Bug #1627575: Added _open() method to FileHandler which can be used to reopen files...
[python.git] / Doc / lib / libxdrlib.tex
1 \section{\module{xdrlib} ---
2 Encode and decode XDR data}
4 \declaremodule{standard}{xdrlib}
5 \modulesynopsis{Encoders and decoders for the External Data
6 Representation (XDR).}
8 \index{XDR}
9 \index{External Data Representation}
11 The \module{xdrlib} module supports the External Data Representation
12 Standard as described in \rfc{1014}, written by Sun Microsystems,
13 Inc. June 1987. It supports most of the data types described in the
14 RFC.
16 The \module{xdrlib} module defines two classes, one for packing
17 variables into XDR representation, and another for unpacking from XDR
18 representation. There are also two exception classes.
20 \begin{classdesc}{Packer}{}
21 \class{Packer} is the class for packing data into XDR representation.
22 The \class{Packer} class is instantiated with no arguments.
23 \end{classdesc}
25 \begin{classdesc}{Unpacker}{data}
26 \code{Unpacker} is the complementary class which unpacks XDR data
27 values from a string buffer. The input buffer is given as
28 \var{data}.
29 \end{classdesc}
32 \begin{seealso}
33 \seerfc{1014}{XDR: External Data Representation Standard}{This RFC
34 defined the encoding of data which was XDR at the time
35 this module was originally written. It has
36 apparently been obsoleted by \rfc{1832}.}
38 \seerfc{1832}{XDR: External Data Representation Standard}{Newer RFC
39 that provides a revised definition of XDR.}
40 \end{seealso}
43 \subsection{Packer Objects \label{xdr-packer-objects}}
45 \class{Packer} instances have the following methods:
47 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{get_buffer}{}
48 Returns the current pack buffer as a string.
49 \end{methoddesc}
51 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{reset}{}
52 Resets the pack buffer to the empty string.
53 \end{methoddesc}
55 In general, you can pack any of the most common XDR data types by
56 calling the appropriate \code{pack_\var{type}()} method. Each method
57 takes a single argument, the value to pack. The following simple data
58 type packing methods are supported: \method{pack_uint()},
59 \method{pack_int()}, \method{pack_enum()}, \method{pack_bool()},
60 \method{pack_uhyper()}, and \method{pack_hyper()}.
62 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_float}{value}
63 Packs the single-precision floating point number \var{value}.
64 \end{methoddesc}
66 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_double}{value}
67 Packs the double-precision floating point number \var{value}.
68 \end{methoddesc}
70 The following methods support packing strings, bytes, and opaque data:
72 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_fstring}{n, s}
73 Packs a fixed length string, \var{s}. \var{n} is the length of the
74 string but it is \emph{not} packed into the data buffer. The string
75 is padded with null bytes if necessary to guaranteed 4 byte alignment.
76 \end{methoddesc}
78 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_fopaque}{n, data}
79 Packs a fixed length opaque data stream, similarly to
80 \method{pack_fstring()}.
81 \end{methoddesc}
83 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_string}{s}
84 Packs a variable length string, \var{s}. The length of the string is
85 first packed as an unsigned integer, then the string data is packed
86 with \method{pack_fstring()}.
87 \end{methoddesc}
89 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_opaque}{data}
90 Packs a variable length opaque data string, similarly to
91 \method{pack_string()}.
92 \end{methoddesc}
94 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_bytes}{bytes}
95 Packs a variable length byte stream, similarly to \method{pack_string()}.
96 \end{methoddesc}
98 The following methods support packing arrays and lists:
100 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_list}{list, pack_item}
101 Packs a \var{list} of homogeneous items. This method is useful for
102 lists with an indeterminate size; i.e. the size is not available until
103 the entire list has been walked. For each item in the list, an
104 unsigned integer \code{1} is packed first, followed by the data value
105 from the list. \var{pack_item} is the function that is called to pack
106 the individual item. At the end of the list, an unsigned integer
107 \code{0} is packed.
109 For example, to pack a list of integers, the code might appear like
110 this:
112 \begin{verbatim}
113 import xdrlib
114 p = xdrlib.Packer()
115 p.pack_list([1, 2, 3], p.pack_int)
116 \end{verbatim}
117 \end{methoddesc}
119 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_farray}{n, array, pack_item}
120 Packs a fixed length list (\var{array}) of homogeneous items. \var{n}
121 is the length of the list; it is \emph{not} packed into the buffer,
122 but a \exception{ValueError} exception is raised if
123 \code{len(\var{array})} is not equal to \var{n}. As above,
124 \var{pack_item} is the function used to pack each element.
125 \end{methoddesc}
127 \begin{methoddesc}[Packer]{pack_array}{list, pack_item}
128 Packs a variable length \var{list} of homogeneous items. First, the
129 length of the list is packed as an unsigned integer, then each element
130 is packed as in \method{pack_farray()} above.
131 \end{methoddesc}
134 \subsection{Unpacker Objects \label{xdr-unpacker-objects}}
136 The \class{Unpacker} class offers the following methods:
138 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{reset}{data}
139 Resets the string buffer with the given \var{data}.
140 \end{methoddesc}
142 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{get_position}{}
143 Returns the current unpack position in the data buffer.
144 \end{methoddesc}
146 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{set_position}{position}
147 Sets the data buffer unpack position to \var{position}. You should be
148 careful about using \method{get_position()} and \method{set_position()}.
149 \end{methoddesc}
151 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{get_buffer}{}
152 Returns the current unpack data buffer as a string.
153 \end{methoddesc}
155 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{done}{}
156 Indicates unpack completion. Raises an \exception{Error} exception
157 if all of the data has not been unpacked.
158 \end{methoddesc}
160 In addition, every data type that can be packed with a \class{Packer},
161 can be unpacked with an \class{Unpacker}. Unpacking methods are of the
162 form \code{unpack_\var{type}()}, and take no arguments. They return the
163 unpacked object.
165 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_float}{}
166 Unpacks a single-precision floating point number.
167 \end{methoddesc}
169 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_double}{}
170 Unpacks a double-precision floating point number, similarly to
171 \method{unpack_float()}.
172 \end{methoddesc}
174 In addition, the following methods unpack strings, bytes, and opaque
175 data:
177 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_fstring}{n}
178 Unpacks and returns a fixed length string. \var{n} is the number of
179 characters expected. Padding with null bytes to guaranteed 4 byte
180 alignment is assumed.
181 \end{methoddesc}
183 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_fopaque}{n}
184 Unpacks and returns a fixed length opaque data stream, similarly to
185 \method{unpack_fstring()}.
186 \end{methoddesc}
188 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_string}{}
189 Unpacks and returns a variable length string. The length of the
190 string is first unpacked as an unsigned integer, then the string data
191 is unpacked with \method{unpack_fstring()}.
192 \end{methoddesc}
194 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_opaque}{}
195 Unpacks and returns a variable length opaque data string, similarly to
196 \method{unpack_string()}.
197 \end{methoddesc}
199 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_bytes}{}
200 Unpacks and returns a variable length byte stream, similarly to
201 \method{unpack_string()}.
202 \end{methoddesc}
204 The following methods support unpacking arrays and lists:
206 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_list}{unpack_item}
207 Unpacks and returns a list of homogeneous items. The list is unpacked
208 one element at a time
209 by first unpacking an unsigned integer flag. If the flag is \code{1},
210 then the item is unpacked and appended to the list. A flag of
211 \code{0} indicates the end of the list. \var{unpack_item} is the
212 function that is called to unpack the items.
213 \end{methoddesc}
215 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_farray}{n, unpack_item}
216 Unpacks and returns (as a list) a fixed length array of homogeneous
217 items. \var{n} is number of list elements to expect in the buffer.
218 As above, \var{unpack_item} is the function used to unpack each element.
219 \end{methoddesc}
221 \begin{methoddesc}[Unpacker]{unpack_array}{unpack_item}
222 Unpacks and returns a variable length \var{list} of homogeneous items.
223 First, the length of the list is unpacked as an unsigned integer, then
224 each element is unpacked as in \method{unpack_farray()} above.
225 \end{methoddesc}
228 \subsection{Exceptions \label{xdr-exceptions}}
230 Exceptions in this module are coded as class instances:
232 \begin{excdesc}{Error}
233 The base exception class. \exception{Error} has a single public data
234 member \member{msg} containing the description of the error.
235 \end{excdesc}
237 \begin{excdesc}{ConversionError}
238 Class derived from \exception{Error}. Contains no additional instance
239 variables.
240 \end{excdesc}
242 Here is an example of how you would catch one of these exceptions:
244 \begin{verbatim}
245 import xdrlib
246 p = xdrlib.Packer()
247 try:
248 p.pack_double(8.01)
249 except xdrlib.ConversionError, instance:
250 print 'packing the double failed:', instance.msg
251 \end{verbatim}