Saved and restored logging._handlerList at the same time as saving/restoring logging...
[python.git] / Doc / templates / whatsnewXY.tex
1 \documentclass{howto}
2 \usepackage{distutils}
3 % $Id$
5 % When creating a new ``What's New'' document, copy this to
6 % ../whatsnew/whatsnewXY.tex, where X is replaced by the major version
7 % number and Y, by the minor version number for the release of Python
8 % being described.
10 % The following replacements need to be made in the text:
12 % X.Y -- the version of Python this document describes
13 % X.Y-1 -- previous minor release (not a maintenance release)
14 % X.Y-2 -- minor release before that one (optional; search the
15 % template to see the usage
17 % Once done, write and edit to your heart's content!
19 \title{What's New in Python X.Y}
20 \release{0.0}
21 \author{Young Author}
22 \authoraddress{\email{}}
24 \begin{document}
25 \maketitle
26 \tableofcontents
28 This article explains the new features in Python X.Y. No release date
29 for Python X.Y has been set; expect that this will happen next year.
31 % Compare with previous release in 2 - 3 sentences here.
33 This article doesn't attempt to provide a complete specification of
34 the new features, but instead provides a convenient overview. For
35 full details, you should refer to the documentation for Python X.Y.
36 % add hyperlink when the documentation becomes available online.
37 If you want to understand the complete implementation and design
38 rationale, refer to the PEP for a particular new feature.
41 %======================================================================
43 % Large, PEP-level features and changes should be described here.
46 %======================================================================
47 \section{Other Language Changes}
49 Here are all of the changes that Python X.Y makes to the core Python
50 language.
52 \begin{itemize}
53 \item TBD
55 \end{itemize}
58 %======================================================================
59 \subsection{Optimizations}
61 \begin{itemize}
63 \item Optimizations should be described here.
65 \end{itemize}
67 The net result of the X.Y optimizations is that Python X.Y runs the
68 pystone benchmark around XX\% faster than Python X.Y-1.%
69 % only use the next line if you want to do the extra work ;) :
70 % and YY\% faster than Python X.Y-2.
73 %======================================================================
74 \section{New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules}
76 As usual, Python's standard library received a number of enhancements and
77 bug fixes. Here's a partial list of the most notable changes, sorted
78 alphabetically by module name. Consult the
79 \file{Misc/NEWS} file in the source tree for a more
80 complete list of changes, or look through the CVS logs for all the
81 details.
83 \begin{itemize}
85 \item Descriptions go here.
87 \end{itemize}
90 %======================================================================
91 % whole new modules get described in \subsections here
94 % ======================================================================
95 \section{Build and C API Changes}
97 Changes to Python's build process and to the C API include:
99 \begin{itemize}
101 \item Detailed changes are listed here.
103 \end{itemize}
106 %======================================================================
107 \subsection{Port-Specific Changes}
109 Platform-specific changes go here.
112 %======================================================================
113 \section{Other Changes and Fixes \label{section-other}}
115 As usual, there were a bunch of other improvements and bugfixes
116 scattered throughout the source tree. A search through the CVS change
117 logs finds there were XXX patches applied and YYY bugs fixed between
118 Python X.Y-1 and X.Y. Both figures are likely to be underestimates.
120 Some of the more notable changes are:
122 \begin{itemize}
124 \item Details go here.
126 \end{itemize}
129 %======================================================================
130 \section{Porting to Python X.Y}
132 This section lists previously described changes that may require
133 changes to your code:
135 \begin{itemize}
137 \item Everything is all in the details!
139 \end{itemize}
142 %======================================================================
143 \section{Acknowledgements \label{acks}}
145 The author would like to thank the following people for offering
146 suggestions, corrections and assistance with various drafts of this
147 article: .
149 \end{document}