Typo fix
[python.git] / Lib / os2emxpath.py
1 # Module 'os2emxpath' -- common operations on OS/2 pathnames
2 """Common pathname manipulations, OS/2 EMX version.
4 Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this
5 module as os.path.
6 """
8 import os
9 import stat
11 __all__ = ["normcase","isabs","join","splitdrive","split","splitext",
12 "basename","dirname","commonprefix","getsize","getmtime",
13 "getatime","getctime", "islink","exists","lexists","isdir","isfile",
14 "ismount","walk","expanduser","expandvars","normpath","abspath",
15 "splitunc","curdir","pardir","sep","pathsep","defpath","altsep",
16 "extsep","devnull","realpath","supports_unicode_filenames"]
18 # strings representing various path-related bits and pieces
19 curdir = '.'
20 pardir = '..'
21 extsep = '.'
22 sep = '/'
23 altsep = '\\'
24 pathsep = ';'
25 defpath = '.;C:\\bin'
26 devnull = 'nul'
28 # Normalize the case of a pathname and map slashes to backslashes.
29 # Other normalizations (such as optimizing '../' away) are not done
30 # (this is done by normpath).
32 def normcase(s):
33 """Normalize case of pathname.
35 Makes all characters lowercase and all altseps into seps."""
36 return s.replace('\\', '/').lower()
39 # Return whether a path is absolute.
40 # Trivial in Posix, harder on the Mac or MS-DOS.
41 # For DOS it is absolute if it starts with a slash or backslash (current
42 # volume), or if a pathname after the volume letter and colon / UNC resource
43 # starts with a slash or backslash.
45 def isabs(s):
46 """Test whether a path is absolute"""
47 s = splitdrive(s)[1]
48 return s != '' and s[:1] in '/\\'
51 # Join two (or more) paths.
53 def join(a, *p):
54 """Join two or more pathname components, inserting sep as needed"""
55 path = a
56 for b in p:
57 if isabs(b):
58 path = b
59 elif path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\:':
60 path = path + b
61 else:
62 path = path + '/' + b
63 return path
66 # Split a path in a drive specification (a drive letter followed by a
67 # colon) and the path specification.
68 # It is always true that drivespec + pathspec == p
69 def splitdrive(p):
70 """Split a pathname into drive and path specifiers. Returns a 2-tuple
71 "(drive,path)"; either part may be empty"""
72 if p[1:2] == ':':
73 return p[0:2], p[2:]
74 return '', p
77 # Parse UNC paths
78 def splitunc(p):
79 """Split a pathname into UNC mount point and relative path specifiers.
81 Return a 2-tuple (unc, rest); either part may be empty.
82 If unc is not empty, it has the form '//host/mount' (or similar
83 using backslashes). unc+rest is always the input path.
84 Paths containing drive letters never have an UNC part.
85 """
86 if p[1:2] == ':':
87 return '', p # Drive letter present
88 firstTwo = p[0:2]
89 if firstTwo == '/' * 2 or firstTwo == '\\' * 2:
90 # is a UNC path:
91 # vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv equivalent to drive letter
92 # \\machine\mountpoint\directories...
93 # directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
94 normp = normcase(p)
95 index = normp.find('/', 2)
96 if index == -1:
97 ##raise RuntimeError, 'illegal UNC path: "' + p + '"'
98 return ("", p)
99 index = normp.find('/', index + 1)
100 if index == -1:
101 index = len(p)
102 return p[:index], p[index:]
103 return '', p
106 # Split a path in head (everything up to the last '/') and tail (the
107 # rest). After the trailing '/' is stripped, the invariant
108 # join(head, tail) == p holds.
109 # The resulting head won't end in '/' unless it is the root.
111 def split(p):
112 """Split a pathname.
114 Return tuple (head, tail) where tail is everything after the final slash.
115 Either part may be empty."""
117 d, p = splitdrive(p)
118 # set i to index beyond p's last slash
119 i = len(p)
120 while i and p[i-1] not in '/\\':
121 i = i - 1
122 head, tail = p[:i], p[i:] # now tail has no slashes
123 # remove trailing slashes from head, unless it's all slashes
124 head2 = head
125 while head2 and head2[-1] in '/\\':
126 head2 = head2[:-1]
127 head = head2 or head
128 return d + head, tail
131 # Split a path in root and extension.
132 # The extension is everything starting at the last dot in the last
133 # pathname component; the root is everything before that.
134 # It is always true that root + ext == p.
136 def splitext(p):
137 """Split the extension from a pathname.
139 Extension is everything from the last dot to the end.
140 Return (root, ext), either part may be empty."""
141 root, ext = '', ''
142 for c in p:
143 if c in ['/','\\']:
144 root, ext = root + ext + c, ''
145 elif c == '.':
146 if ext:
147 root, ext = root + ext, c
148 else:
149 ext = c
150 elif ext:
151 ext = ext + c
152 else:
153 root = root + c
154 return root, ext
157 # Return the tail (basename) part of a path.
159 def basename(p):
160 """Returns the final component of a pathname"""
161 return split(p)[1]
164 # Return the head (dirname) part of a path.
166 def dirname(p):
167 """Returns the directory component of a pathname"""
168 return split(p)[0]
171 # Return the longest prefix of all list elements.
173 def commonprefix(m):
174 "Given a list of pathnames, returns the longest common leading component"
175 if not m: return ''
176 s1 = min(m)
177 s2 = max(m)
178 n = min(len(s1), len(s2))
179 for i in xrange(n):
180 if s1[i] != s2[i]:
181 return s1[:i]
182 return s1[:n]
185 # Get size, mtime, atime of files.
187 def getsize(filename):
188 """Return the size of a file, reported by os.stat()"""
189 return os.stat(filename).st_size
191 def getmtime(filename):
192 """Return the last modification time of a file, reported by os.stat()"""
193 return os.stat(filename).st_mtime
195 def getatime(filename):
196 """Return the last access time of a file, reported by os.stat()"""
197 return os.stat(filename).st_atime
199 def getctime(filename):
200 """Return the creation time of a file, reported by os.stat()."""
201 return os.stat(filename).st_ctime
203 # Is a path a symbolic link?
204 # This will always return false on systems where posix.lstat doesn't exist.
206 def islink(path):
207 """Test for symbolic link. On OS/2 always returns false"""
208 return False
211 # Does a path exist?
212 # This is false for dangling symbolic links.
214 def exists(path):
215 """Test whether a path exists"""
216 try:
217 st = os.stat(path)
218 except os.error:
219 return False
220 return True
222 lexists = exists
225 # Is a path a directory?
227 def isdir(path):
228 """Test whether a path is a directory"""
229 try:
230 st = os.stat(path)
231 except os.error:
232 return False
233 return stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)
236 # Is a path a regular file?
237 # This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isdir() can be true
238 # for the same path.
240 def isfile(path):
241 """Test whether a path is a regular file"""
242 try:
243 st = os.stat(path)
244 except os.error:
245 return False
246 return stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode)
249 # Is a path a mount point? Either a root (with or without drive letter)
250 # or an UNC path with at most a / or \ after the mount point.
252 def ismount(path):
253 """Test whether a path is a mount point (defined as root of drive)"""
254 unc, rest = splitunc(path)
255 if unc:
256 return rest in ("", "/", "\\")
257 p = splitdrive(path)[1]
258 return len(p) == 1 and p[0] in '/\\'
261 # Directory tree walk.
262 # For each directory under top (including top itself, but excluding
263 # '.' and '..'), func(arg, dirname, filenames) is called, where
264 # dirname is the name of the directory and filenames is the list
265 # of files (and subdirectories etc.) in the directory.
266 # The func may modify the filenames list, to implement a filter,
267 # or to impose a different order of visiting.
269 def walk(top, func, arg):
270 """Directory tree walk whth callback function.
272 walk(top, func, arg) calls func(arg, d, files) for each directory d
273 in the tree rooted at top (including top itself); files is a list
274 of all the files and subdirs in directory d."""
275 try:
276 names = os.listdir(top)
277 except os.error:
278 return
279 func(arg, top, names)
280 exceptions = ('.', '..')
281 for name in names:
282 if name not in exceptions:
283 name = join(top, name)
284 if isdir(name):
285 walk(name, func, arg)
288 # Expand paths beginning with '~' or '~user'.
289 # '~' means $HOME; '~user' means that user's home directory.
290 # If the path doesn't begin with '~', or if the user or $HOME is unknown,
291 # the path is returned unchanged (leaving error reporting to whatever
292 # function is called with the expanded path as argument).
293 # See also module 'glob' for expansion of *, ? and [...] in pathnames.
294 # (A function should also be defined to do full *sh-style environment
295 # variable expansion.)
297 def expanduser(path):
298 """Expand ~ and ~user constructs.
300 If user or $HOME is unknown, do nothing."""
301 if path[:1] != '~':
302 return path
303 i, n = 1, len(path)
304 while i < n and path[i] not in '/\\':
305 i = i + 1
306 if i == 1:
307 if 'HOME' in os.environ:
308 userhome = os.environ['HOME']
309 elif not 'HOMEPATH' in os.environ:
310 return path
311 else:
312 try:
313 drive = os.environ['HOMEDRIVE']
314 except KeyError:
315 drive = ''
316 userhome = join(drive, os.environ['HOMEPATH'])
317 else:
318 return path
319 return userhome + path[i:]
322 # Expand paths containing shell variable substitutions.
323 # The following rules apply:
324 # - no expansion within single quotes
325 # - no escape character, except for '$$' which is translated into '$'
326 # - ${varname} is accepted.
327 # - varnames can be made out of letters, digits and the character '_'
328 # XXX With COMMAND.COM you can use any characters in a variable name,
329 # XXX except '^|<>='.
331 def expandvars(path):
332 """Expand shell variables of form $var and ${var}.
334 Unknown variables are left unchanged."""
335 if '$' not in path:
336 return path
337 import string
338 varchars = string.letters + string.digits + '_-'
339 res = ''
340 index = 0
341 pathlen = len(path)
342 while index < pathlen:
343 c = path[index]
344 if c == '\'': # no expansion within single quotes
345 path = path[index + 1:]
346 pathlen = len(path)
347 try:
348 index = path.index('\'')
349 res = res + '\'' + path[:index + 1]
350 except ValueError:
351 res = res + path
352 index = pathlen - 1
353 elif c == '$': # variable or '$$'
354 if path[index + 1:index + 2] == '$':
355 res = res + c
356 index = index + 1
357 elif path[index + 1:index + 2] == '{':
358 path = path[index+2:]
359 pathlen = len(path)
360 try:
361 index = path.index('}')
362 var = path[:index]
363 if var in os.environ:
364 res = res + os.environ[var]
365 except ValueError:
366 res = res + path
367 index = pathlen - 1
368 else:
369 var = ''
370 index = index + 1
371 c = path[index:index + 1]
372 while c != '' and c in varchars:
373 var = var + c
374 index = index + 1
375 c = path[index:index + 1]
376 if var in os.environ:
377 res = res + os.environ[var]
378 if c != '':
379 res = res + c
380 else:
381 res = res + c
382 index = index + 1
383 return res
386 # Normalize a path, e.g. A//B, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A/B.
388 def normpath(path):
389 """Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc."""
390 path = path.replace('\\', '/')
391 prefix, path = splitdrive(path)
392 while path[:1] == '/':
393 prefix = prefix + '/'
394 path = path[1:]
395 comps = path.split('/')
396 i = 0
397 while i < len(comps):
398 if comps[i] == '.':
399 del comps[i]
400 elif comps[i] == '..' and i > 0 and comps[i-1] not in ('', '..'):
401 del comps[i-1:i+1]
402 i = i - 1
403 elif comps[i] == '' and i > 0 and comps[i-1] != '':
404 del comps[i]
405 else:
406 i = i + 1
407 # If the path is now empty, substitute '.'
408 if not prefix and not comps:
409 comps.append('.')
410 return prefix + '/'.join(comps)
413 # Return an absolute path.
414 def abspath(path):
415 """Return the absolute version of a path"""
416 if not isabs(path):
417 path = join(os.getcwd(), path)
418 return normpath(path)
420 # realpath is a no-op on systems without islink support
421 realpath = abspath
423 supports_unicode_filenames = False