongMonthNameMay = 'May';
95 SLongMonthNameJun = 'June';
96 SLongMonthNameJul = 'July';
97 SLongMonthNameAug = 'August';
98 SLongMonthNameSep = 'September';
99 SLongMonthNameOct = 'October';
100 SLongMonthNameNov = 'November';
101 SLongMonthNameDec = 'December';
103 SShortDayNameSun = 'Sun';
104 SShortDayNameMon = 'Mon';
105 SShortDayNameTue = 'Tue';
106 SShortDayNameWed = 'Wed';
107 SShortDayNameThu = 'Thu';
108 SShortDayNameFri = 'Fri';
109 SShortDayNameSat = 'Sat';
111 SLongDayNameSun = 'Sunday';
112 SLongDayNameMon = 'Monday';
113 SLongDayNameTue = 'Tuesday';
114 SLongDayNameWed = 'Wednesday';
115 SLongDayNameThu = 'Thursday';
116 SLongDayNameFri = 'Friday';
117 SLongDayNameSat = 'Saturday';
119 implementation
121 end.