Catch situations where currentframe() returns None. See SF patch #1447410, this is...
[python.git] / Lib /
1 """Parse (absolute and relative) URLs.
3 See RFC 1808: "Relative Uniform Resource Locators", by R. Fielding,
4 UC Irvine, June 1995.
5 """
7 __all__ = ["urlparse", "urlunparse", "urljoin", "urldefrag",
8 "urlsplit", "urlunsplit"]
10 # A classification of schemes ('' means apply by default)
11 uses_relative = ['ftp', 'http', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'imap',
12 'wais', 'file', 'https', 'shttp', 'mms',
13 'prospero', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', '', 'sftp']
14 uses_netloc = ['ftp', 'http', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'telnet',
15 'imap', 'wais', 'file', 'mms', 'https', 'shttp',
16 'snews', 'prospero', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'rsync', '',
17 'svn', 'svn+ssh', 'sftp']
18 non_hierarchical = ['gopher', 'hdl', 'mailto', 'news',
19 'telnet', 'wais', 'imap', 'snews', 'sip']
20 uses_params = ['ftp', 'hdl', 'prospero', 'http', 'imap',
21 'https', 'shttp', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'sip',
22 'mms', '', 'sftp']
23 uses_query = ['http', 'wais', 'imap', 'https', 'shttp', 'mms',
24 'gopher', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'sip', '']
25 uses_fragment = ['ftp', 'hdl', 'http', 'gopher', 'news',
26 'nntp', 'wais', 'https', 'shttp', 'snews',
27 'file', 'prospero', '']
29 # Characters valid in scheme names
30 scheme_chars = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
32 '0123456789'
33 '+-.')
36 _parse_cache = {}
38 def clear_cache():
39 """Clear the parse cache."""
40 global _parse_cache
41 _parse_cache = {}
44 def urlparse(url, scheme='', allow_fragments=1):
45 """Parse a URL into 6 components:
46 <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
47 Return a 6-tuple: (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment).
48 Note that we don't break the components up in smaller bits
49 (e.g. netloc is a single string) and we don't expand % escapes."""
50 tuple = urlsplit(url, scheme, allow_fragments)
51 scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment = tuple
52 if scheme in uses_params and ';' in url:
53 url, params = _splitparams(url)
54 else:
55 params = ''
56 return scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment
58 def _splitparams(url):
59 if '/' in url:
60 i = url.find(';', url.rfind('/'))
61 if i < 0:
62 return url, ''
63 else:
64 i = url.find(';')
65 return url[:i], url[i+1:]
67 def _splitnetloc(url, start=0):
68 for c in '/?#': # the order is important!
69 delim = url.find(c, start)
70 if delim >= 0:
71 break
72 else:
73 delim = len(url)
74 return url[start:delim], url[delim:]
76 def urlsplit(url, scheme='', allow_fragments=1):
77 """Parse a URL into 5 components:
78 <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>?<query>#<fragment>
79 Return a 5-tuple: (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment).
80 Note that we don't break the components up in smaller bits
81 (e.g. netloc is a single string) and we don't expand % escapes."""
82 key = url, scheme, allow_fragments
83 cached = _parse_cache.get(key, None)
84 if cached:
85 return cached
86 if len(_parse_cache) >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE: # avoid runaway growth
87 clear_cache()
88 netloc = query = fragment = ''
89 i = url.find(':')
90 if i > 0:
91 if url[:i] == 'http': # optimize the common case
92 scheme = url[:i].lower()
93 url = url[i+1:]
94 if url[:2] == '//':
95 netloc, url = _splitnetloc(url, 2)
96 if allow_fragments and '#' in url:
97 url, fragment = url.split('#', 1)
98 if '?' in url:
99 url, query = url.split('?', 1)
100 tuple = scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment
101 _parse_cache[key] = tuple
102 return tuple
103 for c in url[:i]:
104 if c not in scheme_chars:
105 break
106 else:
107 scheme, url = url[:i].lower(), url[i+1:]
108 if scheme in uses_netloc and url[:2] == '//':
109 netloc, url = _splitnetloc(url, 2)
110 if allow_fragments and scheme in uses_fragment and '#' in url:
111 url, fragment = url.split('#', 1)
112 if scheme in uses_query and '?' in url:
113 url, query = url.split('?', 1)
114 tuple = scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment
115 _parse_cache[key] = tuple
116 return tuple
118 def urlunparse((scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment)):
119 """Put a parsed URL back together again. This may result in a
120 slightly different, but equivalent URL, if the URL that was parsed
121 originally had redundant delimiters, e.g. a ? with an empty query
122 (the draft states that these are equivalent)."""
123 if params:
124 url = "%s;%s" % (url, params)
125 return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment))
127 def urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment)):
128 if netloc or (scheme and scheme in uses_netloc and url[:2] != '//'):
129 if url and url[:1] != '/': url = '/' + url
130 url = '//' + (netloc or '') + url
131 if scheme:
132 url = scheme + ':' + url
133 if query:
134 url = url + '?' + query
135 if fragment:
136 url = url + '#' + fragment
137 return url
139 def urljoin(base, url, allow_fragments = 1):
140 """Join a base URL and a possibly relative URL to form an absolute
141 interpretation of the latter."""
142 if not base:
143 return url
144 if not url:
145 return base
146 bscheme, bnetloc, bpath, bparams, bquery, bfragment = \
147 urlparse(base, '', allow_fragments)
148 scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = \
149 urlparse(url, bscheme, allow_fragments)
150 if scheme != bscheme or scheme not in uses_relative:
151 return url
152 if scheme in uses_netloc:
153 if netloc:
154 return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path,
155 params, query, fragment))
156 netloc = bnetloc
157 if path[:1] == '/':
158 return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path,
159 params, query, fragment))
160 if not (path or params or query):
161 return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, bpath,
162 bparams, bquery, fragment))
163 segments = bpath.split('/')[:-1] + path.split('/')
164 # XXX The stuff below is bogus in various ways...
165 if segments[-1] == '.':
166 segments[-1] = ''
167 while '.' in segments:
168 segments.remove('.')
169 while 1:
170 i = 1
171 n = len(segments) - 1
172 while i < n:
173 if (segments[i] == '..'
174 and segments[i-1] not in ('', '..')):
175 del segments[i-1:i+1]
176 break
177 i = i+1
178 else:
179 break
180 if segments == ['', '..']:
181 segments[-1] = ''
182 elif len(segments) >= 2 and segments[-1] == '..':
183 segments[-2:] = ['']
184 return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, '/'.join(segments),
185 params, query, fragment))
187 def urldefrag(url):
188 """Removes any existing fragment from URL.
190 Returns a tuple of the defragmented URL and the fragment. If
191 the URL contained no fragments, the second element is the
192 empty string.
194 if '#' in url:
195 s, n, p, a, q, frag = urlparse(url)
196 defrag = urlunparse((s, n, p, a, q, ''))
197 return defrag, frag
198 else:
199 return url, ''
202 test_input = """
203 http://a/b/c/d
205 g:h = <URL:g:h>
206 http:g = <URL:http://a/b/c/g>
207 http: = <URL:http://a/b/c/d>
208 g = <URL:http://a/b/c/g>
209 ./g = <URL:http://a/b/c/g>
210 g/ = <URL:http://a/b/c/g/>
211 /g = <URL:http://a/g>
212 //g = <URL:http://g>
213 ?y = <URL:http://a/b/c/d?y>
214 g?y = <URL:http://a/b/c/g?y>
215 g?y/./x = <URL:http://a/b/c/g?y/./x>
216 . = <URL:http://a/b/c/>
217 ./ = <URL:http://a/b/c/>
218 .. = <URL:http://a/b/>
219 ../ = <URL:http://a/b/>
220 ../g = <URL:http://a/b/g>
221 ../.. = <URL:http://a/>
222 ../../g = <URL:http://a/g>
223 ../../../g = <URL:http://a/../g>
224 ./../g = <URL:http://a/b/g>
225 ./g/. = <URL:http://a/b/c/g/>
226 /./g = <URL:http://a/./g>
227 g/./h = <URL:http://a/b/c/g/h>
228 g/../h = <URL:http://a/b/c/h>
229 http:g = <URL:http://a/b/c/g>
230 http: = <URL:http://a/b/c/d>
231 http:?y = <URL:http://a/b/c/d?y>
232 http:g?y = <URL:http://a/b/c/g?y>
233 http:g?y/./x = <URL:http://a/b/c/g?y/./x>
236 def test():
237 import sys
238 base = ''
239 if sys.argv[1:]:
240 fn = sys.argv[1]
241 if fn == '-':
242 fp = sys.stdin
243 else:
244 fp = open(fn)
245 else:
246 try:
247 from cStringIO import StringIO
248 except ImportError:
249 from StringIO import StringIO
250 fp = StringIO(test_input)
251 while 1:
252 line = fp.readline()
253 if not line: break
254 words = line.split()
255 if not words:
256 continue
257 url = words[0]
258 parts = urlparse(url)
259 print '%-10s : %s' % (url, parts)
260 abs = urljoin(base, url)
261 if not base:
262 base = abs
263 wrapped = '<URL:%s>' % abs
264 print '%-10s = %s' % (url, wrapped)
265 if len(words) == 3 and words[1] == '=':
266 if wrapped != words[2]:
267 print 'EXPECTED', words[2], '!!!!!!!!!!'
269 if __name__ == '__main__':
270 test()