Change a variable type to avoid signed overflow; replace repeated '19999' constant...
[python.git] / Lib / test /
1 import array
2 import unittest
3 import struct
4 import warnings
5 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "struct integer overflow masking is deprecated",
6 DeprecationWarning)
8 from functools import wraps
9 from test.test_support import TestFailed, verbose, run_unittest
11 import sys
12 ISBIGENDIAN = sys.byteorder == "big"
13 IS32BIT = sys.maxsize == 0x7fffffff
15 integer_codes = 'b', 'B', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'l', 'L', 'q', 'Q'
17 # Native 'q' packing isn't available on systems that don't have the C
18 # long long type.
19 try:
20 struct.pack('q', 5)
21 except struct.error:
23 else:
26 try:
27 import _struct
28 except ImportError:
30 else:
33 def string_reverse(s):
34 return "".join(reversed(s))
36 def bigendian_to_native(value):
38 return value
39 else:
40 return string_reverse(value)
42 def with_warning_restore(func):
43 @wraps(func)
44 def decorator(*args, **kw):
45 with warnings.catch_warnings():
46 # We need this function to warn every time, so stick an
47 # unqualifed 'always' at the head of the filter list
48 warnings.simplefilter("always")
49 warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=DeprecationWarning)
50 return func(*args, **kw)
51 return decorator
53 class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
55 @with_warning_restore
56 def check_float_coerce(self, format, number):
57 # SF bug 1530559. struct.pack raises TypeError where it used to convert.
59 # Test for pre-2.5 struct module
60 packed = struct.pack(format, number)
61 floored = struct.unpack(format, packed)[0]
62 self.assertEqual(floored, int(number),
63 "did not correcly coerce float to int")
64 return
65 try:
66 struct.pack(format, number)
67 except struct.error:
69"expected DeprecationWarning for float coerce")
70 except DeprecationWarning:
72"expected to raise struct.error for float coerce")
73 else:
74"did not raise error for float coerce")
76 def test_isbigendian(self):
77 self.assertEqual((struct.pack('=i', 1)[0] == chr(0)), ISBIGENDIAN)
79 def test_consistence(self):
80 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.calcsize, 'Z')
82 sz = struct.calcsize('i')
83 self.assertEqual(sz * 3, struct.calcsize('iii'))
85 fmt = 'cbxxxxxxhhhhiillffd?'
86 fmt3 = '3c3b18x12h6i6l6f3d3?'
87 sz = struct.calcsize(fmt)
88 sz3 = struct.calcsize(fmt3)
89 self.assertEqual(sz * 3, sz3)
91 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'iii', 3)
92 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'i', 3, 3, 3)
93 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'i', 'foo')
94 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'P', 'foo')
95 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack, 'd', 'flap')
96 s = struct.pack('ii', 1, 2)
97 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack, 'iii', s)
98 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack, 'i', s)
100 def test_transitiveness(self):
101 c = 'a'
102 b = 1
103 h = 255
104 i = 65535
105 l = 65536
106 f = 3.1415
107 d = 3.1415
108 t = True
110 for prefix in ('', '@', '<', '>', '=', '!'):
111 for format in ('xcbhilfd?', 'xcBHILfd?'):
112 format = prefix + format
113 s = struct.pack(format, c, b, h, i, l, f, d, t)
114 cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp, tp = struct.unpack(format, s)
115 self.assertEqual(cp, c)
116 self.assertEqual(bp, b)
117 self.assertEqual(hp, h)
118 self.assertEqual(ip, i)
119 self.assertEqual(lp, l)
120 self.assertEqual(int(100 * fp), int(100 * f))
121 self.assertEqual(int(100 * dp), int(100 * d))
122 self.assertEqual(tp, t)
124 def test_new_features(self):
125 # Test some of the new features in detail
126 # (format, argument, big-endian result, little-endian result, asymmetric)
127 tests = [
128 ('c', 'a', 'a', 'a', 0),
129 ('xc', 'a', '\0a', '\0a', 0),
130 ('cx', 'a', 'a\0', 'a\0', 0),
131 ('s', 'a', 'a', 'a', 0),
132 ('0s', 'helloworld', '', '', 1),
133 ('1s', 'helloworld', 'h', 'h', 1),
134 ('9s', 'helloworld', 'helloworl', 'helloworl', 1),
135 ('10s', 'helloworld', 'helloworld', 'helloworld', 0),
136 ('11s', 'helloworld', 'helloworld\0', 'helloworld\0', 1),
137 ('20s', 'helloworld', 'helloworld'+10*'\0', 'helloworld'+10*'\0', 1),
138 ('b', 7, '\7', '\7', 0),
139 ('b', -7, '\371', '\371', 0),
140 ('B', 7, '\7', '\7', 0),
141 ('B', 249, '\371', '\371', 0),
142 ('h', 700, '\002\274', '\274\002', 0),
143 ('h', -700, '\375D', 'D\375', 0),
144 ('H', 700, '\002\274', '\274\002', 0),
145 ('H', 0x10000-700, '\375D', 'D\375', 0),
146 ('i', 70000000, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
147 ('i', -70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
148 ('I', 70000000L, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
149 ('I', 0x100000000L-70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
150 ('l', 70000000, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
151 ('l', -70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
152 ('L', 70000000L, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
153 ('L', 0x100000000L-70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
154 ('f', 2.0, '@\000\000\000', '\000\000\000@', 0),
155 ('d', 2.0, '@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000',
156 '\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@', 0),
157 ('f', -2.0, '\300\000\000\000', '\000\000\000\300', 0),
158 ('d', -2.0, '\300\000\000\000\000\000\000\000',
159 '\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300', 0),
160 ('?', 0, '\0', '\0', 0),
161 ('?', 3, '\1', '\1', 1),
162 ('?', True, '\1', '\1', 0),
163 ('?', [], '\0', '\0', 1),
164 ('?', (1,), '\1', '\1', 1),
167 for fmt, arg, big, lil, asy in tests:
168 for (xfmt, exp) in [('>'+fmt, big), ('!'+fmt, big), ('<'+fmt, lil),
169 ('='+fmt, ISBIGENDIAN and big or lil)]:
170 res = struct.pack(xfmt, arg)
171 self.assertEqual(res, exp)
172 self.assertEqual(struct.calcsize(xfmt), len(res))
173 rev = struct.unpack(xfmt, res)[0]
174 if rev != arg:
175 self.assertTrue(asy)
177 def test_calcsize(self):
178 expected_size = {
179 'b': 1, 'B': 1,
180 'h': 2, 'H': 2,
181 'i': 4, 'I': 4,
182 'l': 4, 'L': 4,
183 'q': 8, 'Q': 8,
186 # standard integer sizes
187 for code in integer_codes:
188 for byteorder in ('=', '<', '>', '!'):
189 format = byteorder+code
190 size = struct.calcsize(format)
191 self.assertEqual(size, expected_size[code])
193 # native integer sizes, except 'q' and 'Q'
194 for format_pair in ('bB', 'hH', 'iI', 'lL'):
195 for byteorder in ['', '@']:
196 signed_size = struct.calcsize(byteorder + format_pair[0])
197 unsigned_size = struct.calcsize(byteorder + format_pair[1])
198 self.assertEqual(signed_size, unsigned_size)
200 # bounds for native integer sizes
201 self.assertTrue(struct.calcsize('b')==1)
202 self.assertTrue(2 <= struct.calcsize('h'))
203 self.assertTrue(4 <= struct.calcsize('l'))
204 self.assertTrue(struct.calcsize('h') <= struct.calcsize('i'))
205 self.assertTrue(struct.calcsize('i') <= struct.calcsize('l'))
207 # tests for native 'q' and 'Q' when applicable
209 self.assertEqual(struct.calcsize('q'), struct.calcsize('Q'))
210 self.assertTrue(8 <= struct.calcsize('q'))
211 self.assertTrue(struct.calcsize('l') <= struct.calcsize('q'))
213 def test_integers(self):
214 # Integer tests (bBhHiIlLqQ).
215 import binascii
217 class IntTester(unittest.TestCase):
218 def __init__(self, format):
219 super(IntTester, self).__init__(methodName='test_one')
220 self.format = format
221 self.code = format[-1]
222 self.direction = format[:-1]
223 if not self.direction in ('', '@', '=', '<', '>', '!'):
224 raise ValueError("unrecognized packing direction: %s" %
225 self.direction)
226 self.bytesize = struct.calcsize(format)
227 self.bitsize = self.bytesize * 8
228 if self.code in tuple('bhilq'):
229 self.signed = True
230 self.min_value = -(2L**(self.bitsize-1))
231 self.max_value = 2L**(self.bitsize-1) - 1
232 elif self.code in tuple('BHILQ'):
233 self.signed = False
234 self.min_value = 0
235 self.max_value = 2L**self.bitsize - 1
236 else:
237 raise ValueError("unrecognized format code: %s" %
238 self.code)
240 def test_one(self, x, pack=struct.pack,
241 unpack=struct.unpack,
242 unhexlify=binascii.unhexlify):
244 format = self.format
245 if self.min_value <= x <= self.max_value:
246 expected = long(x)
247 if self.signed and x < 0:
248 expected += 1L << self.bitsize
249 self.assertTrue(expected >= 0)
250 expected = '%x' % expected
251 if len(expected) & 1:
252 expected = "0" + expected
253 expected = unhexlify(expected)
254 expected = ("\x00" * (self.bytesize - len(expected)) +
255 expected)
256 if (self.direction == '<' or
257 self.direction in ('', '@', '=') and not ISBIGENDIAN):
258 expected = string_reverse(expected)
259 self.assertEqual(len(expected), self.bytesize)
261 # Pack work?
262 got = pack(format, x)
263 self.assertEqual(got, expected)
265 # Unpack work?
266 retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
267 self.assertEqual(x, retrieved)
269 # Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
270 self.assertRaises((struct.error, TypeError), unpack, format,
271 '\x01' + got)
272 else:
273 # x is out of range -- verify pack realizes that.
274 self.assertRaises(struct.error, pack, format, x)
276 def run(self):
277 from random import randrange
279 # Create all interesting powers of 2.
280 values = []
281 for exp in range(self.bitsize + 3):
282 values.append(1L << exp)
284 # Add some random values.
285 for i in range(self.bitsize):
286 val = 0L
287 for j in range(self.bytesize):
288 val = (val << 8) | randrange(256)
289 values.append(val)
291 # Values absorbed from other tests
292 values.extend([300, 700000, sys.maxint*4])
294 # Try all those, and their negations, and +-1 from
295 # them. Note that this tests all power-of-2
296 # boundaries in range, and a few out of range, plus
297 # +-(2**n +- 1).
298 for base in values:
299 for val in -base, base:
300 for incr in -1, 0, 1:
301 x = val + incr
302 self.test_one(int(x))
303 self.test_one(long(x))
305 # Some error cases.
306 class NotAnIntNS(object):
307 def __int__(self):
308 return 42
310 def __long__(self):
311 return 1729L
313 class NotAnIntOS:
314 def __int__(self):
315 return 10585
317 def __long__(self):
318 return -163L
320 for badobject in ("a string", 3+42j, randrange,
321 NotAnIntNS(), NotAnIntOS()):
322 self.assertRaises(struct.error,
323 struct.pack, format,
324 badobject)
326 byteorders = '', '@', '=', '<', '>', '!'
327 for code in integer_codes:
328 for byteorder in byteorders:
329 if (byteorder in ('', '@') and code in ('q', 'Q') and
330 not HAVE_LONG_LONG):
331 continue
332 format = byteorder+code
333 t = IntTester(format)
336 def test_p_code(self):
337 # Test p ("Pascal string") code.
338 for code, input, expected, expectedback in [
339 ('p','abc', '\x00', ''),
340 ('1p', 'abc', '\x00', ''),
341 ('2p', 'abc', '\x01a', 'a'),
342 ('3p', 'abc', '\x02ab', 'ab'),
343 ('4p', 'abc', '\x03abc', 'abc'),
344 ('5p', 'abc', '\x03abc\x00', 'abc'),
345 ('6p', 'abc', '\x03abc\x00\x00', 'abc'),
346 ('1000p', 'x'*1000, '\xff' + 'x'*999, 'x'*255)]:
347 got = struct.pack(code, input)
348 self.assertEqual(got, expected)
349 (got,) = struct.unpack(code, got)
350 self.assertEqual(got, expectedback)
352 def test_705836(self):
353 # SF bug 705836. "<f" and ">f" had a severe rounding bug, where a carry
354 # from the low-order discarded bits could propagate into the exponent
355 # field, causing the result to be wrong by a factor of 2.
356 import math
358 for base in range(1, 33):
359 # smaller <- largest representable float less than base.
360 delta = 0.5
361 while base - delta / 2.0 != base:
362 delta /= 2.0
363 smaller = base - delta
364 # Packing this rounds away a solid string of trailing 1 bits.
365 packed = struct.pack("<f", smaller)
366 unpacked = struct.unpack("<f", packed)[0]
367 # This failed at base = 2, 4, and 32, with unpacked = 1, 2, and
368 # 16, respectively.
369 self.assertEqual(base, unpacked)
370 bigpacked = struct.pack(">f", smaller)
371 self.assertEqual(bigpacked, string_reverse(packed))
372 unpacked = struct.unpack(">f", bigpacked)[0]
373 self.assertEqual(base, unpacked)
375 # Largest finite IEEE single.
376 big = (1 << 24) - 1
377 big = math.ldexp(big, 127 - 23)
378 packed = struct.pack(">f", big)
379 unpacked = struct.unpack(">f", packed)[0]
380 self.assertEqual(big, unpacked)
382 # The same, but tack on a 1 bit so it rounds up to infinity.
383 big = (1 << 25) - 1
384 big = math.ldexp(big, 127 - 24)
385 self.assertRaises(OverflowError, struct.pack, ">f", big)
387 def test_1530559(self):
388 # SF bug 1530559. struct.pack raises TypeError where it used to convert.
389 for endian in ('', '>', '<'):
390 for fmt in integer_codes:
391 self.check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.0)
392 self.check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.5)
394 def test_unpack_from(self):
395 test_string = 'abcd01234'
396 fmt = '4s'
397 s = struct.Struct(fmt)
398 for cls in (str, buffer):
399 data = cls(test_string)
400 self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data), ('abcd',))
401 self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, 2), ('cd01',))
402 self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, 4), ('0123',))
403 for i in xrange(6):
404 self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
405 for i in xrange(6, len(test_string) + 1):
406 self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.unpack_from, data, i)
407 for cls in (str, buffer):
408 data = cls(test_string)
409 self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data), ('abcd',))
410 self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 2), ('cd01',))
411 self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 4), ('0123',))
412 for i in xrange(6):
413 self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
414 for i in xrange(6, len(test_string) + 1):
415 self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack_from, fmt, data, i)
417 def test_pack_into(self):
418 test_string = 'Reykjavik rocks, eow!'
419 writable_buf = array.array('c', ' '*100)
420 fmt = '21s'
421 s = struct.Struct(fmt)
423 # Test without offset
424 s.pack_into(writable_buf, 0, test_string)
425 from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)]
426 self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string)
428 # Test with offset.
429 s.pack_into(writable_buf, 10, test_string)
430 from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)+10]
431 self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string[:10] + test_string)
433 # Go beyond boundaries.
434 small_buf = array.array('c', ' '*10)
435 self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.pack_into, small_buf, 0, test_string)
436 self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.pack_into, small_buf, 2, test_string)
438 # Test bogus offset (issue 3694)
439 sb = small_buf
440 self.assertRaises(TypeError, struct.pack_into, b'1', sb, None)
442 def test_pack_into_fn(self):
443 test_string = 'Reykjavik rocks, eow!'
444 writable_buf = array.array('c', ' '*100)
445 fmt = '21s'
446 pack_into = lambda *args: struct.pack_into(fmt, *args)
448 # Test without offset.
449 pack_into(writable_buf, 0, test_string)
450 from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)]
451 self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string)
453 # Test with offset.
454 pack_into(writable_buf, 10, test_string)
455 from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)+10]
456 self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string[:10] + test_string)
458 # Go beyond boundaries.
459 small_buf = array.array('c', ' '*10)
460 self.assertRaises(struct.error, pack_into, small_buf, 0, test_string)
461 self.assertRaises(struct.error, pack_into, small_buf, 2, test_string)
463 def test_unpack_with_buffer(self):
464 # SF bug 1563759: struct.unpack doens't support buffer protocol objects
465 data1 = array.array('B', '\x12\x34\x56\x78')
466 data2 = buffer('......\x12\x34\x56\x78......', 6, 4)
467 for data in [data1, data2]:
468 value, = struct.unpack('>I', data)
469 self.assertEqual(value, 0x12345678)
471 def test_bool(self):
472 for prefix in tuple("<>!=")+('',):
473 false = (), [], [], '', 0
474 true = [1], 'test', 5, -1, 0xffffffffL+1, 0xffffffff/2
476 falseFormat = prefix + '?' * len(false)
477 packedFalse = struct.pack(falseFormat, *false)
478 unpackedFalse = struct.unpack(falseFormat, packedFalse)
480 trueFormat = prefix + '?' * len(true)
481 packedTrue = struct.pack(trueFormat, *true)
482 unpackedTrue = struct.unpack(trueFormat, packedTrue)
484 self.assertEqual(len(true), len(unpackedTrue))
485 self.assertEqual(len(false), len(unpackedFalse))
487 for t in unpackedFalse:
488 self.assertFalse(t)
489 for t in unpackedTrue:
490 self.assertTrue(t)
492 packed = struct.pack(prefix+'?', 1)
494 self.assertEqual(len(packed), struct.calcsize(prefix+'?'))
496 if len(packed) != 1:
497 self.assertFalse(prefix, msg='encoded bool is not one byte: %r'
498 %packed)
500 for c in '\x01\x7f\xff\x0f\xf0':
501 self.assertTrue(struct.unpack('>?', c)[0])
503 if IS32BIT:
504 def test_crasher(self):
505 self.assertRaises(MemoryError, struct.pack, "357913941c", "a")
509 def test_main():
510 run_unittest(StructTest)
512 if __name__ == '__main__':
513 test_main()