Cleaning up usage of examples/{examplebase,symbianpkgrules}.pri
[qt-netbsd.git] / .hgignore
1 # This file is used to ignore files which are generated in the Qt build system
2 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 syntax: glob
6 *~
7 *.a
8 *.la
9 *.pc
10 *.core
11 *.moc
12 *.o
13 *.obj
14 *.orig
15 *.swp
16 *.rej
17 *.so
18 *.pbxuser
19 *.mode1
20 *.mode1v3
21 *.qch
22 *.dylib
23 *_pch.h.cpp
24 *_resource.rc
25 .qmake.cache
26 *.prl
27 tags
28 Makefile
29 Makefile.Debug
30 Makefile.Release
31 bin/Qt*.dll
32 bin/lconvert*
33 bin/xmlpatterns*
34 bin/assistant*
35 bin/designer*
36 bin/dumpcpp*
37 bin/idc*
38 bin/linguist*
39 bin/lrelease*
40 bin/lupdate*
41 bin/moc*
42 bin/pixeltool*
43 bin/qmake*
44 bin/qdoc3*
45 bin/qt3to4*
46 bin/qtdemo*
47 bin/rcc*
48 bin/uic*
49 bin/qcollectiongenerator
50 bin/qhelpgenerator
51 bin/macdeployqt
52 tools/qdoc3/qdoc3*
53 tools/macdeployqt/macchangeqt/macchangeqt
54 #configure.cache
55 mkspecs/default
56 mkspecs/qconfig.pri
57 moc_*.cpp
58 qmake/qmake.exe
59 qmake/Makefile.bak
60 src/corelib/global/qconfig.cpp
61 src/corelib/global/qconfig.h
62 src/tools/uic/qclass_lib_map.h
63 ui_*.h
66 # xemacs temporary files
67 *.flc
69 # Visual Studio generated files
70 *.ib_pdb_index
71 *.idb
72 *.ilk
73 *.pdb
74 *.sln
75 *.suo
76 *.vcproj
77 *vcproj.*.*.user
80 ## Symlinks generated by configure
81 tools/qvfb/qvfbhdr.h
82 tools/qvfb/qlock_p.h
83 tools/qvfb/qlock.cpp
84 tools/qvfb/qwssignalhandler.cpp
85 tools/qvfb/qwssignalhandler_p.h
86 .DS_Store
87 .pch
88 .rcc
89 *.app
90 config.status
91 config.tests/unix/cups/cups
92 config.tests/unix/getaddrinfo/getaddrinfo
93 config.tests/unix/getifaddrs/getifaddrs
94 config.tests/unix/iconv/iconv
95 config.tests/unix/ipv6/ipv6
96 config.tests/unix/ipv6ifname/ipv6ifname
97 config.tests/unix/largefile/largefile
98 config.tests/unix/nis/nis
99 config.tests/unix/odbc/odbc
100 config.tests/unix/openssl/openssl
101 config.tests/unix/stl/stl
102 config.tests/unix/zlib/zlib
103 config.tests/unix/3dnow/3dnow
104 config.tests/unix/mmx/mmx
105 config.tests/unix/sse/sse
106 config.tests/unix/sse2/sse2
107 config.tests/unix/psql-escape/psql-escape
108 config.tests/unix/psql/psql
109 config.tests/unix/stdint/stdint
111 # Directories to ignore
112 # ---------------------
114 debug
115 examples/tools/plugandpaint/plugins
116 include/*
117 doc/html*
118 include/*/*
119 lib/*
120 plugins/*/*
121 release
123 doc/html/*
124 doc-build
125 src/gui/.pch
126 src/corelib/.pch
127 src/network/.pch
128 src/gui/.rcc
129 src/sql/.rcc
130 src/xml/.rcc
131 src/corelib/.rcc
132 src/network/.rcc
133 .DS_Store
134 src/gui/build
135 src/corelib/global/qconfig.h.qmake
136 *.perspectivev*
137 build
138 src/gui/qtdir.xcconfig