hw/arm: versal-virt: Add support for SD
[qemu/ar7.git] / tests / vm / basevm.py
2 # VM testing base class
4 # Copyright 2017-2019 Red Hat Inc.
6 # Authors:
7 # Fam Zheng <famz@redhat.com>
8 # Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@redhat.com>
10 # This code is licensed under the GPL version 2 or later. See
11 # the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
14 import os
15 import re
16 import sys
17 import socket
18 import logging
19 import time
20 import datetime
21 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'python'))
22 from qemu.accel import kvm_available
23 from qemu.machine import QEMUMachine
24 import subprocess
25 import hashlib
26 import optparse
27 import atexit
28 import tempfile
29 import shutil
30 import multiprocessing
31 import traceback
33 SSH_KEY = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
34 "..", "keys", "id_rsa")).read()
35 SSH_PUB_KEY = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
36 "..", "keys", "id_rsa.pub")).read()
38 class BaseVM(object):
39 GUEST_USER = "qemu"
40 GUEST_PASS = "qemupass"
41 ROOT_PASS = "qemupass"
43 envvars = [
44 "https_proxy",
45 "http_proxy",
46 "ftp_proxy",
47 "no_proxy",
50 # The script to run in the guest that builds QEMU
52 # The guest name, to be overridden by subclasses
53 name = "#base"
54 # The guest architecture, to be overridden by subclasses
55 arch = "#arch"
56 # command to halt the guest, can be overridden by subclasses
57 poweroff = "poweroff"
58 # enable IPv6 networking
59 ipv6 = True
60 # Scale up some timeouts under TCG.
61 # 4 is arbitrary, but greater than 2,
62 # since we found we need to wait more than twice as long.
63 tcg_ssh_timeout_multiplier = 4
64 def __init__(self, debug=False, vcpus=None):
65 self._guest = None
66 self._tmpdir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="vm-test-",
67 suffix=".tmp",
68 dir="."))
69 atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, self._tmpdir)
71 self._ssh_key_file = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "id_rsa")
72 open(self._ssh_key_file, "w").write(SSH_KEY)
73 subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "600", self._ssh_key_file])
75 self._ssh_pub_key_file = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "id_rsa.pub")
76 open(self._ssh_pub_key_file, "w").write(SSH_PUB_KEY)
78 self.debug = debug
79 self._stderr = sys.stderr
80 self._devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
81 if self.debug:
82 self._stdout = sys.stdout
83 else:
84 self._stdout = self._devnull
85 self._args = [ \
86 "-nodefaults", "-m", "4G",
87 "-cpu", "max",
88 "-netdev", "user,id=vnet,hostfwd=:" +
89 (",ipv6=no" if not self.ipv6 else ""),
90 "-device", "virtio-net-pci,netdev=vnet",
91 "-vnc", ",to=20"]
92 if vcpus and vcpus > 1:
93 self._args += ["-smp", "%d" % vcpus]
94 if kvm_available(self.arch):
95 self._args += ["-enable-kvm"]
96 else:
97 logging.info("KVM not available, not using -enable-kvm")
98 self._data_args = []
100 def _download_with_cache(self, url, sha256sum=None, sha512sum=None):
101 def check_sha256sum(fname):
102 if not sha256sum:
103 return True
104 checksum = subprocess.check_output(["sha256sum", fname]).split()[0]
105 return sha256sum == checksum.decode("utf-8")
107 def check_sha512sum(fname):
108 if not sha512sum:
109 return True
110 checksum = subprocess.check_output(["sha512sum", fname]).split()[0]
111 return sha512sum == checksum.decode("utf-8")
113 cache_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/qemu-vm/download")
114 if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
115 os.makedirs(cache_dir)
116 fname = os.path.join(cache_dir,
117 hashlib.sha1(url.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest())
118 if os.path.exists(fname) and check_sha256sum(fname) and check_sha512sum(fname):
119 return fname
120 logging.debug("Downloading %s to %s...", url, fname)
121 subprocess.check_call(["wget", "-c", url, "-O", fname + ".download"],
122 stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr)
123 os.rename(fname + ".download", fname)
124 return fname
126 def _ssh_do(self, user, cmd, check):
127 ssh_cmd = ["ssh",
128 "-t",
129 "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
130 "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=" + os.devnull,
131 "-o", "ConnectTimeout=1",
132 "-p", self.ssh_port, "-i", self._ssh_key_file]
133 # If not in debug mode, set ssh to quiet mode to
134 # avoid printing the results of commands.
135 if not self.debug:
136 ssh_cmd.append("-q")
137 for var in self.envvars:
138 ssh_cmd += ['-o', "SendEnv=%s" % var ]
139 assert not isinstance(cmd, str)
140 ssh_cmd += ["%s@" % user] + list(cmd)
141 logging.debug("ssh_cmd: %s", " ".join(ssh_cmd))
142 r = subprocess.call(ssh_cmd)
143 if check and r != 0:
144 raise Exception("SSH command failed: %s" % cmd)
145 return r
147 def ssh(self, *cmd):
148 return self._ssh_do(self.GUEST_USER, cmd, False)
150 def ssh_root(self, *cmd):
151 return self._ssh_do("root", cmd, False)
153 def ssh_check(self, *cmd):
154 self._ssh_do(self.GUEST_USER, cmd, True)
156 def ssh_root_check(self, *cmd):
157 self._ssh_do("root", cmd, True)
159 def build_image(self, img):
160 raise NotImplementedError
162 def exec_qemu_img(self, *args):
163 cmd = [os.environ.get("QEMU_IMG", "qemu-img")]
164 cmd.extend(list(args))
165 subprocess.check_call(cmd)
167 def add_source_dir(self, src_dir):
168 name = "data-" + hashlib.sha1(src_dir.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:5]
169 tarfile = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, name + ".tar")
170 logging.debug("Creating archive %s for src_dir dir: %s", tarfile, src_dir)
171 subprocess.check_call(["./scripts/archive-source.sh", tarfile],
172 cwd=src_dir, stdin=self._devnull,
173 stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr)
174 self._data_args += ["-drive",
175 "file=%s,if=none,id=%s,cache=writeback,format=raw" % \
176 (tarfile, name),
177 "-device",
178 "virtio-blk,drive=%s,serial=%s,bootindex=1" % (name, name)]
180 def boot(self, img, extra_args=[]):
181 args = self._args + [
182 "-drive", "file=%s,if=none,id=drive0,cache=writeback" % img,
183 "-device", "virtio-blk,drive=drive0,bootindex=0"]
184 args += self._data_args + extra_args
185 logging.debug("QEMU args: %s", " ".join(args))
186 qemu_bin = os.environ.get("QEMU", "qemu-system-" + self.arch)
187 guest = QEMUMachine(binary=qemu_bin, args=args)
188 guest.set_machine('pc')
189 guest.set_console()
190 try:
191 guest.launch()
192 except:
193 logging.error("Failed to launch QEMU, command line:")
194 logging.error(" ".join([qemu_bin] + args))
195 logging.error("Log:")
196 logging.error(guest.get_log())
197 logging.error("QEMU version >= 2.10 is required")
198 raise
199 atexit.register(self.shutdown)
200 self._guest = guest
201 usernet_info = guest.qmp("human-monitor-command",
202 command_line="info usernet")
203 self.ssh_port = None
204 for l in usernet_info["return"].splitlines():
205 fields = l.split()
206 if "TCP[HOST_FORWARD]" in fields and "22" in fields:
207 self.ssh_port = l.split()[3]
208 if not self.ssh_port:
209 raise Exception("Cannot find ssh port from 'info usernet':\n%s" % \
210 usernet_info)
212 def console_init(self, timeout = 120):
213 vm = self._guest
214 vm.console_socket.settimeout(timeout)
215 self.console_raw_path = os.path.join(vm._temp_dir,
216 vm._name + "-console.raw")
217 self.console_raw_file = open(self.console_raw_path, 'wb')
219 def console_log(self, text):
220 for line in re.split("[\r\n]", text):
221 # filter out terminal escape sequences
222 line = re.sub("\x1b\[[0-9;?]*[a-zA-Z]", "", line)
223 line = re.sub("\x1b\([0-9;?]*[a-zA-Z]", "", line)
224 # replace unprintable chars
225 line = re.sub("\x1b", "<esc>", line)
226 line = re.sub("[\x00-\x1f]", ".", line)
227 line = re.sub("[\x80-\xff]", ".", line)
228 if line == "":
229 continue
230 # log console line
231 sys.stderr.write("con recv: %s\n" % line)
233 def console_wait(self, expect, expectalt = None):
234 vm = self._guest
235 output = ""
236 while True:
237 try:
238 chars = vm.console_socket.recv(1)
239 if self.console_raw_file:
240 self.console_raw_file.write(chars)
241 self.console_raw_file.flush()
242 except socket.timeout:
243 sys.stderr.write("console: *** read timeout ***\n")
244 sys.stderr.write("console: waiting for: '%s'\n" % expect)
245 if not expectalt is None:
246 sys.stderr.write("console: waiting for: '%s' (alt)\n" % expectalt)
247 sys.stderr.write("console: line buffer:\n")
248 sys.stderr.write("\n")
249 self.console_log(output.rstrip())
250 sys.stderr.write("\n")
251 raise
252 output += chars.decode("latin1")
253 if expect in output:
254 break
255 if not expectalt is None and expectalt in output:
256 break
257 if "\r" in output or "\n" in output:
258 lines = re.split("[\r\n]", output)
259 output = lines.pop()
260 if self.debug:
261 self.console_log("\n".join(lines))
262 if self.debug:
263 self.console_log(output)
264 if not expectalt is None and expectalt in output:
265 return False
266 return True
268 def console_consume(self):
269 vm = self._guest
270 output = ""
271 vm.console_socket.setblocking(0)
272 while True:
273 try:
274 chars = vm.console_socket.recv(1)
275 except:
276 break
277 output += chars.decode("latin1")
278 if "\r" in output or "\n" in output:
279 lines = re.split("[\r\n]", output)
280 output = lines.pop()
281 if self.debug:
282 self.console_log("\n".join(lines))
283 if self.debug:
284 self.console_log(output)
285 vm.console_socket.setblocking(1)
287 def console_send(self, command):
288 vm = self._guest
289 if self.debug:
290 logline = re.sub("\n", "<enter>", command)
291 logline = re.sub("[\x00-\x1f]", ".", logline)
292 sys.stderr.write("con send: %s\n" % logline)
293 for char in list(command):
294 vm.console_socket.send(char.encode("utf-8"))
295 time.sleep(0.01)
297 def console_wait_send(self, wait, command):
298 self.console_wait(wait)
299 self.console_send(command)
301 def console_ssh_init(self, prompt, user, pw):
302 sshkey_cmd = "echo '%s' > .ssh/authorized_keys\n" % SSH_PUB_KEY.rstrip()
303 self.console_wait_send("login:", "%s\n" % user)
304 self.console_wait_send("Password:", "%s\n" % pw)
305 self.console_wait_send(prompt, "mkdir .ssh\n")
306 self.console_wait_send(prompt, sshkey_cmd)
307 self.console_wait_send(prompt, "chmod 755 .ssh\n")
308 self.console_wait_send(prompt, "chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys\n")
310 def console_sshd_config(self, prompt):
311 self.console_wait(prompt)
312 self.console_send("echo 'PermitRootLogin yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config\n")
313 for var in self.envvars:
314 self.console_wait(prompt)
315 self.console_send("echo 'AcceptEnv %s' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config\n" % var)
317 def print_step(self, text):
318 sys.stderr.write("### %s ...\n" % text)
320 def wait_ssh(self, wait_root=False, seconds=300):
321 # Allow more time for VM to boot under TCG.
322 if not kvm_available(self.arch):
323 seconds *= self.tcg_ssh_timeout_multiplier
324 starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
325 endtime = starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
326 guest_up = False
327 while datetime.datetime.now() < endtime:
328 if wait_root and self.ssh_root("exit 0") == 0:
329 guest_up = True
330 break
331 elif self.ssh("exit 0") == 0:
332 guest_up = True
333 break
334 seconds = (endtime - datetime.datetime.now()).total_seconds()
335 logging.debug("%ds before timeout", seconds)
336 time.sleep(1)
337 if not guest_up:
338 raise Exception("Timeout while waiting for guest ssh")
340 def shutdown(self):
341 self._guest.shutdown()
343 def wait(self):
344 self._guest.wait()
346 def graceful_shutdown(self):
347 self.ssh_root(self.poweroff)
348 self._guest.wait()
350 def qmp(self, *args, **kwargs):
351 return self._guest.qmp(*args, **kwargs)
353 def gen_cloud_init_iso(self):
354 cidir = self._tmpdir
355 mdata = open(os.path.join(cidir, "meta-data"), "w")
356 name = self.name.replace(".","-")
357 mdata.writelines(["instance-id: {}-vm-0\n".format(name),
358 "local-hostname: {}-guest\n".format(name)])
359 mdata.close()
360 udata = open(os.path.join(cidir, "user-data"), "w")
361 print("guest user:pw {}:{}".format(self.GUEST_USER,
362 self.GUEST_PASS))
363 udata.writelines(["#cloud-config\n",
364 "chpasswd:\n",
365 " list: |\n",
366 " root:%s\n" % self.ROOT_PASS,
367 " %s:%s\n" % (self.GUEST_USER,
368 self.GUEST_PASS),
369 " expire: False\n",
370 "users:\n",
371 " - name: %s\n" % self.GUEST_USER,
372 " sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\n",
373 " ssh-authorized-keys:\n",
374 " - %s\n" % SSH_PUB_KEY,
375 " - name: root\n",
376 " ssh-authorized-keys:\n",
377 " - %s\n" % SSH_PUB_KEY,
378 "locale: en_US.UTF-8\n"])
379 proxy = os.environ.get("http_proxy")
380 if not proxy is None:
381 udata.writelines(["apt:\n",
382 " proxy: %s" % proxy])
383 udata.close()
384 subprocess.check_call(["genisoimage", "-output", "cloud-init.iso",
385 "-volid", "cidata", "-joliet", "-rock",
386 "user-data", "meta-data"],
387 cwd=cidir,
388 stdin=self._devnull, stdout=self._stdout,
389 stderr=self._stdout)
391 return os.path.join(cidir, "cloud-init.iso")
393 def parse_args(vmcls):
395 def get_default_jobs():
396 if kvm_available(vmcls.arch):
397 return multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2
398 else:
399 return 1
401 parser = optparse.OptionParser(
402 description="VM test utility. Exit codes: "
403 "0 = success, "
404 "1 = command line error, "
405 "2 = environment initialization failed, "
406 "3 = test command failed")
407 parser.add_option("--debug", "-D", action="store_true",
408 help="enable debug output")
409 parser.add_option("--image", "-i", default="%s.img" % vmcls.name,
410 help="image file name")
411 parser.add_option("--force", "-f", action="store_true",
412 help="force build image even if image exists")
413 parser.add_option("--jobs", type=int, default=get_default_jobs(),
414 help="number of virtual CPUs")
415 parser.add_option("--verbose", "-V", action="store_true",
416 help="Pass V=1 to builds within the guest")
417 parser.add_option("--build-image", "-b", action="store_true",
418 help="build image")
419 parser.add_option("--build-qemu",
420 help="build QEMU from source in guest")
421 parser.add_option("--build-target",
422 help="QEMU build target", default="check")
423 parser.add_option("--interactive", "-I", action="store_true",
424 help="Interactively run command")
425 parser.add_option("--snapshot", "-s", action="store_true",
426 help="run tests with a snapshot")
427 parser.disable_interspersed_args()
428 return parser.parse_args()
430 def main(vmcls):
431 try:
432 args, argv = parse_args(vmcls)
433 if not argv and not args.build_qemu and not args.build_image:
434 print("Nothing to do?")
435 return 1
436 logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.DEBUG if args.debug
437 else logging.WARN))
438 vm = vmcls(debug=args.debug, vcpus=args.jobs)
439 if args.build_image:
440 if os.path.exists(args.image) and not args.force:
441 sys.stderr.writelines(["Image file exists: %s\n" % args.image,
442 "Use --force option to overwrite\n"])
443 return 1
444 return vm.build_image(args.image)
445 if args.build_qemu:
446 vm.add_source_dir(args.build_qemu)
447 cmd = [vm.BUILD_SCRIPT.format(
448 configure_opts = " ".join(argv),
449 jobs=int(args.jobs),
450 target=args.build_target,
451 verbose = "V=1" if args.verbose else "")]
452 else:
453 cmd = argv
454 img = args.image
455 if args.snapshot:
456 img += ",snapshot=on"
457 vm.boot(img)
458 vm.wait_ssh()
459 except Exception as e:
460 if isinstance(e, SystemExit) and e.code == 0:
461 return 0
462 sys.stderr.write("Failed to prepare guest environment\n")
463 traceback.print_exc()
464 return 2
466 exitcode = 0
467 if vm.ssh(*cmd) != 0:
468 exitcode = 3
469 if args.interactive:
470 vm.ssh()
472 if not args.snapshot:
473 vm.graceful_shutdown()
475 return exitcode