Saved and restored logging._handlerList at the same time as saving/restoring logging...
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1 """Generic (shallow and deep) copying operations.
3 Interface summary:
5 import copy
7 x = copy.copy(y) # make a shallow copy of y
8 x = copy.deepcopy(y) # make a deep copy of y
10 For module specific errors, copy.Error is raised.
12 The difference between shallow and deep copying is only relevant for
13 compound objects (objects that contain other objects, like lists or
14 class instances).
16 - A shallow copy constructs a new compound object and then (to the
17 extent possible) inserts *the same objects* into it that the
18 original contains.
20 - A deep copy constructs a new compound object and then, recursively,
21 inserts *copies* into it of the objects found in the original.
23 Two problems often exist with deep copy operations that don't exist
24 with shallow copy operations:
26 a) recursive objects (compound objects that, directly or indirectly,
27 contain a reference to themselves) may cause a recursive loop
29 b) because deep copy copies *everything* it may copy too much, e.g.
30 administrative data structures that should be shared even between
31 copies
33 Python's deep copy operation avoids these problems by:
35 a) keeping a table of objects already copied during the current
36 copying pass
38 b) letting user-defined classes override the copying operation or the
39 set of components copied
41 This version does not copy types like module, class, function, method,
42 nor stack trace, stack frame, nor file, socket, window, nor array, nor
43 any similar types.
45 Classes can use the same interfaces to control copying that they use
46 to control pickling: they can define methods called __getinitargs__(),
47 __getstate__() and __setstate__(). See the documentation for module
48 "pickle" for information on these methods.
49 """
51 import types
52 from copy_reg import dispatch_table
54 class Error(Exception):
55 pass
56 error = Error # backward compatibility
58 try:
59 from org.python.core import PyStringMap
60 except ImportError:
61 PyStringMap = None
63 __all__ = ["Error", "copy", "deepcopy"]
65 def copy(x):
66 """Shallow copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.
68 See the module's __doc__ string for more info.
69 """
71 cls = type(x)
73 copier = _copy_dispatch.get(cls)
74 if copier:
75 return copier(x)
77 copier = getattr(cls, "__copy__", None)
78 if copier:
79 return copier(x)
81 reductor = dispatch_table.get(cls)
82 if reductor:
83 rv = reductor(x)
84 else:
85 reductor = getattr(x, "__reduce_ex__", None)
86 if reductor:
87 rv = reductor(2)
88 else:
89 reductor = getattr(x, "__reduce__", None)
90 if reductor:
91 rv = reductor()
92 else:
93 raise Error("un(shallow)copyable object of type %s" % cls)
95 return _reconstruct(x, rv, 0)
98 _copy_dispatch = d = {}
100 def _copy_immutable(x):
101 return x
102 for t in (type(None), int, long, float, bool, str, tuple,
103 frozenset, type, xrange, types.ClassType,
104 types.BuiltinFunctionType):
105 d[t] = _copy_immutable
106 for name in ("ComplexType", "UnicodeType", "CodeType"):
107 t = getattr(types, name, None)
108 if t is not None:
109 d[t] = _copy_immutable
111 def _copy_with_constructor(x):
112 return type(x)(x)
113 for t in (list, dict, set):
114 d[t] = _copy_with_constructor
116 def _copy_with_copy_method(x):
117 return x.copy()
118 if PyStringMap is not None:
119 d[PyStringMap] = _copy_with_copy_method
121 def _copy_inst(x):
122 if hasattr(x, '__copy__'):
123 return x.__copy__()
124 if hasattr(x, '__getinitargs__'):
125 args = x.__getinitargs__()
126 y = x.__class__(*args)
127 else:
128 y = _EmptyClass()
129 y.__class__ = x.__class__
130 if hasattr(x, '__getstate__'):
131 state = x.__getstate__()
132 else:
133 state = x.__dict__
134 if hasattr(y, '__setstate__'):
135 y.__setstate__(state)
136 else:
137 y.__dict__.update(state)
138 return y
139 d[types.InstanceType] = _copy_inst
141 del d
143 def deepcopy(x, memo=None, _nil=[]):
144 """Deep copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.
146 See the module's __doc__ string for more info.
149 if memo is None:
150 memo = {}
152 d = id(x)
153 y = memo.get(d, _nil)
154 if y is not _nil:
155 return y
157 cls = type(x)
159 copier = _deepcopy_dispatch.get(cls)
160 if copier:
161 y = copier(x, memo)
162 else:
163 try:
164 issc = issubclass(cls, type)
165 except TypeError: # cls is not a class (old Boost; see SF #502085)
166 issc = 0
167 if issc:
168 y = _deepcopy_atomic(x, memo)
169 else:
170 copier = getattr(x, "__deepcopy__", None)
171 if copier:
172 y = copier(memo)
173 else:
174 reductor = dispatch_table.get(cls)
175 if reductor:
176 rv = reductor(x)
177 else:
178 reductor = getattr(x, "__reduce_ex__", None)
179 if reductor:
180 rv = reductor(2)
181 else:
182 reductor = getattr(x, "__reduce__", None)
183 if reductor:
184 rv = reductor()
185 else:
186 raise Error(
187 "un(deep)copyable object of type %s" % cls)
188 y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
190 memo[d] = y
191 _keep_alive(x, memo) # Make sure x lives at least as long as d
192 return y
194 _deepcopy_dispatch = d = {}
196 def _deepcopy_atomic(x, memo):
197 return x
198 d[type(None)] = _deepcopy_atomic
199 d[int] = _deepcopy_atomic
200 d[long] = _deepcopy_atomic
201 d[float] = _deepcopy_atomic
202 d[bool] = _deepcopy_atomic
203 try:
204 d[complex] = _deepcopy_atomic
205 except NameError:
206 pass
207 d[str] = _deepcopy_atomic
208 try:
209 d[unicode] = _deepcopy_atomic
210 except NameError:
211 pass
212 try:
213 d[types.CodeType] = _deepcopy_atomic
214 except AttributeError:
215 pass
216 d[type] = _deepcopy_atomic
217 d[xrange] = _deepcopy_atomic
218 d[types.ClassType] = _deepcopy_atomic
219 d[types.BuiltinFunctionType] = _deepcopy_atomic
221 def _deepcopy_list(x, memo):
222 y = []
223 memo[id(x)] = y
224 for a in x:
225 y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
226 return y
227 d[list] = _deepcopy_list
229 def _deepcopy_tuple(x, memo):
230 y = []
231 for a in x:
232 y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
233 d = id(x)
234 try:
235 return memo[d]
236 except KeyError:
237 pass
238 for i in range(len(x)):
239 if x[i] is not y[i]:
240 y = tuple(y)
241 break
242 else:
243 y = x
244 memo[d] = y
245 return y
246 d[tuple] = _deepcopy_tuple
248 def _deepcopy_dict(x, memo):
249 y = {}
250 memo[id(x)] = y
251 for key, value in x.iteritems():
252 y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
253 return y
254 d[dict] = _deepcopy_dict
255 if PyStringMap is not None:
256 d[PyStringMap] = _deepcopy_dict
258 def _keep_alive(x, memo):
259 """Keeps a reference to the object x in the memo.
261 Because we remember objects by their id, we have
262 to assure that possibly temporary objects are kept
263 alive by referencing them.
264 We store a reference at the id of the memo, which should
265 normally not be used unless someone tries to deepcopy
266 the memo itself...
268 try:
269 memo[id(memo)].append(x)
270 except KeyError:
271 # aha, this is the first one :-)
272 memo[id(memo)]=[x]
274 def _deepcopy_inst(x, memo):
275 if hasattr(x, '__deepcopy__'):
276 return x.__deepcopy__(memo)
277 if hasattr(x, '__getinitargs__'):
278 args = x.__getinitargs__()
279 args = deepcopy(args, memo)
280 y = x.__class__(*args)
281 else:
282 y = _EmptyClass()
283 y.__class__ = x.__class__
284 memo[id(x)] = y
285 if hasattr(x, '__getstate__'):
286 state = x.__getstate__()
287 else:
288 state = x.__dict__
289 state = deepcopy(state, memo)
290 if hasattr(y, '__setstate__'):
291 y.__setstate__(state)
292 else:
293 y.__dict__.update(state)
294 return y
295 d[types.InstanceType] = _deepcopy_inst
297 def _reconstruct(x, info, deep, memo=None):
298 if isinstance(info, str):
299 return x
300 assert isinstance(info, tuple)
301 if memo is None:
302 memo = {}
303 n = len(info)
304 assert n in (2, 3, 4, 5)
305 callable, args = info[:2]
306 if n > 2:
307 state = info[2]
308 else:
309 state = {}
310 if n > 3:
311 listiter = info[3]
312 else:
313 listiter = None
314 if n > 4:
315 dictiter = info[4]
316 else:
317 dictiter = None
318 if deep:
319 args = deepcopy(args, memo)
320 y = callable(*args)
321 memo[id(x)] = y
322 if listiter is not None:
323 for item in listiter:
324 if deep:
325 item = deepcopy(item, memo)
326 y.append(item)
327 if dictiter is not None:
328 for key, value in dictiter:
329 if deep:
330 key = deepcopy(key, memo)
331 value = deepcopy(value, memo)
332 y[key] = value
333 if state:
334 if deep:
335 state = deepcopy(state, memo)
336 if hasattr(y, '__setstate__'):
337 y.__setstate__(state)
338 else:
339 if isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 2:
340 state, slotstate = state
341 else:
342 slotstate = None
343 if state is not None:
344 y.__dict__.update(state)
345 if slotstate is not None:
346 for key, value in slotstate.iteritems():
347 setattr(y, key, value)
348 return y
350 del d
352 del types
354 # Helper for instance creation without calling __init__
355 class _EmptyClass:
356 pass
358 def _test():
359 l = [None, 1, 2L, 3.14, 'xyzzy', (1, 2L), [3.14, 'abc'],
360 {'abc': 'ABC'}, (), [], {}]
361 l1 = copy(l)
362 print l1==l
363 l1 = map(copy, l)
364 print l1==l
365 l1 = deepcopy(l)
366 print l1==l
367 class C:
368 def __init__(self, arg=None):
369 self.a = 1
370 self.arg = arg
371 if __name__ == '__main__':
372 import sys
373 file = sys.argv[0]
374 else:
375 file = __file__
376 self.fp = open(file)
377 self.fp.close()
378 def __getstate__(self):
379 return {'a': self.a, 'arg': self.arg}
380 def __setstate__(self, state):
381 for key, value in state.iteritems():
382 setattr(self, key, value)
383 def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
384 new = self.__class__(deepcopy(self.arg, memo))
385 new.a = self.a
386 return new
387 c = C('argument sketch')
388 l.append(c)
389 l2 = copy(l)
390 print l == l2
391 print l
392 print l2
393 l2 = deepcopy(l)
394 print l == l2
395 print l
396 print l2
397 l.append({l[1]: l, 'xyz': l[2]})
398 l3 = copy(l)
399 import repr
400 print map(repr.repr, l)
401 print map(repr.repr, l1)
402 print map(repr.repr, l2)
403 print map(repr.repr, l3)
404 l3 = deepcopy(l)
405 import repr
406 print map(repr.repr, l)
407 print map(repr.repr, l1)
408 print map(repr.repr, l2)
409 print map(repr.repr, l3)
411 if __name__ == '__main__':
412 _test()