Fix compilation error in debug mode.
[python.git] / Mac / scripts /
1 """Create an applet from a Python script.
3 This puts up a dialog asking for a Python source file ('TEXT').
4 The output is a file with the same name but its ".py" suffix dropped.
5 It is created by copying an applet template and then adding a 'PYC '
6 resource named __main__ containing the compiled, marshalled script.
7 """
10 import sys
11 sys.stdout = sys.stderr
13 import os
14 import MacOS
15 try:
16 import EasyDialogs
17 except ImportError:
18 EasyDialogs = None
19 import buildtools
20 import getopt
22 if not sys.executable.startswith(sys.exec_prefix):
23 # Oh, the joys of using a python script to bootstrap applicatin bundles
24 # sys.executable points inside the current application bundle. Because this
25 # path contains blanks (two of them actually) this path isn't usable on
26 # #! lines. Reset sys.executable to point to the embedded python interpreter
27 sys.executable = os.path.join(sys.prefix,
28 'Resources/')
30 # Just in case we're not in a framework:
31 if not os.path.exists(sys.executable):
32 sys.executable = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'bin/python')
34 def main():
35 try:
36 buildapplet()
37 except buildtools.BuildError, detail:
38 if EasyDialogs is None:
39 print detail
40 else:
41 EasyDialogs.Message(detail)
44 def buildapplet():
45 buildtools.DEBUG=1
47 # Find the template
48 # (there's no point in proceeding if we can't find it)
50 template = buildtools.findtemplate()
52 # Ask for source text if not specified in sys.argv[1:]
54 if not sys.argv[1:]:
55 if EasyDialogs is None:
56 usage()
57 sys.exit(1)
59 filename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen(message='Select Python source or applet:',
60 typeList=('TEXT', 'APPL'))
61 if not filename:
62 return
63 tp, tf = os.path.split(filename)
64 if tf[-3:] == '.py':
65 tf = tf[:-3]
66 else:
67 tf = tf + '.applet'
68 dstfilename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSave(message='Save application as:',
69 savedFileName=tf)
70 if not dstfilename: return
71 cr, tp = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(filename)
72 if tp == 'APPL':
73 buildtools.update(template, filename, dstfilename)
74 else:
75 buildtools.process(template, filename, dstfilename, 1)
76 else:
78 SHORTOPTS = "o:r:ne:v?PR"
79 LONGOPTS=("output=", "resource=", "noargv", "extra=", "verbose", "help", "python=", "destroot=")
80 try:
81 options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
82 except getopt.error:
83 usage()
84 if options and len(args) > 1:
85 sys.stderr.write("Cannot use options when specifying multiple input files")
86 sys.exit(1)
87 dstfilename = None
88 rsrcfilename = None
89 raw = 0
90 extras = []
91 verbose = None
92 destroot = ''
93 for opt, arg in options:
94 if opt in ('-o', '--output'):
95 dstfilename = arg
96 elif opt in ('-r', '--resource'):
97 rsrcfilename = arg
98 elif opt in ('-n', '--noargv'):
99 raw = 1
100 elif opt in ('-e', '--extra'):
101 if ':' in arg:
102 arg = arg.split(':')
103 extras.append(arg)
104 elif opt in ('-P', '--python'):
105 # This is a very dirty trick. We set sys.executable
106 # so that bundlebuilder will use this in the #! line
107 # for the applet bootstrap.
108 sys.executable = arg
109 elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
110 verbose = Verbose()
111 elif opt in ('-?', '--help'):
112 usage()
113 elif opt in ('-d', '--destroot'):
114 destroot = arg
115 # On OS9 always be verbose
116 if sys.platform == 'mac' and not verbose:
117 verbose = 'default'
118 # Loop over all files to be processed
119 for filename in args:
120 cr, tp = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(filename)
121 if tp == 'APPL':
122 buildtools.update(template, filename, dstfilename)
123 else:
124 buildtools.process(template, filename, dstfilename, 1,
125 rsrcname=rsrcfilename, others=extras, raw=raw,
126 progress=verbose, destroot=destroot)
128 def usage():
129 print "BuildApplet creates an application from a Python source file"
130 print "Usage:"
131 print " BuildApplet interactive, single file, no options"
132 print " BuildApplet ... non-interactive multiple file"
133 print " BuildApplet [options] non-interactive single file"
134 print "Options:"
135 print " --output o Output file; default based on source filename, short -o"
136 print " --resource r Resource file; default based on source filename, short -r"
137 print " --noargv Build applet without drag-and-drop sys.argv emulation, short -n, OSX only"
138 print " --extra src[:dst] Extra file to put in .app bundle, short -e, OSX only"
139 print " --verbose Verbose, short -v"
140 print " --help This message, short -?"
141 sys.exit(1)
143 class Verbose:
144 """This class mimics EasyDialogs.ProgressBar but prints to stderr"""
145 def __init__(self, *args):
146 if args and args[0]:
147 self.label(args[0])
149 def set(self, *args):
150 pass
152 def inc(self, *args):
153 pass
155 def label(self, str):
156 sys.stderr.write(str+'\n')
158 if __name__ == '__main__':
159 main()