initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / system / Classes.pas
2 {*******************************************************}
3 { }
4 { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
5 { }
6 { Copyright (c) 1995,99 Inprise Corporation }
7 { }
8 {*******************************************************}
10 unit Classes;
12 {$R-,T-,X+,H+}
14 { ACTIVEX.HPP is not required by CLASSES.HPP }
15 (*$NOINCLUDE ActiveX*)
18 interface
20 uses kol, SysUtils, Windows, ActiveX;
22 const
24 { Maximum TList size }
26 MaxListSize = Maxint div 16;
28 { TStream seek origins }
30 soFromBeginning = 0;
31 soFromCurrent = 1;
32 soFromEnd = 2;
34 { TFileStream create mode }
36 fmCreate = $FFFF;
38 { TParser special tokens }
40 toEOF = Char(0);
41 toSymbol = Char(1);
42 toString = Char(2);
43 toInteger = Char(3);
44 toFloat = Char(4);
45 toWString = Char(5);
47 {!! Moved here from menus.pas !!}
48 { TShortCut special values }
50 scShift = $2000;
51 scCtrl = $4000;
52 scAlt = $8000;
53 scNone = 0;
55 type
57 { Text alignment types }
59 TAlignment = (taLeftJustify, taRightJustify, taCenter);
60 TLeftRight = taLeftJustify..taRightJustify;
61 TBiDiMode = (bdLeftToRight, bdRightToLeft, bdRightToLeftNoAlign,
62 bdRightToLeftReadingOnly);
64 { Types used by standard events }
66 TShiftState = set of (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl,
67 ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble);
69 THelpContext = -MaxLongint..MaxLongint;
71 {!! Moved here from menus.pas !!}
72 TShortCut = Low(Word)..High(Word);
74 { Standard events }
76 TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
77 THelpEvent = function (Command: Word; Data: Longint;
78 var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean of object;
79 TGetStrProc = procedure(const S: string) of object;
81 { Exception classes }
83 EStreamError = class(Exception);
84 EFCreateError = class(EStreamError);
85 EFOpenError = class(EStreamError);
86 EFilerError = class(EStreamError);
87 EReadError = class(EFilerError);
88 EWriteError = class(EFilerError);
89 EClassNotFound = class(EFilerError);
90 EMethodNotFound = class(EFilerError);
91 EInvalidImage = class(EFilerError);
92 EResNotFound = class(Exception);
93 EListError = class(Exception);
94 EBitsError = class(Exception);
95 EStringListError = class(Exception);
96 EComponentError = class(Exception);
97 EParserError = class(Exception);
98 EOutOfResources = class(EOutOfMemory);
99 EInvalidOperation = class(Exception);
101 { Duplicate management }
103 TDuplicates = (dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError);
105 { Forward class declarations }
107 TStream = class;
108 TFiler = class;
109 TReader = class;
110 TWriter = class;
111 TComponent = class;
113 { TList class }
115 PPointerList = ^TPointerList;
116 TPointerList = array[0..MaxListSize - 1] of Pointer;
117 TListSortCompare = function (Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
118 TListNotification = (lnAdded, lnExtracted, lnDeleted);
120 TList = class(TObject)
121 private
122 FList: PPointerList;
123 FCount: Integer;
124 FCapacity: Integer;
125 protected
126 function Get(Index: Integer): Pointer;
127 procedure Grow; virtual;
128 procedure Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
129 procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); virtual;
130 procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
131 procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
132 public
133 destructor Destroy; override;
134 function Add(Item: Pointer): Integer;
135 procedure Clear; virtual;
136 procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
137 class procedure Error(const Msg: string; Data: Integer); overload; virtual;
138 class procedure Error(Msg: PResStringRec; Data: Integer); overload;
139 procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
140 function Expand: TList;
141 function Extract(Item: Pointer): Pointer;
142 function First: Pointer;
143 function IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer;
144 procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
145 function Last: Pointer;
146 procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
147 function Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer;
148 procedure Pack;
149 procedure Sort(Compare: TListSortCompare);
150 property Capacity: Integer read FCapacity write SetCapacity;
151 property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount;
152 property Items[Index: Integer]: Pointer read Get write Put; default;
153 property List: PPointerList read FList;
154 end;
156 { TThreadList class }
158 TThreadList = class
159 private
160 FList: TList;
161 FLock: TRTLCriticalSection;
162 FDuplicates: TDuplicates;
163 public
164 constructor Create;
165 destructor Destroy; override;
166 procedure Add(Item: Pointer);
167 procedure Clear;
168 function LockList: TList;
169 procedure Remove(Item: Pointer);
170 procedure UnlockList;
171 property Duplicates: TDuplicates read FDuplicates write FDuplicates;
172 end;
174 { IInterfaceList interface }
176 IInterfaceList = interface
177 ['{285DEA8A-B865-11D1-AAA7-00C04FB17A72}']
178 function Get(Index: Integer): IUnknown;
179 function GetCapacity: Integer;
180 function GetCount: Integer;
181 procedure Put(Index: Integer; Item: IUnknown);
182 procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
183 procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
185 procedure Clear;
186 procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
187 procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
188 function First: IUnknown;
189 function IndexOf(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
190 function Add(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
191 procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: IUnknown);
192 function Last: IUnknown;
193 function Remove(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
194 procedure Lock;
195 procedure Unlock;
196 property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
197 property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount;
198 property Items[Index: Integer]: IUnknown read Get write Put; default;
199 end;
201 { EXTERNALSYM IInterfaceList}
203 { TInterfaceList class }
205 TInterfaceList = class(TInterfacedObject, IInterfaceList)
206 private
207 FList: TThreadList;
208 protected
209 { IInterfaceList }
210 function Get(Index: Integer): IUnknown;
211 function GetCapacity: Integer;
212 function GetCount: Integer;
213 procedure Put(Index: Integer; Item: IUnknown);
214 procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
215 procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
216 public
217 constructor Create;
218 destructor Destroy; override;
219 procedure Clear;
220 procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
221 procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
222 function Expand: TInterfaceList;
223 function First: IUnknown;
224 function IndexOf(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
225 function Add(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
226 procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: IUnknown);
227 function Last: IUnknown;
228 function Remove(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
229 procedure Lock;
230 procedure Unlock;
231 property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
232 property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount;
233 property Items[Index: Integer]: IUnknown read Get write Put; default;
234 end;
236 { EXTERNALSYM TInterfaceList}
238 { TBits class }
240 TBits = class
241 private
242 FSize: Integer;
243 FBits: Pointer;
244 procedure Error;
245 procedure SetSize(Value: Integer);
246 procedure SetBit(Index: Integer; Value: Boolean);
247 function GetBit(Index: Integer): Boolean;
248 public
249 destructor Destroy; override;
250 function OpenBit: Integer;
251 property Bits[Index: Integer]: Boolean read GetBit write SetBit; default;
252 property Size: Integer read FSize write SetSize;
253 end;
255 { TPersistent abstract class }
257 {$M+}
259 TPersistent = class(TObject)
260 private
261 procedure AssignError(Source: TPersistent);
262 protected
263 procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); virtual;
264 procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); virtual;
265 function GetOwner: TPersistent; dynamic;
266 public
267 procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); virtual;
268 function GetNamePath: string; dynamic;
269 end;
271 {$M-}
273 { TPersistent class reference type }
275 TPersistentClass = class of TPersistent;
277 { TCollection class }
279 TCollection = class;
281 TCollectionItem = class(TPersistent)
282 private
283 FCollection: TCollection;
284 FID: Integer;
285 function GetIndex: Integer;
286 procedure SetCollection(Value: TCollection);
287 protected
288 procedure Changed(AllItems: Boolean);
289 function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
290 function GetDisplayName: string; virtual;
291 procedure SetIndex(Value: Integer); virtual;
292 procedure SetDisplayName(const Value: string); virtual;
293 public
294 constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); virtual;
295 destructor Destroy; override;
296 function GetNamePath: string; override;
297 property Collection: TCollection read FCollection write SetCollection;
298 property ID: Integer read FID;
299 property Index: Integer read GetIndex write SetIndex;
300 property DisplayName: string read GetDisplayName write SetDisplayName;
301 end;
303 TCollectionItemClass = class of TCollectionItem;
305 TCollection = class(TPersistent)
306 private
307 FItemClass: TCollectionItemClass;
308 FItems: TList;
309 FUpdateCount: Integer;
310 FNextID: Integer;
311 FPropName: string;
312 function GetCount: Integer;
313 function GetPropName: string;
314 procedure InsertItem(Item: TCollectionItem);
315 procedure RemoveItem(Item: TCollectionItem);
316 protected
317 property NextID: Integer read FNextID;
318 { Design-time editor support }
319 function GetAttrCount: Integer; dynamic;
320 function GetAttr(Index: Integer): string; dynamic;
321 function GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string; dynamic;
322 procedure Changed;
323 function GetItem(Index: Integer): TCollectionItem;
324 procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TCollectionItem);
325 procedure SetItemName(Item: TCollectionItem); virtual;
326 procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); virtual;
327 property PropName: string read GetPropName write FPropName;
328 property UpdateCount: Integer read FUpdateCount;
329 public
330 constructor Create(ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
331 destructor Destroy; override;
332 function Add: TCollectionItem;
333 procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
334 procedure BeginUpdate; virtual;
335 procedure Clear;
336 procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
337 procedure EndUpdate; virtual;
338 function FindItemID(ID: Integer): TCollectionItem;
339 function GetNamePath: string; override;
340 function Insert(Index: Integer): TCollectionItem;
341 property Count: Integer read GetCount;
342 property ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass read FItemClass;
343 property Items[Index: Integer]: TCollectionItem read GetItem write SetItem;
344 end;
346 { Collection class that maintains an "Owner" in order to obtain property
347 path information at design-time }
349 TOwnedCollection = class(TCollection)
350 private
351 FOwner: TPersistent;
352 protected
353 function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
354 public
355 constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent; ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
356 end;
358 TStrings = class;
360 { TGetModuleProc }
361 { Used in the TFormDesigner class to allow component/property editors access
362 to project specific information }
364 TGetModuleProc = procedure(const FileName, UnitName, FormName,
365 DesignClass: string; CoClasses: TStrings) of object;
367 { IStringsAdapter interface }
368 { Maintains link between TStrings and IStrings implementations }
370 IStringsAdapter = interface
371 ['{739C2F34-52EC-11D0-9EA6-0020AF3D82DA}']
372 procedure ReferenceStrings(S: TStrings);
373 procedure ReleaseStrings;
374 end;
376 { TStrings class }
378 TStrings = class(TPersistent)
379 private
380 FUpdateCount: Integer;
381 FAdapter: IStringsAdapter;
382 function GetCommaText: string;
383 function GetName(Index: Integer): string;
384 function GetValue(const Name: string): string;
385 procedure SetCommaText(const Value: string);
386 procedure SetStringsAdapter(const Value: IStringsAdapter);
387 procedure SetValue(const Name, Value: string);
388 protected
389 procedure Error(const Msg: string; Data: Integer); overload;
390 procedure Error(Msg: PResStringRec; Data: Integer); overload;
391 function Get(Index: Integer): string; virtual; abstract;
392 function GetCapacity: Integer; virtual;
393 function GetCount: Integer; virtual; abstract;
394 function GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject; virtual;
395 function GetTextStr: string; virtual;
396 procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string); virtual;
397 procedure PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); virtual;
398 procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); virtual;
399 procedure SetTextStr(const Value: string); virtual;
400 procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); virtual;
401 public
402 destructor Destroy; override;
403 function Add(const S: string): Integer; virtual;
404 function AddObject(const S: string; AObject: TObject): Integer; virtual;
405 procedure Append(const S: string);
406 procedure AddStrings(Strings: TStrings); virtual;
407 procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
408 procedure BeginUpdate;
409 procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
410 procedure Delete(Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
411 procedure EndUpdate;
412 function Equals(Strings: TStrings): Boolean;
413 procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); virtual;
414 function GetText: PChar; virtual;
415 function IndexOf(const S: string): Integer; virtual;
416 function IndexOfName(const Name: string): Integer;
417 function IndexOfObject(AObject: TObject): Integer;
418 procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); virtual; abstract;
419 procedure InsertObject(Index: Integer; const S: string;
420 AObject: TObject);
421 procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); virtual;
422 procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;
423 procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer); virtual;
424 procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); virtual;
425 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;
426 procedure SetText(Text: PChar); virtual;
427 property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
428 property CommaText: string read GetCommaText write SetCommaText;
429 property Count: Integer read GetCount;
430 property Names[Index: Integer]: string read GetName;
431 property Objects[Index: Integer]: TObject read GetObject write PutObject;
432 property Values[const Name: string]: string read GetValue write SetValue;
433 property Strings[Index: Integer]: string read Get write Put; default;
434 property Text: string read GetTextStr write SetTextStr;
435 property StringsAdapter: IStringsAdapter read FAdapter write SetStringsAdapter;
436 end;
438 { TStringList class }
440 TStringList = class;
442 PStringItem = ^TStringItem;
443 TStringItem = record
444 FString: string;
445 FObject: TObject;
446 end;
448 PStringItemList = ^TStringItemList;
449 TStringItemList = array[0..MaxListSize] of TStringItem;
450 TStringListSortCompare = function(List: TStringList; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer;
452 TStringList = class(TStrings)
453 private
454 FList: PStringItemList;
455 FCount: Integer;
456 FCapacity: Integer;
457 FSorted: Boolean;
458 FDuplicates: TDuplicates;
459 FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
460 FOnChanging: TNotifyEvent;
461 procedure ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2: Integer);
462 procedure Grow;
463 procedure QuickSort(L, R: Integer; SCompare: TStringListSortCompare);
464 procedure InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string);
465 procedure SetSorted(Value: Boolean);
466 protected
467 procedure Changed; virtual;
468 procedure Changing; virtual;
469 function Get(Index: Integer): string; override;
470 function GetCapacity: Integer; override;
471 function GetCount: Integer; override;
472 function GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject; override;
473 procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
474 procedure PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); override;
475 procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); override;
476 procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); override;
477 public
478 destructor Destroy; override;
479 function Add(const S: string): Integer; override;
480 procedure Clear; override;
481 procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override;
482 procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); override;
483 function Find(const S: string; var Index: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
484 function IndexOf(const S: string): Integer; override;
485 procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
486 procedure Sort; virtual;
487 procedure CustomSort(Compare: TStringListSortCompare); virtual;
488 property Duplicates: TDuplicates read FDuplicates write FDuplicates;
489 property Sorted: Boolean read FSorted write SetSorted;
490 property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
491 property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
492 end;
494 { TStream abstract class }
496 TStream = class(TObject)
497 private
498 function GetPosition: Longint;
499 procedure SetPosition(Pos: Longint);
500 function GetSize: Longint;
501 protected
502 procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); virtual;
503 public
504 function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; virtual; abstract;
505 function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; virtual; abstract;
506 function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; virtual; abstract;
507 procedure ReadBuffer(var Buffer; Count: Longint);
508 procedure WriteBuffer(const Buffer; Count: Longint);
509 function CopyFrom(Source: TStream; Count: Longint): Longint;
510 function ReadComponent(Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
511 function ReadComponentRes(Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
512 procedure WriteComponent(Instance: TComponent);
513 procedure WriteComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TComponent);
514 procedure WriteDescendent(Instance, Ancestor: TComponent);
515 procedure WriteDescendentRes(const ResName: string; Instance, Ancestor: TComponent);
516 procedure WriteResourceHeader(const ResName: string; out FixupInfo: Integer);
517 procedure FixupResourceHeader(FixupInfo: Integer);
518 procedure ReadResHeader;
519 property Position: Longint read GetPosition write SetPosition;
520 property Size: Longint read GetSize write SetSize;
521 end;
523 { THandleStream class }
525 THandleStream = class(TStream)
526 private
527 FHandle: Integer;
528 protected
529 procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); override;
530 public
531 constructor Create(AHandle: Integer);
532 function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
533 function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
534 function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
535 property Handle: Integer read FHandle;
536 end;
538 { TFileStream class }
540 TFileStream = class(THandleStream)
541 public
542 constructor Create(const FileName: string; Mode: Word);
543 destructor Destroy; override;
544 end;
546 { TCustomMemoryStream abstract class }
548 TCustomMemoryStream = class(TStream)
549 private
550 FMemory: Pointer;
551 FSize, FPosition: Longint;
552 protected
553 procedure SetPointer(Ptr: Pointer; Size: Longint);
554 public
555 function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
556 function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
557 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
558 procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string);
559 property Memory: Pointer read FMemory;
560 end;
562 { TMemoryStream }
564 TMemoryStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream)
565 private
566 FCapacity: Longint;
567 procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Longint);
568 protected
569 function Realloc(var NewCapacity: Longint): Pointer; virtual;
570 property Capacity: Longint read FCapacity write SetCapacity;
571 public
572 destructor Destroy; override;
573 procedure Clear;
574 procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
575 procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
576 procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); override;
577 function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
578 end;
580 { TStringStream }
582 TStringStream = class(TStream)
583 private
584 FDataString: string;
585 FPosition: Integer;
586 protected
587 procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); override;
588 public
589 constructor Create(const AString: string);
590 function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
591 function ReadString(Count: Longint): string;
592 function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
593 function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
594 procedure WriteString(const AString: string);
595 property DataString: string read FDataString;
596 end;
598 { TResourceStream }
600 TResourceStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream)
601 private
602 HResInfo: HRSRC;
603 HGlobal: THandle;
604 procedure Initialize(Instance: THandle; Name, ResType: PChar);
605 public
606 constructor Create(Instance: THandle; const ResName: string; ResType: PChar);
607 constructor CreateFromID(Instance: THandle; ResID: Integer; ResType: PChar);
608 destructor Destroy; override;
609 function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
610 end;
612 { TStreamAdapter }
613 { Implements OLE IStream on VCL TStream }
615 TStreamOwnership = (soReference, soOwned);
617 TStreamAdapter = class(TInterfacedObject, IStream)
618 private
619 FStream: TStream;
620 FOwnership: TStreamOwnership;
621 public
622 constructor Create(Stream: TStream; Ownership: TStreamOwnership = soReference);
623 destructor Destroy; override;
624 function Read(pv: Pointer; cb: Longint;
625 pcbRead: PLongint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
626 function Write(pv: Pointer; cb: Longint;
627 pcbWritten: PLongint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
628 function Seek(dlibMove: Largeint; dwOrigin: Longint;
629 out libNewPosition: Largeint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
630 function SetSize(libNewSize: Largeint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
631 function CopyTo(stm: IStream; cb: Largeint; out cbRead: Largeint;
632 out cbWritten: Largeint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
633 function Commit(grfCommitFlags: Longint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
634 function Revert: HResult; virtual; stdcall;
635 function LockRegion(libOffset: Largeint; cb: Largeint;
636 dwLockType: Longint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
637 function UnlockRegion(libOffset: Largeint; cb: Largeint;
638 dwLockType: Longint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
639 function Stat(out statstg: TStatStg;
640 grfStatFlag: Longint): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
641 function Clone(out stm: IStream): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
642 property Stream: TStream read FStream;
643 property StreamOwnership: TStreamOwnership read FOwnership write FOwnership;
644 end;
646 { TFiler }
648 TValueType = (vaNull, vaList, vaInt8, vaInt16, vaInt32, vaExtended,
649 vaString, vaIdent, vaFalse, vaTrue, vaBinary, vaSet, vaLString,
650 vaNil, vaCollection, vaSingle, vaCurrency, vaDate, vaWString, vaInt64);
652 TFilerFlag = (ffInherited, ffChildPos, ffInline);
653 TFilerFlags = set of TFilerFlag;
655 TReaderProc = procedure(Reader: TReader) of object;
656 TWriterProc = procedure(Writer: TWriter) of object;
657 TStreamProc = procedure(Stream: TStream) of object;
659 TFiler = class(TObject)
660 private
661 FRoot: TComponent;
662 FLookupRoot: TComponent;
663 FAncestor: TPersistent;
664 FIgnoreChildren: Boolean;
665 protected
666 procedure SetRoot(Value: TComponent); virtual;
667 public
668 constructor Create(Stream: TStream; BufSize: Integer);
669 procedure DefineProperty(const Name: string;
670 ReadData: TReaderProc; WriteData: TWriterProc;
671 HasData: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
672 procedure DefineBinaryProperty(const Name: string;
673 ReadData, WriteData: TStreamProc;
674 HasData: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
675 procedure FlushBuffer; virtual; abstract;
676 property Root: TComponent read FRoot write SetRoot;
677 property LookupRoot: TComponent read FLookupRoot;
678 property Ancestor: TPersistent read FAncestor write FAncestor;
679 property IgnoreChildren: Boolean read FIgnoreChildren write FIgnoreChildren;
680 end;
682 { TComponent class reference type }
684 TComponentClass = class of TComponent;
686 { TReader }
688 TFindMethodEvent = procedure(Reader: TReader; const MethodName: string;
689 var Address: Pointer; var Error: Boolean) of object;
690 TSetNameEvent = procedure(Reader: TReader; Component: TComponent;
691 var Name: string) of object;
692 TReferenceNameEvent = procedure(Reader: TReader; var Name: string) of object;
693 TAncestorNotFoundEvent = procedure(Reader: TReader; const ComponentName: string;
694 ComponentClass: TPersistentClass; var Component: TComponent) of object;
695 TReadComponentsProc = procedure(Component: TComponent) of object;
696 TReaderError = procedure(Reader: TReader; const Message: string; var Handled: Boolean) of object;
697 TFindComponentClassEvent = procedure(Reader: TReader; const ClassName: string;
698 var ComponentClass: TComponentClass) of object;
699 TCreateComponentEvent = procedure(Reader: TReader;
700 ComponentClass: TComponentClass; var Component: TComponent) of object;
702 TReader = class(TFiler)
703 private
704 protected
705 PropName: string;
706 CanHandleExceptions: Boolean;
707 function Error(const Message: string): Boolean; virtual;
708 function FindAncestorComponent(const Name: string;
709 ComponentClass: TPersistentClass): TComponent; virtual;
710 function FindMethod(Root: TComponent; const MethodName: string): Pointer; virtual;
711 procedure SetName(Component: TComponent; var Name: string); virtual;
712 procedure ReadProperty(AInstance: TPersistent);
713 procedure ReadPropValue(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: Pointer);
714 procedure ReferenceName(var Name: string); virtual;
715 procedure PropertyError;
716 procedure ReadData(Instance: TComponent);
717 function ReadSet(SetType: Pointer): Integer;
718 procedure SetPosition(Value: Longint);
719 procedure SkipSetBody;
720 procedure SkipValue;
721 procedure SkipProperty;
722 procedure SkipComponent(SkipHeader: Boolean);
723 public
724 Owner: TComponent;
725 Parent: TComponent;
726 Position: Longint;
727 OnError: TReaderError;
728 OnFindMethod: TFindMethodEvent;
729 OnSetName: TSetNameEvent;
730 OnReferenceName: TReferenceNameEvent;
731 OnAncestorNotFound: TAncestorNotFoundEvent;
732 OnCreateComponent: TCreateComponentEvent;
733 OnFindComponentClass: TFindComponentClassEvent;
735 procedure BeginReferences;
736 procedure CheckValue(Value: TValueType);
737 procedure DefineProperty(const Name: string;
738 ReadData: TReaderProc; WriteData: TWriterProc;
739 HasData: Boolean); override;
740 procedure DefineBinaryProperty(const Name: string;
741 ReadData, WriteData: TStreamProc;
742 HasData: Boolean); override;
743 function EndOfList: Boolean;
744 procedure EndReferences;
745 procedure FixupReferences;
746 procedure FlushBuffer; override;
747 function NextValue: TValueType;
748 procedure Read(var Buf; Count: Longint);
749 function ReadBoolean: Boolean;
750 function ReadChar: Char;
751 procedure ReadCollection(Collection: TCollection);
752 function ReadComponent(Component: TComponent): TComponent;
753 procedure ReadComponents(AOwner, AParent: TComponent;
754 Proc: TReadComponentsProc);
755 function ReadFloat: Extended;
756 function ReadSingle: Single;
757 function ReadCurrency: Currency;
758 function ReadDate: TDateTime;
759 function ReadIdent: string;
760 function ReadInteger: Longint;
761 function ReadInt64: Int64;
762 procedure ReadListBegin;
763 procedure ReadListEnd;
764 procedure ReadPrefix(var Flags: TFilerFlags; var AChildPos: Integer); virtual;
765 function ReadRootComponent(Root: TComponent): TComponent;
766 procedure ReadSignature;
767 function ReadStr: string;
768 function ReadString: string;
769 function ReadWideString: WideString;
770 function ReadValue: TValueType;
771 procedure CopyValue(Writer: TWriter);
772 end;
774 { TWriter }
776 TFindAncestorEvent = procedure (Writer: TWriter; Component: TComponent;
777 const Name: string; var Ancestor, RootAncestor: TComponent) of object;
779 TWriter = class(TFiler)
780 private
781 protected
782 procedure WriteBinary(WriteData: TStreamProc);
783 procedure WritePrefix(Flags: TFilerFlags; AChildPos: Integer);
784 procedure WriteProperty(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: Pointer);
785 procedure WriteProperties(Instance: TPersistent);
786 procedure WritePropName(const PropName: string);
787 procedure WriteValue(Value: TValueType);
788 public
789 Position: Longint;
790 RootAncestor: TComponent;
791 OnFindAncestor: TFindAncestorEvent;
793 procedure DefineProperty(const Name: string;
794 ReadData: TReaderProc; WriteData: TWriterProc;
795 HasData: Boolean); override;
796 procedure DefineBinaryProperty(const Name: string;
797 ReadData, WriteData: TStreamProc;
798 HasData: Boolean); override;
799 procedure FlushBuffer; override;
800 procedure Write(const Buf; Count: Longint);
801 procedure WriteBoolean(Value: Boolean);
802 procedure WriteCollection(Value: TCollection);
803 procedure WriteComponent(Component: TComponent);
804 procedure WriteChar(Value: Char);
805 procedure WriteDescendent(Root: TComponent; AAncestor: TComponent);
806 procedure WriteFloat(const Value: Extended);
807 procedure WriteSingle(const Value: Single);
808 procedure WriteCurrency(const Value: Currency);
809 procedure WriteDate(const Value: TDateTime);
810 procedure WriteIdent(const Ident: string);
811 procedure WriteInteger(Value: Longint); overload;
812 procedure WriteInteger(Value: Int64); overload;
813 procedure WriteListBegin;
814 procedure WriteListEnd;
815 procedure WriteRootComponent(Root: TComponent);
816 procedure WriteSignature;
817 procedure WriteStr(const Value: string);
818 procedure WriteString(const Value: string);
819 procedure WriteWideString(const Value: WideString);
820 end;
822 { TParser }
824 TParser = class(TObject)
825 private
826 FStream: TStream;
827 FOrigin: Longint;
828 FBuffer: PChar;
829 FBufPtr: PChar;
830 FBufEnd: PChar;
831 FSourcePtr: PChar;
832 FSourceEnd: PChar;
833 FTokenPtr: PChar;
834 FStringPtr: PChar;
835 FSourceLine: Integer;
836 FSaveChar: Char;
837 FToken: Char;
838 FFloatType: Char;
839 FWideStr: WideString;
840 procedure ReadBuffer;
841 procedure SkipBlanks;
842 public
843 constructor Create(Stream: TStream);
844 destructor Destroy; override;
845 procedure CheckToken(T: Char);
846 procedure CheckTokenSymbol(const S: string);
847 procedure Error(const Ident: string);
848 procedure ErrorFmt(const Ident: string; const Args: array of const);
849 procedure ErrorStr(const Message: string);
850 procedure HexToBinary(Stream: TStream);
851 function NextToken: Char;
852 function SourcePos: Longint;
853 function TokenComponentIdent: string;
854 function TokenFloat: Extended;
855 function TokenInt: Int64;
856 function TokenString: string;
857 function TokenWideString: WideString;
858 function TokenSymbolIs(const S: string): Boolean;
859 property FloatType: Char read FFloatType;
860 property SourceLine: Integer read FSourceLine;
861 property Token: Char read FToken;
862 end;
864 { TThread }
866 EThread = class(Exception);
868 TThreadMethod = procedure of object;
869 TThreadPriority = (tpIdle, tpLowest, tpLower, tpNormal, tpHigher, tpHighest,
870 tpTimeCritical);
872 TThread = class
873 private
874 FHandle: THandle;
875 FThreadID: THandle;
876 FTerminated: Boolean;
877 FSuspended: Boolean;
878 FFreeOnTerminate: Boolean;
879 FFinished: Boolean;
880 FReturnValue: Integer;
881 FOnTerminate: TNotifyEvent;
882 FMethod: TThreadMethod;
883 FSynchronizeException: TObject;
884 procedure CallOnTerminate;
885 function GetPriority: TThreadPriority;
886 procedure SetPriority(Value: TThreadPriority);
887 procedure SetSuspended(Value: Boolean);
888 protected
889 procedure DoTerminate; virtual;
890 procedure Execute; virtual; abstract;
891 procedure Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);
892 property ReturnValue: Integer read FReturnValue write FReturnValue;
893 property Terminated: Boolean read FTerminated;
894 public
895 constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean);
896 destructor Destroy; override;
897 procedure Resume;
898 procedure Suspend;
899 procedure Terminate;
900 function WaitFor: LongWord;
901 property FreeOnTerminate: Boolean read FFreeOnTerminate write FFreeOnTerminate;
902 property Handle: THandle read FHandle;
903 property Priority: TThreadPriority read GetPriority write SetPriority;
904 property Suspended: Boolean read FSuspended write SetSuspended;
905 property ThreadID: THandle read FThreadID;
906 property OnTerminate: TNotifyEvent read FOnTerminate write FOnTerminate;
907 end;
909 { TComponent class }
911 TOperation = (opInsert, opRemove);
912 TComponentState = set of (csLoading, csReading, csWriting, csDestroying,
913 csDesigning, csAncestor, csUpdating, csFixups, csFreeNotification,
914 csInline, csDesignInstance);
915 TComponentStyle = set of (csInheritable, csCheckPropAvail);
916 TGetChildProc = procedure (Child: TComponent) of object;
918 TComponentName = type string;
920 IVCLComObject = interface
921 ['{E07892A0-F52F-11CF-BD2F-0020AF0E5B81}']
922 function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
923 function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
924 function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
925 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
926 function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
927 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
928 function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
929 ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult;
930 procedure FreeOnRelease;
931 end;
933 IDesignerNotify = interface
934 ['{B971E807-E3A6-11D1-AAB1-00C04FB16FBC}']
935 procedure Modified;
936 procedure Notification(AnObject: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation);
937 end;
939 TBasicAction = class;
941 TComponent = class(TPersistent)
942 private
943 FOwner: TComponent;
944 FName: TComponentName;
945 FTag: Longint;
946 FComponents: TList;
947 FFreeNotifies: TList;
948 FDesignInfo: Longint;
949 FVCLComObject: Pointer;
950 FComponentState: TComponentState;
951 function GetComObject: IUnknown;
952 function GetComponent(AIndex: Integer): TComponent;
953 function GetComponentCount: Integer;
954 function GetComponentIndex: Integer;
955 procedure Insert(AComponent: TComponent);
956 procedure Remove(AComponent: TComponent);
957 procedure RemoveNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
958 procedure SetComponentIndex(Value: Integer);
959 procedure SetReference(Enable: Boolean);
960 protected
961 FComponentStyle: TComponentStyle;
962 procedure ChangeName(const NewName: TComponentName);
963 procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); virtual;
964 procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); dynamic;
965 function GetChildOwner: TComponent; dynamic;
966 function GetChildParent: TComponent; dynamic;
967 function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
968 procedure Loaded; virtual;
969 procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
970 Operation: TOperation); virtual;
971 procedure SetAncestor(Value: Boolean);
972 procedure SetDesigning(Value: Boolean; SetChildren: Boolean = True);
973 procedure SetInline(Value: Boolean);
974 procedure SetDesignInstance(Value: Boolean);
975 procedure SetName(const NewName: TComponentName); virtual;
976 procedure SetChildOrder(Child: TComponent; Order: Integer); dynamic;
977 procedure SetParentComponent(Value: TComponent); dynamic;
978 procedure Updating; dynamic;
979 procedure Updated; dynamic;
980 class procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID, ProgID: string); virtual;
981 procedure ValidateRename(AComponent: TComponent;
982 const CurName, NewName: string); virtual;
983 procedure ValidateContainer(AComponent: TComponent); dynamic;
984 procedure ValidateInsert(AComponent: TComponent); dynamic;
985 procedure WriteState(Writer: TWriter); virtual;
986 { IUnknown }
987 function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
988 function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
989 function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
990 { IDispatch }
991 function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
992 function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
993 function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
994 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
995 function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
996 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
997 public
998 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); virtual;
999 destructor Destroy; override;
1000 procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
1001 procedure DestroyComponents;
1002 procedure Destroying;
1003 function ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; dynamic;
1004 function FindComponent(const AName: string): TComponent;
1005 procedure FreeNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
1006 procedure RemoveFreeNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
1007 procedure FreeOnRelease;
1008 function GetParentComponent: TComponent; dynamic;
1009 function GetNamePath: string; override;
1010 function HasParent: Boolean; dynamic;
1011 procedure InsertComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
1012 procedure RemoveComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
1013 function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
1014 ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult; override;
1015 function UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; dynamic;
1016 property ComObject: IUnknown read GetComObject;
1017 property Components[Index: Integer]: TComponent read GetComponent;
1018 property ComponentCount: Integer read GetComponentCount;
1019 property ComponentIndex: Integer read GetComponentIndex write SetComponentIndex;
1020 property ComponentState: TComponentState read FComponentState;
1021 property ComponentStyle: TComponentStyle read FComponentStyle;
1022 property DesignInfo: Longint read FDesignInfo write FDesignInfo;
1023 property Owner: TComponent read FOwner;
1024 property VCLComObject: Pointer read FVCLComObject write FVCLComObject;
1025 published
1026 property Name: TComponentName read FName write SetName stored False;
1027 property Tag: Longint read FTag write FTag default 0;
1028 end;
1030 { TBasicActionLink }
1032 TBasicActionLink = class(TObject)
1033 private
1034 FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
1035 protected
1036 FAction: TBasicAction;
1037 procedure AssignClient(AClient: TObject); virtual;
1038 procedure Change; virtual;
1039 function IsOnExecuteLinked: Boolean; virtual;
1040 procedure SetAction(Value: TBasicAction); virtual;
1041 procedure SetOnExecute(Value: TNotifyEvent); virtual;
1042 public
1043 constructor Create(AClient: TObject); virtual;
1044 destructor Destroy; override;
1045 function Execute: Boolean; virtual;
1046 function Update: Boolean; virtual;
1047 property Action: TBasicAction read FAction write SetAction;
1048 property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
1049 end;
1051 TBasicActionLinkClass = class of TBasicActionLink;
1053 { TBasicAction }
1055 TBasicAction = class(TComponent)
1056 private
1057 FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
1058 FOnExecute: TNotifyEvent;
1059 FOnUpdate: TNotifyEvent;
1060 protected
1061 FClients: TList;
1062 procedure Change; virtual;
1063 procedure SetOnExecute(Value: TNotifyEvent); virtual;
1064 property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
1065 public
1066 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
1067 destructor Destroy; override;
1068 function HandlesTarget(Target: TObject): Boolean; virtual;
1069 procedure UpdateTarget(Target: TObject); virtual;
1070 procedure ExecuteTarget(Target: TObject); virtual;
1071 function Execute: Boolean; dynamic;
1072 procedure RegisterChanges(Value: TBasicActionLink);
1073 procedure UnRegisterChanges(Value: TBasicActionLink);
1074 function Update: Boolean; virtual;
1075 property OnExecute: TNotifyEvent read FOnExecute write SetOnExecute;
1076 property OnUpdate: TNotifyEvent read FOnUpdate write FOnUpdate;
1077 end;
1079 { TBasicAction class reference type }
1081 TBasicActionClass = class of TBasicAction;
1083 { Component registration handlers }
1085 TActiveXRegType = (axrComponentOnly, axrIncludeDescendants);
1088 RegisterComponentsProc: procedure(const Page: string;
1089 ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass) = nil;
1090 RegisterNoIconProc: procedure(ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass) = nil;
1091 RegisterNonActiveXProc: procedure(ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass;
1092 AxRegType: TActiveXRegType) = nil;
1093 CurrentGroup: Integer = -1; { Current design group }
1094 CreateVCLComObjectProc: procedure(Component: TComponent) = nil;
1096 { Point and rectangle constructors }
1098 function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
1099 function SmallPoint(AX, AY: SmallInt): TSmallPoint;
1100 function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
1101 function Bounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TRect;
1103 { Class registration routines }
1105 procedure RegisterClass(AClass: TPersistentClass);
1106 procedure RegisterClasses(AClasses: array of TPersistentClass);
1107 procedure RegisterClassAlias(AClass: TPersistentClass; const Alias: string);
1108 procedure UnRegisterClass(AClass: TPersistentClass);
1109 procedure UnRegisterClasses(AClasses: array of TPersistentClass);
1110 procedure UnRegisterModuleClasses(Module: HMODULE);
1111 function FindClass(const ClassName: string): TPersistentClass;
1112 function GetClass(const AClassName: string): TPersistentClass;
1114 { Component registration routines }
1116 procedure RegisterComponents(const Page: string;
1117 ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass);
1118 procedure RegisterNoIcon(ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass);
1119 procedure RegisterNonActiveX(ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass;
1120 AxRegType: TActiveXRegType);
1122 function GlobalNameSpace: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
1124 { Object filing routines }
1126 type
1127 TIdentMapEntry = record
1128 Value: Integer;
1129 Name: String;
1130 end;
1132 TIdentToInt = function(const Ident: string; var Int: Longint): Boolean;
1133 TIntToIdent = function(Int: Longint; var Ident: string): Boolean;
1134 TFindGlobalComponent = function(const Name: string): TComponent;
1137 FindGlobalComponent: TFindGlobalComponent;
1139 procedure RegisterIntegerConsts(IntegerType: Pointer; IdentToInt: TIdentToInt;
1140 IntToIdent: TIntToIdent);
1141 function IdentToInt(const Ident: string; var Int: Longint; const Map: array of TIdentMapEntry): Boolean;
1142 function IntToIdent(Int: Longint; var Ident: string; const Map: array of TIdentMapEntry): Boolean;
1143 function FindIntToIdent(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIntToIdent;
1144 function FindIdentToInt(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIdentToInt;
1146 function InitInheritedComponent(Instance: TComponent; RootAncestor: TClass): Boolean;
1147 function InitComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TComponent): Boolean;
1148 function ReadComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
1149 function ReadComponentResEx(HInstance: THandle; const ResName: string): TComponent;
1150 function ReadComponentResFile(const FileName: string; Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
1151 procedure WriteComponentResFile(const FileName: string; Instance: TComponent);
1153 procedure GlobalFixupReferences;
1154 procedure GetFixupReferenceNames(Root: TComponent; Names: TStrings);
1155 procedure GetFixupInstanceNames(Root: TComponent;
1156 const ReferenceRootName: string; Names: TStrings);
1157 procedure RedirectFixupReferences(Root: TComponent; const OldRootName,
1158 NewRootName: string);
1159 procedure RemoveFixupReferences(Root: TComponent; const RootName: string);
1160 procedure RemoveFixups(Instance: TPersistent);
1161 function FindNestedComponent(Root: TComponent; const NamePath: string): TComponent;
1163 procedure BeginGlobalLoading;
1164 procedure NotifyGlobalLoading;
1165 procedure EndGlobalLoading;
1167 function CollectionsEqual(C1, C2: TCollection): Boolean;
1169 { Object conversion routines }
1171 type
1172 TStreamOriginalFormat = (sofUnknown, sofBinary, sofText);
1174 procedure ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream); overload;
1175 procedure ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream;
1176 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat); overload;
1177 procedure ObjectTextToBinary(Input, Output: TStream); overload;
1178 procedure ObjectTextToBinary(Input, Output: TStream;
1179 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat); overload;
1181 procedure ObjectResourceToText(Input, Output: TStream); overload;
1182 procedure ObjectResourceToText(Input, Output: TStream;
1183 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat); overload;
1184 procedure ObjectTextToResource(Input, Output: TStream); overload;
1185 procedure ObjectTextToResource(Input, Output: TStream;
1186 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat); overload;
1188 function TestStreamFormat(Stream: TStream): TStreamOriginalFormat;
1190 { Utility routines }
1192 function LineStart(Buffer, BufPos: PChar): PChar;
1193 function ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar;
1194 Strings: TStrings): Integer;
1196 procedure BinToHex(Buffer, Text: PChar; BufSize: Integer);
1197 function HexToBin(Text, Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer;
1199 function FindRootDesigner(Obj: TPersistent): IDesignerNotify;
1201 implementation
1203 uses Consts{!, TypInfo};
1206 fGlobalNameSpace: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
1208 function GlobalNameSpace: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
1209 begin
1210 if fGlobalNameSpace = nil then
1211 fGlobalNameSpace := TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
1212 Result := fGlobalNameSpace;
1213 end;
1215 { Point and rectangle constructors }
1217 function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
1218 begin
1219 with Result do
1220 begin
1221 X := AX;
1222 Y := AY;
1223 end;
1224 end;
1226 function SmallPoint(AX, AY: SmallInt): TSmallPoint;
1227 begin
1228 with Result do
1229 begin
1230 X := AX;
1231 Y := AY;
1232 end;
1233 end;
1235 function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
1236 begin
1237 with Result do
1238 begin
1239 Left := ALeft;
1240 Top := ATop;
1241 Right := ARight;
1242 Bottom := ABottom;
1243 end;
1244 end;
1246 function Bounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TRect;
1247 begin
1248 with Result do
1249 begin
1250 Left := ALeft;
1251 Top := ATop;
1252 Right := ALeft + AWidth;
1253 Bottom := ATop + AHeight;
1254 end;
1255 end;
1257 { Class registration routines }
1259 type
1260 PFieldClassTable = ^TFieldClassTable;
1261 TFieldClassTable = packed record
1262 Count: Smallint;
1263 Classes: array[0..8191] of ^TPersistentClass;
1264 end;
1266 function GetFieldClassTable(AClass: TClass): PFieldClassTable; assembler;
1268 MOV EAX,[EAX].vmtFieldTable
1270 JE @@1
1271 MOV EAX,[EAX+2].Integer
1272 @@1:
1273 end;
1275 procedure ClassNotFound(const ClassName: string);
1276 begin
1277 raise EClassNotFound.CreateFmt(SClassNotFound, [ClassName]);
1278 end;
1280 function GetClass(const AClassName: string): TPersistentClass;
1281 begin
1282 Result:=nil;
1283 end;
1285 function FindClass(const ClassName: string): TPersistentClass;
1286 begin
1287 Result := GetClass(ClassName);
1288 if Result = nil then ClassNotFound(ClassName);
1289 end;
1291 function GetFieldClass(Instance: TObject;
1292 const ClassName: string): TPersistentClass;
1294 I: Integer;
1295 ClassTable: PFieldClassTable;
1296 ClassType: TClass;
1297 begin
1298 ClassType := Instance.ClassType;
1299 while ClassType <> TPersistent do
1300 begin
1301 ClassTable := GetFieldClassTable(ClassType);
1302 if ClassTable <> nil then
1303 for I := 0 to ClassTable^.Count - 1 do
1304 begin
1305 Result := ClassTable^.Classes[I]^;
1306 if SameText(Result.ClassName, ClassName) then Exit;
1307 end;
1308 ClassType := ClassType.ClassParent;
1309 end;
1310 Result := GetClass(ClassName);
1311 end;
1313 procedure RegisterClass(AClass: TPersistentClass);
1314 begin
1315 end;
1317 procedure RegisterClasses(AClasses: array of TPersistentClass);
1319 I: Integer;
1320 begin
1321 for I := Low(AClasses) to High(AClasses) do RegisterClass(AClasses[I]);
1322 end;
1324 procedure RegisterClassAlias(AClass: TPersistentClass; const Alias: string);
1325 begin
1326 end;
1328 procedure UnRegisterClass(AClass: TPersistentClass);
1329 begin
1330 end;
1332 procedure UnRegisterClasses(AClasses: array of TPersistentClass);
1334 I: Integer;
1335 begin
1336 for I := Low(AClasses) to High(AClasses) do UnRegisterClass(AClasses[I]);
1337 end;
1339 procedure UnRegisterModuleClasses(Module: HMODULE);
1340 begin
1341 end;
1343 { Component registration routines }
1345 procedure RegisterComponents(const Page: string;
1346 ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass);
1347 begin
1348 if Assigned(RegisterComponentsProc) then
1349 RegisterComponentsProc(Page, ComponentClasses)
1350 else
1351 raise EComponentError.CreateRes(@SRegisterError);
1352 end;
1354 procedure RegisterNoIcon(ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass);
1355 begin
1356 if Assigned(RegisterNoIconProc) then
1357 RegisterNoIconProc(ComponentClasses)
1358 else
1359 raise EComponentError.CreateRes(@SRegisterError);
1360 end;
1362 procedure RegisterNonActiveX(ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass;
1363 AxRegType: TActiveXRegType);
1364 begin
1365 if not Assigned(RegisterNonActiveXProc) then
1366 raise EComponentError.CreateRes(@SRegisterError);
1367 RegisterNonActiveXProc(ComponentClasses, AxRegType)
1368 end;
1370 { Component filing }
1372 procedure RegisterIntegerConsts(IntegerType: Pointer; IdentToInt: TIdentToInt;
1373 IntToIdent: TIntToIdent);
1374 begin
1375 end;
1377 function FindIntToIdent(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIntToIdent;
1378 begin
1379 Result:=nil;
1380 end;
1382 function FindIdentToInt(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIdentToInt;
1383 begin
1384 Result := nil;
1385 end;
1387 function IdentToInt(const Ident: string; var Int: Longint; const Map: array of TIdentMapEntry): Boolean;
1389 I: Integer;
1390 begin
1391 for I := Low(Map) to High(Map) do
1392 if SameText(Map[I].Name, Ident) then
1393 begin
1394 Result := True;
1395 Int := Map[I].Value;
1396 Exit;
1397 end;
1398 Result := False;
1399 end;
1401 function IntToIdent(Int: Longint; var Ident: string; const Map: array of TIdentMapEntry): Boolean;
1403 I: Integer;
1404 begin
1405 for I := Low(Map) to High(Map) do
1406 if Map[I].Value = Int then
1407 begin
1408 Result := True;
1409 Ident := Map[I].Name;
1410 Exit;
1411 end;
1412 Result := False;
1413 end;
1416 function InternalReadComponentRes(const ResName: string; HInst: THandle; var Instance: TComponent): Boolean;
1418 HRsrc: THandle;
1419 begin { avoid possible EResNotFound exception }
1420 if HInst = 0 then HInst := HInstance;
1421 HRsrc := FindResource(HInst, PChar(ResName), RT_RCDATA);
1422 Result := HRsrc <> 0;
1423 if not Result then Exit;
1424 with TResourceStream.Create(HInst, ResName, RT_RCDATA) do
1426 Instance := ReadComponent(Instance);
1427 finally
1428 Free;
1429 end;
1430 Result := True;
1431 end;
1433 threadvar
1434 GlobalLoaded: TList;
1435 GlobalLists: TList;
1437 procedure BeginGlobalLoading;
1438 begin
1439 if GlobalLists = nil then GlobalLists := TList.Create;
1440 GlobalLists.Add(GlobalLoaded);
1441 GlobalLoaded := TList.Create;
1442 end;
1444 procedure NotifyGlobalLoading;
1446 I: Integer;
1447 G: TList;
1448 begin
1449 G := GlobalLoaded; // performance: eliminate repeated trips through TLS lookup
1450 for I := 0 to G.Count - 1 do
1451 TComponent(G[I]).Loaded;
1452 end;
1454 procedure EndGlobalLoading;
1455 begin
1456 GlobalLoaded.Free;
1457 GlobalLoaded := GlobalLists.Last;
1458 GlobalLists.Delete(GlobalLists.Count - 1);
1459 if GlobalLists.Count = 0 then
1460 FreeAndNil(GlobalLists);
1461 end;
1463 function InitInheritedComponent(Instance: TComponent; RootAncestor: TClass): Boolean;
1464 begin
1465 Result:=False;
1466 end;
1468 function InitComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TComponent): Boolean;
1469 begin
1470 Result := InternalReadComponentRes(ResName, FindResourceHInstance(
1471 FindClassHInstance(Instance.ClassType)), Instance);
1472 end;
1474 function ReadComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
1476 HInstance: THandle;
1477 begin
1478 if Instance <> nil then
1479 HInstance := FindResourceHInstance(FindClassHInstance(Instance.ClassType))
1480 else HInstance := 0;
1481 if InternalReadComponentRes(ResName, HInstance, Instance) then
1482 Result := Instance else
1483 raise EResNotFound.CreateFmt(SResNotFound, [ResName]);
1484 end;
1486 function ReadComponentResEx(HInstance: THandle; const ResName: string): TComponent;
1488 Instance: TComponent;
1489 begin
1490 Instance := nil;
1491 if InternalReadComponentRes(ResName, HInstance, Instance) then
1492 Result := Instance else
1493 raise EResNotFound.CreateFmt(SResNotFound, [ResName]);
1494 end;
1496 function ReadComponentResFile(const FileName: string; Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
1498 Stream: TStream;
1499 begin
1500 Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
1502 Result := Stream.ReadComponentRes(Instance);
1503 finally
1504 Stream.Free;
1505 end;
1506 end;
1508 procedure WriteComponentResFile(const FileName: string; Instance: TComponent);
1510 Stream: TStream;
1511 begin
1512 Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
1514 Stream.WriteComponentRes(Instance.ClassName, Instance);
1515 finally
1516 Stream.Free;
1517 end;
1518 end;
1520 function CollectionsEqual(C1, C2: TCollection): Boolean;
1522 S1, S2: TMemoryStream;
1524 procedure WriteCollection(Stream: TStream; Collection: TCollection);
1526 Writer: TWriter;
1527 begin
1528 Writer := TWriter.Create(Stream, 1024);
1530 Writer.WriteCollection(Collection);
1531 finally
1532 Writer.Free;
1533 end;
1534 end;
1536 begin
1537 Result := False;
1538 if C1.ClassType <> C2.ClassType then Exit;
1539 if C1.Count <> C2.Count then Exit;
1540 S1 := TMemoryStream.Create;
1542 WriteCollection(S1, C1);
1543 S2 := TMemoryStream.Create;
1545 WriteCollection(S2, C2);
1546 Result := (S1.Size = S2.Size) and CompareMem(S1.Memory, S2.Memory, S1.Size);
1547 finally
1548 S2.Free;
1549 end;
1550 finally
1551 S1.Free;
1552 end;
1553 end;
1555 { Utility routines }
1557 function LineStart(Buffer, BufPos: PChar): PChar; assembler;
1563 SUB ECX,1
1564 JBE @@1
1566 DEC EDI
1567 MOV AL,0AH
1572 JNE @@1
1573 LEA EAX,[EDI+2]
1574 @@1: POP EDI
1575 end;
1577 function ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar;
1578 Strings: TStrings): Integer;
1580 Head, Tail: PChar;
1581 EOS, InQuote: Boolean;
1582 QuoteChar: Char;
1583 Item: string;
1584 begin
1585 Result := 0;
1586 if (Content = nil) or (Content^=#0) or (Strings = nil) then Exit;
1587 Tail := Content;
1588 InQuote := False;
1589 QuoteChar := #0;
1590 Strings.BeginUpdate;
1592 repeat
1593 while Tail^ in WhiteSpace + [#13, #10] do Inc(Tail);
1594 Head := Tail;
1595 while True do
1596 begin
1597 while (InQuote and not (Tail^ in ['''', '"', #0])) or
1598 not (Tail^ in Separators + [#0, #13, #10, '''', '"']) do Inc(Tail);
1599 if Tail^ in ['''', '"'] then
1600 begin
1601 if (QuoteChar <> #0) and (QuoteChar = Tail^) then
1602 QuoteChar := #0
1603 else QuoteChar := Tail^;
1604 InQuote := QuoteChar <> #0;
1605 Inc(Tail);
1606 end else Break;
1607 end;
1608 EOS := Tail^ = #0;
1609 if (Head <> Tail) and (Head^ <> #0) then
1610 begin
1611 if Strings <> nil then
1612 begin
1613 SetString(Item, Head, Tail - Head);
1614 Strings.Add(Item);
1615 end;
1616 Inc(Result);
1617 end;
1618 Inc(Tail);
1619 until EOS;
1620 finally
1621 Strings.EndUpdate;
1622 end;
1623 end;
1625 { TList }
1627 destructor TList.Destroy;
1628 begin
1629 Clear;
1630 end;
1632 function TList.Add(Item: Pointer): Integer;
1633 begin
1634 Result := FCount;
1635 if Result = FCapacity then
1636 Grow;
1637 FList^[Result] := Item;
1638 Inc(FCount);
1639 if Item <> nil then
1640 Notify(Item, lnAdded);
1641 end;
1643 procedure TList.Clear;
1644 begin
1645 SetCount(0);
1646 SetCapacity(0);
1647 end;
1649 procedure TList.Delete(Index: Integer);
1651 Temp: Pointer;
1652 begin
1653 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
1654 Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
1655 Temp := Items[Index];
1656 Dec(FCount);
1657 if Index < FCount then
1658 System.Move(FList^[Index + 1], FList^[Index],
1659 (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(Pointer));
1660 if Temp <> nil then
1661 Notify(Temp, lnDeleted);
1662 end;
1664 class procedure TList.Error(const Msg: string; Data: Integer);
1666 function ReturnAddr: Pointer;
1668 MOV EAX,[EBP+4]
1669 end;
1671 begin
1672 raise EListError.CreateFmt(Msg, [Data]) at ReturnAddr;
1673 end;
1675 class procedure TList.Error(Msg: PResStringRec; Data: Integer);
1676 begin
1677 TList.Error(LoadResString(Msg), Data);
1678 end;
1680 procedure TList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
1682 Item: Pointer;
1683 begin
1684 if (Index1 < 0) or (Index1 >= FCount) then
1685 Error(@SListIndexError, Index1);
1686 if (Index2 < 0) or (Index2 >= FCount) then
1687 Error(@SListIndexError, Index2);
1688 Item := FList^[Index1];
1689 FList^[Index1] := FList^[Index2];
1690 FList^[Index2] := Item;
1691 end;
1693 function TList.Expand: TList;
1694 begin
1695 if FCount = FCapacity then
1696 Grow;
1697 Result := Self;
1698 end;
1700 function TList.First: Pointer;
1701 begin
1702 Result := Get(0);
1703 end;
1705 function TList.Get(Index: Integer): Pointer;
1706 begin
1707 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
1708 Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
1709 Result := FList^[Index];
1710 end;
1712 procedure TList.Grow;
1714 Delta: Integer;
1715 begin
1716 if FCapacity > 64 then
1717 Delta := FCapacity div 4
1718 else
1719 if FCapacity > 8 then
1720 Delta := 16
1721 else
1722 Delta := 4;
1723 SetCapacity(FCapacity + Delta);
1724 end;
1726 function TList.IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer;
1727 begin
1728 Result := 0;
1729 while (Result < FCount) and (FList^[Result] <> Item) do
1730 Inc(Result);
1731 if Result = FCount then
1732 Result := -1;
1733 end;
1735 procedure TList.Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
1736 begin
1737 if (Index < 0) or (Index > FCount) then
1738 Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
1739 if FCount = FCapacity then
1740 Grow;
1741 if Index < FCount then
1742 System.Move(FList^[Index], FList^[Index + 1],
1743 (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(Pointer));
1744 FList^[Index] := Item;
1745 Inc(FCount);
1746 if Item <> nil then
1747 Notify(Item, lnAdded);
1748 end;
1750 function TList.Last: Pointer;
1751 begin
1752 Result := Get(FCount - 1);
1753 end;
1755 procedure TList.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
1757 Item: Pointer;
1758 begin
1759 if CurIndex <> NewIndex then
1760 begin
1761 if (NewIndex < 0) or (NewIndex >= FCount) then
1762 Error(@SListIndexError, NewIndex);
1763 Item := Get(CurIndex);
1764 FList^[CurIndex] := nil;
1765 Delete(CurIndex);
1766 Insert(NewIndex, nil);
1767 FList^[NewIndex] := Item;
1768 end;
1769 end;
1771 procedure TList.Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
1773 Temp: Pointer;
1774 begin
1775 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
1776 Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
1777 Temp := FList^[Index];
1778 FList^[Index] := Item;
1779 if Temp <> nil then
1780 Notify(Temp, lnDeleted);
1781 if Item <> nil then
1782 Notify(Item, lnAdded);
1783 end;
1785 function TList.Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer;
1786 begin
1787 Result := IndexOf(Item);
1788 if Result >= 0 then
1789 Delete(Result);
1790 end;
1792 procedure TList.Pack;
1794 I: Integer;
1795 begin
1796 for I := FCount - 1 downto 0 do
1797 if Items[I] = nil then
1798 Delete(I);
1799 end;
1801 procedure TList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
1802 begin
1803 if (NewCapacity < FCount) or (NewCapacity > MaxListSize) then
1804 Error(@SListCapacityError, NewCapacity);
1805 if NewCapacity <> FCapacity then
1806 begin
1807 ReallocMem(FList, NewCapacity * SizeOf(Pointer));
1808 FCapacity := NewCapacity;
1809 end;
1810 end;
1812 procedure TList.SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
1814 I: Integer;
1815 begin
1816 if (NewCount < 0) or (NewCount > MaxListSize) then
1817 Error(@SListCountError, NewCount);
1818 if NewCount > FCapacity then
1819 SetCapacity(NewCount);
1820 if NewCount > FCount then
1821 FillChar(FList^[FCount], (NewCount - FCount) * SizeOf(Pointer), 0)
1822 else
1823 for I := FCount - 1 downto NewCount do
1824 Delete(I);
1825 FCount := NewCount;
1826 end;
1828 procedure QuickSort(SortList: PPointerList; L, R: Integer;
1829 SCompare: TListSortCompare);
1831 I, J: Integer;
1832 P, T: Pointer;
1833 begin
1834 repeat
1835 I := L;
1836 J := R;
1837 P := SortList^[(L + R) shr 1];
1838 repeat
1839 while SCompare(SortList^[I], P) < 0 do
1840 Inc(I);
1841 while SCompare(SortList^[J], P) > 0 do
1842 Dec(J);
1843 if I <= J then
1844 begin
1845 T := SortList^[I];
1846 SortList^[I] := SortList^[J];
1847 SortList^[J] := T;
1848 Inc(I);
1849 Dec(J);
1850 end;
1851 until I > J;
1852 if L < J then
1853 QuickSort(SortList, L, J, SCompare);
1854 L := I;
1855 until I >= R;
1856 end;
1858 procedure TList.Sort(Compare: TListSortCompare);
1859 begin
1860 if (FList <> nil) and (Count > 0) then
1861 QuickSort(FList, 0, Count - 1, Compare);
1862 end;
1864 function TList.Extract(Item: Pointer): Pointer;
1866 I: Integer;
1867 begin
1868 Result := nil;
1869 I := IndexOf(Item);
1870 if I >= 0 then
1871 begin
1872 Result := Item;
1873 FList^[I] := nil;
1874 Delete(I);
1875 Notify(Result, lnExtracted);
1876 end;
1877 end;
1879 procedure TList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification);
1880 begin
1881 end;
1883 { TThreadList }
1885 constructor TThreadList.Create;
1886 begin
1887 inherited Create;
1888 InitializeCriticalSection(FLock);
1889 FList := TList.Create;
1890 FDuplicates := dupIgnore;
1891 end;
1893 destructor TThreadList.Destroy;
1894 begin
1895 LockList; // Make sure nobody else is inside the list.
1897 FList.Free;
1898 inherited Destroy;
1899 finally
1900 UnlockList;
1901 DeleteCriticalSection(FLock);
1902 end;
1903 end;
1905 procedure TThreadList.Add(Item: Pointer);
1906 begin
1907 LockList;
1909 if (Duplicates = dupAccept) or
1910 (FList.IndexOf(Item) = -1) then
1911 FList.Add(Item)
1912 else if Duplicates = dupError then
1913 FList.Error(@SDuplicateItem, Integer(Item));
1914 finally
1915 UnlockList;
1916 end;
1917 end;
1919 procedure TThreadList.Clear;
1920 begin
1921 LockList;
1923 FList.Clear;
1924 finally
1925 UnlockList;
1926 end;
1927 end;
1929 function TThreadList.LockList: TList;
1930 begin
1931 EnterCriticalSection(FLock);
1932 Result := FList;
1933 end;
1935 procedure TThreadList.Remove(Item: Pointer);
1936 begin
1937 LockList;
1939 FList.Remove(Item);
1940 finally
1941 UnlockList;
1942 end;
1943 end;
1945 procedure TThreadList.UnlockList;
1946 begin
1947 LeaveCriticalSection(FLock);
1948 end;
1950 { TInterfaceList }
1952 constructor TInterfaceList.Create;
1953 begin
1954 inherited Create;
1955 FList := TThreadList.Create;
1956 end;
1958 destructor TInterfaceList.Destroy;
1959 begin
1960 Clear;
1961 FList.Free;
1962 inherited Destroy;
1963 end;
1965 procedure TInterfaceList.Clear;
1967 I: Integer;
1968 begin
1969 if FList <> nil then
1970 begin
1971 with FList.LockList do
1973 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
1974 IUnknown(List[I]) := nil;
1975 Clear;
1976 finally
1977 Self.FList.UnlockList;
1978 end;
1979 end;
1980 end;
1982 procedure TInterfaceList.Delete(Index: Integer);
1983 begin
1984 with FList.LockList do
1986 Self.Put(Index, nil);
1987 Delete(Index);
1988 finally
1989 Self.FList.UnlockList;
1990 end;
1991 end;
1993 function TInterfaceList.Expand: TInterfaceList;
1994 begin
1995 with FList.LockList do
1997 Expand;
1998 Result := Self;
1999 finally
2000 Self.FList.Unlocklist;
2001 end;
2002 end;
2004 function TInterfaceList.First: IUnknown;
2005 begin
2006 Result := Get(0);
2007 end;
2009 function TInterfaceList.Get(Index: Integer): IUnknown;
2010 begin
2011 with FList.LockList do
2013 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= Count) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
2014 Result := IUnknown(List[Index]);
2015 finally
2016 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2017 end;
2018 end;
2020 function TInterfaceList.GetCapacity: Integer;
2021 begin
2022 with FList.LockList do
2024 Result := Capacity;
2025 finally
2026 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2027 end;
2028 end;
2030 function TInterfaceList.GetCount: Integer;
2031 begin
2032 with FList.LockList do
2034 Result := Count;
2035 finally
2036 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2037 end;
2038 end;
2040 function TInterfaceList.IndexOf(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
2041 begin
2042 with FList.LockList do
2044 Result := IndexOf(Pointer(Item));
2045 finally
2046 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2047 end;
2048 end;
2050 function TInterfaceList.Add(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
2051 begin
2052 with FList.LockList do
2054 Result := Add(nil);
2055 IUnknown(List[Result]) := Item;
2056 finally
2057 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2058 end;
2059 end;
2061 procedure TInterfaceList.Insert(Index: Integer; Item: IUnknown);
2062 begin
2063 with FList.LockList do
2065 Insert(Index, nil);
2066 IUnknown(List[Index]) := Item;
2067 finally
2068 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2069 end;
2070 end;
2072 function TInterfaceList.Last: IUnknown;
2073 begin
2074 with FList.LockList do
2076 Result := Self.Get(Count - 1);
2077 finally
2078 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2079 end;
2080 end;
2082 procedure TInterfaceList.Put(Index: Integer; Item: IUnknown);
2083 begin
2084 with FList.LockList do
2086 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= Count) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
2087 IUnknown(List[Index]) := Item;
2088 finally
2089 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2090 end;
2091 end;
2093 function TInterfaceList.Remove(Item: IUnknown): Integer;
2094 begin
2095 with FList.LockList do
2097 Result := IndexOf(Pointer(Item));
2098 if Result > -1 then
2099 begin
2100 IUnknown(List[Result]) := nil;
2101 Delete(Result);
2102 end;
2103 finally
2104 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2105 end;
2106 end;
2108 procedure TInterfaceList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
2109 begin
2110 with FList.LockList do
2112 Capacity := NewCapacity;
2113 finally
2114 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2115 end;
2116 end;
2118 procedure TInterfaceList.SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
2119 begin
2120 with FList.LockList do
2122 Count := NewCount;
2123 finally
2124 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2125 end;
2126 end;
2128 procedure TInterfaceList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
2129 begin
2130 with FList.LockList do
2132 Exchange(Index1, Index2);
2133 finally
2134 Self.FList.UnlockList;
2135 end;
2136 end;
2138 procedure TInterfaceList.Lock;
2139 begin
2140 FList.LockList;
2141 end;
2143 procedure TInterfaceList.Unlock;
2144 begin
2145 FList.UnlockList;
2146 end;
2148 { TBits }
2150 const
2151 BitsPerInt = SizeOf(Integer) * 8;
2153 type
2154 TBitEnum = 0..BitsPerInt - 1;
2155 TBitSet = set of TBitEnum;
2156 PBitArray = ^TBitArray;
2157 TBitArray = array[0..4096] of TBitSet;
2159 destructor TBits.Destroy;
2160 begin
2161 SetSize(0);
2162 inherited Destroy;
2163 end;
2165 procedure TBits.Error;
2166 begin
2167 raise EBitsError.CreateRes(@SBitsIndexError);
2168 end;
2170 procedure TBits.SetSize(Value: Integer);
2172 NewMem: Pointer;
2173 NewMemSize: Integer;
2174 OldMemSize: Integer;
2176 function Min(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
2177 begin
2178 Result := X;
2179 if X > Y then Result := Y;
2180 end;
2182 begin
2183 if Value <> Size then
2184 begin
2185 if Value < 0 then Error;
2186 NewMemSize := ((Value + BitsPerInt - 1) div BitsPerInt) * SizeOf(Integer);
2187 OldMemSize := ((Size + BitsPerInt - 1) div BitsPerInt) * SizeOf(Integer);
2188 if NewMemSize <> OldMemSize then
2189 begin
2190 NewMem := nil;
2191 if NewMemSize <> 0 then
2192 begin
2193 GetMem(NewMem, NewMemSize);
2194 FillChar(NewMem^, NewMemSize, 0);
2195 end;
2196 if OldMemSize <> 0 then
2197 begin
2198 if NewMem <> nil then
2199 Move(FBits^, NewMem^, Min(OldMemSize, NewMemSize));
2200 FreeMem(FBits, OldMemSize);
2201 end;
2202 FBits := NewMem;
2203 end;
2204 FSize := Value;
2205 end;
2206 end;
2208 procedure TBits.SetBit(Index: Integer; Value: Boolean); assembler;
2210 CMP Index,[EAX].FSize
2211 JAE @@Size
2213 @@1: MOV EAX,[EAX].FBits
2214 OR Value,Value
2215 JZ @@2
2216 BTS [EAX],Index
2219 @@2: BTR [EAX],Index
2222 @@Size: CMP Index,0
2223 JL TBits.Error
2224 PUSH Self
2225 PUSH Index
2226 PUSH ECX {Value}
2227 INC Index
2228 CALL TBits.SetSize
2229 POP ECX {Value}
2230 POP Index
2231 POP Self
2232 JMP @@1
2233 end;
2235 function TBits.GetBit(Index: Integer): Boolean; assembler;
2237 CMP Index,[EAX].FSize
2238 JAE TBits.Error
2239 MOV EAX,[EAX].FBits
2240 BT [EAX],Index
2242 AND EAX,1
2243 end;
2245 function TBits.OpenBit: Integer;
2247 I: Integer;
2248 B: TBitSet;
2249 J: TBitEnum;
2250 E: Integer;
2251 begin
2252 E := (Size + BitsPerInt - 1) div BitsPerInt - 1;
2253 for I := 0 to E do
2254 if PBitArray(FBits)^[I] <> [0..BitsPerInt - 1] then
2255 begin
2256 B := PBitArray(FBits)^[I];
2257 for J := Low(J) to High(J) do
2258 begin
2259 if not (J in B) then
2260 begin
2261 Result := I * BitsPerInt + J;
2262 if Result >= Size then Result := Size;
2263 Exit;
2264 end;
2265 end;
2266 end;
2267 Result := Size;
2268 end;
2270 { TPersistent }
2272 procedure TPersistent.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
2273 begin
2274 if Source <> nil then Source.AssignTo(Self) else AssignError(nil);
2275 end;
2277 procedure TPersistent.AssignError(Source: TPersistent);
2279 SourceName: string;
2280 begin
2281 if Source <> nil then
2282 SourceName := Source.ClassName else
2283 SourceName := 'nil';
2284 raise EConvertError.CreateResFmt(@SAssignError, [SourceName, ClassName]);
2285 end;
2287 procedure TPersistent.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
2288 begin
2289 Dest.AssignError(Self);
2290 end;
2292 procedure TPersistent.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
2293 begin
2294 end;
2296 function TPersistent.GetNamePath: string;
2298 S: string;
2299 begin
2300 Result := ClassName;
2301 if (GetOwner <> nil) then
2302 begin
2303 S := GetOwner.GetNamePath;
2304 if S <> '' then
2305 Result := S + '.' + Result;
2306 end;
2307 end;
2309 function TPersistent.GetOwner: TPersistent;
2310 begin
2311 Result := nil;
2312 end;
2314 { TCollectionItem }
2316 constructor TCollectionItem.Create(Collection: TCollection);
2317 begin
2318 SetCollection(Collection);
2319 end;
2321 destructor TCollectionItem.Destroy;
2322 begin
2323 SetCollection(nil);
2324 inherited Destroy;
2325 end;
2327 procedure TCollectionItem.Changed(AllItems: Boolean);
2329 Item: TCollectionItem;
2330 begin
2331 if (FCollection <> nil) and (FCollection.FUpdateCount = 0) then
2332 begin
2333 if AllItems then Item := nil else Item := Self;
2334 FCollection.Update(Item);
2335 end;
2336 end;
2338 function TCollectionItem.GetIndex: Integer;
2339 begin
2340 if FCollection <> nil then
2341 Result := FCollection.FItems.IndexOf(Self) else
2342 Result := -1;
2343 end;
2345 function TCollectionItem.GetDisplayName: string;
2346 begin
2347 Result := ClassName;
2348 end;
2350 function TCollectionItem.GetNamePath: string;
2351 begin
2352 if FCollection <> nil then
2353 Result := kol.Format('%s[%d]',[FCollection.GetNamePath, Index])
2354 else
2355 Result := ClassName;
2356 end;
2358 function TCollectionItem.GetOwner: TPersistent;
2359 begin
2360 Result := FCollection;
2361 end;
2363 procedure TCollectionItem.SetCollection(Value: TCollection);
2364 begin
2365 if FCollection <> Value then
2366 begin
2367 if FCollection <> nil then FCollection.RemoveItem(Self);
2368 if Value <> nil then Value.InsertItem(Self);
2369 end;
2370 end;
2372 procedure TCollectionItem.SetDisplayName(const Value: string);
2373 begin
2374 Changed(False);
2375 end;
2377 procedure TCollectionItem.SetIndex(Value: Integer);
2379 CurIndex: Integer;
2380 begin
2381 CurIndex := GetIndex;
2382 if (CurIndex >= 0) and (CurIndex <> Value) then
2383 begin
2384 FCollection.FItems.Move(CurIndex, Value);
2385 Changed(True);
2386 end;
2387 end;
2389 { TCollection }
2391 constructor TCollection.Create(ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
2392 begin
2393 FItemClass := ItemClass;
2394 FItems := TList.Create;
2395 end;
2397 destructor TCollection.Destroy;
2398 begin
2399 FUpdateCount := 1;
2400 if FItems <> nil then Clear;
2401 FItems.Free;
2402 inherited Destroy;
2403 end;
2405 function TCollection.Add: TCollectionItem;
2406 begin
2407 Result := FItemClass.Create(Self);
2408 end;
2410 procedure TCollection.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
2412 I: Integer;
2413 begin
2414 if Source is TCollection then
2415 begin
2416 BeginUpdate;
2418 Clear;
2419 for I := 0 to TCollection(Source).Count - 1 do
2420 Add.Assign(TCollection(Source).Items[I]);
2421 finally
2422 EndUpdate;
2423 end;
2424 Exit;
2425 end;
2426 inherited Assign(Source);
2427 end;
2429 procedure TCollection.BeginUpdate;
2430 begin
2431 Inc(FUpdateCount);
2432 end;
2434 procedure TCollection.Changed;
2435 begin
2436 if FUpdateCount = 0 then Update(nil);
2437 end;
2439 procedure TCollection.Clear;
2440 begin
2441 if FItems.Count > 0 then
2442 begin
2443 BeginUpdate;
2445 while FItems.Count > 0 do TCollectionItem(FItems.Last).Free;
2446 finally
2447 EndUpdate;
2448 end;
2449 end;
2450 end;
2452 procedure TCollection.EndUpdate;
2453 begin
2454 Dec(FUpdateCount);
2455 Changed;
2456 end;
2458 function TCollection.FindItemID(ID: Integer): TCollectionItem;
2460 I: Integer;
2461 begin
2462 for I := 0 to FItems.Count-1 do
2463 begin
2464 Result := TCollectionItem(FItems[I]);
2465 if Result.ID = ID then Exit;
2466 end;
2467 Result := nil;
2468 end;
2470 function TCollection.GetAttrCount: Integer;
2471 begin
2472 Result := 0;
2473 end;
2475 function TCollection.GetAttr(Index: Integer): string;
2476 begin
2477 Result := '';
2478 end;
2480 function TCollection.GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string;
2481 begin
2482 Result := Items[ItemIndex].DisplayName;
2483 end;
2485 function TCollection.GetCount: Integer;
2486 begin
2487 Result := FItems.Count;
2488 end;
2490 function TCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): TCollectionItem;
2491 begin
2492 Result := FItems[Index];
2493 end;
2495 function TCollection.GetNamePath: string;
2497 S, P: string;
2498 begin
2499 Result := ClassName;
2500 if GetOwner = nil then Exit;
2501 S := GetOwner.GetNamePath;
2502 if S = '' then Exit;
2503 P := PropName;
2504 if P = '' then Exit;
2505 Result := S + '.' + P;
2506 end;
2508 function TCollection.GetPropName: string;
2511 I: Integer;
2512 Props: PPropList;
2513 TypeData: PTypeData;
2514 Owner: TPersistent;
2516 begin
2517 Result := FPropName;
2519 Owner := GetOwner;
2520 if (Result <> '') or (Owner = nil) or (Owner.ClassInfo = nil) then Exit;
2521 TypeData := GetTypeData(Owner.ClassInfo);
2522 if (TypeData = nil) or (TypeData^.PropCount = 0) then Exit;
2523 GetMem(Props, TypeData^.PropCount * sizeof(Pointer));
2525 GetPropInfos(Owner.ClassInfo, Props);
2526 for I := 0 to TypeData^.PropCount-1 do
2527 begin
2528 with Props^[I]^ do
2529 if (PropType^^.Kind = tkClass) and
2530 (GetOrdProp(Owner, Props^[I]) = Integer(Self)) then
2531 FPropName := Name;
2532 end;
2533 finally
2534 Freemem(Props);
2535 end;
2536 Result := FPropName;
2538 end;
2540 function TCollection.Insert(Index: Integer): TCollectionItem;
2541 begin
2542 Result := Add;
2543 Result.Index := Index;
2544 end;
2546 // Out param is more code efficient for interfaces than function result
2547 procedure GetDesigner(Obj: TPersistent; out Result: IDesignerNotify);
2549 Temp: TPersistent;
2550 begin
2551 Result := nil;
2552 if Obj = nil then Exit;
2553 Temp := Obj.GetOwner;
2554 if Temp = nil then
2555 begin
2556 if (Obj is TComponent) and (csDesigning in TComponent(Obj).ComponentState) then
2557 TComponent(Obj).QueryInterface(IDesignerNotify, Result);
2559 else
2560 begin
2561 if (Obj is TComponent) and
2562 not (csDesigning in TComponent(Obj).ComponentState) then Exit;
2563 GetDesigner(Temp, Result);
2564 end;
2565 end;
2567 function FindRootDesigner(Obj: TPersistent): IDesignerNotify;
2568 begin
2569 GetDesigner(Obj, Result);
2570 end;
2572 procedure NotifyDesigner(Self, Item: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation);
2574 Designer: IDesignerNotify;
2575 begin
2576 GetDesigner(Self, Designer);
2577 if Designer <> nil then
2578 Designer.Notification(Item, Operation);
2579 end;
2581 procedure TCollection.InsertItem(Item: TCollectionItem);
2582 begin
2583 if not (Item is FItemClass) then TList.Error(@SInvalidProperty, 0);
2584 FItems.Add(Item);
2585 Item.FCollection := Self;
2586 Item.FID := FNextID;
2587 Inc(FNextID);
2588 SetItemName(Item);
2589 Changed;
2590 NotifyDesigner(Self, Item, opInsert);
2591 end;
2593 procedure TCollection.RemoveItem(Item: TCollectionItem);
2594 begin
2595 NotifyDesigner(Self, Item, opRemove);
2596 FItems.Remove(Item);
2597 Item.FCollection := nil;
2598 Changed;
2599 end;
2601 procedure TCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TCollectionItem);
2602 begin
2603 TCollectionItem(FItems[Index]).Assign(Value);
2604 end;
2606 procedure TCollection.SetItemName(Item: TCollectionItem);
2607 begin
2608 end;
2610 procedure TCollection.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);
2611 begin
2612 end;
2614 procedure TCollection.Delete(Index: Integer);
2615 begin
2616 TCollectionItem(FItems[Index]).Free;
2617 end;
2619 { TOwnedCollection }
2621 constructor TOwnedCollection.Create(AOwner: TPersistent;
2622 ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
2623 begin
2624 FOwner := AOwner;
2625 inherited Create(ItemClass);
2626 end;
2628 function TOwnedCollection.GetOwner: TPersistent;
2629 begin
2630 Result := FOwner;
2631 end;
2633 { TStrings }
2635 destructor TStrings.Destroy;
2636 begin
2637 StringsAdapter := nil;
2638 inherited Destroy;
2639 end;
2641 function TStrings.Add(const S: string): Integer;
2642 begin
2643 Result := GetCount;
2644 Insert(Result, S);
2645 end;
2647 function TStrings.AddObject(const S: string; AObject: TObject): Integer;
2648 begin
2649 Result := Add(S);
2650 PutObject(Result, AObject);
2651 end;
2653 procedure TStrings.Append(const S: string);
2654 begin
2655 Add(S);
2656 end;
2658 procedure TStrings.AddStrings(Strings: TStrings);
2660 I: Integer;
2661 begin
2662 BeginUpdate;
2664 for I := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do
2665 AddObject(Strings[I], Strings.Objects[I]);
2666 finally
2667 EndUpdate;
2668 end;
2669 end;
2671 procedure TStrings.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
2672 begin
2673 if Source is TStrings then
2674 begin
2675 BeginUpdate;
2677 Clear;
2678 AddStrings(TStrings(Source));
2679 finally
2680 EndUpdate;
2681 end;
2682 Exit;
2683 end;
2684 inherited Assign(Source);
2685 end;
2687 procedure TStrings.BeginUpdate;
2688 begin
2689 if FUpdateCount = 0 then SetUpdateState(True);
2690 Inc(FUpdateCount);
2691 end;
2693 procedure TStrings.EndUpdate;
2694 begin
2695 Dec(FUpdateCount);
2696 if FUpdateCount = 0 then SetUpdateState(False);
2697 end;
2699 function TStrings.Equals(Strings: TStrings): Boolean;
2701 I, Count: Integer;
2702 begin
2703 Result := False;
2704 Count := GetCount;
2705 if Count <> Strings.GetCount then Exit;
2706 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Get(I) <> Strings.Get(I) then Exit;
2707 Result := True;
2708 end;
2710 procedure TStrings.Error(const Msg: string; Data: Integer);
2712 function ReturnAddr: Pointer;
2714 MOV EAX,[EBP+4]
2715 end;
2717 begin
2718 raise EStringListError.CreateFmt(Msg, [Data]) at ReturnAddr;
2719 end;
2721 procedure TStrings.Error(Msg: PResStringRec; Data: Integer);
2722 begin
2723 Error(LoadResString(Msg), Data);
2724 end;
2726 procedure TStrings.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
2728 TempObject: TObject;
2729 TempString: string;
2730 begin
2731 BeginUpdate;
2733 TempString := Strings[Index1];
2734 TempObject := Objects[Index1];
2735 Strings[Index1] := Strings[Index2];
2736 Objects[Index1] := Objects[Index2];
2737 Strings[Index2] := TempString;
2738 Objects[Index2] := TempObject;
2739 finally
2740 EndUpdate;
2741 end;
2742 end;
2744 function TStrings.GetCapacity: Integer;
2745 begin // descendants may optionally override/replace this default implementation
2746 Result := Count;
2747 end;
2749 function TStrings.GetCommaText: string;
2751 S: string;
2752 P: PChar;
2753 I, Count: Integer;
2754 begin
2755 Count := GetCount;
2756 if (Count = 1) and (Get(0) = '') then
2757 Result := '""'
2758 else
2759 begin
2760 Result := '';
2761 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
2762 begin
2763 S := Get(I);
2764 P := PChar(S);
2765 while not (P^ in [#0..' ','"',',']) do P := CharNext(P);
2766 if (P^ <> #0) then S := AnsiQuotedStr(S, '"');
2767 Result := Result + S + ',';
2768 end;
2769 System.Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
2770 end;
2771 end;
2773 function TStrings.GetName(Index: Integer): string;
2775 P: Integer;
2776 begin
2777 Result := Get(Index);
2778 P := AnsiPos('=', Result);
2779 if P <> 0 then
2780 SetLength(Result, P-1) else
2781 SetLength(Result, 0);
2782 end;
2784 function TStrings.GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject;
2785 begin
2786 Result := nil;
2787 end;
2789 function TStrings.GetText: PChar;
2790 begin
2791 Result := StrNew(PChar(GetTextStr));
2792 end;
2794 function TStrings.GetTextStr: string;
2796 I, L, Size, Count: Integer;
2797 P: PChar;
2798 S: string;
2799 begin
2800 Count := GetCount;
2801 Size := 0;
2802 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do Inc(Size, Length(Get(I)) + 2);
2803 SetString(Result, nil, Size);
2804 P := Pointer(Result);
2805 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
2806 begin
2807 S := Get(I);
2808 L := Length(S);
2809 if L <> 0 then
2810 begin
2811 System.Move(Pointer(S)^, P^, L);
2812 Inc(P, L);
2813 end;
2814 P^ := #13;
2815 Inc(P);
2816 P^ := #10;
2817 Inc(P);
2818 end;
2819 end;
2821 function TStrings.GetValue(const Name: string): string;
2823 I: Integer;
2824 begin
2825 I := IndexOfName(Name);
2826 if I >= 0 then
2827 Result := Copy(Get(I), Length(Name) + 2, MaxInt) else
2828 Result := '';
2829 end;
2831 function TStrings.IndexOf(const S: string): Integer;
2832 begin
2833 for Result := 0 to GetCount - 1 do
2834 if AnsiCompareText(Get(Result), S) = 0 then Exit;
2835 Result := -1;
2836 end;
2838 function TStrings.IndexOfName(const Name: string): Integer;
2840 P: Integer;
2841 S: string;
2842 begin
2843 for Result := 0 to GetCount - 1 do
2844 begin
2845 S := Get(Result);
2846 P := AnsiPos('=', S);
2847 if (P <> 0) and (AnsiCompareText(Copy(S, 1, P - 1), Name) = 0) then Exit;
2848 end;
2849 Result := -1;
2850 end;
2852 function TStrings.IndexOfObject(AObject: TObject): Integer;
2853 begin
2854 for Result := 0 to GetCount - 1 do
2855 if GetObject(Result) = AObject then Exit;
2856 Result := -1;
2857 end;
2859 procedure TStrings.InsertObject(Index: Integer; const S: string;
2860 AObject: TObject);
2861 begin
2862 Insert(Index, S);
2863 PutObject(Index, AObject);
2864 end;
2866 procedure TStrings.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
2868 Stream: TStream;
2869 begin
2870 Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
2872 LoadFromStream(Stream);
2873 finally
2874 Stream.Free;
2875 end;
2876 end;
2878 procedure TStrings.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
2880 Size: Integer;
2881 S: string;
2882 begin
2883 BeginUpdate;
2885 Size := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
2886 SetString(S, nil, Size);
2887 Stream.Read(Pointer(S)^, Size);
2888 SetTextStr(S);
2889 finally
2890 EndUpdate;
2891 end;
2892 end;
2894 procedure TStrings.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
2896 TempObject: TObject;
2897 TempString: string;
2898 begin
2899 if CurIndex <> NewIndex then
2900 begin
2901 BeginUpdate;
2903 TempString := Get(CurIndex);
2904 TempObject := GetObject(CurIndex);
2905 Delete(CurIndex);
2906 InsertObject(NewIndex, TempString, TempObject);
2907 finally
2908 EndUpdate;
2909 end;
2910 end;
2911 end;
2913 procedure TStrings.Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);
2915 TempObject: TObject;
2916 begin
2917 TempObject := GetObject(Index);
2918 Delete(Index);
2919 InsertObject(Index, S, TempObject);
2920 end;
2922 procedure TStrings.PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject);
2923 begin
2924 end;
2926 procedure TStrings.SaveToFile(const FileName: string);
2928 Stream: TStream;
2929 begin
2930 Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
2932 SaveToStream(Stream);
2933 finally
2934 Stream.Free;
2935 end;
2936 end;
2938 procedure TStrings.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
2940 S: string;
2941 begin
2942 S := GetTextStr;
2943 Stream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(S)^, Length(S));
2944 end;
2946 procedure TStrings.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
2947 begin
2948 // do nothing - descendants may optionally implement this method
2949 end;
2951 procedure TStrings.SetCommaText(const Value: string);
2953 P, P1: PChar;
2954 S: string;
2955 begin
2956 BeginUpdate;
2958 Clear;
2959 P := PChar(Value);
2960 while P^ in [#1..' '] do P := CharNext(P);
2961 while P^ <> #0 do
2962 begin
2963 if P^ = '"' then
2964 S := AnsiExtractQuotedStr(P, '"')
2965 else
2966 begin
2967 P1 := P;
2968 while (P^ > ' ') and (P^ <> ',') do P := CharNext(P);
2969 SetString(S, P1, P - P1);
2970 end;
2971 Add(S);
2972 while P^ in [#1..' '] do P := CharNext(P);
2973 if P^ = ',' then
2974 repeat
2975 P := CharNext(P);
2976 until not (P^ in [#1..' ']);
2977 end;
2978 finally
2979 EndUpdate;
2980 end;
2981 end;
2983 procedure TStrings.SetStringsAdapter(const Value: IStringsAdapter);
2984 begin
2985 if FAdapter <> nil then FAdapter.ReleaseStrings;
2986 FAdapter := Value;
2987 if FAdapter <> nil then FAdapter.ReferenceStrings(Self);
2988 end;
2990 procedure TStrings.SetText(Text: PChar);
2991 begin
2992 SetTextStr(Text);
2993 end;
2995 procedure TStrings.SetTextStr(const Value: string);
2997 P, Start: PChar;
2998 S: string;
2999 begin
3000 BeginUpdate;
3002 Clear;
3003 P := Pointer(Value);
3004 if P <> nil then
3005 while P^ <> #0 do
3006 begin
3007 Start := P;
3008 while not (P^ in [#0, #10, #13]) do Inc(P);
3009 SetString(S, Start, P - Start);
3010 Add(S);
3011 if P^ = #13 then Inc(P);
3012 if P^ = #10 then Inc(P);
3013 end;
3014 finally
3015 EndUpdate;
3016 end;
3017 end;
3019 procedure TStrings.SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean);
3020 begin
3021 end;
3023 procedure TStrings.SetValue(const Name, Value: string);
3025 I: Integer;
3026 begin
3027 I := IndexOfName(Name);
3028 if Value <> '' then
3029 begin
3030 if I < 0 then I := Add('');
3031 Put(I, Name + '=' + Value);
3032 end else
3033 begin
3034 if I >= 0 then Delete(I);
3035 end;
3036 end;
3038 { TStringList }
3040 destructor TStringList.Destroy;
3041 begin
3042 FOnChange := nil;
3043 FOnChanging := nil;
3044 inherited Destroy;
3045 if FCount <> 0 then Finalize(FList^[0], FCount);
3046 FCount := 0;
3047 SetCapacity(0);
3048 end;
3050 function TStringList.Add(const S: string): Integer;
3051 begin
3052 if not Sorted then
3053 Result := FCount
3054 else
3055 if Find(S, Result) then
3056 case Duplicates of
3057 dupIgnore: Exit;
3058 dupError: Error(@SDuplicateString, 0);
3059 end;
3060 InsertItem(Result, S);
3061 end;
3063 procedure TStringList.Changed;
3064 begin
3065 if (FUpdateCount = 0) and Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
3066 end;
3068 procedure TStringList.Changing;
3069 begin
3070 if (FUpdateCount = 0) and Assigned(FOnChanging) then FOnChanging(Self);
3071 end;
3073 procedure TStringList.Clear;
3074 begin
3075 if FCount <> 0 then
3076 begin
3077 Changing;
3078 Finalize(FList^[0], FCount);
3079 FCount := 0;
3080 SetCapacity(0);
3081 Changed;
3082 end;
3083 end;
3085 procedure TStringList.Delete(Index: Integer);
3086 begin
3087 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
3088 Changing;
3089 Finalize(FList^[Index]);
3090 Dec(FCount);
3091 if Index < FCount then
3092 System.Move(FList^[Index + 1], FList^[Index],
3093 (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(TStringItem));
3094 Changed;
3095 end;
3097 procedure TStringList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
3098 begin
3099 if (Index1 < 0) or (Index1 >= FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index1);
3100 if (Index2 < 0) or (Index2 >= FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index2);
3101 Changing;
3102 ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2);
3103 Changed;
3104 end;
3106 procedure TStringList.ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2: Integer);
3108 Temp: Integer;
3109 Item1, Item2: PStringItem;
3110 begin
3111 Item1 := @FList^[Index1];
3112 Item2 := @FList^[Index2];
3113 Temp := Integer(Item1^.FString);
3114 Integer(Item1^.FString) := Integer(Item2^.FString);
3115 Integer(Item2^.FString) := Temp;
3116 Temp := Integer(Item1^.FObject);
3117 Integer(Item1^.FObject) := Integer(Item2^.FObject);
3118 Integer(Item2^.FObject) := Temp;
3119 end;
3121 function TStringList.Find(const S: string; var Index: Integer): Boolean;
3123 L, H, I, C: Integer;
3124 begin
3125 Result := False;
3126 L := 0;
3127 H := FCount - 1;
3128 while L <= H do
3129 begin
3130 I := (L + H) shr 1;
3131 C := AnsiCompareText(FList^[I].FString, S);
3132 if C < 0 then L := I + 1 else
3133 begin
3134 H := I - 1;
3135 if C = 0 then
3136 begin
3137 Result := True;
3138 if Duplicates <> dupAccept then L := I;
3139 end;
3140 end;
3141 end;
3142 Index := L;
3143 end;
3145 function TStringList.Get(Index: Integer): string;
3146 begin
3147 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
3148 Result := FList^[Index].FString;
3149 end;
3151 function TStringList.GetCapacity: Integer;
3152 begin
3153 Result := FCapacity;
3154 end;
3156 function TStringList.GetCount: Integer;
3157 begin
3158 Result := FCount;
3159 end;
3161 function TStringList.GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject;
3162 begin
3163 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
3164 Result := FList^[Index].FObject;
3165 end;
3167 procedure TStringList.Grow;
3169 Delta: Integer;
3170 begin
3171 if FCapacity > 64 then Delta := FCapacity div 4 else
3172 if FCapacity > 8 then Delta := 16 else
3173 Delta := 4;
3174 SetCapacity(FCapacity + Delta);
3175 end;
3177 function TStringList.IndexOf(const S: string): Integer;
3178 begin
3179 if not Sorted then Result := inherited IndexOf(S) else
3180 if not Find(S, Result) then Result := -1;
3181 end;
3183 procedure TStringList.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);
3184 begin
3185 if Sorted then Error(@SSortedListError, 0);
3186 if (Index < 0) or (Index > FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
3187 InsertItem(Index, S);
3188 end;
3190 procedure TStringList.InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string);
3191 begin
3192 Changing;
3193 if FCount = FCapacity then Grow;
3194 if Index < FCount then
3195 System.Move(FList^[Index], FList^[Index + 1],
3196 (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(TStringItem));
3197 with FList^[Index] do
3198 begin
3199 Pointer(FString) := nil;
3200 FObject := nil;
3201 FString := S;
3202 end;
3203 Inc(FCount);
3204 Changed;
3205 end;
3207 procedure TStringList.Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);
3208 begin
3209 if Sorted then Error(@SSortedListError, 0);
3210 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
3211 Changing;
3212 FList^[Index].FString := S;
3213 Changed;
3214 end;
3216 procedure TStringList.PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject);
3217 begin
3218 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
3219 Changing;
3220 FList^[Index].FObject := AObject;
3221 Changed;
3222 end;
3224 procedure TStringList.QuickSort(L, R: Integer; SCompare: TStringListSortCompare);
3226 I, J, P: Integer;
3227 begin
3228 repeat
3229 I := L;
3230 J := R;
3231 P := (L + R) shr 1;
3232 repeat
3233 while SCompare(Self, I, P) < 0 do Inc(I);
3234 while SCompare(Self, J, P) > 0 do Dec(J);
3235 if I <= J then
3236 begin
3237 ExchangeItems(I, J);
3238 if P = I then
3239 P := J
3240 else if P = J then
3241 P := I;
3242 Inc(I);
3243 Dec(J);
3244 end;
3245 until I > J;
3246 if L < J then QuickSort(L, J, SCompare);
3247 L := I;
3248 until I >= R;
3249 end;
3251 procedure TStringList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
3252 begin
3253 ReallocMem(FList, NewCapacity * SizeOf(TStringItem));
3254 FCapacity := NewCapacity;
3255 end;
3257 procedure TStringList.SetSorted(Value: Boolean);
3258 begin
3259 if FSorted <> Value then
3260 begin
3261 if Value then Sort;
3262 FSorted := Value;
3263 end;
3264 end;
3266 procedure TStringList.SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean);
3267 begin
3268 if Updating then Changing else Changed;
3269 end;
3271 function StringListAnsiCompare(List: TStringList; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer;
3272 begin
3273 Result := AnsiCompareText(List.FList^[Index1].FString,
3274 List.FList^[Index2].FString);
3275 end;
3277 procedure TStringList.Sort;
3278 begin
3279 CustomSort(StringListAnsiCompare);
3280 end;
3282 procedure TStringList.CustomSort(Compare: TStringListSortCompare);
3283 begin
3284 if not Sorted and (FCount > 1) then
3285 begin
3286 Changing;
3287 QuickSort(0, FCount - 1, Compare);
3288 Changed;
3289 end;
3290 end;
3292 { TStream }
3294 function TStream.GetPosition: Longint;
3295 begin
3296 Result := Seek(0, 1);
3297 end;
3299 procedure TStream.SetPosition(Pos: Longint);
3300 begin
3301 Seek(Pos, 0);
3302 end;
3304 function TStream.GetSize: Longint;
3306 Pos: Longint;
3307 begin
3308 Pos := Seek(0, 1);
3309 Result := Seek(0, 2);
3310 Seek(Pos, 0);
3311 end;
3313 procedure TStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint);
3314 begin
3315 // default = do nothing (read-only streams, etc)
3316 end;
3318 procedure TStream.ReadBuffer(var Buffer; Count: Longint);
3319 begin
3320 if (Count <> 0) and (Read(Buffer, Count) <> Count) then
3321 raise EReadError.CreateRes(@SReadError);
3322 end;
3324 procedure TStream.WriteBuffer(const Buffer; Count: Longint);
3325 begin
3326 if (Count <> 0) and (Write(Buffer, Count) <> Count) then
3327 raise EWriteError.CreateRes(@SWriteError);
3328 end;
3330 function TStream.CopyFrom(Source: TStream; Count: Longint): Longint;
3331 const
3332 MaxBufSize = $F000;
3334 BufSize, N: Integer;
3335 Buffer: PChar;
3336 begin
3337 if Count = 0 then
3338 begin
3339 Source.Position := 0;
3340 Count := Source.Size;
3341 end;
3342 Result := Count;
3343 if Count > MaxBufSize then BufSize := MaxBufSize else BufSize := Count;
3344 GetMem(Buffer, BufSize);
3346 while Count <> 0 do
3347 begin
3348 if Count > BufSize then N := BufSize else N := Count;
3349 Source.ReadBuffer(Buffer^, N);
3350 WriteBuffer(Buffer^, N);
3351 Dec(Count, N);
3352 end;
3353 finally
3354 FreeMem(Buffer, BufSize);
3355 end;
3356 end;
3358 function TStream.ReadComponent(Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
3360 Reader: TReader;
3361 begin
3362 Reader := TReader.Create(Self, 4096);
3364 Result := Reader.ReadRootComponent(Instance);
3365 finally
3366 Reader.Free;
3367 end;
3368 end;
3370 procedure TStream.WriteComponent(Instance: TComponent);
3371 begin
3372 WriteDescendent(Instance, nil);
3373 end;
3375 procedure TStream.WriteDescendent(Instance, Ancestor: TComponent);
3377 Writer: TWriter;
3378 begin
3379 Writer := TWriter.Create(Self, 4096);
3381 Writer.WriteDescendent(Instance, Ancestor);
3382 finally
3383 Writer.Free;
3384 end;
3385 end;
3387 function TStream.ReadComponentRes(Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
3388 begin
3389 ReadResHeader;
3390 Result := ReadComponent(Instance);
3391 end;
3393 procedure TStream.WriteComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TComponent);
3394 begin
3395 WriteDescendentRes(ResName, Instance, nil);
3396 end;
3398 procedure TStream.WriteResourceHeader(const ResName: string; out FixupInfo: Integer);
3400 HeaderSize: Integer;
3401 Header: array[0..79] of Char;
3402 begin
3403 Byte((@Header[0])^) := $FF;
3404 Word((@Header[1])^) := 10;
3405 HeaderSize := StrLen(StrUpper(StrPLCopy(@Header[3], ResName, 63))) + 10;
3406 Word((@Header[HeaderSize - 6])^) := $1030;
3407 Longint((@Header[HeaderSize - 4])^) := 0;
3408 WriteBuffer(Header, HeaderSize);
3409 FixupInfo := Position;
3410 end;
3412 procedure TStream.FixupResourceHeader(FixupInfo: Integer);
3414 ImageSize: Integer;
3415 begin
3416 ImageSize := Position - FixupInfo;
3417 Position := FixupInfo - 4;
3418 WriteBuffer(ImageSize, SizeOf(Longint));
3419 Position := FixupInfo + ImageSize;
3420 end;
3422 procedure TStream.WriteDescendentRes(const ResName: string; Instance,
3423 Ancestor: TComponent);
3425 FixupInfo: Integer;
3426 begin
3427 WriteResourceHeader(ResName, FixupInfo);
3428 WriteDescendent(Instance, Ancestor);
3429 FixupResourceHeader(FixupInfo);
3430 end;
3432 procedure TStream.ReadResHeader;
3434 ReadCount: Cardinal;
3435 Header: array[0..79] of Char;
3436 begin
3437 FillChar(Header, SizeOf(Header), 0);
3438 ReadCount := Read(Header, SizeOf(Header) - 1);
3439 if (Byte((@Header[0])^) = $FF) and (Word((@Header[1])^) = 10) then
3440 Seek(StrLen(Header + 3) + 10 - ReadCount, 1)
3441 else
3442 raise EInvalidImage.CreateRes(@SInvalidImage);
3443 end;
3445 { THandleStream }
3447 constructor THandleStream.Create(AHandle: Integer);
3448 begin
3449 FHandle := AHandle;
3450 end;
3452 function THandleStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
3453 begin
3454 Result := FileRead(FHandle, Buffer, Count);
3455 if Result = -1 then Result := 0;
3456 end;
3458 function THandleStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
3459 begin
3460 Result := FileWrite(FHandle, Buffer, Count);
3461 if Result = -1 then Result := 0;
3462 end;
3464 function THandleStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
3465 begin
3466 Result := FileSeek(FHandle, Offset, Origin);
3467 end;
3469 procedure THandleStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint);
3470 begin
3471 Seek(NewSize, soFromBeginning);
3472 Win32Check(SetEndOfFile(FHandle));
3473 end;
3475 { TFileStream }
3477 constructor TFileStream.Create(const FileName: string; Mode: Word);
3478 begin
3479 if Mode = fmCreate then
3480 begin
3481 FHandle := FileCreate(FileName);
3482 if FHandle < 0 then
3483 raise EFCreateError.CreateResFmt(@SFCreateError, [FileName]);
3484 end else
3485 begin
3486 FHandle := FileOpen(FileName, Mode);
3487 if FHandle < 0 then
3488 raise EFOpenError.CreateResFmt(@SFOpenError, [FileName]);
3489 end;
3490 end;
3492 destructor TFileStream.Destroy;
3493 begin
3494 if FHandle >= 0 then FileClose(FHandle);
3495 end;
3498 { TCustomMemoryStream }
3500 procedure TCustomMemoryStream.SetPointer(Ptr: Pointer; Size: Longint);
3501 begin
3502 FMemory := Ptr;
3503 FSize := Size;
3504 end;
3506 function TCustomMemoryStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
3507 begin
3508 if (FPosition >= 0) and (Count >= 0) then
3509 begin
3510 Result := FSize - FPosition;
3511 if Result > 0 then
3512 begin
3513 if Result > Count then Result := Count;
3514 Move(Pointer(Longint(FMemory) + FPosition)^, Buffer, Result);
3515 Inc(FPosition, Result);
3516 Exit;
3517 end;
3518 end;
3519 Result := 0;
3520 end;
3522 function TCustomMemoryStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
3523 begin
3524 case Origin of
3525 soFromBeginning: FPosition := Offset;
3526 soFromCurrent: Inc(FPosition, Offset);
3527 soFromEnd: FPosition := FSize + Offset;
3528 end;
3529 Result := FPosition;
3530 end;
3532 procedure TCustomMemoryStream.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
3533 begin
3534 if FSize <> 0 then Stream.WriteBuffer(FMemory^, FSize);
3535 end;
3537 procedure TCustomMemoryStream.SaveToFile(const FileName: string);
3539 Stream: TStream;
3540 begin
3541 Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
3543 SaveToStream(Stream);
3544 finally
3545 Stream.Free;
3546 end;
3547 end;
3549 { TMemoryStream }
3551 const
3552 MemoryDelta = $2000; { Must be a power of 2 }
3554 destructor TMemoryStream.Destroy;
3555 begin
3556 Clear;
3557 inherited Destroy;
3558 end;
3560 procedure TMemoryStream.Clear;
3561 begin
3562 SetCapacity(0);
3563 FSize := 0;
3564 FPosition := 0;
3565 end;
3567 procedure TMemoryStream.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
3569 Count: Longint;
3570 begin
3571 Stream.Position := 0;
3572 Count := Stream.Size;
3573 SetSize(Count);
3574 if Count <> 0 then Stream.ReadBuffer(FMemory^, Count);
3575 end;
3577 procedure TMemoryStream.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
3579 Stream: TStream;
3580 begin
3581 Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
3583 LoadFromStream(Stream);
3584 finally
3585 Stream.Free;
3586 end;
3587 end;
3589 procedure TMemoryStream.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Longint);
3590 begin
3591 SetPointer(Realloc(NewCapacity), FSize);
3592 FCapacity := NewCapacity;
3593 end;
3595 procedure TMemoryStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint);
3597 OldPosition: Longint;
3598 begin
3599 OldPosition := FPosition;
3600 SetCapacity(NewSize);
3601 FSize := NewSize;
3602 if OldPosition > NewSize then Seek(0, soFromEnd);
3603 end;
3605 function TMemoryStream.Realloc(var NewCapacity: Longint): Pointer;
3606 begin
3607 if NewCapacity > 0 then
3608 NewCapacity := (NewCapacity + (MemoryDelta - 1)) and not (MemoryDelta - 1);
3609 Result := Memory;
3610 if NewCapacity <> FCapacity then
3611 begin
3612 if NewCapacity = 0 then
3613 begin
3614 GlobalFreePtr(Memory);
3615 Result := nil;
3616 end else
3617 begin
3618 if Capacity = 0 then
3619 Result := GlobalAllocPtr(HeapAllocFlags, NewCapacity)
3620 else
3621 Result := GlobalReallocPtr(Memory, NewCapacity, HeapAllocFlags);
3622 if Result = nil then raise EStreamError.CreateRes(@SMemoryStreamError);
3623 end;
3624 end;
3625 end;
3627 function TMemoryStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
3629 Pos: Longint;
3630 begin
3631 if (FPosition >= 0) and (Count >= 0) then
3632 begin
3633 Pos := FPosition + Count;
3634 if Pos > 0 then
3635 begin
3636 if Pos > FSize then
3637 begin
3638 if Pos > FCapacity then
3639 SetCapacity(Pos);
3640 FSize := Pos;
3641 end;
3642 System.Move(Buffer, Pointer(Longint(FMemory) + FPosition)^, Count);
3643 FPosition := Pos;
3644 Result := Count;
3645 Exit;
3646 end;
3647 end;
3648 Result := 0;
3649 end;
3651 { TStringStream }
3653 constructor TStringStream.Create(const AString: string);
3654 begin
3655 inherited Create;
3656 FDataString := AString;
3657 end;
3659 function TStringStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
3660 begin
3661 Result := Length(FDataString) - FPosition;
3662 if Result > Count then Result := Count;
3663 Move(PChar(@FDataString[FPosition + 1])^, Buffer, Result);
3664 Inc(FPosition, Result);
3665 end;
3667 function TStringStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
3668 begin
3669 Result := Count;
3670 SetLength(FDataString, (FPosition + Result));
3671 Move(Buffer, PChar(@FDataString[FPosition + 1])^, Result);
3672 Inc(FPosition, Result);
3673 end;
3675 function TStringStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
3676 begin
3677 case Origin of
3678 soFromBeginning: FPosition := Offset;
3679 soFromCurrent: FPosition := FPosition + Offset;
3680 soFromEnd: FPosition := Length(FDataString) - Offset;
3681 end;
3682 if FPosition > Length(FDataString) then
3683 FPosition := Length(FDataString)
3684 else if FPosition < 0 then FPosition := 0;
3685 Result := FPosition;
3686 end;
3688 function TStringStream.ReadString(Count: Longint): string;
3690 Len: Integer;
3691 begin
3692 Len := Length(FDataString) - FPosition;
3693 if Len > Count then Len := Count;
3694 SetString(Result, PChar(@FDataString[FPosition + 1]), Len);
3695 Inc(FPosition, Len);
3696 end;
3698 procedure TStringStream.WriteString(const AString: string);
3699 begin
3700 Write(PChar(AString)^, Length(AString));
3701 end;
3703 procedure TStringStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint);
3704 begin
3705 SetLength(FDataString, NewSize);
3706 if FPosition > NewSize then FPosition := NewSize;
3707 end;
3709 { TResourceStream }
3711 constructor TResourceStream.Create(Instance: THandle; const ResName: string;
3712 ResType: PChar);
3713 begin
3714 inherited Create;
3715 Initialize(Instance, PChar(ResName), ResType);
3716 end;
3718 constructor TResourceStream.CreateFromID(Instance: THandle; ResID: Integer;
3719 ResType: PChar);
3720 begin
3721 inherited Create;
3722 Initialize(Instance, PChar(ResID), ResType);
3723 end;
3725 procedure TResourceStream.Initialize(Instance: THandle; Name, ResType: PChar);
3727 procedure Error;
3728 begin
3729 raise EResNotFound.CreateFmt(SResNotFound, [Name]);
3730 end;
3732 begin
3733 HResInfo := FindResource(Instance, Name, ResType);
3734 if HResInfo = 0 then Error;
3735 HGlobal := LoadResource(Instance, HResInfo);
3736 if HGlobal = 0 then Error;
3737 SetPointer(LockResource(HGlobal), SizeOfResource(Instance, HResInfo));
3738 end;
3740 destructor TResourceStream.Destroy;
3741 begin
3742 UnlockResource(HGlobal);
3743 FreeResource(HGlobal);
3744 inherited Destroy;
3745 end;
3747 function TResourceStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
3748 begin
3749 raise EStreamError.CreateRes(@SCantWriteResourceStreamError);
3750 end;
3752 { TFiler }
3754 constructor TFiler.Create(Stream: TStream; BufSize: Integer);
3755 begin
3756 end;
3758 { TPropFixup }
3760 function FindNestedComponent(Root: TComponent; const NamePath: string): TComponent;
3761 begin
3762 Result := nil;
3763 end;
3765 procedure GlobalFixupReferences;
3766 begin
3767 end;
3769 function NameInStrings(Strings: TStrings; const Name: string): Boolean;
3771 I: Integer;
3772 begin
3773 Result := True;
3774 for I := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do
3775 if SameText(Name, Strings[I]) then Exit;
3776 Result := False;
3777 end;
3779 procedure GetFixupReferenceNames(Root: TComponent; Names: TStrings);
3780 begin
3781 end;
3783 procedure RedirectFixupReferences(Root: TComponent; const OldRootName,
3784 NewRootName: string);
3785 begin
3786 end;
3788 procedure RemoveFixupReferences(Root: TComponent; const RootName: string);
3789 begin
3790 end;
3792 procedure RemoveFixups(Instance: TPersistent);
3793 begin
3794 end;
3796 procedure GetFixupInstanceNames(Root: TComponent;
3797 const ReferenceRootName: string; Names: TStrings);
3798 begin
3799 end;
3801 procedure TFiler.SetRoot(Value: TComponent);
3802 begin
3803 end;
3805 { TReader }
3807 procedure ReadError(Ident: PResStringRec);
3808 begin
3809 end;
3811 procedure PropValueError;
3812 begin
3813 end;
3815 procedure PropertyNotFound;
3816 begin
3817 end;
3819 function EnumValue(EnumType: PTypeInfo; const EnumName: string): Integer;
3820 begin
3821 Result:=0;
3822 end;
3824 procedure TReader.BeginReferences;
3825 begin
3826 end;
3828 procedure TReader.CheckValue(Value: TValueType);
3829 begin
3830 end;
3832 procedure TReader.DefineProperty(const Name: string;
3833 ReadData: TReaderProc; WriteData: TWriterProc; HasData: Boolean);
3834 begin
3835 end;
3837 procedure TReader.DefineBinaryProperty(const Name: string;
3838 ReadData, WriteData: TStreamProc; HasData: Boolean);
3839 begin
3840 end;
3842 function TReader.EndOfList: Boolean;
3843 begin
3844 Result:=True;
3845 end;
3847 procedure TReader.EndReferences;
3848 begin
3849 end;
3851 function TReader.Error(const Message: string): Boolean;
3852 begin
3853 Result:=False;
3854 end;
3856 function TReader.FindMethod(Root: TComponent;
3857 const MethodName: string): Pointer;
3858 begin
3859 Result:=nil;
3860 end;
3862 procedure TReader.FixupReferences;
3863 begin
3864 end;
3866 procedure TReader.FlushBuffer;
3867 begin
3868 end;
3870 function TReader.NextValue: TValueType;
3871 begin
3872 Result:=vaNull;
3873 end;
3875 procedure TReader.PropertyError;
3876 begin
3877 end;
3879 procedure TReader.Read(var Buf; Count: Longint);
3880 begin
3881 end;
3883 function TReader.ReadBoolean: Boolean;
3884 begin
3885 Result:=False;
3886 end;
3888 function TReader.ReadChar: Char;
3889 begin
3890 Result:=#0;
3891 end;
3893 procedure TReader.ReadCollection(Collection: TCollection);
3894 begin
3895 end;
3897 function TReader.ReadComponent(Component: TComponent): TComponent;
3898 begin
3899 Result:=nil;
3900 end;
3902 procedure TReader.ReadData(Instance: TComponent);
3903 begin
3904 end;
3906 function TReader.ReadFloat: Extended;
3907 begin
3908 Result:=0;
3909 end;
3911 function TReader.ReadSingle: Single;
3912 begin
3913 Result:=0;
3914 end;
3916 function TReader.ReadCurrency: Currency;
3917 begin
3918 Result:=0;
3919 end;
3921 function TReader.ReadDate: TDateTime;
3922 begin
3923 Result:=0;
3924 end;
3926 function TReader.ReadIdent: string;
3927 begin
3928 Result:='';
3929 end;
3931 function TReader.ReadInteger: Longint;
3932 begin
3933 Result:=0;
3934 end;
3936 function TReader.ReadInt64: Int64;
3937 begin
3938 Result:=0;
3939 end;
3941 procedure TReader.ReadListBegin;
3942 begin
3943 end;
3945 procedure TReader.ReadListEnd;
3946 begin
3947 end;
3949 procedure TReader.ReadPrefix(var Flags: TFilerFlags; var AChildPos: Integer);
3950 begin
3951 end;
3953 procedure TReader.ReadProperty(AInstance: TPersistent);
3954 begin
3955 end;
3957 procedure TReader.ReadPropValue(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: Pointer);
3958 begin
3959 end;
3961 function TReader.ReadRootComponent(Root: TComponent): TComponent;
3962 begin
3963 Result:=nil;
3964 end;
3966 procedure TReader.ReadComponents(AOwner, AParent: TComponent;
3967 Proc: TReadComponentsProc);
3968 begin
3969 end;
3971 function TReader.ReadSet(SetType: Pointer): Integer;
3972 begin
3973 Result:=0;
3974 end;
3976 procedure TReader.ReadSignature;
3977 begin
3978 end;
3980 function TReader.ReadStr: string;
3981 begin
3982 end;
3984 function TReader.ReadString: string;
3985 begin
3986 end;
3988 function TReader.ReadWideString: WideString;
3989 begin
3990 end;
3992 function TReader.ReadValue: TValueType;
3993 begin
3994 Result:=vaNull;
3995 end;
3997 procedure TReader.SetPosition(Value: Longint);
3998 begin
3999 end;
4001 procedure TReader.SkipSetBody;
4002 begin
4003 end;
4005 procedure TReader.SkipValue;
4006 begin
4007 end;
4009 procedure TReader.CopyValue(Writer: TWriter);
4010 begin
4011 end;
4013 procedure TReader.SkipProperty;
4014 begin
4015 end;
4017 procedure TReader.SkipComponent(SkipHeader: Boolean);
4018 begin
4019 end;
4021 function TReader.FindAncestorComponent(const Name: string;
4022 ComponentClass: TPersistentClass): TComponent;
4023 begin
4024 Result:=nil;
4025 end;
4027 procedure TReader.ReferenceName(var Name: string);
4028 begin
4029 end;
4031 procedure TReader.SetName(Component: TComponent; var Name: string);
4032 begin
4033 end;
4035 { TWriter }
4037 procedure TWriter.DefineProperty(const Name: string;
4038 ReadData: TReaderProc; WriteData: TWriterProc; HasData: Boolean);
4039 begin
4040 end;
4042 procedure TWriter.DefineBinaryProperty(const Name: string;
4043 ReadData, WriteData: TStreamProc; HasData: Boolean);
4044 begin
4045 end;
4047 procedure TWriter.FlushBuffer;
4048 begin
4049 end;
4051 procedure TWriter.Write(const Buf; Count: Longint);
4052 begin
4053 end;
4055 procedure TWriter.WriteBinary(WriteData: TStreamProc);
4056 begin
4057 end;
4059 procedure TWriter.WriteBoolean(Value: Boolean);
4060 begin
4061 end;
4063 procedure TWriter.WriteChar(Value: Char);
4064 begin
4065 end;
4067 procedure TWriter.WriteCollection(Value: TCollection);
4068 begin
4069 end;
4071 procedure TWriter.WriteComponent(Component: TComponent);
4072 begin
4073 end;
4075 procedure TWriter.WriteDescendent(Root: TComponent; AAncestor: TComponent);
4076 begin
4077 end;
4079 procedure TWriter.WriteFloat(const Value: Extended);
4080 begin
4081 end;
4083 procedure TWriter.WriteSingle(const Value: Single);
4084 begin
4085 end;
4087 procedure TWriter.WriteCurrency(const Value: Currency);
4088 begin
4089 end;
4091 procedure TWriter.WriteDate(const Value: TDateTime);
4092 begin
4093 end;
4095 procedure TWriter.WriteIdent(const Ident: string);
4096 begin
4097 end;
4099 procedure TWriter.WriteInteger(Value: Longint);
4100 begin
4101 end;
4103 procedure TWriter.WriteInteger(Value: Int64);
4104 begin
4105 end;
4107 procedure TWriter.WriteListBegin;
4108 begin
4109 end;
4111 procedure TWriter.WriteListEnd;
4112 begin
4113 end;
4115 procedure TWriter.WritePrefix(Flags: TFilerFlags; AChildPos: Integer);
4116 begin
4117 end;
4119 procedure TWriter.WriteProperties(Instance: TPersistent);
4120 begin
4121 end;
4123 procedure TWriter.WriteProperty(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: Pointer);
4124 begin
4125 end;
4127 procedure TWriter.WritePropName(const PropName: string);
4128 begin
4129 end;
4131 procedure TWriter.WriteRootComponent(Root: TComponent);
4132 begin
4133 end;
4135 procedure TWriter.WriteSignature;
4136 begin
4137 end;
4139 procedure TWriter.WriteStr(const Value: string);
4140 begin
4141 end;
4143 procedure TWriter.WriteString(const Value: string);
4144 begin
4145 end;
4147 procedure TWriter.WriteWideString(const Value: WideString);
4148 begin
4149 end;
4151 procedure TWriter.WriteValue(Value: TValueType);
4152 begin
4153 end;
4155 { TParser }
4157 const
4158 ParseBufSize = 4096;
4160 procedure BinToHex(Buffer, Text: PChar; BufSize: Integer); assembler;
4166 MOV EDX,0
4167 JMP @@1
4168 @@0: DB '0123456789ABCDEF'
4169 @@1: LODSB
4170 MOV DL,AL
4171 AND DL,0FH
4172 MOV AH,@@0.Byte[EDX]
4173 MOV DL,AL
4174 SHR DL,4
4175 MOV AL,@@0.Byte[EDX]
4176 STOSW
4177 DEC ECX
4178 JNE @@1
4179 POP EDI
4180 POP ESI
4181 end;
4183 function HexToBin(Text, Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer; assembler;
4191 MOV EDX,0
4192 JMP @@1
4193 @@0: DB 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
4194 DB -1,10,11,12,13,14,15,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
4195 DB -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
4196 DB -1,10,11,12,13,14,15
4197 @@1: LODSW
4198 CMP AL,'0'
4199 JB @@2
4200 CMP AL,'f'
4201 JA @@2
4202 MOV DL,AL
4203 MOV AL,@@0.Byte[EDX-'0']
4204 CMP AL,-1
4205 JE @@2
4206 SHL AL,4
4207 CMP AH,'0'
4208 JB @@2
4209 CMP AH,'f'
4210 JA @@2
4211 MOV DL,AH
4212 MOV AH,@@0.Byte[EDX-'0']
4213 CMP AH,-1
4214 JE @@2
4215 OR AL,AH
4216 STOSB
4217 DEC ECX
4218 JNE @@1
4219 @@2: MOV EAX,EDI
4221 POP EBX
4222 POP EDI
4223 POP ESI
4224 end;
4226 constructor TParser.Create(Stream: TStream);
4227 begin
4228 FStream := Stream;
4229 GetMem(FBuffer, ParseBufSize);
4230 FBuffer[0] := #0;
4231 FBufPtr := FBuffer;
4232 FBufEnd := FBuffer + ParseBufSize;
4233 FSourcePtr := FBuffer;
4234 FSourceEnd := FBuffer;
4235 FTokenPtr := FBuffer;
4236 FSourceLine := 1;
4237 NextToken;
4238 end;
4240 destructor TParser.Destroy;
4241 begin
4242 if FBuffer <> nil then
4243 begin
4244 FStream.Seek(Longint(FTokenPtr) - Longint(FBufPtr), 1);
4245 FreeMem(FBuffer, ParseBufSize);
4246 end;
4247 end;
4249 procedure TParser.CheckToken(T: Char);
4250 begin
4251 if Token <> T then
4252 case T of
4253 toSymbol:
4254 Error(SIdentifierExpected);
4255 toString, toWString:
4256 Error(SStringExpected);
4257 toInteger, toFloat:
4258 Error(SNumberExpected);
4259 else
4260 ErrorFmt(SCharExpected, [T]);
4261 end;
4262 end;
4264 procedure TParser.CheckTokenSymbol(const S: string);
4265 begin
4266 if not TokenSymbolIs(S) then ErrorFmt(SSymbolExpected, [S]);
4267 end;
4269 procedure TParser.Error(const Ident: string);
4270 begin
4271 ErrorStr(Ident);
4272 end;
4274 procedure TParser.ErrorFmt(const Ident: string; const Args: array of const);
4275 begin
4276 ErrorStr(Format(Ident, Args));
4277 end;
4279 procedure TParser.ErrorStr(const Message: string);
4280 begin
4281 raise EParserError.CreateResFmt(@SParseError, [Message, FSourceLine]);
4282 end;
4284 procedure TParser.HexToBinary(Stream: TStream);
4286 Count: Integer;
4287 Buffer: array[0..255] of Char;
4288 begin
4289 SkipBlanks;
4290 while FSourcePtr^ <> '}' do
4291 begin
4292 Count := HexToBin(FSourcePtr, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));
4293 if Count = 0 then Error(SInvalidBinary);
4294 Stream.Write(Buffer, Count);
4295 Inc(FSourcePtr, Count * 2);
4296 SkipBlanks;
4297 end;
4298 NextToken;
4299 end;
4301 function TParser.NextToken: Char;
4303 I, J: Integer;
4304 IsWideStr: Boolean;
4305 P, S: PChar;
4306 begin
4307 SkipBlanks;
4308 P := FSourcePtr;
4309 FTokenPtr := P;
4310 case P^ of
4311 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_':
4312 begin
4313 Inc(P);
4314 while P^ in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_'] do Inc(P);
4315 Result := toSymbol;
4316 end;
4317 '#', '''':
4318 begin
4319 IsWideStr := False;
4320 J := 0;
4321 S := P;
4322 while True do
4323 case P^ of
4324 '#':
4325 begin
4326 Inc(P);
4327 I := 0;
4328 while P^ in ['0'..'9'] do
4329 begin
4330 I := I * 10 + (Ord(P^) - Ord('0'));
4331 Inc(P);
4332 end;
4333 if (i > 255) then IsWideStr := True;
4334 Inc(J);
4335 end;
4336 '''':
4337 begin
4338 Inc(P);
4339 while True do
4340 begin
4341 case P^ of
4342 #0, #10, #13:
4343 Error(SInvalidString);
4344 '''':
4345 begin
4346 Inc(P);
4347 if P^ <> '''' then Break;
4348 end;
4349 end;
4350 Inc(J);
4351 Inc(P);
4352 end;
4353 end;
4354 else
4355 Break;
4356 end;
4357 P := S;
4358 if IsWideStr then SetLength(FWideStr, J);
4359 J := 1;
4360 while True do
4361 case P^ of
4362 '#':
4363 begin
4364 Inc(P);
4365 I := 0;
4366 while P^ in ['0'..'9'] do
4367 begin
4368 I := I * 10 + (Ord(P^) - Ord('0'));
4369 Inc(P);
4370 end;
4371 if IsWideStr then
4372 begin
4373 FWideStr[J] := WideChar(SmallInt(I));
4374 Inc(J);
4375 end else
4376 begin
4377 S^ := Chr(I);
4378 Inc(S);
4379 end;
4380 end;
4381 '''':
4382 begin
4383 Inc(P);
4384 while True do
4385 begin
4386 case P^ of
4387 #0, #10, #13:
4388 Error(SInvalidString);
4389 '''':
4390 begin
4391 Inc(P);
4392 if P^ <> '''' then Break;
4393 end;
4394 end;
4395 if IsWideStr then
4396 begin
4397 FWideStr[J] := WideChar(P^);
4398 Inc(J);
4399 end else
4400 begin
4401 S^ := P^;
4402 Inc(S);
4403 end;
4404 Inc(P);
4405 end;
4406 end;
4407 else
4408 Break;
4409 end;
4410 FStringPtr := S;
4411 if IsWideStr then
4412 Result := toWString else
4413 Result := toString;
4414 end;
4415 '$':
4416 begin
4417 Inc(P);
4418 while P^ in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'] do Inc(P);
4419 Result := toInteger;
4420 end;
4421 '-', '0'..'9':
4422 begin
4423 Inc(P);
4424 while P^ in ['0'..'9'] do Inc(P);
4425 Result := toInteger;
4426 while P^ in ['0'..'9', '.', 'e', 'E', '+', '-'] do
4427 begin
4428 Inc(P);
4429 Result := toFloat;
4430 end;
4431 if (P^ in ['c', 'C', 'd', 'D', 's', 'S']) then
4432 begin
4433 Result := toFloat;
4434 FFloatType := P^;
4435 Inc(P);
4436 end else
4437 FFloatType := #0;
4438 end;
4439 else
4440 Result := P^;
4441 if Result <> toEOF then Inc(P);
4442 end;
4443 FSourcePtr := P;
4444 FToken := Result;
4445 end;
4447 procedure TParser.ReadBuffer;
4449 Count: Integer;
4450 begin
4451 Inc(FOrigin, FSourcePtr - FBuffer);
4452 FSourceEnd[0] := FSaveChar;
4453 Count := FBufPtr - FSourcePtr;
4454 if Count <> 0 then Move(FSourcePtr[0], FBuffer[0], Count);
4455 FBufPtr := FBuffer + Count;
4456 Inc(FBufPtr, FStream.Read(FBufPtr[0], FBufEnd - FBufPtr));
4457 FSourcePtr := FBuffer;
4458 FSourceEnd := FBufPtr;
4459 if FSourceEnd = FBufEnd then
4460 begin
4461 FSourceEnd := LineStart(FBuffer, FSourceEnd - 1);
4462 if FSourceEnd = FBuffer then Error(SLineTooLong);
4463 end;
4464 FSaveChar := FSourceEnd[0];
4465 FSourceEnd[0] := #0;
4466 end;
4468 procedure TParser.SkipBlanks;
4469 begin
4470 while True do
4471 begin
4472 case FSourcePtr^ of
4474 begin
4475 ReadBuffer;
4476 if FSourcePtr^ = #0 then Exit;
4477 Continue;
4478 end;
4479 #10:
4480 Inc(FSourceLine);
4481 #33..#255:
4482 Exit;
4483 end;
4484 Inc(FSourcePtr);
4485 end;
4486 end;
4488 function TParser.SourcePos: Longint;
4489 begin
4490 Result := FOrigin + (FTokenPtr - FBuffer);
4491 end;
4493 function TParser.TokenFloat: Extended;
4494 begin
4495 if FFloatType <> #0 then Dec(FSourcePtr);
4496 Result := StrToFloat(TokenString);
4497 if FFloatType <> #0 then Inc(FSourcePtr);
4498 end;
4500 function TParser.TokenInt: Int64;
4501 begin
4502 Result := StrToInt64(TokenString);
4503 end;
4505 function TParser.TokenString: string;
4507 L: Integer;
4508 begin
4509 if FToken = toString then
4510 L := FStringPtr - FTokenPtr else
4511 L := FSourcePtr - FTokenPtr;
4512 SetString(Result, FTokenPtr, L);
4513 end;
4515 function TParser.TokenWideString: WideString;
4516 begin
4517 Result := FWideStr;
4518 end;
4520 function TParser.TokenSymbolIs(const S: string): Boolean;
4521 begin
4522 Result := (Token = toSymbol) and SameText(S, TokenString);
4523 end;
4525 function TParser.TokenComponentIdent: string;
4527 P: PChar;
4528 begin
4529 CheckToken(toSymbol);
4530 P := FSourcePtr;
4531 while P^ = '.' do
4532 begin
4533 Inc(P);
4534 if not (P^ in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_']) then
4535 Error(SIdentifierExpected);
4536 repeat
4537 Inc(P)
4538 until not (P^ in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_']);
4539 end;
4540 FSourcePtr := P;
4541 Result := TokenString;
4542 end;
4544 { Binary to text conversion }
4546 procedure ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream);
4548 NestingLevel: Integer;
4549 SaveSeparator: Char;
4550 Reader: TReader;
4551 Writer: TWriter;
4553 procedure WriteIndent;
4554 const
4555 Blanks: array[0..1] of Char = ' ';
4557 I: Integer;
4558 begin
4559 for I := 1 to NestingLevel do Writer.Write(Blanks, SizeOf(Blanks));
4560 end;
4562 procedure WriteStr(const S: string);
4563 begin
4564 Writer.Write(S[1], Length(S));
4565 end;
4567 procedure NewLine;
4568 begin
4569 WriteStr(#13#10);
4570 WriteIndent;
4571 end;
4573 procedure ConvertValue; forward;
4575 procedure ConvertHeader;
4577 ClassName, ObjectName: string;
4578 Flags: TFilerFlags;
4579 Position: Integer;
4580 begin
4581 Reader.ReadPrefix(Flags, Position);
4582 ClassName := Reader.ReadStr;
4583 ObjectName := Reader.ReadStr;
4584 WriteIndent;
4585 if ffInherited in Flags then
4586 WriteStr('inherited ')
4587 else if ffInline in Flags then
4588 WriteStr('inline ')
4589 else
4590 WriteStr('object ');
4591 if ObjectName <> '' then
4592 begin
4593 WriteStr(ObjectName);
4594 WriteStr(': ');
4595 end;
4596 WriteStr(ClassName);
4597 if ffChildPos in Flags then
4598 begin
4599 WriteStr(' [');
4600 WriteStr(IntToStr(Position));
4601 WriteStr(']');
4602 end;
4603 WriteStr(#13#10);
4604 end;
4606 procedure ConvertBinary;
4607 const
4608 BytesPerLine = 32;
4610 MultiLine: Boolean;
4611 I: Integer;
4612 Count: Longint;
4613 Buffer: array[0..BytesPerLine - 1] of Char;
4614 Text: array[0..BytesPerLine * 2 - 1] of Char;
4615 begin
4616 Reader.ReadValue;
4617 WriteStr('{');
4618 Inc(NestingLevel);
4619 Reader.Read(Count, SizeOf(Count));
4620 MultiLine := Count >= BytesPerLine;
4621 while Count > 0 do
4622 begin
4623 if MultiLine then NewLine;
4624 if Count >= 32 then I := 32 else I := Count;
4625 Reader.Read(Buffer, I);
4626 BinToHex(Buffer, Text, I);
4627 Writer.Write(Text, I * 2);
4628 Dec(Count, I);
4629 end;
4630 Dec(NestingLevel);
4631 WriteStr('}');
4632 end;
4634 procedure ConvertProperty; forward;
4636 procedure ConvertValue;
4637 const
4638 LineLength = 64;
4640 I, J, K, L: Integer;
4641 S: string;
4642 W: WideString;
4643 LineBreak: Boolean;
4644 begin
4645 case Reader.NextValue of
4646 vaList:
4647 begin
4648 Reader.ReadValue;
4649 WriteStr('(');
4650 Inc(NestingLevel);
4651 while not Reader.EndOfList do
4652 begin
4653 NewLine;
4654 ConvertValue;
4655 end;
4656 Reader.ReadListEnd;
4657 Dec(NestingLevel);
4658 WriteStr(')');
4659 end;
4660 vaInt8, vaInt16, vaInt32:
4661 WriteStr(IntToStr(Reader.ReadInteger));
4662 vaExtended:
4663 WriteStr(FloatToStr(Reader.ReadFloat));
4664 vaSingle:
4665 WriteStr(FloatToStr(Reader.ReadSingle) + 's');
4666 vaCurrency:
4667 WriteStr(FloatToStr(Reader.ReadCurrency * 10000) + 'c');
4668 vaDate:
4669 WriteStr(FloatToStr(Reader.ReadDate) + 'd');
4670 vaWString:
4671 begin
4672 W := Reader.ReadWideString;
4673 L := Length(W);
4674 if L = 0 then WriteStr('''''') else
4675 begin
4676 I := 1;
4677 Inc(NestingLevel);
4679 if L > LineLength then NewLine;
4680 K := I;
4681 repeat
4682 LineBreak := False;
4683 if (W[I] >= ' ') and (W[I] <> '''') and (Ord(W[i]) <= 255) then
4684 begin
4685 J := I;
4686 repeat
4687 Inc(I)
4688 until (I > L) or (W[I] < ' ') or (W[I] = '''') or
4689 ((I - K) >= LineLength) or (Ord(W[i]) > 255);
4690 if ((I - K) >= LineLength) then
4691 begin
4692 LineBreak := True;
4693 if ByteType(W, I) = mbTrailByte then Dec(I);
4694 end;
4695 WriteStr('''');
4696 while J < I do
4697 begin
4698 WriteStr(Char(W[J]));
4699 Inc(J);
4700 end;
4701 WriteStr('''');
4702 end else
4703 begin
4704 WriteStr('#');
4705 WriteStr(IntToStr(Ord(W[I])));
4706 Inc(I);
4707 if ((I - K) >= LineLength) then LineBreak := True;
4708 end;
4709 if LineBreak and (I <= L) then
4710 begin
4711 WriteStr(' +');
4712 NewLine;
4713 K := I;
4714 end;
4715 until I > L;
4716 finally
4717 Dec(NestingLevel);
4718 end;
4719 end;
4720 end;
4721 vaString, vaLString:
4722 begin
4723 S := Reader.ReadString;
4724 L := Length(S);
4725 if L = 0 then WriteStr('''''') else
4726 begin
4727 I := 1;
4728 Inc(NestingLevel);
4730 if L > LineLength then NewLine;
4731 K := I;
4732 repeat
4733 LineBreak := False;
4734 if (S[I] >= ' ') and (S[I] <> '''') then
4735 begin
4736 J := I;
4737 repeat
4738 Inc(I)
4739 until (I > L) or (S[I] < ' ') or (S[I] = '''') or
4740 ((I - K) >= LineLength);
4741 if ((I - K) >= LineLength) then
4742 begin
4743 LIneBreak := True;
4744 if ByteType(S, I) = mbTrailByte then Dec(I);
4745 end;
4746 WriteStr('''');
4747 Writer.Write(S[J], I - J);
4748 WriteStr('''');
4749 end else
4750 begin
4751 WriteStr('#');
4752 WriteStr(IntToStr(Ord(S[I])));
4753 Inc(I);
4754 if ((I - K) >= LineLength) then LineBreak := True;
4755 end;
4756 if LineBreak and (I <= L) then
4757 begin
4758 WriteStr(' +');
4759 NewLine;
4760 K := I;
4761 end;
4762 until I > L;
4763 finally
4764 Dec(NestingLevel);
4765 end;
4766 end;
4767 end;
4768 vaIdent, vaFalse, vaTrue, vaNil, vaNull:
4769 WriteStr(Reader.ReadIdent);
4770 vaBinary:
4771 ConvertBinary;
4772 vaSet:
4773 begin
4774 Reader.ReadValue;
4775 WriteStr('[');
4776 I := 0;
4777 while True do
4778 begin
4779 S := Reader.ReadStr;
4780 if S = '' then Break;
4781 if I > 0 then WriteStr(', ');
4782 WriteStr(S);
4783 Inc(I);
4784 end;
4785 WriteStr(']');
4786 end;
4787 vaCollection:
4788 begin
4789 Reader.ReadValue;
4790 WriteStr('<');
4791 Inc(NestingLevel);
4792 while not Reader.EndOfList do
4793 begin
4794 NewLine;
4795 WriteStr('item');
4796 if Reader.NextValue in [vaInt8, vaInt16, vaInt32] then
4797 begin
4798 WriteStr(' [');
4799 ConvertValue;
4800 WriteStr(']');
4801 end;
4802 WriteStr(#13#10);
4803 Reader.CheckValue(vaList);
4804 Inc(NestingLevel);
4805 while not Reader.EndOfList do ConvertProperty;
4806 Reader.ReadListEnd;
4807 Dec(NestingLevel);
4808 WriteIndent;
4809 WriteStr('end');
4810 end;
4811 Reader.ReadListEnd;
4812 Dec(NestingLevel);
4813 WriteStr('>');
4814 end;
4815 vaInt64:
4816 WriteStr(IntToStr(Reader.ReadInt64));
4817 end;
4818 end;
4820 procedure ConvertProperty;
4821 begin
4822 WriteIndent;
4823 WriteStr(Reader.ReadStr);
4824 WriteStr(' = ');
4825 ConvertValue;
4826 WriteStr(#13#10);
4827 end;
4829 procedure ConvertObject;
4830 begin
4831 ConvertHeader;
4832 Inc(NestingLevel);
4833 while not Reader.EndOfList do ConvertProperty;
4834 Reader.ReadListEnd;
4835 while not Reader.EndOfList do ConvertObject;
4836 Reader.ReadListEnd;
4837 Dec(NestingLevel);
4838 WriteIndent;
4839 WriteStr('end'#13#10);
4840 end;
4842 begin
4843 NestingLevel := 0;
4844 Reader := TReader.Create(Input, 4096);
4845 SaveSeparator := DecimalSeparator;
4846 DecimalSeparator := '.';
4848 Writer := TWriter.Create(Output, 4096);
4850 Reader.ReadSignature;
4851 ConvertObject;
4852 finally
4853 Writer.Free;
4854 end;
4855 finally
4856 DecimalSeparator := SaveSeparator;
4857 Reader.Free;
4858 end;
4859 end;
4861 type
4862 TObjectTextConvertProc = procedure (Input, Output: TStream);
4864 procedure InternalBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream;
4865 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat;
4866 ConvertProc: TObjectTextConvertProc;
4867 BinarySignature: Integer; SignatureLength: Byte);
4869 Pos: Integer;
4870 Signature: Integer;
4871 begin
4872 Pos := Input.Position;
4873 Signature := 0;
4874 if SignatureLength > sizeof(Signature) then SignatureLength := sizeof(Signature);
4875 Input.Read(Signature, SignatureLength);
4876 Input.Position := Pos;
4877 if Signature = BinarySignature then
4878 begin // definitely binary format
4879 if OriginalFormat = sofBinary then
4880 Output.CopyFrom(Input, Input.Size - Input.Position)
4881 else
4882 begin
4883 if OriginalFormat = sofUnknown then
4884 Originalformat := sofBinary;
4885 ConvertProc(Input, Output);
4886 end;
4888 else // might be text format
4889 begin
4890 if OriginalFormat = sofBinary then
4891 ConvertProc(Input, Output)
4892 else
4893 begin
4894 if OriginalFormat = sofUnknown then
4895 begin // text format may begin with "object", "inherited", or whitespace
4896 if Char(Signature) in ['o','O','i','I',' ',#13,#11,#9] then
4897 OriginalFormat := sofText
4898 else // not binary, not text... let it raise the exception
4899 begin
4900 ConvertProc(Input, Output);
4901 Exit;
4902 end;
4903 end;
4904 if OriginalFormat = sofText then
4905 Output.CopyFrom(Input, Input.Size - Input.Position);
4906 end;
4907 end;
4908 end;
4910 procedure InternalTextToBinary(Input, Output: TStream;
4911 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat;
4912 ConvertProc: TObjectTextConvertProc;
4913 BinarySignature: Integer; SignatureLength: Byte);
4915 Pos: Integer;
4916 Signature: Integer;
4917 begin
4918 Pos := Input.Position;
4919 Signature := 0;
4920 if SignatureLength > sizeof(Signature) then SignatureLength := sizeof(Signature);
4921 Input.Read(Signature, SignatureLength);
4922 Input.Position := Pos;
4923 if Signature = BinarySignature then
4924 begin // definitely binary format
4925 if OriginalFormat = sofUnknown then
4926 Originalformat := sofBinary;
4927 if OriginalFormat = sofBinary then
4928 Output.CopyFrom(Input, Input.Size - Input.Position)
4929 else // let it raise the exception
4930 ConvertProc(Input, Output);
4932 else // might be text format
4933 begin
4934 case OriginalFormat of
4935 sofUnknown:
4936 begin // text format may begin with "object", "inherited", or whitespace
4937 if Char(Signature) in ['o','O','i','I',' ',#13,#11,#9] then
4938 OriginalFormat := sofText;
4939 // if its not binary, not text... let it raise the exception
4940 ConvertProc(Input, Output);
4941 end;
4942 sofBinary: ConvertProc(Input, Output);
4943 sofText: Output.CopyFrom(Input, Input.Size - Input.Position);
4944 end;
4945 end;
4946 end;
4948 procedure ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream;
4949 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat);
4950 begin
4951 end;
4953 { Text to binary conversion }
4955 procedure ObjectTextToBinary(Input, Output: TStream);
4957 SaveSeparator: Char;
4958 Parser: TParser;
4959 Writer: TWriter;
4961 function ConvertOrderModifier: Integer;
4962 begin
4963 Result := -1;
4964 if Parser.Token = '[' then
4965 begin
4966 Parser.NextToken;
4967 Parser.CheckToken(toInteger);
4968 Result := Parser.TokenInt;
4969 Parser.NextToken;
4970 Parser.CheckToken(']');
4971 Parser.NextToken;
4972 end;
4973 end;
4975 procedure ConvertHeader(IsInherited, IsInline: Boolean);
4977 ClassName, ObjectName: string;
4978 Flags: TFilerFlags;
4979 Position: Integer;
4980 begin
4981 Parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
4982 ClassName := Parser.TokenString;
4983 ObjectName := '';
4984 if Parser.NextToken = ':' then
4985 begin
4986 Parser.NextToken;
4987 Parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
4988 ObjectName := ClassName;
4989 ClassName := Parser.TokenString;
4990 Parser.NextToken;
4991 end;
4992 Flags := [];
4993 Position := ConvertOrderModifier;
4994 if IsInherited then
4995 Include(Flags, ffInherited);
4996 if IsInline then
4997 Include(Flags, ffInline);
4998 if Position >= 0 then
4999 Include(Flags, ffChildPos);
5000 Writer.WritePrefix(Flags, Position);
5001 Writer.WriteStr(ClassName);
5002 Writer.WriteStr(ObjectName);
5003 end;
5005 procedure ConvertProperty; forward;
5007 procedure ConvertValue;
5009 Order: Integer;
5011 function CombineString: string;
5012 begin
5013 Result := Parser.TokenString;
5014 while Parser.NextToken = '+' do
5015 begin
5016 Parser.NextToken;
5017 Parser.CheckToken(toString);
5018 Result := Result + Parser.TokenString;
5019 end;
5020 end;
5022 function CombineWideString: WideString;
5023 begin
5024 Result := Parser.TokenWideString;
5025 while Parser.NextToken = '+' do
5026 begin
5027 Parser.NextToken;
5028 Parser.CheckToken(toWString);
5029 Result := Result + Parser.TokenWideString;
5030 end;
5031 end;
5033 begin
5034 if Parser.Token = toString then
5035 Writer.WriteString(CombineString)
5036 else if Parser.Token = toWString then
5037 Writer.WriteWideString(CombineWideString)
5038 else
5039 begin
5040 case Parser.Token of
5041 toSymbol:
5042 Writer.WriteIdent(Parser.TokenComponentIdent);
5043 toInteger:
5044 Writer.WriteInteger(Parser.TokenInt);
5045 toFloat:
5046 begin
5047 case Parser.FloatType of
5048 's', 'S': Writer.WriteSingle(Parser.TokenFloat);
5049 'c', 'C': Writer.WriteCurrency(Parser.TokenFloat / 10000);
5050 'd', 'D': Writer.WriteDate(Parser.TokenFloat);
5051 else
5052 Writer.WriteFloat(Parser.TokenFloat);
5053 end;
5054 end;
5055 '[':
5056 begin
5057 Parser.NextToken;
5058 Writer.WriteValue(vaSet);
5059 if Parser.Token <> ']' then
5060 while True do
5061 begin
5062 if Parser.Token <> toInteger then
5063 Parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
5064 Writer.WriteStr(Parser.TokenString);
5065 if Parser.NextToken = ']' then Break;
5066 Parser.CheckToken(',');
5067 Parser.NextToken;
5068 end;
5069 Writer.WriteStr('');
5070 end;
5071 '(':
5072 begin
5073 Parser.NextToken;
5074 Writer.WriteListBegin;
5075 while Parser.Token <> ')' do ConvertValue;
5076 Writer.WriteListEnd;
5077 end;
5078 '{':
5079 Writer.WriteBinary(Parser.HexToBinary);
5080 '<':
5081 begin
5082 Parser.NextToken;
5083 Writer.WriteValue(vaCollection);
5084 while Parser.Token <> '>' do
5085 begin
5086 Parser.CheckTokenSymbol('item');
5087 Parser.NextToken;
5088 Order := ConvertOrderModifier;
5089 if Order <> -1 then Writer.WriteInteger(Order);
5090 Writer.WriteListBegin;
5091 while not Parser.TokenSymbolIs('end') do ConvertProperty;
5092 Writer.WriteListEnd;
5093 Parser.NextToken;
5094 end;
5095 Writer.WriteListEnd;
5096 end;
5097 else
5098 Parser.Error(SInvalidProperty);
5099 end;
5100 Parser.NextToken;
5101 end;
5102 end;
5104 procedure ConvertProperty;
5106 PropName: string;
5107 begin
5108 Parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
5109 PropName := Parser.TokenString;
5110 Parser.NextToken;
5111 while Parser.Token = '.' do
5112 begin
5113 Parser.NextToken;
5114 Parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
5115 PropName := PropName + '.' + Parser.TokenString;
5116 Parser.NextToken;
5117 end;
5118 Writer.WriteStr(PropName);
5119 Parser.CheckToken('=');
5120 Parser.NextToken;
5121 ConvertValue;
5122 end;
5124 procedure ConvertObject;
5126 InheritedObject: Boolean;
5127 InlineObject: Boolean;
5128 begin
5129 InheritedObject := False;
5130 InlineObject := False;
5131 if Parser.TokenSymbolIs('INHERITED') then
5132 InheritedObject := True
5133 else if Parser.TokenSymbolIs('INLINE') then
5134 InlineObject := True
5135 else
5136 Parser.CheckTokenSymbol('OBJECT');
5137 Parser.NextToken;
5138 ConvertHeader(InheritedObject, InlineObject);
5139 while not Parser.TokenSymbolIs('END') and
5140 not Parser.TokenSymbolIs('OBJECT') and
5141 not Parser.TokenSymbolIs('INHERITED') and
5142 not Parser.TokenSymbolIs('INLINE') do
5143 ConvertProperty;
5144 Writer.WriteListEnd;
5145 while not Parser.TokenSymbolIs('END') do ConvertObject;
5146 Writer.WriteListEnd;
5147 Parser.NextToken;
5148 end;
5150 begin
5151 Parser := TParser.Create(Input);
5152 SaveSeparator := DecimalSeparator;
5153 DecimalSeparator := '.';
5155 Writer := TWriter.Create(Output, 4096);
5157 Writer.WriteSignature;
5158 ConvertObject;
5159 finally
5160 Writer.Free;
5161 end;
5162 finally
5163 DecimalSeparator := SaveSeparator;
5164 Parser.Free;
5165 end;
5166 end;
5168 procedure ObjectTextToBinary(Input, Output: TStream;
5169 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat);
5170 begin
5171 end;
5173 { Resource to text conversion }
5175 procedure ObjectResourceToText(Input, Output: TStream);
5176 begin
5177 Input.ReadResHeader;
5178 ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output);
5179 end;
5181 procedure ObjectResourceToText(Input, Output: TStream;
5182 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat);
5183 begin
5184 InternalBinaryToText(Input, Output, OriginalFormat, ObjectResourceToText, $FF, 1);
5185 end;
5187 { Text to resource conversion }
5189 procedure ObjectTextToResource(Input, Output: TStream);
5191 Len: Byte;
5192 Tmp: Longint;
5193 MemoryStream: TMemoryStream;
5194 MemorySize: Longint;
5195 Header: array[0..79] of Char;
5196 begin
5197 MemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
5199 ObjectTextToBinary(Input, MemoryStream);
5200 MemorySize := MemoryStream.Size;
5201 FillChar(Header, SizeOf(Header), 0);
5202 MemoryStream.Position := SizeOf(Longint); { Skip header }
5203 MemoryStream.Read(Len, 1);
5205 { Skip over object prefix if it is present }
5206 if Len and $F0 = $F0 then
5207 begin
5208 if ffChildPos in TFilerFlags((Len and $F0)) then
5209 begin
5210 MemoryStream.Read(Len, 1);
5211 case TValueType(Len) of
5212 vaInt8: Len := 1;
5213 vaInt16: Len := 2;
5214 vaInt32: Len := 4;
5215 end;
5216 MemoryStream.Read(Tmp, Len);
5217 end;
5218 MemoryStream.Read(Len, 1);
5219 end;
5221 MemoryStream.Read(Header[3], Len);
5222 StrUpper(@Header[3]);
5223 Byte((@Header[0])^) := $FF;
5224 Word((@Header[1])^) := 10;
5225 Word((@Header[Len + 4])^) := $1030;
5226 Longint((@Header[Len + 6])^) := MemorySize;
5227 Output.Write(Header, Len + 10);
5228 Output.Write(MemoryStream.Memory^, MemorySize);
5229 finally
5230 MemoryStream.Free;
5231 end;
5232 end;
5234 procedure ObjectTextToResource(Input, Output: TStream;
5235 var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat);
5236 begin
5237 InternalTextToBinary(Input, Output, OriginalFormat, ObjectTextToResource, $FF, 1);
5238 end;
5240 function TestStreamFormat(Stream: TStream): TStreamOriginalFormat;
5241 begin
5242 Result := sofUnknown;
5243 end;
5245 { Thread management routines }
5247 const
5251 type
5252 PRaiseFrame = ^TRaiseFrame;
5253 TRaiseFrame = record
5254 NextRaise: PRaiseFrame;
5255 ExceptAddr: Pointer;
5256 ExceptObject: TObject;
5257 ExceptionRecord: PExceptionRecord;
5258 end;
5261 ThreadLock: TRTLCriticalSection;
5262 ThreadWindow: HWND;
5263 ThreadCount: Integer;
5265 procedure FreeThreadWindow;
5266 begin
5267 if ThreadWindow <> 0 then
5268 begin
5269 DestroyWindow(ThreadWindow);
5270 ThreadWindow := 0;
5271 end;
5272 end;
5274 function ThreadWndProc(Window: HWND; Message, wParam, lParam: Longint): Longint; stdcall;
5275 begin
5276 case Message of
5278 with TThread(lParam) do
5279 begin
5280 Result := 0;
5282 FSynchronizeException := nil;
5283 FMethod;
5284 except
5285 if RaiseList <> nil then
5286 begin
5287 FSynchronizeException := PRaiseFrame(RaiseList)^.ExceptObject;
5288 PRaiseFrame(RaiseList)^.ExceptObject := nil;
5289 end;
5290 end;
5291 end;
5293 begin
5294 EnterCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
5296 Dec(ThreadCount);
5297 if ThreadCount = 0 then
5298 FreeThreadWindow;
5299 finally
5300 LeaveCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
5301 end;
5302 Result := 0;
5303 end;
5304 else
5305 Result := DefWindowProc(Window, Message, wParam, lParam);
5306 end;
5307 end;
5310 ThreadWindowClass: TWndClass = (
5311 style: 0;
5312 lpfnWndProc: @ThreadWndProc;
5313 cbClsExtra: 0;
5314 cbWndExtra: 0;
5315 hInstance: 0;
5316 hIcon: 0;
5317 hCursor: 0;
5318 hbrBackground: 0;
5319 lpszMenuName: nil;
5320 lpszClassName: 'TThreadWindow');
5322 procedure AddThread;
5324 function AllocateWindow: HWND;
5326 TempClass: TWndClass;
5327 ClassRegistered: Boolean;
5328 begin
5329 ThreadWindowClass.hInstance := HInstance;
5330 ClassRegistered := GetClassInfo(HInstance, ThreadWindowClass.lpszClassName,
5331 TempClass);
5332 if not ClassRegistered or (TempClass.lpfnWndProc <> @ThreadWndProc) then
5333 begin
5334 if ClassRegistered then
5335 Windows.UnregisterClass(ThreadWindowClass.lpszClassName, HInstance);
5336 Windows.RegisterClass(ThreadWindowClass);
5337 end;
5338 Result := CreateWindow(ThreadWindowClass.lpszClassName, '', 0,
5339 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HInstance, nil);
5340 end;
5342 begin
5343 EnterCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
5345 if ThreadCount = 0 then
5346 ThreadWindow := AllocateWindow;
5347 Inc(ThreadCount);
5348 finally
5349 LeaveCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
5350 end;
5351 end;
5353 procedure RemoveThread;
5354 begin
5355 EnterCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
5357 if ThreadCount = 1 then
5358 PostMessage(ThreadWindow, CM_DESTROYWINDOW, 0, 0);
5359 finally
5360 LeaveCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
5361 end;
5362 end;
5364 { TThread }
5366 function ThreadProc(Thread: TThread): Integer;
5368 FreeThread: Boolean;
5369 begin
5371 Thread.Execute;
5372 finally
5373 FreeThread := Thread.FFreeOnTerminate;
5374 Result := Thread.FReturnValue;
5375 Thread.FFinished := True;
5376 Thread.DoTerminate;
5377 if FreeThread then Thread.Free;
5378 EndThread(Result);
5379 end;
5380 end;
5382 constructor TThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean);
5384 Flags: DWORD;
5385 begin
5386 inherited Create;
5387 AddThread;
5388 FSuspended := CreateSuspended;
5389 Flags := 0;
5390 if CreateSuspended then Flags := CREATE_SUSPENDED;
5391 FHandle := BeginThread(nil, 0, @ThreadProc, Pointer(Self), Flags, FThreadID);
5392 end;
5394 destructor TThread.Destroy;
5395 begin
5396 if not FFinished and not Suspended then
5397 begin
5398 Terminate;
5399 WaitFor;
5400 end;
5401 if FHandle <> 0 then CloseHandle(FHandle);
5402 inherited Destroy;
5403 RemoveThread;
5404 end;
5406 procedure TThread.CallOnTerminate;
5407 begin
5408 if Assigned(FOnTerminate) then FOnTerminate(Self);
5409 end;
5411 procedure TThread.DoTerminate;
5412 begin
5413 if Assigned(FOnTerminate) then Synchronize(CallOnTerminate);
5414 end;
5416 const
5417 Priorities: array [TThreadPriority] of Integer =
5422 function TThread.GetPriority: TThreadPriority;
5424 P: Integer;
5425 I: TThreadPriority;
5426 begin
5427 P := GetThreadPriority(FHandle);
5428 Result := tpNormal;
5429 for I := Low(TThreadPriority) to High(TThreadPriority) do
5430 if Priorities[I] = P then Result := I;
5431 end;
5433 procedure TThread.SetPriority(Value: TThreadPriority);
5434 begin
5435 SetThreadPriority(FHandle, Priorities[Value]);
5436 end;
5438 procedure TThread.Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);
5439 begin
5440 FSynchronizeException := nil;
5441 FMethod := Method;
5442 SendMessage(ThreadWindow, CM_EXECPROC, 0, Longint(Self));
5443 if Assigned(FSynchronizeException) then raise FSynchronizeException;
5444 end;
5446 procedure TThread.SetSuspended(Value: Boolean);
5447 begin
5448 if Value <> FSuspended then
5449 if Value then
5450 Suspend else
5451 Resume;
5452 end;
5454 procedure TThread.Suspend;
5455 begin
5456 FSuspended := True;
5457 SuspendThread(FHandle);
5458 end;
5460 procedure TThread.Resume;
5461 begin
5462 if ResumeThread(FHandle) = 1 then FSuspended := False;
5463 end;
5465 procedure TThread.Terminate;
5466 begin
5467 FTerminated := True;
5468 end;
5470 function TThread.WaitFor: LongWord;
5472 Msg: TMsg;
5473 H: THandle;
5474 begin
5475 H := FHandle;
5476 if GetCurrentThreadID = MainThreadID then
5477 while MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, H, False, INFINITE,
5478 QS_SENDMESSAGE) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 do PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)
5479 else WaitForSingleObject(H, INFINITE);
5480 GetExitCodeThread(H, Result);
5481 end;
5483 { TComponent }
5485 constructor TComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
5486 begin
5487 FComponentStyle := [csInheritable];
5488 if AOwner <> nil then AOwner.InsertComponent(Self);
5489 end;
5491 destructor TComponent.Destroy;
5493 I: Integer;
5494 begin
5495 Destroying;
5496 if FFreeNotifies <> nil then
5497 begin
5498 for I := FFreeNotifies.Count - 1 downto 0 do
5499 begin
5500 TComponent(FFreeNotifies[I]).Notification(Self, opRemove);
5501 if FFreeNotifies = nil then Break;
5502 end;
5503 FFreeNotifies.Free;
5504 FFreeNotifies := nil;
5505 end;
5506 DestroyComponents;
5507 if FOwner <> nil then FOwner.RemoveComponent(Self);
5508 inherited Destroy;
5509 end;
5511 procedure TComponent.BeforeDestruction;
5512 begin
5513 if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
5514 Destroying;
5515 end;
5517 procedure TComponent.FreeNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
5518 begin
5519 if (Owner = nil) or (AComponent.Owner <> Owner) then
5520 begin
5521 if not Assigned(FFreeNotifies) then FFreeNotifies := TList.Create;
5522 if FFreeNotifies.IndexOf(AComponent) < 0 then
5523 begin
5524 FFreeNotifies.Add(AComponent);
5525 AComponent.FreeNotification(Self);
5526 end;
5527 end;
5528 Include(FComponentState, csFreeNotification);
5529 end;
5531 procedure TComponent.Insert(AComponent: TComponent);
5532 begin
5533 if FComponents = nil then FComponents := TList.Create;
5534 FComponents.Add(AComponent);
5535 AComponent.FOwner := Self;
5536 end;
5538 procedure TComponent.Remove(AComponent: TComponent);
5539 begin
5540 AComponent.FOwner := nil;
5541 FComponents.Remove(AComponent);
5542 if FComponents.Count = 0 then
5543 begin
5544 FComponents.Free;
5545 FComponents := nil;
5546 end;
5547 end;
5549 procedure TComponent.InsertComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
5550 begin
5551 AComponent.ValidateContainer(Self);
5552 ValidateRename(AComponent, '', AComponent.FName);
5553 Insert(AComponent);
5554 AComponent.SetReference(True);
5555 if csDesigning in ComponentState then
5556 AComponent.SetDesigning(True);
5557 Notification(AComponent, opInsert);
5558 end;
5560 procedure TComponent.RemoveComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
5561 begin
5562 ValidateRename(AComponent, AComponent.FName, '');
5563 Notification(AComponent, opRemove);
5564 AComponent.SetReference(False);
5565 Remove(AComponent);
5566 end;
5568 procedure TComponent.DestroyComponents;
5570 Instance: TComponent;
5571 begin
5572 while FComponents <> nil do
5573 begin
5574 Instance := FComponents.Last;
5575 if (csFreeNotification in Instance.FComponentState)
5576 or (FComponentState * [csDesigning, csInline] = [csDesigning, csInline]) then
5577 RemoveComponent(Instance)
5578 else
5579 Remove(Instance);
5580 Instance.Destroy;
5581 end;
5582 end;
5584 procedure TComponent.Destroying;
5586 I: Integer;
5587 begin
5588 if not (csDestroying in FComponentState) then
5589 begin
5590 Include(FComponentState, csDestroying);
5591 if FComponents <> nil then
5592 for I := 0 to FComponents.Count - 1 do
5593 TComponent(FComponents[I]).Destroying;
5594 end;
5595 end;
5597 procedure TComponent.RemoveNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
5598 begin
5599 if FFreeNotifies <> nil then
5600 begin
5601 FFreeNotifies.Remove(AComponent);
5602 if FFreeNotifies.Count = 0 then
5603 begin
5604 FFreeNotifies.Free;
5605 FFreeNotifies := nil;
5606 end;
5607 end;
5608 end;
5610 procedure TComponent.RemoveFreeNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
5611 begin
5612 RemoveNotification(AComponent);
5613 AComponent.RemoveNotification(Self);
5614 end;
5616 procedure TComponent.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
5617 Operation: TOperation);
5619 I: Integer;
5620 begin
5621 if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent <> nil) then
5622 RemoveFreeNotification(AComponent);
5623 if FComponents <> nil then
5624 for I := 0 to FComponents.Count - 1 do
5625 TComponent(FComponents[I]).Notification(AComponent, Operation);
5626 end;
5628 function TComponent.HasParent: Boolean;
5629 begin
5630 Result := False;
5631 end;
5633 procedure TComponent.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent);
5634 begin
5635 end;
5637 function TComponent.GetChildOwner: TComponent;
5638 begin
5639 Result := nil;
5640 end;
5642 function TComponent.GetChildParent: TComponent;
5643 begin
5644 Result := Self;
5645 end;
5647 function TComponent.GetNamePath: string;
5648 begin
5649 Result := FName;
5650 end;
5652 function TComponent.GetOwner: TPersistent;
5653 begin
5654 Result := FOwner;
5655 end;
5657 procedure TComponent.SetChildOrder(Child: TComponent; Order: Integer);
5658 begin
5659 end;
5661 function TComponent.GetParentComponent: TComponent;
5662 begin
5663 Result := nil;
5664 end;
5666 procedure TComponent.SetParentComponent(Value: TComponent);
5667 begin
5668 end;
5670 procedure TComponent.Updating;
5671 begin
5672 Include(FComponentState, csUpdating);
5673 end;
5675 procedure TComponent.Updated;
5676 begin
5677 Exclude(FComponentState, csUpdating);
5678 end;
5680 procedure TComponent.Loaded;
5681 begin
5682 Exclude(FComponentState, csLoading);
5683 end;
5685 procedure TComponent.ReadState(Reader: TReader);
5686 begin
5687 end;
5689 procedure TComponent.WriteState(Writer: TWriter);
5690 begin
5691 end;
5693 procedure TComponent.ValidateRename(AComponent: TComponent;
5694 const CurName, NewName: string);
5695 begin
5696 if (AComponent <> nil) and not SameText(CurName, NewName) and
5697 (AComponent.Owner = Self) and (FindComponent(NewName) <> nil) then
5698 raise EComponentError.CreateResFmt(@SDuplicateName, [NewName]);
5699 if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (Owner <> nil) then
5700 Owner.ValidateRename(AComponent, CurName, NewName);
5701 end;
5703 procedure TComponent.ValidateContainer(AComponent: TComponent);
5704 begin
5705 AComponent.ValidateInsert(Self);
5706 end;
5708 procedure TComponent.ValidateInsert(AComponent: TComponent);
5709 begin
5710 end;
5712 function TComponent.FindComponent(const AName: string): TComponent;
5714 I: Integer;
5715 begin
5716 if (AName <> '') and (FComponents <> nil) then
5717 for I := 0 to FComponents.Count - 1 do
5718 begin
5719 Result := FComponents[I];
5720 if SameText(Result.FName, AName) then Exit;
5721 end;
5722 Result := nil;
5723 end;
5725 procedure TComponent.SetName(const NewName: TComponentName);
5726 begin
5727 if FName <> NewName then
5728 begin
5729 if (NewName <> '') and not IsValidIdent(NewName) then
5730 raise EComponentError.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidName, [NewName]);
5731 if FOwner <> nil then
5732 FOwner.ValidateRename(Self, FName, NewName) else
5733 ValidateRename(nil, FName, NewName);
5734 SetReference(False);
5735 ChangeName(NewName);
5736 SetReference(True);
5737 end;
5738 end;
5740 procedure TComponent.ChangeName(const NewName: TComponentName);
5741 begin
5742 FName := NewName;
5743 end;
5745 function TComponent.GetComponentIndex: Integer;
5746 begin
5747 if (FOwner <> nil) and (FOwner.FComponents <> nil) then
5748 Result := FOwner.FComponents.IndexOf(Self) else
5749 Result := -1;
5750 end;
5752 function TComponent.GetComponent(AIndex: Integer): TComponent;
5753 begin
5754 if FComponents = nil then TList.Error(@SListIndexError, AIndex);
5755 Result := FComponents[AIndex];
5756 end;
5758 function TComponent.GetComponentCount: Integer;
5759 begin
5760 if FComponents <> nil then
5761 Result := FComponents.Count else
5762 Result := 0;
5763 end;
5765 procedure TComponent.SetComponentIndex(Value: Integer);
5767 I, Count: Integer;
5768 begin
5769 if FOwner <> nil then
5770 begin
5771 I := FOwner.FComponents.IndexOf(Self);
5772 if I >= 0 then
5773 begin
5774 Count := FOwner.FComponents.Count;
5775 if Value < 0 then Value := 0;
5776 if Value >= Count then Value := Count - 1;
5777 if Value <> I then
5778 begin
5779 FOwner.FComponents.Delete(I);
5780 FOwner.FComponents.Insert(Value, Self);
5781 end;
5782 end;
5783 end;
5784 end;
5786 procedure TComponent.SetAncestor(Value: Boolean);
5788 I: Integer;
5789 begin
5790 if Value then
5791 Include(FComponentState, csAncestor) else
5792 Exclude(FComponentState, csAncestor);
5793 for I := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
5794 Components[I].SetAncestor(Value);
5795 end;
5797 procedure TComponent.SetDesigning(Value, SetChildren: Boolean);
5799 I: Integer;
5800 begin
5801 if Value then
5802 Include(FComponentState, csDesigning) else
5803 Exclude(FComponentState, csDesigning);
5804 if SetChildren then
5805 for I := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do Components[I].SetDesigning(Value);
5806 end;
5808 procedure TComponent.SetInline(Value: Boolean);
5809 begin
5810 if Value then
5811 Include(FComponentState, csInline) else
5812 Exclude(FComponentState, csInline);
5813 end;
5815 procedure TComponent.SetDesignInstance(Value: Boolean);
5816 begin
5817 if Value then
5818 Include(FComponentState, csDesignInstance) else
5819 Exclude(FComponentState, csDesignInstance);
5820 end;
5822 procedure TComponent.SetReference(Enable: Boolean);
5824 Field: ^TComponent;
5825 begin
5826 if FOwner <> nil then
5827 begin
5828 Field := FOwner.FieldAddress(FName);
5829 if Field <> nil then
5830 if Enable then Field^ := Self else Field^ := nil;
5831 end;
5832 end;
5834 function TComponent.ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;//!
5835 begin
5836 if Action.HandlesTarget(Self) then
5837 begin
5838 Action.ExecuteTarget(Self);
5839 Result := True;
5841 else Result := False;
5842 end;
5844 function TComponent.UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;//!
5845 begin
5846 if Action.HandlesTarget(Self) then
5847 begin
5848 Action.UpdateTarget(Self);
5849 Result := True;
5851 else Result := False;
5852 end;
5854 function TComponent.GetComObject: IUnknown;
5855 begin
5856 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5857 begin
5858 if Assigned(CreateVCLComObjectProc) then CreateVCLComObjectProc(Self);
5859 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5860 raise EComponentError.CreateResFmt(@SNoComSupport, [ClassName]);
5861 end;
5862 IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).QueryInterface(IUnknown, Result);
5863 end;
5865 function TComponent.SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
5866 ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult;
5867 begin
5868 if FVCLComObject <> nil then
5869 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).SafeCallException(
5870 ExceptObject, ExceptAddr)
5871 else
5872 Result := inherited SafeCallException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr);
5873 end;
5875 procedure TComponent.FreeOnRelease;
5876 begin
5877 if FVCLComObject <> nil then IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).FreeOnRelease;
5878 end;
5880 class procedure TComponent.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID, ProgID: string);
5881 begin
5882 end;
5884 { TComponent.IUnknown }
5886 function TComponent.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
5887 begin
5888 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5889 begin
5890 if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then Result := S_OK
5891 else Result := E_NOINTERFACE
5893 else
5894 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).QueryInterface(IID, Obj);
5895 end;
5897 function TComponent._AddRef: Integer;
5898 begin
5899 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5900 Result := -1 // -1 indicates no reference counting is taking place
5901 else
5902 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject)._AddRef;
5903 end;
5905 function TComponent._Release: Integer;
5906 begin
5907 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5908 Result := -1 // -1 indicates no reference counting is taking place
5909 else
5910 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject)._Release;
5911 end;
5913 { TComponent.IDispatch }
5915 function TComponent.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
5916 begin
5917 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5918 Result := E_NOTIMPL
5919 else
5920 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).GetTypeInfoCount(Count);
5921 end;
5923 function TComponent.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult;
5924 begin
5925 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5926 Result := E_NOTIMPL
5927 else
5928 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).GetTypeInfo(
5929 Index, LocaleID, TypeInfo);
5930 end;
5932 function TComponent.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
5933 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
5934 begin
5935 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5936 Result := E_NOTIMPL
5937 else
5938 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).GetIDsOfNames(IID, Names,
5939 NameCount, LocaleID, DispIDs);
5940 end;
5942 function TComponent.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
5943 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;
5944 begin
5945 if FVCLComObject = nil then
5946 Result := E_NOTIMPL
5947 else
5948 Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject).Invoke(DispID, IID, LocaleID,
5949 Flags, Params, VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr);
5950 end;
5952 { TBasicActionLink }
5954 constructor TBasicActionLink.Create(AClient: TObject);
5955 begin
5956 inherited Create;
5957 AssignClient(AClient);
5958 end;
5960 procedure TBasicActionLink.AssignClient(AClient: TObject);
5961 begin
5962 end;
5964 destructor TBasicActionLink.Destroy;
5965 begin
5966 if FAction <> nil then FAction.UnRegisterChanges(Self);
5967 inherited Destroy;
5968 end;
5970 procedure TBasicActionLink.Change;
5971 begin
5972 if Assigned(OnChange) then OnChange(FAction);
5973 end;
5975 function TBasicActionLink.Execute: Boolean;
5976 begin
5977 Result := FAction.Execute;
5978 end;
5980 procedure TBasicActionLink.SetAction(Value: TBasicAction);
5981 begin
5982 if Value <> FAction then
5983 begin
5984 if FAction <> nil then FAction.UnRegisterChanges(Self);
5985 FAction := Value;
5986 if Value <> nil then Value.RegisterChanges(Self);
5987 end;
5988 end;
5990 function TBasicActionLink.IsOnExecuteLinked: Boolean;
5991 begin
5992 Result := True;
5993 end;
5995 procedure TBasicActionLink.SetOnExecute(Value: TNotifyEvent);
5996 begin
5997 end;
5999 function TBasicActionLink.Update: Boolean;
6000 begin
6001 Result := FAction.Update;
6002 end;
6004 { TBasicAction }
6006 constructor TBasicAction.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
6007 begin
6008 inherited Create(AOwner);
6009 FClients := TList.Create;
6010 end;
6012 destructor TBasicAction.Destroy;
6013 begin
6014 inherited Destroy;
6015 while FClients.Count > 0 do
6016 UnRegisterChanges(TBasicActionLink(FClients.Last));
6017 FClients.Free;
6018 end;
6020 {!function TBasicAction.GetActionLinkClass: TBasicActionLinkClass;
6021 begin
6022 Result := TBasicActionLink;
6023 end;!}
6025 function TBasicAction.HandlesTarget(Target: TObject): Boolean;
6026 begin
6027 Result := False;
6028 end;
6030 procedure TBasicAction.ExecuteTarget(Target: TObject);
6031 begin
6032 end;
6034 procedure TBasicAction.UpdateTarget(Target: TObject);
6035 begin
6036 end;
6038 function TBasicAction.Execute: Boolean;
6039 begin
6040 if Assigned(FOnExecute) then
6041 begin
6042 FOnExecute(Self);
6043 Result := True;
6045 else Result := False;
6046 end;
6048 function TBasicAction.Update: Boolean;
6049 begin
6050 if Assigned(FOnUpdate) then
6051 begin
6052 FOnUpdate(Self);
6053 Result := True;
6055 else Result := False;
6056 end;
6058 procedure TBasicAction.SetOnExecute(Value: TNotifyEvent);
6060 I: Integer;
6061 begin
6062 if @Value <> @OnExecute then
6063 begin
6064 for I := 0 to FClients.Count - 1 do
6065 TBasicActionLink(FClients[I]).SetOnExecute(Value);
6066 FOnExecute := Value;
6067 Change;
6068 end;
6069 end;
6071 procedure TBasicAction.Change;
6072 {var
6073 I: Integer;}
6074 begin
6075 if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
6076 {! for I := 0 to FClients.Count - 1 do
6077 TBasicActionLink(FClients[I]).Change;!}
6078 end;
6080 procedure TBasicAction.RegisterChanges(Value: TBasicActionLink);
6081 begin
6082 Value.FAction := Self;
6083 FClients.Add(Value);
6084 end;
6086 procedure TBasicAction.UnRegisterChanges(Value: TBasicActionLink);
6088 I: Integer;
6089 begin
6090 for I := 0 to FClients.Count - 1 do
6091 if FClients[I] = Value then
6092 begin
6093 Value.{!}FAction := nil;
6094 FClients.Delete(I);
6095 Break;
6096 end;
6097 end;
6099 { TStreamAdapter }
6101 constructor TStreamAdapter.Create(Stream: TStream;
6102 Ownership: TStreamOwnership);
6103 begin
6104 inherited Create;
6105 FStream := Stream;
6106 FOwnership := Ownership;
6107 end;
6109 destructor TStreamAdapter.Destroy;
6110 begin
6111 if FOwnership = soOwned then
6112 begin
6113 FStream.Free;
6114 FStream := nil;
6115 end;
6116 inherited Destroy;
6117 end;
6119 function TStreamAdapter.Read(pv: Pointer; cb: Longint; pcbRead: PLongint): HResult;
6121 NumRead: Longint;
6122 begin
6124 if pv = Nil then
6125 begin
6127 Exit;
6128 end;
6129 NumRead := FStream.Read(pv^, cb);
6130 if pcbRead <> Nil then pcbRead^ := NumRead;
6131 Result := S_OK;
6132 except
6133 Result := S_FALSE;
6134 end;
6135 end;
6137 function TStreamAdapter.Write(pv: Pointer; cb: Longint; pcbWritten: PLongint): HResult;
6139 NumWritten: Longint;
6140 begin
6142 if pv = Nil then
6143 begin
6145 Exit;
6146 end;
6147 NumWritten := FStream.Write(pv^, cb);
6148 if pcbWritten <> Nil then pcbWritten^ := NumWritten;
6149 Result := S_OK;
6150 except
6151 Result := STG_E_CANTSAVE;
6152 end;
6153 end;
6155 function TStreamAdapter.Seek(dlibMove: Largeint; dwOrigin: Longint;
6156 out libNewPosition: Largeint): HResult;
6158 NewPos: Integer;
6159 begin
6161 if (dwOrigin < STREAM_SEEK_SET) or (dwOrigin > STREAM_SEEK_END) then
6162 begin
6164 Exit;
6165 end;
6166 NewPos := FStream.Seek(LongInt(dlibMove), dwOrigin);
6167 if @libNewPosition <> nil then libNewPosition := NewPos;
6168 Result := S_OK;
6169 except
6171 end;
6172 end;
6174 function TStreamAdapter.SetSize(libNewSize: Largeint): HResult;
6175 begin
6177 FStream.Size := LongInt(libNewSize);
6178 if libNewSize <> FStream.Size then
6179 Result := E_FAIL
6180 else
6181 Result := S_OK;
6182 except
6183 Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
6184 end;
6185 end;
6187 function TStreamAdapter.CopyTo(stm: IStream; cb: Largeint; out cbRead: Largeint;
6188 out cbWritten: Largeint): HResult;
6189 const
6190 MaxBufSize = 1024 * 1024; // 1mb
6192 Buffer: Pointer;
6193 BufSize, N, I: Integer;
6194 BytesRead, BytesWritten, W: LargeInt;
6195 begin
6196 Result := S_OK;
6197 BytesRead := 0;
6198 BytesWritten := 0;
6200 if cb > MaxBufSize then
6201 BufSize := MaxBufSize
6202 else
6203 BufSize := Integer(cb);
6204 GetMem(Buffer, BufSize);
6206 while cb > 0 do
6207 begin
6208 if cb > MaxInt then
6209 I := MaxInt
6210 else
6211 I := cb;
6212 while I > 0 do
6213 begin
6214 if I > BufSize then N := BufSize else N := I;
6215 Inc(BytesRead, FStream.Read(Buffer^, N));
6216 W := 0;
6217 Result := stm.Write(Buffer, N, @W);
6218 Inc(BytesWritten, W);
6219 if (Result = S_OK) and (Integer(W) <> N) then Result := E_FAIL;
6220 if Result <> S_OK then Exit;
6221 Dec(I, N);
6222 end;
6223 Dec(cb, I);
6224 end;
6225 finally
6226 FreeMem(Buffer);
6227 if (@cbWritten <> nil) then cbWritten := BytesWritten;
6228 if (@cbRead <> nil) then cbRead := BytesRead;
6229 end;
6230 except
6231 Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
6232 end;
6233 end;
6235 function TStreamAdapter.Commit(grfCommitFlags: Longint): HResult;
6236 begin
6237 Result := S_OK;
6238 end;
6240 function TStreamAdapter.Revert: HResult;
6241 begin
6242 Result := STG_E_REVERTED;
6243 end;
6245 function TStreamAdapter.LockRegion(libOffset: Largeint; cb: Largeint;
6246 dwLockType: Longint): HResult;
6247 begin
6249 end;
6251 function TStreamAdapter.UnlockRegion(libOffset: Largeint; cb: Largeint;
6252 dwLockType: Longint): HResult;
6253 begin
6255 end;
6257 function TStreamAdapter.Stat(out statstg: TStatStg; grfStatFlag: Longint): HResult;
6258 begin
6259 Result := S_OK;
6261 if (@statstg <> nil) then
6262 with statstg do
6263 begin
6264 dwType := STGTY_STREAM;
6265 cbSize := FStream.Size;
6266 mTime.dwLowDateTime := 0;
6267 mTime.dwHighDateTime := 0;
6268 cTime.dwLowDateTime := 0;
6269 cTime.dwHighDateTime := 0;
6270 aTime.dwLowDateTime := 0;
6271 aTime.dwHighDateTime := 0;
6272 grfLocksSupported := LOCK_WRITE;
6273 end;
6274 except
6275 Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
6276 end;
6277 end;
6279 function TStreamAdapter.Clone(out stm: IStream): HResult;
6280 begin
6281 Result := E_NOTIMPL;
6282 end;
6284 initialization
6285 InitializeCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
6287 finalization
6288 FreeThreadWindow;
6289 FreeAndNil(fGlobalNameSpace);
6290 DeleteCriticalSection(ThreadLock);
6291 end.