Add better error reporting for MemoryErrors caused by str->float conversions.
[python.git] / Tools / pybench /
1 """ CommandLine - Get and parse command line options
3 NOTE: This still is very much work in progress !!!
5 Different version are likely to be incompatible.
9 * Incorporate the changes made by (see Inbox)
10 * Add number range option using srange()
12 """
14 __copyright__ = """\
15 Copyright (c), 1997-2006, Marc-Andre Lemburg (
16 Copyright (c), 2000-2006, Software GmbH (
17 See the documentation for further information on copyrights,
18 or contact the author. All Rights Reserved.
19 """
21 __version__ = '1.2'
23 import sys, getopt, string, glob, os, re, exceptions, traceback
25 ### Helpers
27 def _getopt_flags(options):
29 """ Convert the option list to a getopt flag string and long opt
30 list
32 """
33 s = []
34 l = []
35 for o in options:
36 if o.prefix == '-':
37 # short option
38 s.append(
39 if o.takes_argument:
40 s.append(':')
41 else:
42 # long option
43 if o.takes_argument:
44 l.append('=')
45 else:
46 l.append(
47 return string.join(s,''),l
49 def invisible_input(prompt='>>> '):
51 """ Get raw input from a terminal without echoing the characters to
52 the terminal, e.g. for password queries.
54 """
55 import getpass
56 entry = getpass.getpass(prompt)
57 if entry is None:
58 raise KeyboardInterrupt
59 return entry
61 def fileopen(name, mode='wb', encoding=None):
63 """ Open a file using mode.
65 Default mode is 'wb' meaning to open the file for writing in
66 binary mode. If encoding is given, I/O to and from the file is
67 transparently encoded using the given encoding.
69 Files opened for writing are chmod()ed to 0600.
71 """
72 if name == 'stdout':
73 return sys.stdout
74 elif name == 'stderr':
75 return sys.stderr
76 elif name == 'stdin':
77 return sys.stdin
78 else:
79 if encoding is not None:
80 import codecs
81 f =, mode, encoding)
82 else:
83 f = open(name, mode)
84 if 'w' in mode:
85 os.chmod(name, 0600)
86 return f
88 def option_dict(options):
90 """ Return a dictionary mapping option names to Option instances.
91 """
92 d = {}
93 for option in options:
94 d[] = option
95 return d
97 # Alias
98 getpasswd = invisible_input
100 _integerRE = re.compile('\s*(-?\d+)\s*$')
101 _integerRangeRE = re.compile('\s*(-?\d+)\s*-\s*(-?\d+)\s*$')
103 def srange(s,
105 split=string.split,integer=_integerRE,
106 integerRange=_integerRangeRE):
108 """ Converts a textual representation of integer numbers and ranges
109 to a Python list.
111 Supported formats: 2,3,4,2-10,-1 - -3, 5 - -2
113 Values are appended to the created list in the order specified
114 in the string.
117 l = []
118 append = l.append
119 for entry in split(s,','):
120 m = integer.match(entry)
121 if m:
122 append(int(m.groups()[0]))
123 continue
124 m = integerRange.match(entry)
125 if m:
126 start,end = map(int,m.groups())
127 l[len(l):] = range(start,end+1)
128 return l
130 def abspath(path,
132 expandvars=os.path.expandvars,expanduser=os.path.expanduser,
133 join=os.path.join,getcwd=os.getcwd):
135 """ Return the corresponding absolute path for path.
137 path is expanded in the usual shell ways before
138 joining it with the current working directory.
141 try:
142 path = expandvars(path)
143 except AttributeError:
144 pass
145 try:
146 path = expanduser(path)
147 except AttributeError:
148 pass
149 return join(getcwd(), path)
151 ### Option classes
153 class Option:
155 """ Option base class. Takes no argument.
158 default = None
159 helptext = ''
160 prefix = '-'
161 takes_argument = 0
162 has_default = 0
163 tab = 15
165 def __init__(self,name,help=None):
167 if not name[:1] == '-':
168 raise TypeError,'option names must start with "-"'
169 if name[1:2] == '-':
170 self.prefix = '--'
171 = name[2:]
172 else:
173 = name[1:]
174 if help:
175 = help
177 def __str__(self):
179 o = self
180 name = o.prefix +
181 if o.takes_argument:
182 name = name + ' arg'
183 if len(name) >
184 name = name + '\n' + ' ' * ( + 1 + len(o.prefix))
185 else:
186 name = '%-*s ' % (, name)
187 description =
188 if o.has_default:
189 description = description + ' (%s)' % o.default
190 return '%s %s' % (name, description)
192 class ArgumentOption(Option):
194 """ Option that takes an argument.
196 An optional default argument can be given.
199 def __init__(self,name,help=None,default=None):
201 # Basemethod
202 Option.__init__(self,name,help)
204 if default is not None:
205 self.default = default
206 self.has_default = 1
207 self.takes_argument = 1
209 class SwitchOption(Option):
211 """ Options that can be on or off. Has an optional default value.
214 def __init__(self,name,help=None,default=None):
216 # Basemethod
217 Option.__init__(self,name,help)
219 if default is not None:
220 self.default = default
221 self.has_default = 1
223 ### Application baseclass
225 class Application:
227 """ Command line application interface with builtin argument
228 parsing.
231 # Options the program accepts (Option instances)
232 options = []
234 # Standard settings; these are appended to options in __init__
235 preset_options = [SwitchOption('-v',
236 'generate verbose output'),
237 SwitchOption('-h',
238 'show this help text'),
239 SwitchOption('--help',
240 'show this help text'),
241 SwitchOption('--debug',
242 'enable debugging'),
243 SwitchOption('--copyright',
244 'show copyright'),
245 SwitchOption('--examples',
246 'show examples of usage')]
248 # The help layout looks like this:
249 # [header] - defaults to ''
251 # [synopsis] - formatted as '<> %s' % self.synopsis
253 # options:
254 # [options] - formatted from self.options
256 # [version] - formatted as 'Version:\n %s' % self.version, if given
258 # [about] - defaults to ''
260 # Note: all fields that do not behave as template are formatted
261 # using the instances dictionary as substitution namespace,
262 # e.g. %(name)s will be replaced by the applications name.
265 # Header (default to program name)
266 header = ''
268 # Name (defaults to program name)
269 name = ''
271 # Synopsis (%(name)s is replaced by the program name)
272 synopsis = '%(name)s [option] files...'
274 # Version (optional)
275 version = ''
277 # General information printed after the possible options (optional)
278 about = ''
280 # Examples of usage to show when the --examples option is given (optional)
281 examples = ''
283 # Copyright to show
284 copyright = __copyright__
286 # Apply file globbing ?
287 globbing = 1
289 # Generate debug output ?
290 debug = 0
292 # Generate verbose output ?
293 verbose = 0
295 # Internal errors to catch
296 InternalError = exceptions.Exception
298 # Instance variables:
299 values = None # Dictionary of passed options (or default values)
300 # indexed by the options name, e.g. '-h'
301 files = None # List of passed filenames
302 optionlist = None # List of passed options
304 def __init__(self,argv=None):
306 # Setup application specs
307 if argv is None:
308 argv = sys.argv
309 self.filename = os.path.split(argv[0])[1]
310 if not
311 = os.path.split(self.filename)[1]
312 else:
313 =
314 if not self.header:
315 self.header =
316 else:
317 self.header = self.header
319 # Init .arguments list
320 self.arguments = argv[1:]
322 # Setup Option mapping
323 self.option_map = option_dict(self.options)
325 # Append preset options
326 for option in self.preset_options:
327 if not self.option_map.has_key(
328 self.add_option(option)
330 # Init .files list
331 self.files = []
333 # Start Application
334 try:
335 # Process startup
336 rc = self.startup()
337 if rc is not None:
338 raise SystemExit,rc
340 # Parse command line
341 rc = self.parse()
342 if rc is not None:
343 raise SystemExit,rc
345 # Start application
346 rc = self.main()
347 if rc is None:
348 rc = 0
350 except SystemExit,rc:
351 pass
353 except KeyboardInterrupt:
354 print
355 print '* User Break'
356 print
357 rc = 1
359 except self.InternalError:
360 print
361 print '* Internal Error (use --debug to display the traceback)'
362 if self.debug:
363 print
364 traceback.print_exc(20, sys.stdout)
365 elif self.verbose:
366 print ' %s: %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]
367 print
368 rc = 1
370 raise SystemExit,rc
372 def add_option(self, option):
374 """ Add a new Option instance to the Application dynamically.
376 Note that this has to be done *before* .parse() is being
377 executed.
380 self.options.append(option)
381 self.option_map[] = option
383 def startup(self):
385 """ Set user defined instance variables.
387 If this method returns anything other than None, the
388 process is terminated with the return value as exit code.
391 return None
393 def exit(self, rc=0):
395 """ Exit the program.
397 rc is used as exit code and passed back to the calling
398 program. It defaults to 0 which usually means: OK.
401 raise SystemExit, rc
403 def parse(self):
405 """ Parse the command line and fill in self.values and self.files.
407 After having parsed the options, the remaining command line
408 arguments are interpreted as files and passed to .handle_files()
409 for processing.
411 As final step the option handlers are called in the order
412 of the options given on the command line.
415 # Parse arguments
416 self.values = values = {}
417 for o in self.options:
418 if o.has_default:
419 values[] = o.default
420 else:
421 values[] = 0
422 flags,lflags = _getopt_flags(self.options)
423 try:
424 optlist,files = getopt.getopt(self.arguments,flags,lflags)
425 if self.globbing:
426 l = []
427 for f in files:
428 gf = glob.glob(f)
429 if not gf:
430 l.append(f)
431 else:
432 l[len(l):] = gf
433 files = l
434 self.optionlist = optlist
435 self.files = files + self.files
436 except getopt.error,why:
438 sys.exit(1)
440 # Call file handler
441 rc = self.handle_files(self.files)
442 if rc is not None:
443 sys.exit(rc)
445 # Call option handlers
446 for optionname, value in optlist:
448 # Try to convert value to integer
449 try:
450 value = string.atoi(value)
451 except ValueError:
452 pass
454 # Find handler and call it (or count the number of option
455 # instances on the command line)
456 handlername = 'handle' + string.replace(optionname, '-', '_')
457 try:
458 handler = getattr(self, handlername)
459 except AttributeError:
460 if value == '':
461 # count the number of occurances
462 if values.has_key(optionname):
463 values[optionname] = values[optionname] + 1
464 else:
465 values[optionname] = 1
466 else:
467 values[optionname] = value
468 else:
469 rc = handler(value)
470 if rc is not None:
471 raise SystemExit, rc
473 # Apply final file check (for backward compatibility)
474 rc = self.check_files(self.files)
475 if rc is not None:
476 sys.exit(rc)
478 def check_files(self,filelist):
480 """ Apply some user defined checks on the files given in filelist.
482 This may modify filelist in place. A typical application
483 is checking that at least n files are given.
485 If this method returns anything other than None, the
486 process is terminated with the return value as exit code.
489 return None
491 def help(self,note=''):
493 self.print_header()
494 if self.synopsis:
495 print 'Synopsis:'
496 # To remain backward compatible:
497 try:
498 synopsis = self.synopsis %
499 except (NameError, KeyError, TypeError):
500 synopsis = self.synopsis % self.__dict__
501 print ' ' + synopsis
502 print
503 self.print_options()
504 if self.version:
505 print 'Version:'
506 print ' %s' % self.version
507 print
508 if self.about:
509 print string.strip(self.about % self.__dict__)
510 print
511 if note:
512 print '-'*72
513 print 'Note:',note
514 print
516 def notice(self,note):
518 print '-'*72
519 print 'Note:',note
520 print '-'*72
521 print
523 def print_header(self):
525 print '-'*72
526 print self.header % self.__dict__
527 print '-'*72
528 print
530 def print_options(self):
532 options = self.options
533 print 'Options and default settings:'
534 if not options:
535 print ' None'
536 return
537 long = filter(lambda x: x.prefix == '--', options)
538 short = filter(lambda x: x.prefix == '-', options)
539 items = short + long
540 for o in options:
541 print ' ',o
542 print
545 # Example handlers:
547 # If a handler returns anything other than None, processing stops
548 # and the return value is passed to sys.exit() as argument.
551 # File handler
552 def handle_files(self,files):
554 """ This may process the files list in place.
556 return None
558 # Short option handler
559 def handle_h(self,arg):
562 return 0
564 def handle_v(self, value):
566 """ Turn on verbose output.
568 self.verbose = 1
570 # Handlers for long options have two underscores in their name
571 def handle__help(self,arg):
574 return 0
576 def handle__debug(self,arg):
578 self.debug = 1
579 # We don't want to catch internal errors:
580 self.InternalError = None
582 def handle__copyright(self,arg):
584 self.print_header()
585 print string.strip(self.copyright % self.__dict__)
586 print
587 return 0
589 def handle__examples(self,arg):
591 self.print_header()
592 if self.examples:
593 print 'Examples:'
594 print
595 print string.strip(self.examples % self.__dict__)
596 print
597 else:
598 print 'No examples available.'
599 print
600 return 0
602 def main(self):
604 """ Override this method as program entry point.
606 The return value is passed to sys.exit() as argument. If
607 it is None, 0 is assumed (meaning OK). Unhandled
608 exceptions are reported with exit status code 1 (see
609 __init__ for further details).
612 return None
614 # Alias
615 CommandLine = Application
617 def _test():
619 class MyApplication(Application):
620 header = 'Test Application'
621 version = __version__
622 options = [Option('-v','verbose')]
624 def handle_v(self,arg):
625 print 'VERBOSE, Yeah !'
627 cmd = MyApplication()
628 if not cmd.values['-h']:
630 print 'files:',cmd.files
631 print 'Bye...'
633 if __name__ == '__main__':
634 _test()