Bare except clause removed from SMTPHandler.emit(). Now, only ImportError is trapped.
[python.git] / Doc / lib / libstringio.tex
1 \section{\module{StringIO} ---
2 Read and write strings as files}
4 \declaremodule{standard}{StringIO}
5 \modulesynopsis{Read and write strings as if they were files.}
8 This module implements a file-like class, \class{StringIO},
9 that reads and writes a string buffer (also known as \emph{memory
10 files}). See the description of file objects for operations (section
11 \ref{bltin-file-objects}).
13 \begin{classdesc}{StringIO}{\optional{buffer}}
14 When a \class{StringIO} object is created, it can be initialized
15 to an existing string by passing the string to the constructor.
16 If no string is given, the \class{StringIO} will start empty.
17 In both cases, the initial file position starts at zero.
19 The \class{StringIO} object can accept either Unicode or 8-bit
20 strings, but mixing the two may take some care. If both are used,
21 8-bit strings that cannot be interpreted as 7-bit \ASCII{} (that
22 use the 8th bit) will cause a \exception{UnicodeError} to be raised
23 when \method{getvalue()} is called.
24 \end{classdesc}
26 The following methods of \class{StringIO} objects require special
27 mention:
29 \begin{methoddesc}{getvalue}{}
30 Retrieve the entire contents of the ``file'' at any time before the
31 \class{StringIO} object's \method{close()} method is called. See the
32 note above for information about mixing Unicode and 8-bit strings;
33 such mixing can cause this method to raise \exception{UnicodeError}.
34 \end{methoddesc}
36 \begin{methoddesc}{close}{}
37 Free the memory buffer.
38 \end{methoddesc}
40 Example usage:
42 \begin{verbatim}
43 import StringIO
45 output = StringIO.StringIO()
46 output.write('First line.\n')
47 print >>output, 'Second line.'
49 # Retrieve file contents -- this will be
50 # 'First line.\nSecond line.\n'
51 contents = output.getvalue()
53 # Close object and discard memory buffer --
54 # .getvalue() will now raise an exception.
55 output.close()
56 \end{verbatim}
59 \section{\module{cStringIO} ---
60 Faster version of \module{StringIO}}
62 \declaremodule{builtin}{cStringIO}
63 \modulesynopsis{Faster version of \module{StringIO}, but not
64 subclassable.}
65 \moduleauthor{Jim Fulton}{}
66 \sectionauthor{Fred L. Drake, Jr.}{}
68 The module \module{cStringIO} provides an interface similar to that of
69 the \refmodule{StringIO} module. Heavy use of \class{StringIO.StringIO}
70 objects can be made more efficient by using the function
71 \function{StringIO()} from this module instead.
73 Since this module provides a factory function which returns objects of
74 built-in types, there's no way to build your own version using
75 subclassing. Use the original \refmodule{StringIO} module in that case.
77 Unlike the memory files implemented by the \refmodule{StringIO}
78 module, those provided by this module are not able to accept Unicode
79 strings that cannot be encoded as plain \ASCII{} strings.
81 Another difference from the \refmodule{StringIO} module is that calling
82 \function{StringIO()} with a string parameter creates a read-only object.
83 Unlike an object created without a string parameter, it does not have
84 write methods. These objects are not generally visible. They turn up in
85 tracebacks as \class{StringI} and \class{StringO}.
87 The following data objects are provided as well:
90 \begin{datadesc}{InputType}
91 The type object of the objects created by calling
92 \function{StringIO} with a string parameter.
93 \end{datadesc}
95 \begin{datadesc}{OutputType}
96 The type object of the objects returned by calling
97 \function{StringIO} with no parameters.
98 \end{datadesc}
101 There is a C API to the module as well; refer to the module source for
102 more information.
104 Example usage:
106 \begin{verbatim}
107 import cStringIO
109 output = cStringIO.StringIO()
110 output.write('First line.\n')
111 print >>output, 'Second line.'
113 # Retrieve file contents -- this will be
114 # 'First line.\nSecond line.\n'
115 contents = output.getvalue()
117 # Close object and discard memory buffer --
118 # .getvalue() will now raise an exception.
119 output.close()
120 \end{verbatim}