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[python/dscho.git] / Lib / test /
1 import mimetypes
2 import StringIO
3 import unittest
4 import sys
6 from test import test_support
8 # Tell it we don't know about external files:
9 mimetypes.knownfiles = []
10 mimetypes.inited = False
11 mimetypes._default_mime_types()
14 class MimeTypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
15 def setUp(self):
16 self.db = mimetypes.MimeTypes()
18 def test_default_data(self):
19 eq = self.assertEqual
20 eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.html"), ("text/html", None))
21 eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.tgz"), ("application/x-tar", "gzip"))
22 eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.tar.gz"), ("application/x-tar", "gzip"))
23 eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.tar.Z"), ("application/x-tar", "compress"))
25 def test_data_urls(self):
26 eq = self.assertEqual
27 guess_type = self.db.guess_type
28 eq(guess_type("data:,thisIsTextPlain"), ("text/plain", None))
29 eq(guess_type("data:;base64,thisIsTextPlain"), ("text/plain", None))
30 eq(guess_type("data:text/x-foo,thisIsTextXFoo"), ("text/x-foo", None))
32 def test_file_parsing(self):
33 eq = self.assertEqual
34 sio = StringIO.StringIO("x-application/x-unittest pyunit\n")
35 self.db.readfp(sio)
36 eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.pyunit"),
37 ("x-application/x-unittest", None))
38 eq(self.db.guess_extension("x-application/x-unittest"), ".pyunit")
40 def test_non_standard_types(self):
41 eq = self.assertEqual
42 # First try strict
43 eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=True), (None, None))
44 eq(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=True), None)
45 # And then non-strict
46 eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=False), ('text/xul', None))
47 eq(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=False), '.jpg')
49 def test_guess_all_types(self):
50 eq = self.assertEqual
51 unless = self.assertTrue
52 # First try strict. Use a set here for testing the results because if
53 # test_urllib2 is run before test_mimetypes, global state is modified
54 # such that the 'all' set will have more items in it.
55 all = set(self.db.guess_all_extensions('text/plain', strict=True))
56 unless(all >= set(['.bat', '.c', '.h', '.ksh', '.pl', '.txt']))
57 # And now non-strict
58 all = self.db.guess_all_extensions('image/jpg', strict=False)
59 all.sort()
60 eq(all, ['.jpg'])
61 # And now for no hits
62 all = self.db.guess_all_extensions('image/jpg', strict=True)
63 eq(all, [])
66 @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("win"), "Windows only")
67 class Win32MimeTypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
68 def setUp(self):
69 # ensure all entries actually come from the Windows registry
70 self.original_types_map = mimetypes.types_map.copy()
71 mimetypes.types_map.clear()
72 mimetypes.init()
73 self.db = mimetypes.MimeTypes()
75 def tearDown(self):
76 # restore default settings
77 mimetypes.types_map.clear()
78 mimetypes.types_map.update(self.original_types_map)
80 def test_registry_parsing(self):
81 # the original, minimum contents of the MIME database in the
82 # Windows registry is undocumented AFAIK.
83 # Use file types that should *always* exist:
84 eq = self.assertEqual
85 eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.txt"), ("text/plain", None))
87 def test_main():
88 test_support.run_unittest(MimeTypesTestCase,
89 Win32MimeTypesTestCase
93 if __name__ == "__main__":
94 test_main()