Issue #4393: fix 3 classes of potential portability problems in longobject.c:
[python.git] / PC / _winreg.c
1 /*
2 _winreg.c
4 Windows Registry access module for Python.
6 * Simple registry access written by Mark Hammond in win32api
7 module circa 1995.
8 * Bill Tutt expanded the support significantly not long after.
9 * Numerous other people have submitted patches since then.
10 * Ripped from win32api module 03-Feb-2000 by Mark Hammond, and
11 basic Unicode support added.
15 #include "Python.h"
16 #include "structmember.h"
17 #include "malloc.h" /* for alloca */
18 #include "windows.h"
20 static BOOL PyHKEY_AsHKEY(PyObject *ob, HKEY *pRes, BOOL bNoneOK);
21 static PyObject *PyHKEY_FromHKEY(HKEY h);
22 static BOOL PyHKEY_Close(PyObject *obHandle);
24 static char errNotAHandle[] = "Object is not a handle";
26 /* The win32api module reports the function name that failed,
27 but this concept is not in the Python core.
28 Hopefully it will one day, and in the meantime I dont
29 want to lose this info...
31 #define PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, fnname) \
32 PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr(rc)
34 /* Forward declares */
36 /* Doc strings */
37 PyDoc_STRVAR(module_doc,
38 "This module provides access to the Windows registry API.\n"
39 "\n"
40 "Functions:\n"
41 "\n"
42 "CloseKey() - Closes a registry key.\n"
43 "ConnectRegistry() - Establishes a connection to a predefined registry handle\n"
44 " on another computer.\n"
45 "CreateKey() - Creates the specified key, or opens it if it already exists.\n"
46 "DeleteKey() - Deletes the specified key.\n"
47 "DeleteValue() - Removes a named value from the specified registry key.\n"
48 "EnumKey() - Enumerates subkeys of the specified open registry key.\n"
49 "EnumValue() - Enumerates values of the specified open registry key.\n"
50 "ExpandEnvironmentStrings() - Expand the env strings in a REG_EXPAND_SZ string.\n"
51 "FlushKey() - Writes all the attributes of the specified key to the registry.\n"
52 "LoadKey() - Creates a subkey under HKEY_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and stores\n"
53 " registration information from a specified file into that subkey.\n"
54 "OpenKey() - Alias for <om win32api.RegOpenKeyEx>\n"
55 "OpenKeyEx() - Opens the specified key.\n"
56 "QueryValue() - Retrieves the value associated with the unnamed value for a\n"
57 " specified key in the registry.\n"
58 "QueryValueEx() - Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name\n"
59 " associated with an open registry key.\n"
60 "QueryInfoKey() - Returns information about the specified key.\n"
61 "SaveKey() - Saves the specified key, and all its subkeys a file.\n"
62 "SetValue() - Associates a value with a specified key.\n"
63 "SetValueEx() - Stores data in the value field of an open registry key.\n"
64 "\n"
65 "Special objects:\n"
66 "\n"
67 "HKEYType -- type object for HKEY objects\n"
68 "error -- exception raised for Win32 errors\n"
69 "\n"
70 "Integer constants:\n"
71 "Many constants are defined - see the documentation for each function\n"
72 "to see what constants are used, and where.");
75 PyDoc_STRVAR(CloseKey_doc,
76 "CloseKey(hkey) - Closes a previously opened registry key.\n"
77 "\n"
78 "The hkey argument specifies a previously opened key.\n"
79 "\n"
80 "Note that if the key is not closed using this method, it will be\n"
81 "closed when the hkey object is destroyed by Python.");
83 PyDoc_STRVAR(ConnectRegistry_doc,
84 "key = ConnectRegistry(computer_name, key) - "
85 "Establishes a connection to a predefined registry handle on another computer.\n"
86 "\n"
87 "computer_name is the name of the remote computer, of the form \\\\computername.\n"
88 " If None, the local computer is used.\n"
89 "key is the predefined handle to connect to.\n"
90 "\n"
91 "The return value is the handle of the opened key.\n"
92 "If the function fails, an EnvironmentError exception is raised.");
94 PyDoc_STRVAR(CreateKey_doc,
95 "key = CreateKey(key, sub_key) - Creates or opens the specified key.\n"
96 "\n"
97 "key is an already open key, or one of the predefined HKEY_* constants\n"
98 "sub_key is a string that names the key this method opens or creates.\n"
99 " If key is one of the predefined keys, sub_key may be None. In that case,\n"
100 " the handle returned is the same key handle passed in to the function.\n"
101 "\n"
102 "If the key already exists, this function opens the existing key\n"
103 "\n"
104 "The return value is the handle of the opened key.\n"
105 "If the function fails, an exception is raised.");
107 PyDoc_STRVAR(DeleteKey_doc,
108 "DeleteKey(key, sub_key) - Deletes the specified key.\n"
109 "\n"
110 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
111 "sub_key is a string that must be a subkey of the key identified by the key parameter.\n"
112 " This value must not be None, and the key may not have subkeys.\n"
113 "\n"
114 "This method can not delete keys with subkeys.\n"
115 "\n"
116 "If the method succeeds, the entire key, including all of its values,\n"
117 "is removed. If the method fails, an EnvironmentError exception is raised.");
119 PyDoc_STRVAR(DeleteValue_doc,
120 "DeleteValue(key, value) - Removes a named value from a registry key.\n"
121 "\n"
122 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
123 "value is a string that identifies the value to remove.");
125 PyDoc_STRVAR(EnumKey_doc,
126 "string = EnumKey(key, index) - Enumerates subkeys of an open registry key.\n"
127 "\n"
128 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
129 "index is an integer that identifies the index of the key to retrieve.\n"
130 "\n"
131 "The function retrieves the name of one subkey each time it is called.\n"
132 "It is typically called repeatedly until an EnvironmentError exception is\n"
133 "raised, indicating no more values are available.");
135 PyDoc_STRVAR(EnumValue_doc,
136 "tuple = EnumValue(key, index) - Enumerates values of an open registry key.\n"
137 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
138 "index is an integer that identifies the index of the value to retrieve.\n"
139 "\n"
140 "The function retrieves the name of one subkey each time it is called.\n"
141 "It is typically called repeatedly, until an EnvironmentError exception\n"
142 "is raised, indicating no more values.\n"
143 "\n"
144 "The result is a tuple of 3 items:\n"
145 "value_name is a string that identifies the value.\n"
146 "value_data is an object that holds the value data, and whose type depends\n"
147 " on the underlying registry type.\n"
148 "data_type is an integer that identifies the type of the value data.");
150 PyDoc_STRVAR(ExpandEnvironmentStrings_doc,
151 "string = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(string) - Expand environment vars.\n");
153 PyDoc_STRVAR(FlushKey_doc,
154 "FlushKey(key) - Writes all the attributes of a key to the registry.\n"
155 "\n"
156 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
157 "\n"
158 "It is not necessary to call RegFlushKey to change a key.\n"
159 "Registry changes are flushed to disk by the registry using its lazy flusher.\n"
160 "Registry changes are also flushed to disk at system shutdown.\n"
161 "Unlike CloseKey(), the FlushKey() method returns only when all the data has\n"
162 "been written to the registry.\n"
163 "An application should only call FlushKey() if it requires absolute certainty that registry changes are on disk.\n"
164 "If you don't know whether a FlushKey() call is required, it probably isn't.");
166 PyDoc_STRVAR(LoadKey_doc,
167 "LoadKey(key, sub_key, file_name) - Creates a subkey under the specified key\n"
168 "and stores registration information from a specified file into that subkey.\n"
169 "\n"
170 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
171 "sub_key is a string that identifies the sub_key to load\n"
172 "file_name is the name of the file to load registry data from.\n"
173 " This file must have been created with the SaveKey() function.\n"
174 " Under the file allocation table (FAT) file system, the filename may not\n"
175 "have an extension.\n"
176 "\n"
177 "A call to LoadKey() fails if the calling process does not have the\n"
178 "SE_RESTORE_PRIVILEGE privilege.\n"
179 "\n"
180 "If key is a handle returned by ConnectRegistry(), then the path specified\n"
181 "in fileName is relative to the remote computer.\n"
182 "\n"
183 "The docs imply key must be in the HKEY_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE tree");
185 PyDoc_STRVAR(OpenKey_doc,
186 "key = OpenKey(key, sub_key, res = 0, sam = KEY_READ) - Opens the specified key.\n"
187 "\n"
188 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
189 "sub_key is a string that identifies the sub_key to open\n"
190 "res is a reserved integer, and must be zero. Default is zero.\n"
191 "sam is an integer that specifies an access mask that describes the desired\n"
192 " security access for the key. Default is KEY_READ\n"
193 "\n"
194 "The result is a new handle to the specified key\n"
195 "If the function fails, an EnvironmentError exception is raised.");
197 PyDoc_STRVAR(OpenKeyEx_doc, "See OpenKey()");
199 PyDoc_STRVAR(QueryInfoKey_doc,
200 "tuple = QueryInfoKey(key) - Returns information about a key.\n"
201 "\n"
202 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
203 "\n"
204 "The result is a tuple of 3 items:"
205 "An integer that identifies the number of sub keys this key has.\n"
206 "An integer that identifies the number of values this key has.\n"
207 "A long integer that identifies when the key was last modified (if available)\n"
208 " as 100's of nanoseconds since Jan 1, 1600.");
210 PyDoc_STRVAR(QueryValue_doc,
211 "string = QueryValue(key, sub_key) - retrieves the unnamed value for a key.\n"
212 "\n"
213 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
214 "sub_key is a string that holds the name of the subkey with which the value\n"
215 " is associated. If this parameter is None or empty, the function retrieves\n"
216 " the value set by the SetValue() method for the key identified by key."
217 "\n"
218 "Values in the registry have name, type, and data components. This method\n"
219 "retrieves the data for a key's first value that has a NULL name.\n"
220 "But the underlying API call doesn't return the type, Lame Lame Lame, DONT USE THIS!!!");
222 PyDoc_STRVAR(QueryValueEx_doc,
223 "value,type_id = QueryValueEx(key, value_name) - Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name associated with an open registry key.\n"
224 "\n"
225 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
226 "value_name is a string indicating the value to query");
228 PyDoc_STRVAR(SaveKey_doc,
229 "SaveKey(key, file_name) - Saves the specified key, and all its subkeys to the specified file.\n"
230 "\n"
231 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
232 "file_name is the name of the file to save registry data to.\n"
233 " This file cannot already exist. If this filename includes an extension,\n"
234 " it cannot be used on file allocation table (FAT) file systems by the\n"
235 " LoadKey(), ReplaceKey() or RestoreKey() methods.\n"
236 "\n"
237 "If key represents a key on a remote computer, the path described by\n"
238 "file_name is relative to the remote computer.\n"
239 "The caller of this method must possess the SeBackupPrivilege security privilege.\n"
240 "This function passes NULL for security_attributes to the API.");
242 PyDoc_STRVAR(SetValue_doc,
243 "SetValue(key, sub_key, type, value) - Associates a value with a specified key.\n"
244 "\n"
245 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
246 "sub_key is a string that names the subkey with which the value is associated.\n"
247 "type is an integer that specifies the type of the data. Currently this\n"
248 " must be REG_SZ, meaning only strings are supported.\n"
249 "value is a string that specifies the new value.\n"
250 "\n"
251 "If the key specified by the sub_key parameter does not exist, the SetValue\n"
252 "function creates it.\n"
253 "\n"
254 "Value lengths are limited by available memory. Long values (more than\n"
255 "2048 bytes) should be stored as files with the filenames stored in \n"
256 "the configuration registry. This helps the registry perform efficiently.\n"
257 "\n"
258 "The key identified by the key parameter must have been opened with\n"
259 "KEY_SET_VALUE access.");
261 PyDoc_STRVAR(SetValueEx_doc,
262 "SetValueEx(key, value_name, reserved, type, value) - Stores data in the value field of an open registry key.\n"
263 "\n"
264 "key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants.\n"
265 "value_name is a string containing the name of the value to set, or None\n"
266 "type is an integer that specifies the type of the data. This should be one of:\n"
267 " REG_BINARY -- Binary data in any form.\n"
268 " REG_DWORD -- A 32-bit number.\n"
269 " REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN -- A 32-bit number in little-endian format.\n"
270 " REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN -- A 32-bit number in big-endian format.\n"
271 " REG_EXPAND_SZ -- A null-terminated string that contains unexpanded references\n"
272 " to environment variables (for example, %PATH%).\n"
273 " REG_LINK -- A Unicode symbolic link.\n"
274 " REG_MULTI_SZ -- An sequence of null-terminated strings, terminated by\n"
275 " two null characters. Note that Python handles this\n"
276 " termination automatically.\n"
277 " REG_NONE -- No defined value type.\n"
278 " REG_RESOURCE_LIST -- A device-driver resource list.\n"
279 " REG_SZ -- A null-terminated string.\n"
280 "reserved can be anything - zero is always passed to the API.\n"
281 "value is a string that specifies the new value.\n"
282 "\n"
283 "This method can also set additional value and type information for the\n"
284 "specified key. The key identified by the key parameter must have been\n"
285 "opened with KEY_SET_VALUE access.\n"
286 "\n"
287 "To open the key, use the CreateKeyEx() or OpenKeyEx() methods.\n"
288 "\n"
289 "Value lengths are limited by available memory. Long values (more than\n"
290 "2048 bytes) should be stored as files with the filenames stored in \n"
291 "the configuration registry. This helps the registry perform efficiently.");
293 PyDoc_STRVAR(DisableReflectionKey_doc,
294 "Disables registry reflection for 32-bit processes running on a 64-bit\n"
295 "Operating System. Will generally raise NotImplemented if executed on\n"
296 "a 32-bit Operating System.\n"
297 "If the key is not on the reflection list, the function succeeds but has no effect.\n"
298 "Disabling reflection for a key does not affect reflection of any subkeys.");
300 PyDoc_STRVAR(EnableReflectionKey_doc,
301 "Restores registry reflection for the specified disabled key.\n"
302 "Will generally raise NotImplemented if executed on a 32-bit Operating System.\n"
303 "Restoring reflection for a key does not affect reflection of any subkeys.");
305 PyDoc_STRVAR(QueryReflectionKey_doc,
306 "bool = QueryReflectionKey(hkey) - Determines the reflection state for the specified key.\n"
307 "Will generally raise NotImplemented if executed on a 32-bit Operating System.\n");
309 /* PyHKEY docstrings */
310 PyDoc_STRVAR(PyHKEY_doc,
311 "PyHKEY Object - A Python object, representing a win32 registry key.\n"
312 "\n"
313 "This object wraps a Windows HKEY object, automatically closing it when\n"
314 "the object is destroyed. To guarantee cleanup, you can call either\n"
315 "the Close() method on the PyHKEY, or the CloseKey() method.\n"
316 "\n"
317 "All functions which accept a handle object also accept an integer - \n"
318 "however, use of the handle object is encouraged.\n"
319 "\n"
320 "Functions:\n"
321 "Close() - Closes the underlying handle.\n"
322 "Detach() - Returns the integer Win32 handle, detaching it from the object\n"
323 "\n"
324 "Properties:\n"
325 "handle - The integer Win32 handle.\n"
326 "\n"
327 "Operations:\n"
328 "__nonzero__ - Handles with an open object return true, otherwise false.\n"
329 "__int__ - Converting a handle to an integer returns the Win32 handle.\n"
330 "__cmp__ - Handle objects are compared using the handle value.");
333 PyDoc_STRVAR(PyHKEY_Close_doc,
334 "key.Close() - Closes the underlying Windows handle.\n"
335 "\n"
336 "If the handle is already closed, no error is raised.");
338 PyDoc_STRVAR(PyHKEY_Detach_doc,
339 "int = key.Detach() - Detaches the Windows handle from the handle object.\n"
340 "\n"
341 "The result is the value of the handle before it is detached. If the\n"
342 "handle is already detached, this will return zero.\n"
343 "\n"
344 "After calling this function, the handle is effectively invalidated,\n"
345 "but the handle is not closed. You would call this function when you\n"
346 "need the underlying win32 handle to exist beyond the lifetime of the\n"
347 "handle object.\n"
348 "On 64 bit windows, the result of this function is a long integer");
351 /************************************************************************
353 The PyHKEY object definition
355 ************************************************************************/
356 typedef struct {
357 PyObject_VAR_HEAD
358 HKEY hkey;
359 } PyHKEYObject;
361 #define PyHKEY_Check(op) ((op)->ob_type == &PyHKEY_Type)
363 static char *failMsg = "bad operand type";
365 static PyObject *
366 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc(PyObject *ob)
368 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, failMsg);
369 return NULL;
371 static PyObject *
372 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc(PyObject *ob1, PyObject *ob2)
374 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, failMsg);
375 return NULL;
377 static PyObject *
378 PyHKEY_ternaryFailureFunc(PyObject *ob1, PyObject *ob2, PyObject *ob3)
380 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, failMsg);
381 return NULL;
384 static void
385 PyHKEY_deallocFunc(PyObject *ob)
387 /* Can not call PyHKEY_Close, as the ob->tp_type
388 has already been cleared, thus causing the type
389 check to fail!
391 PyHKEYObject *obkey = (PyHKEYObject *)ob;
392 if (obkey->hkey)
393 RegCloseKey((HKEY)obkey->hkey);
394 PyObject_DEL(ob);
397 static int
398 PyHKEY_nonzeroFunc(PyObject *ob)
400 return ((PyHKEYObject *)ob)->hkey != 0;
403 static PyObject *
404 PyHKEY_intFunc(PyObject *ob)
406 PyHKEYObject *pyhkey = (PyHKEYObject *)ob;
407 return PyLong_FromVoidPtr(pyhkey->hkey);
410 static int
411 PyHKEY_printFunc(PyObject *ob, FILE *fp, int flags)
413 PyHKEYObject *pyhkey = (PyHKEYObject *)ob;
414 fprintf(fp, "<PyHKEY at %p (%p)>",
415 ob, pyhkey->hkey);
416 return 0;
419 static PyObject *
420 PyHKEY_strFunc(PyObject *ob)
422 PyHKEYObject *pyhkey = (PyHKEYObject *)ob;
423 return PyString_FromFormat("<PyHKEY:%p>", pyhkey->hkey);
426 static int
427 PyHKEY_compareFunc(PyObject *ob1, PyObject *ob2)
429 PyHKEYObject *pyhkey1 = (PyHKEYObject *)ob1;
430 PyHKEYObject *pyhkey2 = (PyHKEYObject *)ob2;
431 return pyhkey1 == pyhkey2 ? 0 :
432 (pyhkey1 < pyhkey2 ? -1 : 1);
435 static long
436 PyHKEY_hashFunc(PyObject *ob)
438 /* Just use the address.
439 XXX - should we use the handle value?
441 return _Py_HashPointer(ob);
445 static PyNumberMethods PyHKEY_NumberMethods =
447 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_add */
448 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_subtract */
449 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_multiply */
450 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_divide */
451 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_remainder */
452 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_divmod */
453 PyHKEY_ternaryFailureFunc, /* nb_power */
454 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_negative */
455 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_positive */
456 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_absolute */
457 PyHKEY_nonzeroFunc, /* nb_nonzero */
458 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_invert */
459 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_lshift */
460 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_rshift */
461 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_and */
462 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_xor */
463 PyHKEY_binaryFailureFunc, /* nb_or */
464 0, /* nb_coerce (allowed to be zero) */
465 PyHKEY_intFunc, /* nb_int */
466 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_long */
467 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_float */
468 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_oct */
469 PyHKEY_unaryFailureFunc, /* nb_hex */
473 /* fwd declare __getattr__ */
474 static PyObject *PyHKEY_getattr(PyObject *self, const char *name);
476 /* The type itself */
477 PyTypeObject PyHKEY_Type =
479 PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(0, 0) /* fill in type at module init */
480 "PyHKEY",
481 sizeof(PyHKEYObject),
483 PyHKEY_deallocFunc, /* tp_dealloc */
484 PyHKEY_printFunc, /* tp_print */
485 PyHKEY_getattr, /* tp_getattr */
486 0, /* tp_setattr */
487 PyHKEY_compareFunc, /* tp_compare */
488 0, /* tp_repr */
489 &PyHKEY_NumberMethods, /* tp_as_number */
490 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
491 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
492 PyHKEY_hashFunc, /* tp_hash */
493 0, /* tp_call */
494 PyHKEY_strFunc, /* tp_str */
495 0, /* tp_getattro */
496 0, /* tp_setattro */
497 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
498 0, /* tp_flags */
499 PyHKEY_doc, /* tp_doc */
502 #define OFF(e) offsetof(PyHKEYObject, e)
504 static struct memberlist PyHKEY_memberlist[] = {
505 {"handle", T_INT, OFF(hkey)},
506 {NULL} /* Sentinel */
509 /************************************************************************
511 The PyHKEY object methods
513 ************************************************************************/
514 static PyObject *
515 PyHKEY_CloseMethod(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
517 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":Close"))
518 return NULL;
519 if (!PyHKEY_Close(self))
520 return NULL;
521 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
522 return Py_None;
525 static PyObject *
526 PyHKEY_DetachMethod(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
528 void* ret;
529 PyHKEYObject *pThis = (PyHKEYObject *)self;
530 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":Detach"))
531 return NULL;
532 ret = (void*)pThis->hkey;
533 pThis->hkey = 0;
534 return PyLong_FromVoidPtr(ret);
537 static PyObject *
538 PyHKEY_Enter(PyObject *self)
540 Py_XINCREF(self);
541 return self;
544 static PyObject *
545 PyHKEY_Exit(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
547 if (!PyHKEY_Close(self))
548 return NULL;
553 static struct PyMethodDef PyHKEY_methods[] = {
554 {"Close", PyHKEY_CloseMethod, METH_VARARGS, PyHKEY_Close_doc},
555 {"Detach", PyHKEY_DetachMethod, METH_VARARGS, PyHKEY_Detach_doc},
556 {"__enter__", (PyCFunction)PyHKEY_Enter, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
557 {"__exit__", PyHKEY_Exit, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
558 {NULL}
561 /*static*/ PyObject *
562 PyHKEY_getattr(PyObject *self, const char *name)
564 PyObject *res;
566 res = Py_FindMethod(PyHKEY_methods, self, name);
567 if (res != NULL)
568 return res;
569 PyErr_Clear();
570 if (strcmp(name, "handle") == 0)
571 return PyLong_FromVoidPtr(((PyHKEYObject *)self)->hkey);
572 return PyMember_Get((char *)self, PyHKEY_memberlist, name);
575 /************************************************************************
576 The public PyHKEY API (well, not public yet :-)
577 ************************************************************************/
578 PyObject *
579 PyHKEY_New(HKEY hInit)
581 PyHKEYObject *key = PyObject_NEW(PyHKEYObject, &PyHKEY_Type);
582 if (key)
583 key->hkey = hInit;
584 return (PyObject *)key;
587 BOOL
588 PyHKEY_Close(PyObject *ob_handle)
590 LONG rc;
591 PyHKEYObject *key;
593 if (!PyHKEY_Check(ob_handle)) {
594 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "bad operand type");
595 return FALSE;
597 key = (PyHKEYObject *)ob_handle;
598 rc = key->hkey ? RegCloseKey((HKEY)key->hkey) : ERROR_SUCCESS;
599 key->hkey = 0;
600 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
601 PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegCloseKey");
602 return rc == ERROR_SUCCESS;
605 BOOL
606 PyHKEY_AsHKEY(PyObject *ob, HKEY *pHANDLE, BOOL bNoneOK)
608 if (ob == Py_None) {
609 if (!bNoneOK) {
610 PyErr_SetString(
611 PyExc_TypeError,
612 "None is not a valid HKEY in this context");
613 return FALSE;
615 *pHANDLE = (HKEY)0;
617 else if (PyHKEY_Check(ob)) {
618 PyHKEYObject *pH = (PyHKEYObject *)ob;
619 *pHANDLE = pH->hkey;
621 else if (PyInt_Check(ob) || PyLong_Check(ob)) {
622 /* We also support integers */
623 PyErr_Clear();
624 *pHANDLE = (HKEY)PyLong_AsVoidPtr(ob);
625 if (PyErr_Occurred())
626 return FALSE;
628 else {
629 PyErr_SetString(
630 PyExc_TypeError,
631 "The object is not a PyHKEY object");
632 return FALSE;
634 return TRUE;
637 PyObject *
640 PyHKEYObject *op;
642 /* Inline PyObject_New */
643 op = (PyHKEYObject *) PyObject_MALLOC(sizeof(PyHKEYObject));
644 if (op == NULL)
645 return PyErr_NoMemory();
646 PyObject_INIT(op, &PyHKEY_Type);
647 op->hkey = h;
648 return (PyObject *)op;
652 /************************************************************************
653 The module methods
654 ************************************************************************/
655 BOOL
656 PyWinObject_CloseHKEY(PyObject *obHandle)
658 BOOL ok;
659 if (PyHKEY_Check(obHandle)) {
660 ok = PyHKEY_Close(obHandle);
663 else if (PyInt_Check(obHandle)) {
664 long rc = RegCloseKey((HKEY)PyInt_AsLong(obHandle));
665 ok = (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
666 if (!ok)
667 PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegCloseKey");
669 #else
670 else if (PyLong_Check(obHandle)) {
671 long rc = RegCloseKey((HKEY)PyLong_AsVoidPtr(obHandle));
672 ok = (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
673 if (!ok)
674 PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegCloseKey");
676 #endif
677 else {
678 PyErr_SetString(
679 PyExc_TypeError,
680 "A handle must be a HKEY object or an integer");
681 return FALSE;
683 return ok;
688 Private Helper functions for the registry interfaces
690 ** Note that fixupMultiSZ and countString have both had changes
691 ** made to support "incorrect strings". The registry specification
692 ** calls for strings to be terminated with 2 null bytes. It seems
693 ** some commercial packages install strings which dont conform,
694 ** causing this code to fail - however, "regedit" etc still work
695 ** with these strings (ie only we dont!).
697 static void
698 fixupMultiSZ(char **str, char *data, int len)
700 char *P;
701 int i;
702 char *Q;
704 Q = data + len;
705 for (P = data, i = 0; P < Q && *P != '\0'; P++, i++) {
706 str[i] = P;
707 for(; *P != '\0'; P++)
712 static int
713 countStrings(char *data, int len)
715 int strings;
716 char *P;
717 char *Q = data + len;
719 for (P = data, strings = 0; P < Q && *P != '\0'; P++, strings++)
720 for (; P < Q && *P != '\0'; P++)
722 return strings;
725 /* Convert PyObject into Registry data.
726 Allocates space as needed. */
727 static BOOL
728 Py2Reg(PyObject *value, DWORD typ, BYTE **retDataBuf, DWORD *retDataSize)
730 Py_ssize_t i,j;
731 switch (typ) {
732 case REG_DWORD:
733 if (value != Py_None && !PyInt_Check(value))
734 return FALSE;
735 *retDataBuf = (BYTE *)PyMem_NEW(DWORD, 1);
736 if (*retDataBuf==NULL){
737 PyErr_NoMemory();
738 return FALSE;
740 *retDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
741 if (value == Py_None) {
742 DWORD zero = 0;
743 memcpy(*retDataBuf, &zero, sizeof(DWORD));
745 else
746 memcpy(*retDataBuf,
747 &PyInt_AS_LONG((PyIntObject *)value),
748 sizeof(DWORD));
749 break;
750 case REG_SZ:
751 case REG_EXPAND_SZ:
753 int need_decref = 0;
754 if (value == Py_None)
755 *retDataSize = 1;
756 else {
757 if (PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
758 value = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(
759 value,
760 "mbcs",
761 NULL);
762 if (value==NULL)
763 return FALSE;
764 need_decref = 1;
766 if (!PyString_Check(value))
767 return FALSE;
768 *retDataSize = 1 + strlen(
769 PyString_AS_STRING(
770 (PyStringObject *)value));
772 *retDataBuf = (BYTE *)PyMem_NEW(DWORD, *retDataSize);
773 if (*retDataBuf==NULL){
774 PyErr_NoMemory();
775 return FALSE;
777 if (value == Py_None)
778 strcpy((char *)*retDataBuf, "");
779 else
780 strcpy((char *)*retDataBuf,
781 PyString_AS_STRING(
782 (PyStringObject *)value));
783 if (need_decref)
784 Py_DECREF(value);
785 break;
787 case REG_MULTI_SZ:
789 DWORD size = 0;
790 char *P;
791 PyObject **obs = NULL;
793 if (value == Py_None)
794 i = 0;
795 else {
796 if (!PyList_Check(value))
797 return FALSE;
798 i = PyList_Size(value);
800 obs = malloc(sizeof(PyObject *) * i);
801 memset(obs, 0, sizeof(PyObject *) * i);
802 for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
804 PyObject *t;
805 t = PyList_GET_ITEM(
806 (PyListObject *)value,j);
807 if (PyString_Check(t)) {
808 obs[j] = t;
809 Py_INCREF(t);
810 } else if (PyUnicode_Check(t)) {
811 obs[j] = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(
813 "mbcs",
814 NULL);
815 if (obs[j]==NULL)
816 goto reg_multi_fail;
817 } else
818 goto reg_multi_fail;
819 size += 1 + strlen(
820 PyString_AS_STRING(
821 (PyStringObject *)obs[j]));
824 *retDataSize = size + 1;
825 *retDataBuf = (BYTE *)PyMem_NEW(char,
826 *retDataSize);
827 if (*retDataBuf==NULL){
828 PyErr_NoMemory();
829 goto reg_multi_fail;
831 P = (char *)*retDataBuf;
833 for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
835 PyObject *t;
836 t = obs[j];
837 strcpy(P,
838 PyString_AS_STRING(
839 (PyStringObject *)t));
840 P += 1 + strlen(
841 PyString_AS_STRING(
842 (PyStringObject *)t));
843 Py_DECREF(obs[j]);
845 /* And doubly-terminate the list... */
846 *P = '\0';
847 free(obs);
848 break;
849 reg_multi_fail:
850 if (obs) {
851 for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
852 Py_XDECREF(obs[j]);
854 free(obs);
856 return FALSE;
858 case REG_BINARY:
859 /* ALSO handle ALL unknown data types here. Even if we can't
860 support it natively, we should handle the bits. */
861 default:
862 if (value == Py_None)
863 *retDataSize = 0;
864 else {
865 void *src_buf;
866 PyBufferProcs *pb = value->ob_type->tp_as_buffer;
867 if (pb==NULL) {
868 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
869 "Objects of type '%s' can not "
870 "be used as binary registry values",
871 value->ob_type->tp_name);
872 return FALSE;
874 *retDataSize = (*pb->bf_getreadbuffer)(value, 0, &src_buf);
875 *retDataBuf = (BYTE *)PyMem_NEW(char,
876 *retDataSize);
877 if (*retDataBuf==NULL){
878 PyErr_NoMemory();
879 return FALSE;
881 memcpy(*retDataBuf, src_buf, *retDataSize);
883 break;
885 return TRUE;
888 /* Convert Registry data into PyObject*/
889 static PyObject *
890 Reg2Py(char *retDataBuf, DWORD retDataSize, DWORD typ)
892 PyObject *obData;
894 switch (typ) {
895 case REG_DWORD:
896 if (retDataSize == 0)
897 obData = Py_BuildValue("i", 0);
898 else
899 obData = Py_BuildValue("i",
900 *(int *)retDataBuf);
901 break;
902 case REG_SZ:
903 case REG_EXPAND_SZ:
904 /* retDataBuf may or may not have a trailing NULL in
905 the buffer. */
906 if (retDataSize && retDataBuf[retDataSize-1] == '\0')
907 --retDataSize;
908 if (retDataSize ==0)
909 retDataBuf = "";
910 obData = PyUnicode_DecodeMBCS(retDataBuf,
911 retDataSize,
912 NULL);
913 break;
914 case REG_MULTI_SZ:
915 if (retDataSize == 0)
916 obData = PyList_New(0);
917 else
919 int index = 0;
920 int s = countStrings(retDataBuf, retDataSize);
921 char **str = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*s);
922 if (str == NULL)
923 return PyErr_NoMemory();
925 fixupMultiSZ(str, retDataBuf, retDataSize);
926 obData = PyList_New(s);
927 if (obData == NULL)
928 return NULL;
929 for (index = 0; index < s; index++)
931 size_t len = _mbstrlen(str[index]);
932 if (len > INT_MAX) {
933 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
934 "registry string is too long for a Python string");
935 Py_DECREF(obData);
936 return NULL;
938 PyList_SetItem(obData,
939 index,
940 PyUnicode_DecodeMBCS(
941 (const char *)str[index],
942 (int)len,
943 NULL)
946 free(str);
948 break;
950 case REG_BINARY:
951 /* ALSO handle ALL unknown data types here. Even if we can't
952 support it natively, we should handle the bits. */
953 default:
954 if (retDataSize == 0) {
955 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
956 obData = Py_None;
958 else
959 obData = Py_BuildValue("s#",
960 (char *)retDataBuf,
961 retDataSize);
962 break;
964 if (obData == NULL)
965 return NULL;
966 else
967 return obData;
970 /* The Python methods */
972 static PyObject *
973 PyCloseKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
975 PyObject *obKey;
976 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:CloseKey", &obKey))
977 return NULL;
978 if (!PyHKEY_Close(obKey))
979 return NULL;
980 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
981 return Py_None;
984 static PyObject *
985 PyConnectRegistry(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
987 HKEY hKey;
988 PyObject *obKey;
989 char *szCompName = NULL;
990 HKEY retKey;
991 long rc;
992 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "zO:ConnectRegistry", &szCompName, &obKey))
993 return NULL;
994 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
995 return NULL;
997 rc = RegConnectRegistry(szCompName, hKey, &retKey);
999 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1000 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1001 "ConnectRegistry");
1002 return PyHKEY_FromHKEY(retKey);
1005 static PyObject *
1006 PyCreateKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1008 HKEY hKey;
1009 PyObject *obKey;
1010 char *subKey;
1011 HKEY retKey;
1012 long rc;
1013 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oz:CreateKey", &obKey, &subKey))
1014 return NULL;
1015 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1016 return NULL;
1017 rc = RegCreateKey(hKey, subKey, &retKey);
1018 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1019 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "CreateKey");
1020 return PyHKEY_FromHKEY(retKey);
1023 static PyObject *
1024 PyDeleteKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1026 HKEY hKey;
1027 PyObject *obKey;
1028 char *subKey;
1029 long rc;
1030 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Os:DeleteKey", &obKey, &subKey))
1031 return NULL;
1032 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1033 return NULL;
1034 rc = RegDeleteKey(hKey, subKey );
1035 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1036 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegDeleteKey");
1037 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1038 return Py_None;
1041 static PyObject *
1042 PyDeleteValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1044 HKEY hKey;
1045 PyObject *obKey;
1046 char *subKey;
1047 long rc;
1048 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oz:DeleteValue", &obKey, &subKey))
1049 return NULL;
1050 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1051 return NULL;
1053 rc = RegDeleteValue(hKey, subKey);
1055 if (rc !=ERROR_SUCCESS)
1056 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1057 "RegDeleteValue");
1058 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1059 return Py_None;
1062 static PyObject *
1063 PyEnumKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1065 HKEY hKey;
1066 PyObject *obKey;
1067 int index;
1068 long rc;
1069 PyObject *retStr;
1070 char tmpbuf[256]; /* max key name length is 255 */
1071 DWORD len = sizeof(tmpbuf); /* includes NULL terminator */
1073 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oi:EnumKey", &obKey, &index))
1074 return NULL;
1075 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1076 return NULL;
1079 rc = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, index, tmpbuf, &len, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1081 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1082 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegEnumKeyEx");
1084 retStr = PyString_FromStringAndSize(tmpbuf, len);
1085 return retStr; /* can be NULL */
1088 static PyObject *
1089 PyEnumValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1091 HKEY hKey;
1092 PyObject *obKey;
1093 int index;
1094 long rc;
1095 char *retValueBuf;
1096 char *retDataBuf;
1097 DWORD retValueSize;
1098 DWORD retDataSize;
1099 DWORD typ;
1100 PyObject *obData;
1101 PyObject *retVal;
1103 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oi:EnumValue", &obKey, &index))
1104 return NULL;
1105 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1106 return NULL;
1108 if ((rc = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
1109 NULL,
1110 &retValueSize, &retDataSize, NULL, NULL))
1112 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1113 "RegQueryInfoKey");
1114 ++retValueSize; /* include null terminators */
1115 ++retDataSize;
1116 retValueBuf = (char *)PyMem_Malloc(retValueSize);
1117 if (retValueBuf == NULL)
1118 return PyErr_NoMemory();
1119 retDataBuf = (char *)PyMem_Malloc(retDataSize);
1120 if (retDataBuf == NULL) {
1121 PyMem_Free(retValueBuf);
1122 return PyErr_NoMemory();
1126 rc = RegEnumValue(hKey,
1127 index,
1128 retValueBuf,
1129 &retValueSize,
1130 NULL,
1131 &typ,
1132 (BYTE *)retDataBuf,
1133 &retDataSize);
1136 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
1137 retVal = PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1138 "PyRegEnumValue");
1139 goto fail;
1141 obData = Reg2Py(retDataBuf, retDataSize, typ);
1142 if (obData == NULL) {
1143 retVal = NULL;
1144 goto fail;
1146 retVal = Py_BuildValue("sOi", retValueBuf, obData, typ);
1147 Py_DECREF(obData);
1148 fail:
1149 PyMem_Free(retValueBuf);
1150 PyMem_Free(retDataBuf);
1151 return retVal;
1154 static PyObject *
1155 PyExpandEnvironmentStrings(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1157 Py_UNICODE *retValue = NULL;
1158 Py_UNICODE *src;
1159 DWORD retValueSize;
1160 DWORD rc;
1161 PyObject *o;
1163 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "u:ExpandEnvironmentStrings", &src))
1164 return NULL;
1166 retValueSize = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(src, retValue, 0);
1167 if (retValueSize == 0) {
1168 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(retValueSize,
1169 "ExpandEnvironmentStrings");
1171 retValue = (Py_UNICODE *)PyMem_Malloc(retValueSize * sizeof(Py_UNICODE));
1172 if (retValue == NULL) {
1173 return PyErr_NoMemory();
1176 rc = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(src, retValue, retValueSize);
1177 if (rc == 0) {
1178 PyMem_Free(retValue);
1179 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(retValueSize,
1180 "ExpandEnvironmentStrings");
1182 o = PyUnicode_FromUnicode(retValue, wcslen(retValue));
1183 PyMem_Free(retValue);
1184 return o;
1187 static PyObject *
1188 PyFlushKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1190 HKEY hKey;
1191 PyObject *obKey;
1192 long rc;
1193 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:FlushKey", &obKey))
1194 return NULL;
1195 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1196 return NULL;
1198 rc = RegFlushKey(hKey);
1200 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1201 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegFlushKey");
1202 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1203 return Py_None;
1205 static PyObject *
1206 PyLoadKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1208 HKEY hKey;
1209 PyObject *obKey;
1210 char *subKey;
1211 char *fileName;
1213 long rc;
1214 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oss:LoadKey", &obKey, &subKey, &fileName))
1215 return NULL;
1216 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1217 return NULL;
1219 rc = RegLoadKey(hKey, subKey, fileName );
1221 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1222 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegLoadKey");
1223 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1224 return Py_None;
1227 static PyObject *
1228 PyOpenKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1230 HKEY hKey;
1231 PyObject *obKey;
1233 char *subKey;
1234 int res = 0;
1235 HKEY retKey;
1236 long rc;
1237 REGSAM sam = KEY_READ;
1238 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oz|ii:OpenKey", &obKey, &subKey,
1239 &res, &sam))
1240 return NULL;
1241 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1242 return NULL;
1245 rc = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, subKey, res, sam, &retKey);
1247 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1248 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegOpenKeyEx");
1249 return PyHKEY_FromHKEY(retKey);
1253 static PyObject *
1254 PyQueryInfoKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1256 HKEY hKey;
1257 PyObject *obKey;
1258 long rc;
1259 DWORD nSubKeys, nValues;
1260 FILETIME ft;
1262 PyObject *l;
1263 PyObject *ret;
1264 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:QueryInfoKey", &obKey))
1265 return NULL;
1266 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1267 return NULL;
1268 if ((rc = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, 0, &nSubKeys, NULL, NULL,
1269 &nValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft))
1271 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegQueryInfoKey");
1272 li.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime;
1273 li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
1274 l = PyLong_FromLongLong(li.QuadPart);
1275 if (l == NULL)
1276 return NULL;
1277 ret = Py_BuildValue("iiO", nSubKeys, nValues, l);
1278 Py_DECREF(l);
1279 return ret;
1282 static PyObject *
1283 PyQueryValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1285 HKEY hKey;
1286 PyObject *obKey;
1287 char *subKey;
1288 long rc;
1289 PyObject *retStr;
1290 char *retBuf;
1291 long bufSize = 0;
1293 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oz:QueryValue", &obKey, &subKey))
1294 return NULL;
1296 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1297 return NULL;
1298 if ((rc = RegQueryValue(hKey, subKey, NULL, &bufSize))
1300 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1301 "RegQueryValue");
1302 retStr = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, bufSize);
1303 if (retStr == NULL)
1304 return NULL;
1305 retBuf = PyString_AS_STRING(retStr);
1306 if ((rc = RegQueryValue(hKey, subKey, retBuf, &bufSize))
1307 != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
1308 Py_DECREF(retStr);
1309 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1310 "RegQueryValue");
1312 _PyString_Resize(&retStr, strlen(retBuf));
1313 return retStr;
1316 static PyObject *
1317 PyQueryValueEx(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1319 HKEY hKey;
1320 PyObject *obKey;
1321 char *valueName;
1323 long rc;
1324 char *retBuf;
1325 DWORD bufSize = 0;
1326 DWORD typ;
1327 PyObject *obData;
1328 PyObject *result;
1330 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oz:QueryValueEx", &obKey, &valueName))
1331 return NULL;
1333 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1334 return NULL;
1335 if ((rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valueName,
1337 &bufSize))
1339 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1340 "RegQueryValueEx");
1341 retBuf = (char *)PyMem_Malloc(bufSize);
1342 if (retBuf == NULL)
1343 return PyErr_NoMemory();
1344 if ((rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valueName, NULL,
1345 &typ, (BYTE *)retBuf, &bufSize))
1346 != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
1347 PyMem_Free(retBuf);
1348 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1349 "RegQueryValueEx");
1351 obData = Reg2Py(retBuf, bufSize, typ);
1352 PyMem_Free((void *)retBuf);
1353 if (obData == NULL)
1354 return NULL;
1355 result = Py_BuildValue("Oi", obData, typ);
1356 Py_DECREF(obData);
1357 return result;
1361 static PyObject *
1362 PySaveKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1364 HKEY hKey;
1365 PyObject *obKey;
1366 char *fileName;
1369 long rc;
1370 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Os:SaveKey", &obKey, &fileName))
1371 return NULL;
1372 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1373 return NULL;
1374 /* One day we may get security into the core?
1375 if (!PyWinObject_AsSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(obSA, &pSA, TRUE))
1376 return NULL;
1379 rc = RegSaveKey(hKey, fileName, pSA );
1381 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1382 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegSaveKey");
1383 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1384 return Py_None;
1387 static PyObject *
1388 PySetValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1390 HKEY hKey;
1391 PyObject *obKey;
1392 char *subKey;
1393 char *str;
1394 DWORD typ;
1395 DWORD len;
1396 long rc;
1397 PyObject *obStrVal;
1398 PyObject *obSubKey;
1399 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOiO:SetValue",
1400 &obKey,
1401 &obSubKey,
1402 &typ,
1403 &obStrVal))
1404 return NULL;
1405 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1406 return NULL;
1407 if (typ != REG_SZ) {
1408 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
1409 "Type must be _winreg.REG_SZ");
1410 return NULL;
1412 /* XXX - need Unicode support */
1413 str = PyString_AsString(obStrVal);
1414 if (str == NULL)
1415 return NULL;
1416 len = PyString_Size(obStrVal);
1417 if (obSubKey == Py_None)
1418 subKey = NULL;
1419 else {
1420 subKey = PyString_AsString(obSubKey);
1421 if (subKey == NULL)
1422 return NULL;
1425 rc = RegSetValue(hKey, subKey, REG_SZ, str, len+1);
1427 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1428 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc, "RegSetValue");
1429 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1430 return Py_None;
1433 static PyObject *
1434 PySetValueEx(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1436 HKEY hKey;
1437 PyObject *obKey;
1438 char *valueName;
1439 PyObject *obRes;
1440 PyObject *value;
1441 BYTE *data;
1442 DWORD len;
1443 DWORD typ;
1445 LONG rc;
1447 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OzOiO:SetValueEx",
1448 &obKey,
1449 &valueName,
1450 &obRes,
1451 &typ,
1452 &value))
1453 return NULL;
1454 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1455 return NULL;
1456 if (!Py2Reg(value, typ, &data, &len))
1458 if (!PyErr_Occurred())
1459 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
1460 "Could not convert the data to the specified type.");
1461 return NULL;
1464 rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, valueName, 0, typ, data, len);
1466 PyMem_DEL(data);
1467 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1468 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1469 "RegSetValueEx");
1470 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1471 return Py_None;
1474 static PyObject *
1475 PyDisableReflectionKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1477 HKEY hKey;
1478 PyObject *obKey;
1479 HMODULE hMod;
1480 typedef LONG (WINAPI *RDRKFunc)(HKEY);
1481 RDRKFunc pfn = NULL;
1482 LONG rc;
1484 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:DisableReflectionKey", &obKey))
1485 return NULL;
1486 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1487 return NULL;
1489 // Only available on 64bit platforms, so we must load it
1490 // dynamically.
1491 hMod = GetModuleHandle("advapi32.dll");
1492 if (hMod)
1493 pfn = (RDRKFunc)GetProcAddress(hMod,
1494 "RegDisableReflectionKey");
1495 if (!pfn) {
1496 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError,
1497 "not implemented on this platform");
1498 return NULL;
1501 rc = (*pfn)(hKey);
1503 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1504 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1505 "RegDisableReflectionKey");
1506 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1507 return Py_None;
1510 static PyObject *
1511 PyEnableReflectionKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1513 HKEY hKey;
1514 PyObject *obKey;
1515 HMODULE hMod;
1516 typedef LONG (WINAPI *RERKFunc)(HKEY);
1517 RERKFunc pfn = NULL;
1518 LONG rc;
1520 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:EnableReflectionKey", &obKey))
1521 return NULL;
1522 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1523 return NULL;
1525 // Only available on 64bit platforms, so we must load it
1526 // dynamically.
1527 hMod = GetModuleHandle("advapi32.dll");
1528 if (hMod)
1529 pfn = (RERKFunc)GetProcAddress(hMod,
1530 "RegEnableReflectionKey");
1531 if (!pfn) {
1532 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError,
1533 "not implemented on this platform");
1534 return NULL;
1537 rc = (*pfn)(hKey);
1539 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1540 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1541 "RegEnableReflectionKey");
1542 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1543 return Py_None;
1546 static PyObject *
1547 PyQueryReflectionKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
1549 HKEY hKey;
1550 PyObject *obKey;
1551 HMODULE hMod;
1552 typedef LONG (WINAPI *RQRKFunc)(HKEY, BOOL *);
1553 RQRKFunc pfn = NULL;
1554 BOOL result;
1555 LONG rc;
1557 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:QueryReflectionKey", &obKey))
1558 return NULL;
1559 if (!PyHKEY_AsHKEY(obKey, &hKey, FALSE))
1560 return NULL;
1562 // Only available on 64bit platforms, so we must load it
1563 // dynamically.
1564 hMod = GetModuleHandle("advapi32.dll");
1565 if (hMod)
1566 pfn = (RQRKFunc)GetProcAddress(hMod,
1567 "RegQueryReflectionKey");
1568 if (!pfn) {
1569 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError,
1570 "not implemented on this platform");
1571 return NULL;
1574 rc = (*pfn)(hKey, &result);
1576 if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1577 return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(rc,
1578 "RegQueryReflectionKey");
1579 return PyBool_FromLong(rc);
1582 static struct PyMethodDef winreg_methods[] = {
1583 {"CloseKey", PyCloseKey, METH_VARARGS, CloseKey_doc},
1584 {"ConnectRegistry", PyConnectRegistry, METH_VARARGS, ConnectRegistry_doc},
1585 {"CreateKey", PyCreateKey, METH_VARARGS, CreateKey_doc},
1586 {"DeleteKey", PyDeleteKey, METH_VARARGS, DeleteKey_doc},
1587 {"DeleteValue", PyDeleteValue, METH_VARARGS, DeleteValue_doc},
1588 {"DisableReflectionKey", PyDisableReflectionKey, METH_VARARGS, DisableReflectionKey_doc},
1589 {"EnableReflectionKey", PyEnableReflectionKey, METH_VARARGS, EnableReflectionKey_doc},
1590 {"EnumKey", PyEnumKey, METH_VARARGS, EnumKey_doc},
1591 {"EnumValue", PyEnumValue, METH_VARARGS, EnumValue_doc},
1592 {"ExpandEnvironmentStrings", PyExpandEnvironmentStrings, METH_VARARGS,
1593 ExpandEnvironmentStrings_doc },
1594 {"FlushKey", PyFlushKey, METH_VARARGS, FlushKey_doc},
1595 {"LoadKey", PyLoadKey, METH_VARARGS, LoadKey_doc},
1596 {"OpenKey", PyOpenKey, METH_VARARGS, OpenKey_doc},
1597 {"OpenKeyEx", PyOpenKey, METH_VARARGS, OpenKeyEx_doc},
1598 {"QueryValue", PyQueryValue, METH_VARARGS, QueryValue_doc},
1599 {"QueryValueEx", PyQueryValueEx, METH_VARARGS, QueryValueEx_doc},
1600 {"QueryInfoKey", PyQueryInfoKey, METH_VARARGS, QueryInfoKey_doc},
1601 {"QueryReflectionKey",PyQueryReflectionKey,METH_VARARGS, QueryReflectionKey_doc},
1602 {"SaveKey", PySaveKey, METH_VARARGS, SaveKey_doc},
1603 {"SetValue", PySetValue, METH_VARARGS, SetValue_doc},
1604 {"SetValueEx", PySetValueEx, METH_VARARGS, SetValueEx_doc},
1605 NULL,
1608 static void
1609 insint(PyObject * d, char * name, long value)
1611 PyObject *v = PyInt_FromLong(value);
1612 if (!v || PyDict_SetItemString(d, name, v))
1613 PyErr_Clear();
1614 Py_XDECREF(v);
1617 #define ADD_INT(val) insint(d, #val, val)
1619 static void
1620 inskey(PyObject * d, char * name, HKEY key)
1622 PyObject *v = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(key);
1623 if (!v || PyDict_SetItemString(d, name, v))
1624 PyErr_Clear();
1625 Py_XDECREF(v);
1628 #define ADD_KEY(val) inskey(d, #val, val)
1630 PyMODINIT_FUNC init_winreg(void)
1632 PyObject *m, *d;
1633 m = Py_InitModule3("_winreg", winreg_methods, module_doc);
1634 if (m == NULL)
1635 return;
1636 d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
1637 PyHKEY_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
1638 PyHKEY_Type.tp_doc = PyHKEY_doc;
1639 Py_INCREF(&PyHKEY_Type);
1640 if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "HKEYType",
1641 (PyObject *)&PyHKEY_Type) != 0)
1642 return;
1643 Py_INCREF(PyExc_WindowsError);
1644 if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "error",
1645 PyExc_WindowsError) != 0)
1646 return;
1648 /* Add the relevant constants */
1656 #endif
1657 #ifdef HKEY_DYN_DATA
1659 #endif
1670 #ifdef KEY_WOW64_64KEY
1671 ADD_INT(KEY_WOW64_64KEY);
1672 #endif
1673 #ifdef KEY_WOW64_32KEY
1674 ADD_INT(KEY_WOW64_32KEY);
1675 #endif