Bug #1627575: Added _open() method to FileHandler which can be used to reopen files...
[python.git] / Doc / lib / libpopen2.tex
1 \section{\module{popen2} ---
2 Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams}
4 \declaremodule{standard}{popen2}
5 \platform{Unix, Windows}
6 \modulesynopsis{Subprocesses with accessible standard I/O streams.}
7 \sectionauthor{Drew Csillag}{drew_csillag@geocities.com}
10 This module allows you to spawn processes and connect to their
11 input/output/error pipes and obtain their return codes under
12 \UNIX{} and Windows.
14 The \module{subprocess} module provides more powerful facilities for
15 spawning new processes and retrieving their results. Using the
16 \module{subprocess} module is preferable to using the \module{popen2}
17 module.
19 The primary interface offered by this module is a trio of factory
20 functions. For each of these, if \var{bufsize} is specified,
21 it specifies the buffer size for the I/O pipes. \var{mode}, if
22 provided, should be the string \code{'b'} or \code{'t'}; on Windows
23 this is needed to determine whether the file objects should be opened
24 in binary or text mode. The default value for \var{mode} is
25 \code{'t'}.
27 On \UNIX, \var{cmd} may be a sequence, in which case arguments will be passed
28 directly to the program without shell intervention (as with
29 \function{os.spawnv()}). If \var{cmd} is a string it will be passed to the
30 shell (as with \function{os.system()}).
32 The only way to retrieve the return codes for the child processes is
33 by using the \method{poll()} or \method{wait()} methods on the
34 \class{Popen3} and \class{Popen4} classes; these are only available on
35 \UNIX. This information is not available when using the
36 \function{popen2()}, \function{popen3()}, and \function{popen4()}
37 functions, or the equivalent functions in the \refmodule{os} module.
38 (Note that the tuples returned by the \refmodule{os} module's functions
39 are in a different order from the ones returned by the \module{popen2}
40 module.)
42 \begin{funcdesc}{popen2}{cmd\optional{, bufsize\optional{, mode}}}
43 Executes \var{cmd} as a sub-process. Returns the file objects
44 \code{(\var{child_stdout}, \var{child_stdin})}.
45 \end{funcdesc}
47 \begin{funcdesc}{popen3}{cmd\optional{, bufsize\optional{, mode}}}
48 Executes \var{cmd} as a sub-process. Returns the file objects
49 \code{(\var{child_stdout}, \var{child_stdin}, \var{child_stderr})}.
50 \end{funcdesc}
52 \begin{funcdesc}{popen4}{cmd\optional{, bufsize\optional{, mode}}}
53 Executes \var{cmd} as a sub-process. Returns the file objects
54 \code{(\var{child_stdout_and_stderr}, \var{child_stdin})}.
55 \versionadded{2.0}
56 \end{funcdesc}
59 On \UNIX, a class defining the objects returned by the factory
60 functions is also available. These are not used for the Windows
61 implementation, and are not available on that platform.
63 \begin{classdesc}{Popen3}{cmd\optional{, capturestderr\optional{, bufsize}}}
64 This class represents a child process. Normally, \class{Popen3}
65 instances are created using the \function{popen2()} and
66 \function{popen3()} factory functions described above.
68 If not using one of the helper functions to create \class{Popen3}
69 objects, the parameter \var{cmd} is the shell command to execute in a
70 sub-process. The \var{capturestderr} flag, if true, specifies that
71 the object should capture standard error output of the child process.
72 The default is false. If the \var{bufsize} parameter is specified, it
73 specifies the size of the I/O buffers to/from the child process.
74 \end{classdesc}
76 \begin{classdesc}{Popen4}{cmd\optional{, bufsize}}
77 Similar to \class{Popen3}, but always captures standard error into the
78 same file object as standard output. These are typically created
79 using \function{popen4()}.
80 \versionadded{2.0}
81 \end{classdesc}
83 \subsection{Popen3 and Popen4 Objects \label{popen3-objects}}
85 Instances of the \class{Popen3} and \class{Popen4} classes have the
86 following methods:
88 \begin{methoddesc}{poll}{}
89 Returns \code{-1} if child process hasn't completed yet, or its return
90 code otherwise.
91 \end{methoddesc}
93 \begin{methoddesc}{wait}{}
94 Waits for and returns the status code of the child process. The
95 status code encodes both the return code of the process and
96 information about whether it exited using the \cfunction{exit()}
97 system call or died due to a signal. Functions to help interpret the
98 status code are defined in the \refmodule{os} module; see section
99 \ref{os-process} for the \function{W\var{*}()} family of functions.
100 \end{methoddesc}
103 The following attributes are also available:
105 \begin{memberdesc}{fromchild}
106 A file object that provides output from the child process. For
107 \class{Popen4} instances, this will provide both the standard output
108 and standard error streams.
109 \end{memberdesc}
111 \begin{memberdesc}{tochild}
112 A file object that provides input to the child process.
113 \end{memberdesc}
115 \begin{memberdesc}{childerr}
116 A file object that provides error output from the child process, if
117 \var{capturestderr} was true for the constructor, otherwise
118 \code{None}. This will always be \code{None} for \class{Popen4}
119 instances.
120 \end{memberdesc}
122 \begin{memberdesc}{pid}
123 The process ID of the child process.
124 \end{memberdesc}
127 \subsection{Flow Control Issues \label{popen2-flow-control}}
129 Any time you are working with any form of inter-process communication,
130 control flow needs to be carefully thought out. This remains the case
131 with the file objects provided by this module (or the \refmodule{os}
132 module equivalents).
134 % Example explanation and suggested work-arounds substantially stolen
135 % from Martin von Löwis:
136 % http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-September/009460.html
138 When reading output from a child process that writes a lot of data to
139 standard error while the parent is reading from the child's standard
140 output, a deadlock can occur. A similar situation can occur with other
141 combinations of reads and writes. The essential factors are that more
142 than \constant{_PC_PIPE_BUF} bytes are being written by one process in
143 a blocking fashion, while the other process is reading from the other
144 process, also in a blocking fashion.
146 There are several ways to deal with this situation.
148 The simplest application change, in many cases, will be to follow this
149 model in the parent process:
151 \begin{verbatim}
152 import popen2
154 r, w, e = popen2.popen3('python slave.py')
155 e.readlines()
156 r.readlines()
157 r.close()
158 e.close()
159 w.close()
160 \end{verbatim}
162 with code like this in the child:
164 \begin{verbatim}
165 import os
166 import sys
168 # note that each of these print statements
169 # writes a single long string
171 print >>sys.stderr, 400 * 'this is a test\n'
172 os.close(sys.stderr.fileno())
173 print >>sys.stdout, 400 * 'this is another test\n'
174 \end{verbatim}
176 In particular, note that \code{sys.stderr} must be closed after
177 writing all data, or \method{readlines()} won't return. Also note
178 that \function{os.close()} must be used, as \code{sys.stderr.close()}
179 won't close \code{stderr} (otherwise assigning to \code{sys.stderr}
180 will silently close it, so no further errors can be printed).
182 Applications which need to support a more general approach should
183 integrate I/O over pipes with their \function{select()} loops, or use
184 separate threads to read each of the individual files provided by
185 whichever \function{popen*()} function or \class{Popen*} class was
186 used.
188 \begin{seealso}
189 \seemodule{subprocess}{Module for spawning and managing subprocesses.}
190 \end{seealso}