Added a test for the ability to specify a class attribute in Formatter configuration...
[python.git] / Doc / lib / libcmd.tex
1 \section{\module{cmd} ---
2 Support for line-oriented command interpreters}
4 \declaremodule{standard}{cmd}
5 \sectionauthor{Eric S. Raymond}{}
6 \modulesynopsis{Build line-oriented command interpreters.}
9 The \class{Cmd} class provides a simple framework for writing
10 line-oriented command interpreters. These are often useful for
11 test harnesses, administrative tools, and prototypes that will
12 later be wrapped in a more sophisticated interface.
14 \begin{classdesc}{Cmd}{\optional{completekey\optional{,
15 stdin\optional{, stdout}}}}
16 A \class{Cmd} instance or subclass instance is a line-oriented
17 interpreter framework. There is no good reason to instantiate
18 \class{Cmd} itself; rather, it's useful as a superclass of an
19 interpreter class you define yourself in order to inherit
20 \class{Cmd}'s methods and encapsulate action methods.
22 The optional argument \var{completekey} is the \refmodule{readline} name
23 of a completion key; it defaults to \kbd{Tab}. If \var{completekey} is
24 not \constant{None} and \refmodule{readline} is available, command completion
25 is done automatically.
27 The optional arguments \var{stdin} and \var{stdout} specify the
28 input and output file objects that the Cmd instance or subclass
29 instance will use for input and output. If not specified, they
30 will default to \var{sys.stdin} and \var{sys.stdout}.
32 \versionchanged[The \var{stdin} and \var{stdout} parameters were added]{2.3}
33 \end{classdesc}
35 \subsection{Cmd Objects}
36 \label{Cmd-objects}
38 A \class{Cmd} instance has the following methods:
40 \begin{methoddesc}{cmdloop}{\optional{intro}}
41 Repeatedly issue a prompt, accept input, parse an initial prefix off
42 the received input, and dispatch to action methods, passing them the
43 remainder of the line as argument.
45 The optional argument is a banner or intro string to be issued before the
46 first prompt (this overrides the \member{intro} class member).
48 If the \refmodule{readline} module is loaded, input will automatically
49 inherit \program{bash}-like history-list editing (e.g. \kbd{Control-P}
50 scrolls back to the last command, \kbd{Control-N} forward to the next
51 one, \kbd{Control-F} moves the cursor to the right non-destructively,
52 \kbd{Control-B} moves the cursor to the left non-destructively, etc.).
54 An end-of-file on input is passed back as the string \code{'EOF'}.
56 An interpreter instance will recognize a command name \samp{foo} if
57 and only if it has a method \method{do_foo()}. As a special case,
58 a line beginning with the character \character{?} is dispatched to
59 the method \method{do_help()}. As another special case, a line
60 beginning with the character \character{!} is dispatched to the
61 method \method{do_shell()} (if such a method is defined).
63 This method will return when the \method{postcmd()} method returns a
64 true value. The \var{stop} argument to \method{postcmd()} is the
65 return value from the command's corresponding \method{do_*()} method.
67 If completion is enabled, completing commands will be done
68 automatically, and completing of commands args is done by calling
69 \method{complete_foo()} with arguments \var{text}, \var{line},
70 \var{begidx}, and \var{endidx}. \var{text} is the string prefix we
71 are attempting to match: all returned matches must begin with it.
72 \var{line} is the current input line with leading whitespace removed,
73 \var{begidx} and \var{endidx} are the beginning and ending indexes
74 of the prefix text, which could be used to provide different
75 completion depending upon which position the argument is in.
77 All subclasses of \class{Cmd} inherit a predefined \method{do_help()}.
78 This method, called with an argument \code{'bar'}, invokes the
79 corresponding method \method{help_bar()}. With no argument,
80 \method{do_help()} lists all available help topics (that is, all
81 commands with corresponding \method{help_*()} methods), and also lists
82 any undocumented commands.
83 \end{methoddesc}
85 \begin{methoddesc}{onecmd}{str}
86 Interpret the argument as though it had been typed in response to the
87 prompt. This may be overridden, but should not normally need to be;
88 see the \method{precmd()} and \method{postcmd()} methods for useful
89 execution hooks. The return value is a flag indicating whether
90 interpretation of commands by the interpreter should stop. If there
91 is a \method{do_*()} method for the command \var{str}, the return
92 value of that method is returned, otherwise the return value from the
93 \method{default()} method is returned.
94 \end{methoddesc}
96 \begin{methoddesc}{emptyline}{}
97 Method called when an empty line is entered in response to the prompt.
98 If this method is not overridden, it repeats the last nonempty command
99 entered.
100 \end{methoddesc}
102 \begin{methoddesc}{default}{line}
103 Method called on an input line when the command prefix is not
104 recognized. If this method is not overridden, it prints an
105 error message and returns.
106 \end{methoddesc}
108 \begin{methoddesc}{completedefault}{text, line, begidx, endidx}
109 Method called to complete an input line when no command-specific
110 \method{complete_*()} method is available. By default, it returns an
111 empty list.
112 \end{methoddesc}
114 \begin{methoddesc}{precmd}{line}
115 Hook method executed just before the command line \var{line} is
116 interpreted, but after the input prompt is generated and issued. This
117 method is a stub in \class{Cmd}; it exists to be overridden by
118 subclasses. The return value is used as the command which will be
119 executed by the \method{onecmd()} method; the \method{precmd()}
120 implementation may re-write the command or simply return \var{line}
121 unchanged.
122 \end{methoddesc}
124 \begin{methoddesc}{postcmd}{stop, line}
125 Hook method executed just after a command dispatch is finished. This
126 method is a stub in \class{Cmd}; it exists to be overridden by
127 subclasses. \var{line} is the command line which was executed, and
128 \var{stop} is a flag which indicates whether execution will be
129 terminated after the call to \method{postcmd()}; this will be the
130 return value of the \method{onecmd()} method. The return value of
131 this method will be used as the new value for the internal flag which
132 corresponds to \var{stop}; returning false will cause interpretation
133 to continue.
134 \end{methoddesc}
136 \begin{methoddesc}{preloop}{}
137 Hook method executed once when \method{cmdloop()} is called. This
138 method is a stub in \class{Cmd}; it exists to be overridden by
139 subclasses.
140 \end{methoddesc}
142 \begin{methoddesc}{postloop}{}
143 Hook method executed once when \method{cmdloop()} is about to return.
144 This method is a stub in \class{Cmd}; it exists to be overridden by
145 subclasses.
146 \end{methoddesc}
148 Instances of \class{Cmd} subclasses have some public instance variables:
150 \begin{memberdesc}{prompt}
151 The prompt issued to solicit input.
152 \end{memberdesc}
154 \begin{memberdesc}{identchars}
155 The string of characters accepted for the command prefix.
156 \end{memberdesc}
158 \begin{memberdesc}{lastcmd}
159 The last nonempty command prefix seen.
160 \end{memberdesc}
162 \begin{memberdesc}{intro}
163 A string to issue as an intro or banner. May be overridden by giving
164 the \method{cmdloop()} method an argument.
165 \end{memberdesc}
167 \begin{memberdesc}{doc_header}
168 The header to issue if the help output has a section for documented
169 commands.
170 \end{memberdesc}
172 \begin{memberdesc}{misc_header}
173 The header to issue if the help output has a section for miscellaneous
174 help topics (that is, there are \method{help_*()} methods without
175 corresponding \method{do_*()} methods).
176 \end{memberdesc}
178 \begin{memberdesc}{undoc_header}
179 The header to issue if the help output has a section for undocumented
180 commands (that is, there are \method{do_*()} methods without
181 corresponding \method{help_*()} methods).
182 \end{memberdesc}
184 \begin{memberdesc}{ruler}
185 The character used to draw separator lines under the help-message
186 headers. If empty, no ruler line is drawn. It defaults to
187 \character{=}.
188 \end{memberdesc}
190 \begin{memberdesc}{use_rawinput}
191 A flag, defaulting to true. If true, \method{cmdloop()} uses
192 \function{raw_input()} to display a prompt and read the next command;
193 if false, \method{sys.stdout.write()} and
194 \method{sys.stdin.readline()} are used. (This means that by
195 importing \refmodule{readline}, on systems that support it, the
196 interpreter will automatically support \program{Emacs}-like line editing
197 and command-history keystrokes.)
198 \end{memberdesc}