move sections
[python/dscho.git] / Lib / test /
1 import asyncore
2 import email.utils
3 import socket
4 import smtpd
5 import smtplib
6 import StringIO
7 import sys
8 import time
9 import select
11 import unittest
12 from test import test_support
14 try:
15 import threading
16 except ImportError:
17 threading = None
19 HOST = test_support.HOST
21 def server(evt, buf, serv):
22 serv.listen(5)
23 evt.set()
24 try:
25 conn, addr = serv.accept()
26 except socket.timeout:
27 pass
28 else:
29 n = 500
30 while buf and n > 0:
31 r, w, e =[], [conn], [])
32 if w:
33 sent = conn.send(buf)
34 buf = buf[sent:]
36 n -= 1
38 conn.close()
39 finally:
40 serv.close()
41 evt.set()
43 @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
44 class GeneralTests(unittest.TestCase):
46 def setUp(self):
47 self._threads = test_support.threading_setup()
48 self.evt = threading.Event()
49 self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
50 self.sock.settimeout(15)
51 self.port = test_support.bind_port(self.sock)
52 servargs = (self.evt, "220 Hola mundo\n", self.sock)
53 self.thread = threading.Thread(target=server, args=servargs)
54 self.thread.start()
55 self.evt.wait()
56 self.evt.clear()
58 def tearDown(self):
59 self.evt.wait()
60 self.thread.join()
61 test_support.threading_cleanup(*self._threads)
63 def testBasic1(self):
64 # connects
65 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port)
66 smtp.close()
68 def testBasic2(self):
69 # connects, include port in host name
70 smtp = smtplib.SMTP("%s:%s" % (HOST, self.port))
71 smtp.close()
73 def testLocalHostName(self):
74 # check that supplied local_hostname is used
75 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname="testhost")
76 self.assertEqual(smtp.local_hostname, "testhost")
77 smtp.close()
79 def testTimeoutDefault(self):
80 self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
81 socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
82 try:
83 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port)
84 finally:
85 socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
86 self.assertEqual(smtp.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
87 smtp.close()
89 def testTimeoutNone(self):
90 self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
91 socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
92 try:
93 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, timeout=None)
94 finally:
95 socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
96 self.assertTrue(smtp.sock.gettimeout() is None)
97 smtp.close()
99 def testTimeoutValue(self):
100 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, timeout=30)
101 self.assertEqual(smtp.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
102 smtp.close()
105 # Test server thread using the specified SMTP server class
106 def debugging_server(serv, serv_evt, client_evt):
107 serv_evt.set()
109 try:
110 if hasattr(select, 'poll'):
111 poll_fun = asyncore.poll2
112 else:
113 poll_fun = asyncore.poll
115 n = 1000
116 while asyncore.socket_map and n > 0:
117 poll_fun(0.01, asyncore.socket_map)
119 # when the client conversation is finished, it will
120 # set client_evt, and it's then ok to kill the server
121 if client_evt.is_set():
122 serv.close()
123 break
125 n -= 1
127 except socket.timeout:
128 pass
129 finally:
130 if not client_evt.is_set():
131 # allow some time for the client to read the result
132 time.sleep(0.5)
133 serv.close()
134 asyncore.close_all()
135 serv_evt.set()
137 MSG_BEGIN = '---------- MESSAGE FOLLOWS ----------\n'
138 MSG_END = '------------ END MESSAGE ------------\n'
140 # NOTE: Some SMTP objects in the tests below are created with a non-default
141 # local_hostname argument to the constructor, since (on some systems) the FQDN
142 # lookup caused by the default local_hostname sometimes takes so long that the
143 # test server times out, causing the test to fail.
145 # Test behavior of smtpd.DebuggingServer
146 @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
147 class DebuggingServerTests(unittest.TestCase):
149 def setUp(self):
150 # temporarily replace sys.stdout to capture DebuggingServer output
151 self.old_stdout = sys.stdout
152 self.output = StringIO.StringIO()
153 sys.stdout = self.output
155 self._threads = test_support.threading_setup()
156 self.serv_evt = threading.Event()
157 self.client_evt = threading.Event()
158 # Pick a random unused port by passing 0 for the port number
159 self.serv = smtpd.DebuggingServer((HOST, 0), ('nowhere', -1))
160 # Keep a note of what port was assigned
161 self.port = self.serv.socket.getsockname()[1]
162 serv_args = (self.serv, self.serv_evt, self.client_evt)
163 self.thread = threading.Thread(target=debugging_server, args=serv_args)
164 self.thread.start()
166 # wait until server thread has assigned a port number
167 self.serv_evt.wait()
168 self.serv_evt.clear()
170 def tearDown(self):
171 # indicate that the client is finished
172 self.client_evt.set()
173 # wait for the server thread to terminate
174 self.serv_evt.wait()
175 self.thread.join()
176 test_support.threading_cleanup(*self._threads)
177 # restore sys.stdout
178 sys.stdout = self.old_stdout
180 def testBasic(self):
181 # connect
182 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
183 smtp.quit()
185 def testNOOP(self):
186 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
187 expected = (250, 'Ok')
188 self.assertEqual(smtp.noop(), expected)
189 smtp.quit()
191 def testRSET(self):
192 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
193 expected = (250, 'Ok')
194 self.assertEqual(smtp.rset(), expected)
195 smtp.quit()
197 def testNotImplemented(self):
198 # EHLO isn't implemented in DebuggingServer
199 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
200 expected = (502, 'Error: command "EHLO" not implemented')
201 self.assertEqual(smtp.ehlo(), expected)
202 smtp.quit()
204 def testVRFY(self):
205 # VRFY isn't implemented in DebuggingServer
206 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
207 expected = (502, 'Error: command "VRFY" not implemented')
208 self.assertEqual(smtp.vrfy(''), expected)
209 self.assertEqual(smtp.verify(''), expected)
210 smtp.quit()
212 def testSecondHELO(self):
213 # check that a second HELO returns a message that it's a duplicate
214 # (this behavior is specific to smtpd.SMTPChannel)
215 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
216 smtp.helo()
217 expected = (503, 'Duplicate HELO/EHLO')
218 self.assertEqual(smtp.helo(), expected)
219 smtp.quit()
221 def testHELP(self):
222 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
223 self.assertEqual(, 'Error: command "HELP" not implemented')
224 smtp.quit()
226 def testSend(self):
227 # connect and send mail
228 m = 'A test message'
229 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
230 smtp.sendmail('John', 'Sally', m)
231 # XXX(nnorwitz): this test is flaky and dies with a bad file descriptor
232 # in asyncore. This sleep might help, but should really be fixed
233 # properly by using an Event variable.
234 time.sleep(0.01)
235 smtp.quit()
237 self.client_evt.set()
238 self.serv_evt.wait()
239 self.output.flush()
240 mexpect = '%s%s\n%s' % (MSG_BEGIN, m, MSG_END)
241 self.assertEqual(self.output.getvalue(), mexpect)
244 class NonConnectingTests(unittest.TestCase):
246 def testNotConnected(self):
247 # Test various operations on an unconnected SMTP object that
248 # should raise exceptions (at present the attempt in SMTP.send
249 # to reference the nonexistent 'sock' attribute of the SMTP object
250 # causes an AttributeError)
251 smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
252 self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected, smtp.ehlo)
253 self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected,
254 smtp.send, 'test msg')
256 def testNonnumericPort(self):
257 # check that non-numeric port raises socket.error
258 self.assertRaises(socket.error, smtplib.SMTP,
259 "localhost", "bogus")
260 self.assertRaises(socket.error, smtplib.SMTP,
261 "localhost:bogus")
264 # test response of client to a non-successful HELO message
265 @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
266 class BadHELOServerTests(unittest.TestCase):
268 def setUp(self):
269 self.old_stdout = sys.stdout
270 self.output = StringIO.StringIO()
271 sys.stdout = self.output
273 self._threads = test_support.threading_setup()
274 self.evt = threading.Event()
275 self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
276 self.sock.settimeout(15)
277 self.port = test_support.bind_port(self.sock)
278 servargs = (self.evt, "199 no hello for you!\n", self.sock)
279 self.thread = threading.Thread(target=server, args=servargs)
280 self.thread.start()
281 self.evt.wait()
282 self.evt.clear()
284 def tearDown(self):
285 self.evt.wait()
286 self.thread.join()
287 test_support.threading_cleanup(*self._threads)
288 sys.stdout = self.old_stdout
290 def testFailingHELO(self):
291 self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTP,
292 HOST, self.port, 'localhost', 3)
295 sim_users = {'':'John A',
296 '':'Sally B',
297 '':'Ruth C',
300 sim_auth = ('', 'somepassword')
301 sim_cram_md5_challenge = ('PENCeUxFREJoU0NnbmhNWitOMjNGNn'
302 'dAZWx3b29kLmlubm9zb2Z0LmNvbT4=')
303 sim_auth_credentials = {
304 'login': 'TXIuQUBzb21ld2hlcmUuY29t',
305 'plain': 'AE1yLkFAc29tZXdoZXJlLmNvbQBzb21lcGFzc3dvcmQ=',
309 sim_auth_login_password = 'C29TZXBHC3N3B3JK'
311 sim_lists = {'list-1':['',''],
312 'list-2':['',],
315 # Simulated SMTP channel & server
316 class SimSMTPChannel(smtpd.SMTPChannel):
318 def __init__(self, extra_features, *args, **kw):
319 self._extrafeatures = ''.join(
320 [ "250-{0}\r\n".format(x) for x in extra_features ])
321 smtpd.SMTPChannel.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
323 def smtp_EHLO(self, arg):
324 resp = ('250-testhost\r\n'
325 '250-EXPN\r\n'
326 '250-SIZE 20000000\r\n'
327 '250-STARTTLS\r\n'
328 '250-DELIVERBY\r\n')
329 resp = resp + self._extrafeatures + '250 HELP'
330 self.push(resp)
332 def smtp_VRFY(self, arg):
333 raw_addr = email.utils.parseaddr(arg)[1]
334 quoted_addr = smtplib.quoteaddr(arg)
335 if raw_addr in sim_users:
336 self.push('250 %s %s' % (sim_users[raw_addr], quoted_addr))
337 else:
338 self.push('550 No such user: %s' % arg)
340 def smtp_EXPN(self, arg):
341 list_name = email.utils.parseaddr(arg)[1].lower()
342 if list_name in sim_lists:
343 user_list = sim_lists[list_name]
344 for n, user_email in enumerate(user_list):
345 quoted_addr = smtplib.quoteaddr(user_email)
346 if n < len(user_list) - 1:
347 self.push('250-%s %s' % (sim_users[user_email], quoted_addr))
348 else:
349 self.push('250 %s %s' % (sim_users[user_email], quoted_addr))
350 else:
351 self.push('550 No access for you!')
353 def smtp_AUTH(self, arg):
354 if arg.strip().lower()=='cram-md5':
355 self.push('334 {0}'.format(sim_cram_md5_challenge))
356 return
357 mech, auth = arg.split()
358 mech = mech.lower()
359 if mech not in sim_auth_credentials:
360 self.push('504 auth type unimplemented')
361 return
362 if mech == 'plain' and auth==sim_auth_credentials['plain']:
363 self.push('235 plain auth ok')
364 elif mech=='login' and auth==sim_auth_credentials['login']:
365 self.push('334 Password:')
366 else:
367 self.push('550 No access for you!')
369 def handle_error(self):
370 raise
373 class SimSMTPServer(smtpd.SMTPServer):
375 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
376 self._extra_features = []
377 smtpd.SMTPServer.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
379 def handle_accept(self):
380 conn, addr = self.accept()
381 self._SMTPchannel = SimSMTPChannel(self._extra_features,
382 self, conn, addr)
384 def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
385 pass
387 def add_feature(self, feature):
388 self._extra_features.append(feature)
390 def handle_error(self):
391 raise
394 # Test various SMTP & ESMTP commands/behaviors that require a simulated server
395 # (i.e., something with more features than DebuggingServer)
396 @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
397 class SMTPSimTests(unittest.TestCase):
399 def setUp(self):
400 self._threads = test_support.threading_setup()
401 self.serv_evt = threading.Event()
402 self.client_evt = threading.Event()
403 # Pick a random unused port by passing 0 for the port number
404 self.serv = SimSMTPServer((HOST, 0), ('nowhere', -1))
405 # Keep a note of what port was assigned
406 self.port = self.serv.socket.getsockname()[1]
407 serv_args = (self.serv, self.serv_evt, self.client_evt)
408 self.thread = threading.Thread(target=debugging_server, args=serv_args)
409 self.thread.start()
411 # wait until server thread has assigned a port number
412 self.serv_evt.wait()
413 self.serv_evt.clear()
415 def tearDown(self):
416 # indicate that the client is finished
417 self.client_evt.set()
418 # wait for the server thread to terminate
419 self.serv_evt.wait()
420 self.thread.join()
421 test_support.threading_cleanup(*self._threads)
423 def testBasic(self):
424 # smoke test
425 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=15)
426 smtp.quit()
428 def testEHLO(self):
429 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=15)
431 # no features should be present before the EHLO
432 self.assertEqual(smtp.esmtp_features, {})
434 # features expected from the test server
435 expected_features = {'expn':'',
436 'size': '20000000',
437 'starttls': '',
438 'deliverby': '',
439 'help': '',
442 smtp.ehlo()
443 self.assertEqual(smtp.esmtp_features, expected_features)
444 for k in expected_features:
445 self.assertTrue(smtp.has_extn(k))
446 self.assertFalse(smtp.has_extn('unsupported-feature'))
447 smtp.quit()
449 def testVRFY(self):
450 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=15)
452 for email, name in sim_users.items():
453 expected_known = (250, '%s %s' % (name, smtplib.quoteaddr(email)))
454 self.assertEqual(smtp.vrfy(email), expected_known)
456 u = ''
457 expected_unknown = (550, 'No such user: %s' % smtplib.quoteaddr(u))
458 self.assertEqual(smtp.vrfy(u), expected_unknown)
459 smtp.quit()
461 def testEXPN(self):
462 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=15)
464 for listname, members in sim_lists.items():
465 users = []
466 for m in members:
467 users.append('%s %s' % (sim_users[m], smtplib.quoteaddr(m)))
468 expected_known = (250, '\n'.join(users))
469 self.assertEqual(smtp.expn(listname), expected_known)
471 u = 'PSU-Members-List'
472 expected_unknown = (550, 'No access for you!')
473 self.assertEqual(smtp.expn(u), expected_unknown)
474 smtp.quit()
476 def testAUTH_PLAIN(self):
477 self.serv.add_feature("AUTH PLAIN")
478 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=15)
480 expected_auth_ok = (235, b'plain auth ok')
481 self.assertEqual(smtp.login(sim_auth[0], sim_auth[1]), expected_auth_ok)
483 # SimSMTPChannel doesn't fully support LOGIN or CRAM-MD5 auth because they
484 # require a synchronous read to obtain the instead smtpd
485 # sees the credential sent by smtplib's login method as an unknown command,
486 # which results in smtplib raising an auth error. Fortunately the error
487 # message contains the encoded credential, so we can partially check that it
488 # was generated correctly (partially, because the 'word' is uppercased in
489 # the error message).
491 def testAUTH_LOGIN(self):
492 self.serv.add_feature("AUTH LOGIN")
493 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=15)
494 try: smtp.login(sim_auth[0], sim_auth[1])
495 except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as err:
496 if sim_auth_login_password not in str(err):
497 raise "expected encoded password not found in error message"
499 def testAUTH_CRAM_MD5(self):
500 self.serv.add_feature("AUTH CRAM-MD5")
501 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=15)
503 try: smtp.login(sim_auth[0], sim_auth[1])
504 except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as err:
505 if sim_auth_credentials['cram-md5'] not in str(err):
506 raise "expected encoded credentials not found in error message"
508 #TODO: add tests for correct AUTH method fallback now that the
509 #test infrastructure can support it.
512 def test_main(verbose=None):
513 test_support.run_unittest(GeneralTests, DebuggingServerTests,
514 NonConnectingTests,
515 BadHELOServerTests, SMTPSimTests)
517 if __name__ == '__main__':
518 test_main()