move sections
[python/dscho.git] / Lib / plat-mac /
1 "A sort of application framework for the Mac"
5 from warnings import warnpy3k
6 warnpy3k("In 3.x, the FrameWork module is removed.", stacklevel=2)
8 import MacOS
9 import traceback
11 from Carbon.AE import *
12 from Carbon.AppleEvents import *
13 from Carbon.Ctl import *
14 from Carbon.Controls import *
15 from Carbon.Dlg import *
16 from Carbon.Dialogs import *
17 from Carbon.Evt import *
18 from Carbon.Events import *
19 from Carbon.Help import *
20 from Carbon.Menu import *
21 from Carbon.Menus import *
22 from Carbon.Qd import *
23 from Carbon.QuickDraw import *
24 #from Carbon.Res import *
25 #from Carbon.Resources import *
26 #from Carbon.Snd import *
27 #from Carbon.Sound import *
28 from Carbon.Win import *
29 from Carbon.Windows import *
30 import types
32 import EasyDialogs
34 try:
35 MyFrontWindow = FrontNonFloatingWindow
36 except NameError:
37 MyFrontWindow = FrontWindow
39 kHighLevelEvent = 23 # Don't know what header file this should come from
40 SCROLLBARWIDTH = 16 # Again, not a clue...
42 # Trick to forestall a set of SIOUX menus being added to our menubar
46 # Map event 'what' field to strings
47 eventname = {}
48 eventname[1] = 'mouseDown'
49 eventname[2] = 'mouseUp'
50 eventname[3] = 'keyDown'
51 eventname[4] = 'keyUp'
52 eventname[5] = 'autoKey'
53 eventname[6] = 'updateEvt'
54 eventname[7] = 'diskEvt'
55 eventname[8] = 'activateEvt'
56 eventname[15] = 'osEvt'
57 eventname[23] = 'kHighLevelEvent'
59 # Map part codes returned by WhichWindow() to strings
60 partname = {}
61 partname[0] = 'inDesk'
62 partname[1] = 'inMenuBar'
63 partname[2] = 'inSysWindow'
64 partname[3] = 'inContent'
65 partname[4] = 'inDrag'
66 partname[5] = 'inGrow'
67 partname[6] = 'inGoAway'
68 partname[7] = 'inZoomIn'
69 partname[8] = 'inZoomOut'
72 # The useable portion of the screen
73 # ## but what happens with multiple screens? jvr
74 screenbounds = GetQDGlobalsScreenBits().bounds
75 screenbounds = screenbounds[0]+4, screenbounds[1]+4, \
76 screenbounds[2]-4, screenbounds[3]-4
78 next_window_x = 16 # jvr
79 next_window_y = 44 # jvr
81 def windowbounds(width, height):
82 "Return sensible window bounds"
83 global next_window_x, next_window_y
84 r, b = next_window_x+width, next_window_y+height
85 if r > screenbounds[2]:
86 next_window_x = 16
87 if b > screenbounds[3]:
88 next_window_y = 44
89 l, t = next_window_x, next_window_y
90 r, b = next_window_x+width, next_window_y+height
91 next_window_x, next_window_y = next_window_x + 8, next_window_y + 20 # jvr
92 return l, t, r, b
94 _watch = None
95 def setwatchcursor():
96 global _watch
98 if _watch is None:
99 _watch = GetCursor(4).data
100 SetCursor(_watch)
102 def setarrowcursor():
103 SetCursor(GetQDGlobalsArrow())
105 class Application:
107 "Application framework -- your application should be a derived class"
109 def __init__(self, nomenubar=0):
110 self._doing_asyncevents = 0
111 self.quitting = 0
112 self.needmenubarredraw = 0
113 self._windows = {}
114 self._helpmenu = None
115 if nomenubar:
116 self.menubar = None
117 else:
118 self.makemenubar()
120 def __del__(self):
121 if self._doing_asyncevents:
122 self._doing_asyncevents = 0
123 MacOS.SetEventHandler()
125 def makemenubar(self):
126 self.menubar = MenuBar(self)
127 AppleMenu(self.menubar, self.getabouttext(), self.do_about)
128 self.makeusermenus()
130 def makeusermenus(self):
131 self.filemenu = m = Menu(self.menubar, "File")
132 self._quititem = MenuItem(m, "Quit", "Q", self._quit)
134 def gethelpmenu(self):
135 if self._helpmenu is None:
136 self._helpmenu = HelpMenu(self.menubar)
137 return self._helpmenu
139 def _quit(self, *args):
140 self.quitting = 1
142 def cleanup(self):
143 for w in self._windows.values():
144 w.do_close()
145 return self._windows == {}
147 def appendwindow(self, wid, window):
148 self._windows[wid] = window
150 def removewindow(self, wid):
151 del self._windows[wid]
153 def getabouttext(self):
154 return "About %s..." % self.__class__.__name__
156 def do_about(self, id, item, window, event):
157 EasyDialogs.Message("Hello, world!" + "\015(%s)" % self.__class__.__name__)
159 # The main event loop is broken up in several simple steps.
160 # This is done so you can override each individual part,
161 # if you have a need to do extra processing independent of the
162 # event type.
163 # Normally, however, you'd just define handlers for individual
164 # events.
166 schedparams = (0, 0) # By default disable Python's event handling
167 default_wait = None # By default we wait GetCaretTime in WaitNextEvent
169 def mainloop(self, mask = everyEvent, wait = None):
170 self.quitting = 0
171 if hasattr(MacOS, 'SchedParams'):
172 saveparams = MacOS.SchedParams(*self.schedparams)
173 try:
174 while not self.quitting:
175 try:
176 self.do1event(mask, wait)
177 except (Application, SystemExit):
178 # Note: the raising of "self" is old-fashioned idiom to
179 # exit the mainloop. Calling _quit() is better for new
180 # applications.
181 break
182 finally:
183 if hasattr(MacOS, 'SchedParams'):
184 MacOS.SchedParams(*saveparams)
186 def dopendingevents(self, mask = everyEvent):
187 """dopendingevents - Handle all pending events"""
188 while self.do1event(mask, wait=0):
189 pass
191 def do1event(self, mask = everyEvent, wait = None):
192 ok, event = self.getevent(mask, wait)
193 if IsDialogEvent(event):
194 if self.do_dialogevent(event):
195 return
196 if ok:
197 self.dispatch(event)
198 else:
199 self.idle(event)
201 def idle(self, event):
202 pass
204 def getevent(self, mask = everyEvent, wait = None):
205 if self.needmenubarredraw:
206 DrawMenuBar()
207 self.needmenubarredraw = 0
208 if wait is None:
209 wait = self.default_wait
210 if wait is None:
211 wait = GetCaretTime()
212 ok, event = WaitNextEvent(mask, wait)
213 return ok, event
215 def dispatch(self, event):
216 # The following appears to be double work (already done in do1event)
217 # but we need it for asynchronous event handling
218 if IsDialogEvent(event):
219 if self.do_dialogevent(event):
220 return
221 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
222 if what in eventname:
223 name = "do_" + eventname[what]
224 else:
225 name = "do_%d" % what
226 try:
227 handler = getattr(self, name)
228 except AttributeError:
229 handler = self.do_unknownevent
230 handler(event)
232 def asyncevents(self, onoff):
233 """asyncevents - Set asynchronous event handling on or off"""
234 if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho':
235 raise 'Unsupported in MachoPython'
236 old = self._doing_asyncevents
237 if old:
238 MacOS.SetEventHandler()
239 MacOS.SchedParams(*self.schedparams)
240 if onoff:
241 MacOS.SetEventHandler(self.dispatch)
242 doint, dummymask, benice, howoften, bgyield = \
243 self.schedparams
244 MacOS.SchedParams(doint, everyEvent, benice,
245 howoften, bgyield)
246 self._doing_asyncevents = onoff
247 return old
249 def do_dialogevent(self, event):
250 gotone, dlg, item = DialogSelect(event)
251 if gotone:
252 window = dlg.GetDialogWindow()
253 if window in self._windows:
254 self._windows[window].do_itemhit(item, event)
255 else:
256 print 'Dialog event for unknown dialog'
257 return 1
258 return 0
260 def do_mouseDown(self, event):
261 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
262 partcode, wid = FindWindow(where)
265 # Find the correct name.
267 if partcode in partname:
268 name = "do_" + partname[partcode]
269 else:
270 name = "do_%d" % partcode
272 if wid is None:
273 # No window, or a non-python window
274 try:
275 handler = getattr(self, name)
276 except AttributeError:
277 # Not menubar or something, so assume someone
278 # else's window
279 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
280 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
281 return
282 elif wid in self._windows:
283 # It is a window. Hand off to correct window.
284 window = self._windows[wid]
285 try:
286 handler = getattr(window, name)
287 except AttributeError:
288 handler = self.do_unknownpartcode
289 else:
290 # It is a python-toolbox window, but not ours.
291 handler = self.do_unknownwindow
292 handler(partcode, wid, event)
294 def do_inSysWindow(self, partcode, window, event):
295 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
296 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
298 def do_inDesk(self, partcode, window, event):
299 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
300 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
302 def do_inMenuBar(self, partcode, window, event):
303 if not self.menubar:
304 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
305 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
306 return
307 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
308 result = MenuSelect(where)
309 id = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
310 if id >= 0x8000:
311 id = -65536 + id
312 item = result & 0xffff # Lo word
313 self.do_rawmenu(id, item, window, event)
315 def do_rawmenu(self, id, item, window, event):
316 try:
317 self.do_menu(id, item, window, event)
318 finally:
319 HiliteMenu(0)
321 def do_menu(self, id, item, window, event):
322 if hasattr(MacOS, 'OutputSeen'):
323 MacOS.OutputSeen()
324 self.menubar.dispatch(id, item, window, event)
327 def do_unknownpartcode(self, partcode, window, event):
328 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
329 if DEBUG: print "Mouse down at global:", where
330 if DEBUG: print "\tUnknown part code:", partcode
331 if DEBUG: print "\tEvent:", self.printevent(event)
332 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
333 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
335 def do_unknownwindow(self, partcode, window, event):
336 if DEBUG: print 'Unknown window:', window
337 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
338 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
340 def do_keyDown(self, event):
341 self.do_key(event)
343 def do_autoKey(self, event):
344 if not event[-1] & cmdKey:
345 self.do_key(event)
347 def do_key(self, event):
348 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
349 c = chr(message & charCodeMask)
350 if self.menubar:
351 result = MenuEvent(event)
352 id = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
353 item = result & 0xffff # Lo word
354 if id:
355 self.do_rawmenu(id, item, None, event)
356 return
357 # Otherwise we fall-through
358 if modifiers & cmdKey:
359 if c == '.':
360 raise self
361 else:
362 if not self.menubar:
363 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
364 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
365 return
366 else:
367 # See whether the front window wants it
368 w = MyFrontWindow()
369 if w and w in self._windows:
370 window = self._windows[w]
371 try:
372 do_char = window.do_char
373 except AttributeError:
374 do_char = self.do_char
375 do_char(c, event)
376 # else it wasn't for us, sigh...
378 def do_char(self, c, event):
379 if DEBUG: print "Character", repr(c)
381 def do_updateEvt(self, event):
382 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
383 wid = WhichWindow(message)
384 if wid and wid in self._windows:
385 window = self._windows[wid]
386 window.do_rawupdate(wid, event)
387 else:
388 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
389 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
391 def do_activateEvt(self, event):
392 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
393 wid = WhichWindow(message)
394 if wid and wid in self._windows:
395 window = self._windows[wid]
396 window.do_activate(modifiers & 1, event)
397 else:
398 if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
399 MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
401 def do_osEvt(self, event):
402 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
403 which = (message >> 24) & 0xff
404 if which == 1: # suspend/resume
405 self.do_suspendresume(event)
406 else:
407 if DEBUG:
408 print 'unknown osEvt:',
409 self.printevent(event)
411 def do_suspendresume(self, event):
412 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
413 wid = MyFrontWindow()
414 if wid and wid in self._windows:
415 window = self._windows[wid]
416 window.do_activate(message & 1, event)
418 def do_kHighLevelEvent(self, event):
419 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
420 if DEBUG:
421 print "High Level Event:",
422 self.printevent(event)
423 try:
424 AEProcessAppleEvent(event)
425 except:
426 pass
427 #print "AEProcessAppleEvent error:"
428 #traceback.print_exc()
430 def do_unknownevent(self, event):
431 if DEBUG:
432 print "Unhandled event:",
433 self.printevent(event)
435 def printevent(self, event):
436 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
437 nicewhat = repr(what)
438 if what in eventname:
439 nicewhat = eventname[what]
440 print nicewhat,
441 if what == kHighLevelEvent:
442 h, v = where
443 print repr(ostypecode(message)), hex(when), repr(ostypecode(h | (v<<16))),
444 else:
445 print hex(message), hex(when), where,
446 print hex(modifiers)
449 class MenuBar:
450 """Represent a set of menus in a menu bar.
452 Interface:
454 - (constructor)
455 - (destructor)
456 - addmenu
457 - addpopup (normally used internally)
458 - dispatch (called from Application)
461 nextid = 1 # Necessarily a class variable
463 def getnextid(self):
464 id = MenuBar.nextid
465 MenuBar.nextid = id+1
466 return id
468 def __init__(self, parent=None):
469 self.parent = parent
470 ClearMenuBar()
471 = GetMenuBar()
472 self.menus = {}
474 # XXX necessary?
475 def close(self):
476 self.parent = None
477 = None
478 self.menus = None
480 def addmenu(self, title, after = 0, id=None):
481 if id is None:
482 id = self.getnextid()
483 if DEBUG: print 'Newmenu', title, id # XXXX
484 m = NewMenu(id, title)
485 m.InsertMenu(after)
486 if after >= 0:
487 if self.parent:
488 self.parent.needmenubarredraw = 1
489 else:
490 DrawMenuBar()
491 return id, m
493 def delmenu(self, id):
494 if DEBUG: print 'Delmenu', id # XXXX
495 DeleteMenu(id)
497 def addpopup(self, title = ''):
498 return self.addmenu(title, -1)
500 # Useless:
501 # def install(self):
502 # if not return
503 # SetMenuBar(
504 # if self.parent:
505 # self.parent.needmenubarredraw = 1
506 # else:
507 # DrawMenuBar()
509 def fixmenudimstate(self):
510 for m in self.menus.keys():
511 menu = self.menus[m]
512 if menu.__class__ == FrameWork.AppleMenu:
513 continue
514 for i in range(len(menu.items)):
515 label, shortcut, callback, kind = menu.items[i]
516 if type(callback) == types.StringType:
517 wid = MyFrontWindow()
518 if wid and wid in self.parent._windows:
519 window = self.parent._windows[wid]
520 if hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
521 + 1)
522 elif hasattr(self.parent, "domenu_" + callback):
523 + 1)
524 else:
525 + 1)
526 elif hasattr(self.parent, "domenu_" + callback):
527 + 1)
528 else:
529 + 1)
530 elif callback:
531 pass
533 def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
534 if id in self.menus:
535 self.menus[id].dispatch(id, item, window, event)
536 else:
537 if DEBUG: print "MenuBar.dispatch(%d, %d, %s, %s)" % \
538 (id, item, window, event)
541 # XXX Need a way to get menus as resources and bind them to callbacks
543 class Menu:
544 "One menu."
546 def __init__(self, bar, title, after=0, id=None):
547 = bar
548, =, after, id)
549 bar.menus[] = self
550 self.items = []
551 self._parent = None
553 def delete(self):
555 del[]
557 del
558 del self.items
559 del
560 del
561 del self._parent
563 def additem(self, label, shortcut=None, callback=None, kind=None):
564'x') # add a dummy string
565 self.items.append((label, shortcut, callback, kind))
566 item = len(self.items)
567 if isinstance(label, unicode):
568, label)
569 else:
570, label)
571 if shortcut and type(shortcut) == type(()):
572 modifiers, char = shortcut[:2]
573, ord(char))
574, modifiers)
575 if len(shortcut) > 2:
576, shortcut[2])
577 elif shortcut:
578, ord(shortcut))
579 return item
581 def delitem(self, item):
582 if item != len(self.items):
583 raise 'Can only delete last item of a menu'
585 del self.items[item-1]
587 def addcheck(self, label, shortcut=None, callback=None):
588 return self.additem(label, shortcut, callback, 'check')
590 def addradio(self, label, shortcut=None, callback=None):
591 return self.additem(label, shortcut, callback, 'radio')
593 def addseparator(self):
595 self.items.append(('', None, None, 'separator'))
597 def addsubmenu(self, label, title=''):
598 sub = Menu(, title, -1)
599 item = self.additem(label, '\x1B', None, 'submenu')
601 sub._parent = self
602 sub._parent_item = item
603 return sub
605 def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
606 title, shortcut, callback, mtype = self.items[item-1]
607 if callback:
608 if not or type(callback) != types.StringType:
609 menuhandler = callback
610 else:
611 # callback is string
612 wid = MyFrontWindow()
613 if wid and wid in
614 window =[wid]
615 if hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
616 menuhandler = getattr(window, "domenu_" + callback)
617 elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
618 menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
619 else:
620 # nothing we can do. we shouldn't have come this far
621 # since the menu item should have been disabled...
622 return
623 elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
624 menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
625 else:
626 # nothing we can do. we shouldn't have come this far
627 # since the menu item should have been disabled...
628 return
629 menuhandler(id, item, window, event)
631 def enable(self, onoff):
632 if onoff:
634 if self._parent:
636 else:
638 if self._parent:
640 if and
641 = 1
643 class PopupMenu(Menu):
644 def __init__(self, bar):
645 Menu.__init__(self, bar, '(popup)', -1)
647 def popup(self, x, y, event, default=1, window=None):
648 # NOTE that x and y are global coordinates, and they should probably
649 # be topleft of the button the user clicked (not mouse-coordinates),
650 # so the popup nicely overlaps.
651 reply =, y, default)
652 if not reply:
653 return
654 id = (reply >> 16) & 0xffff
655 item = reply & 0xffff
656 if not window:
657 wid = MyFrontWindow()
658 try:
659 window =[wid]
660 except:
661 pass # If we can't find the window we pass None
662 self.dispatch(id, item, window, event)
664 class MenuItem:
665 def __init__(self, menu, title, shortcut=None, callback=None, kind=None):
666 self.item = menu.additem(title, shortcut, callback)
667 = menu
669 def delete(self):
671 del
672 del self.item
674 def check(self, onoff):
675, onoff)
677 def enable(self, onoff):
678 if onoff:
680 else:
683 def settext(self, text):
684, text)
686 def setstyle(self, style):
687, style)
689 def seticon(self, icon):
690, icon)
692 def setcmd(self, cmd):
693, cmd)
695 def setmark(self, cmd):
696, cmd)
699 class RadioItem(MenuItem):
700 def __init__(self, menu, title, shortcut=None, callback=None):
701 MenuItem.__init__(self, menu, title, shortcut, callback, 'radio')
703 class CheckItem(MenuItem):
704 def __init__(self, menu, title, shortcut=None, callback=None):
705 MenuItem.__init__(self, menu, title, shortcut, callback, 'check')
707 def Separator(menu):
708 menu.addseparator()
710 def SubMenu(menu, label, title=''):
711 return menu.addsubmenu(label, title)
714 class AppleMenu(Menu):
716 def __init__(self, bar, abouttext="About me...", aboutcallback=None):
717 Menu.__init__(self, bar, "\024", id=SIOUX_APPLEMENU_ID)
718 if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'ppc':
719 self.additem(abouttext, None, aboutcallback)
720 self.addseparator()
722 else:
723 # Additem()'s tricks do not work for "apple" menu under Carbon
724, 0)
725 self.items.append((abouttext, None, aboutcallback, None))
727 def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
728 if item == 1:
729 Menu.dispatch(self, id, item, window, event)
730 elif MacOS.runtimemodel == 'ppc':
731 name =
732 OpenDeskAcc(name)
734 class HelpMenu(Menu):
735 def __init__(self, bar):
736 # Note we don't call Menu.__init__, we do the necessary things by hand
737 = bar
738, index = HMGetHelpMenu()
739 =
740 bar.menus[] = self
741 # The next line caters for the entries the system already handles for us
742 self.items = [None]*(index-1)
743 self._parent = None
746 class Window:
747 """A single window belonging to an application"""
749 def __init__(self, parent):
750 self.wid = None
751 self.parent = parent
753 def open(self, bounds=(40, 40, 400, 400), resid=None):
754 if resid != None:
755 self.wid = GetNewWindow(resid, -1)
756 else:
757 self.wid = NewWindow(bounds, self.__class__.__name__, 1,
758 8, -1, 1, 0) # changed to proc id 8 to include zoom box. jvr
759 self.do_postopen()
761 def do_postopen(self):
762 """Tell our parent we exist"""
763 self.parent.appendwindow(self.wid, self)
765 def close(self):
766 self.do_postclose()
768 def do_postclose(self):
769 self.parent.removewindow(self.wid)
770 self.parent = None
771 self.wid = None
773 def SetPort(self):
774 # Convinience method
775 SetPort(self.wid)
777 def GetWindow(self):
778 return self.wid
780 def do_inDrag(self, partcode, window, event):
781 where = event[3]
782 window.DragWindow(where, self.draglimit)
784 draglimit = screenbounds
786 def do_inGoAway(self, partcode, window, event):
787 where = event[3]
788 if window.TrackGoAway(where):
789 self.close()
791 def do_inZoom(self, partcode, window, event):
792 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
793 if window.TrackBox(where, partcode):
794 window.ZoomWindow(partcode, 1)
795 rect = window.GetWindowUserState() # so that zoom really works... jvr
796 self.do_postresize(rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1], window) # jvr
798 def do_inZoomIn(self, partcode, window, event):
799 SetPort(window) # !!!
800 self.do_inZoom(partcode, window, event)
802 def do_inZoomOut(self, partcode, window, event):
803 SetPort(window) # !!!
804 self.do_inZoom(partcode, window, event)
806 def do_inGrow(self, partcode, window, event):
807 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
808 result = window.GrowWindow(where, self.growlimit)
809 if result:
810 height = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
811 width = result & 0xffff # Lo word
812 self.do_resize(width, height, window)
814 growlimit = (50, 50, screenbounds[2] - screenbounds[0], screenbounds[3] - screenbounds[1]) # jvr
816 def do_resize(self, width, height, window):
817 l, t, r, b = self.wid.GetWindowPort().GetPortBounds() # jvr, forGrowIcon
818 self.SetPort() # jvr
819 self.wid.InvalWindowRect((r - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 1, b - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 1, r, b)) # jvr
820 window.SizeWindow(width, height, 1) # changed updateFlag to true jvr
821 self.do_postresize(width, height, window)
823 def do_postresize(self, width, height, window):
824 SetPort(window)
825 self.wid.InvalWindowRect(window.GetWindowPort().GetPortBounds())
827 def do_inContent(self, partcode, window, event):
829 # If we're not frontmost, select ourselves and wait for
830 # the activate event.
832 if MyFrontWindow() != window:
833 window.SelectWindow()
834 return
835 # We are. Handle the event.
836 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
837 SetPort(window)
838 local = GlobalToLocal(where)
839 self.do_contentclick(local, modifiers, event)
841 def do_contentclick(self, local, modifiers, event):
842 if DEBUG:
843 print 'Click in contents at %s, modifiers %s'%(local, modifiers)
845 def do_rawupdate(self, window, event):
846 if DEBUG: print "raw update for", window
847 SetPort(window)
848 window.BeginUpdate()
849 self.do_update(window, event)
850 window.EndUpdate()
852 def do_update(self, window, event):
853 if DEBUG:
854 import time
855 for i in range(8):
856 time.sleep(0.1)
857 InvertRgn(window.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
858 FillRgn(window.GetWindowPort().visRgn, GetQDGlobalsGray())
859 else:
860 EraseRgn(window.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
862 def do_activate(self, activate, event):
863 if DEBUG: print 'Activate %d for %s'%(activate, self.wid)
865 class ControlsWindow(Window):
867 def do_rawupdate(self, window, event):
868 if DEBUG: print "raw update for", window
869 SetPort(window)
870 window.BeginUpdate()
871 self.do_update(window, event)
872 #DrawControls(window) # jvr
873 UpdateControls(window, window.GetWindowPort().visRgn) # jvr
874 window.DrawGrowIcon()
875 window.EndUpdate()
877 def do_controlhit(self, window, control, pcode, event):
878 if DEBUG: print "control hit in", window, "on", control, "; pcode =", pcode
880 def do_inContent(self, partcode, window, event):
881 if MyFrontWindow() != window:
882 window.SelectWindow()
883 return
884 (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
885 SetPort(window) # XXXX Needed?
886 local = GlobalToLocal(where)
887 pcode, control = FindControl(local, window)
888 if pcode and control:
889 self.do_rawcontrolhit(window, control, pcode, local, event)
890 else:
891 if DEBUG: print "FindControl(%s, %s) -> (%s, %s)" % \
892 (local, window, pcode, control)
893 self.do_contentclick(local, modifiers, event)
895 def do_rawcontrolhit(self, window, control, pcode, local, event):
896 pcode = control.TrackControl(local)
897 if pcode:
898 self.do_controlhit(window, control, pcode, event)
900 class ScrolledWindow(ControlsWindow):
901 def __init__(self, parent):
902 self.barx = self.bary = None
903 self.barx_enabled = self.bary_enabled = 1
904 self.activated = 1
905 ControlsWindow.__init__(self, parent)
907 def scrollbars(self, wantx=1, wanty=1):
908 SetPort(self.wid)
909 self.barx = self.bary = None
910 self.barx_enabled = self.bary_enabled = 1
911 x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.wid.GetWindowPort().GetPortBounds()
912 vx, vy = self.getscrollbarvalues()
913 if vx is None: self.barx_enabled, vx = 0, 0
914 if vy is None: self.bary_enabled, vy = 0, 0
915 if wantx:
916 rect = x0-1, y1-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-1), x1-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-2), y1+1
917 self.barx = NewControl(self.wid, rect, "", 1, vx, 0, 32767, 16, 0)
918 if not self.barx_enabled: self.barx.HiliteControl(255)
919 ## self.wid.InvalWindowRect(rect)
920 if wanty:
921 rect = x1-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-1), y0-1, x1+1, y1-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-2)
922 self.bary = NewControl(self.wid, rect, "", 1, vy, 0, 32767, 16, 0)
923 if not self.bary_enabled: self.bary.HiliteControl(255)
924 ## self.wid.InvalWindowRect(rect)
926 def do_postclose(self):
927 self.barx = self.bary = None
928 ControlsWindow.do_postclose(self)
930 def do_activate(self, onoff, event):
931 self.activated = onoff
932 if onoff:
933 if self.barx and self.barx_enabled:
934 self.barx.ShowControl() # jvr
935 if self.bary and self.bary_enabled:
936 self.bary.ShowControl() # jvr
937 else:
938 if self.barx:
939 self.barx.HideControl() # jvr; An inactive window should have *hidden*
940 # scrollbars, not just dimmed (no matter what
941 # BBEdit does... look at the Finder)
942 if self.bary:
943 self.bary.HideControl() # jvr
944 self.wid.DrawGrowIcon() # jvr
946 def do_postresize(self, width, height, window):
947 l, t, r, b = self.wid.GetWindowPort().GetPortBounds()
948 self.SetPort()
949 if self.barx:
950 self.barx.HideControl() # jvr
951 self.barx.MoveControl(l-1, b-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-1))
952 self.barx.SizeControl((r-l)-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-3), SCROLLBARWIDTH) # jvr
953 if self.bary:
954 self.bary.HideControl() # jvr
955 self.bary.MoveControl(r-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-1), t-1)
956 self.bary.SizeControl(SCROLLBARWIDTH, (b-t)-(SCROLLBARWIDTH-3)) # jvr
957 if self.barx:
958 self.barx.ShowControl() # jvr
959 self.wid.ValidWindowRect((l, b - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 1, r - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 2, b)) # jvr
960 if self.bary:
961 self.bary.ShowControl() # jvr
962 self.wid.ValidWindowRect((r - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 1, t, r, b - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 2)) # jvr
963 self.wid.InvalWindowRect((r - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 1, b - SCROLLBARWIDTH + 1, r, b)) # jvr, growicon
966 def do_rawcontrolhit(self, window, control, pcode, local, event):
967 if control == self.barx:
968 which = 'x'
969 elif control == self.bary:
970 which = 'y'
971 else:
972 return 0
973 if pcode in (inUpButton, inDownButton, inPageUp, inPageDown):
974 # We do the work for the buttons and grey area in the tracker
975 dummy = control.TrackControl(local, self.do_controltrack)
976 else:
977 # but the thumb is handled here
978 pcode = control.TrackControl(local)
979 if pcode == inThumb:
980 value = control.GetControlValue()
981 print 'setbars', which, value #DBG
982 self.scrollbar_callback(which, 'set', value)
983 self.updatescrollbars()
984 else:
985 print 'funny part', pcode #DBG
986 return 1
988 def do_controltrack(self, control, pcode):
989 if control == self.barx:
990 which = 'x'
991 elif control == self.bary:
992 which = 'y'
993 else:
994 return
996 if pcode == inUpButton:
997 what = '-'
998 elif pcode == inDownButton:
999 what = '+'
1000 elif pcode == inPageUp:
1001 what = '--'
1002 elif pcode == inPageDown:
1003 what = '++'
1004 else:
1005 return
1006 self.scrollbar_callback(which, what, None)
1007 self.updatescrollbars()
1009 def updatescrollbars(self):
1010 SetPort(self.wid)
1011 vx, vy = self.getscrollbarvalues()
1012 if self.barx:
1013 if vx is None:
1014 self.barx.HiliteControl(255)
1015 self.barx_enabled = 0
1016 else:
1017 if not self.barx_enabled:
1018 self.barx_enabled = 1
1019 if self.activated:
1020 self.barx.HiliteControl(0)
1021 self.barx.SetControlValue(vx)
1022 if self.bary:
1023 if vy is None:
1024 self.bary.HiliteControl(255)
1025 self.bary_enabled = 0
1026 else:
1027 if not self.bary_enabled:
1028 self.bary_enabled = 1
1029 if self.activated:
1030 self.bary.HiliteControl(0)
1031 self.bary.SetControlValue(vy)
1033 # Auxiliary function: convert standard text/image/etc coordinate
1034 # to something palatable as getscrollbarvalues() return
1035 def scalebarvalue(self, absmin, absmax, curmin, curmax):
1036 if curmin <= absmin and curmax >= absmax:
1037 return None
1038 if curmin <= absmin:
1039 return 0
1040 if curmax >= absmax:
1041 return 32767
1042 perc = float(curmin-absmin)/float(absmax-absmin)
1043 return int(perc*32767)
1045 # To be overridden:
1047 def getscrollbarvalues(self):
1048 return 0, 0
1050 def scrollbar_callback(self, which, what, value):
1051 print 'scroll', which, what, value
1053 class DialogWindow(Window):
1054 """A modeless dialog window"""
1056 def open(self, resid):
1057 self.dlg = GetNewDialog(resid, -1)
1058 self.wid = self.dlg.GetDialogWindow()
1059 self.do_postopen()
1061 def close(self):
1062 self.do_postclose()
1064 def do_postclose(self):
1065 self.dlg = None
1066 Window.do_postclose(self)
1068 def do_itemhit(self, item, event):
1069 print 'Dialog %s, item %d hit'%(self.dlg, item)
1071 def do_rawupdate(self, window, event):
1072 pass
1074 def ostypecode(x):
1075 "Convert a long int to the 4-character code it really is"
1076 s = ''
1077 for i in range(4):
1078 x, c = divmod(x, 256)
1079 s = chr(c) + s
1080 return s
1083 class TestApp(Application):
1085 "This class is used by the test() function"
1087 def makeusermenus(self):
1088 self.filemenu = m = Menu(self.menubar, "File")
1089 self.saveitem = MenuItem(m, "Save", "S",
1090 Separator(m)
1091 self.optionsmenu = mm = SubMenu(m, "Options")
1092 self.opt1 = CheckItem(mm, "Arguments", "A")
1093 self.opt2 = CheckItem(mm, "Being hit on the head lessons", (kMenuOptionModifier, "A"))
1094 self.opt3 = CheckItem(mm, "Complaints", (kMenuOptionModifier|kMenuNoCommandModifier, "A"))
1095 Separator(m)
1096 self.itemeh = MenuItem(m, "Enable Help", None, self.enablehelp)
1097 self.itemdbg = MenuItem(m, "Debug", None, self.debug)
1098 Separator(m)
1099 self.quititem = MenuItem(m, "Quit", "Q", self.quit)
1101 def save(self, *args):
1102 print "Save"
1104 def quit(self, *args):
1105 raise self
1107 def enablehelp(self, *args):
1108 hm = self.gethelpmenu()
1109 self.nohelpitem = MenuItem(hm, "There isn't any", None, self.nohelp)
1111 def nohelp(self, *args):
1112 print "I told you there isn't any!"
1114 def debug(self, *args):
1115 import pdb
1116 pdb.set_trace()
1119 def test():
1120 "Test program"
1121 app = TestApp()
1122 app.mainloop()
1125 if __name__ == '__main__':
1126 test()