Snapshot collection cleanup script and test input generator
[qt-creator-color-themes.git] / .gitignore
1 # This file is used to ignore files which are generated
2 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 *~
5 *.a
6 *.core
7 *.moc
8 *.o
9 *.obj
10 *.orig
11 *.rej
12 *.so
13 *_pch.h.cpp
14 *_resource.rc
15 .#*
16 *.*#
17 core
18 .qmake.cache
19 tags
20 .DS_Store
21 *.debug
22 Makefile*
23 *.prl
24 *.app
25 moc_*.cpp
26 ui_*.h
27 qrc_*.cpp
29 # xemacs temporary files
30 *.flc
32 # Vim temporary files
33 .*.swp
35 # Visual Studio generated files
36 *.ib_pdb_index
37 *.idb
38 *.ilk
39 *.pdb
40 *.sln
41 *.suo
42 *.vcproj
43 *vcproj.*.*.user
44 *.ncb
46 # MinGW generated files
47 *.Debug
48 *.Release
50 # Directories to ignore
51 # ---------------------
53 debug
54 examples/tools/plugandpaint/plugins
55 include/*
56 include/*/*
57 lib/*
58 plugins/*/*
59 release
60 tmp
61 doc-build
62 doc/html/*
63 doc/qch
64 doc-build
65 .rcc
66 .pch
67 src/corelib/lib
68 src/network/lib
69 src/xml/lib/
71 # Binaries
72 # --------
73 bin/Aggregation.dll
74 bin/CodeModel.dll
75 bin/ExtensionSystem.dll
76 bin/QtConcurrent.dll
77 bin/Utils.dll
78 bin/qtcreator
79 bin/qtcreator.exe
80 tests/manual/cplusplus/cplusplus0