Issue #7133: SSL objects now support the new buffer API.
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2 # Secret Labs' Regular Expression Engine
4 # convert template to internal format
6 # Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
8 # See the file for information on usage and redistribution.
11 """Internal support module for sre"""
13 import _sre, sys
14 import sre_parse
15 from sre_constants import *
17 assert _sre.MAGIC == MAGIC, "SRE module mismatch"
19 if _sre.CODESIZE == 2:
20 MAXCODE = 65535
21 else:
24 def _identityfunction(x):
25 return x
32 def _compile(code, pattern, flags):
33 # internal: compile a (sub)pattern
34 emit = code.append
35 _len = len
40 for op, av in pattern:
41 if op in LITERAL_CODES:
42 if flags & SRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE:
43 emit(OPCODES[OP_IGNORE[op]])
44 emit(_sre.getlower(av, flags))
45 else:
46 emit(OPCODES[op])
47 emit(av)
48 elif op is IN:
49 if flags & SRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE:
50 emit(OPCODES[OP_IGNORE[op]])
51 def fixup(literal, flags=flags):
52 return _sre.getlower(literal, flags)
53 else:
54 emit(OPCODES[op])
55 fixup = _identityfunction
56 skip = _len(code); emit(0)
57 _compile_charset(av, flags, code, fixup)
58 code[skip] = _len(code) - skip
59 elif op is ANY:
60 if flags & SRE_FLAG_DOTALL:
62 else:
63 emit(OPCODES[ANY])
64 elif op in REPEATING_CODES:
65 if flags & SRE_FLAG_TEMPLATE:
66 raise error, "internal: unsupported template operator"
68 skip = _len(code); emit(0)
69 emit(av[0])
70 emit(av[1])
71 _compile(code, av[2], flags)
73 code[skip] = _len(code) - skip
74 elif _simple(av) and op is not REPEAT:
75 if op is MAX_REPEAT:
77 else:
79 skip = _len(code); emit(0)
80 emit(av[0])
81 emit(av[1])
82 _compile(code, av[2], flags)
84 code[skip] = _len(code) - skip
85 else:
87 skip = _len(code); emit(0)
88 emit(av[0])
89 emit(av[1])
90 _compile(code, av[2], flags)
91 code[skip] = _len(code) - skip
92 if op is MAX_REPEAT:
94 else:
96 elif op is SUBPATTERN:
97 if av[0]:
98 emit(OPCODES[MARK])
99 emit((av[0]-1)*2)
100 # _compile_info(code, av[1], flags)
101 _compile(code, av[1], flags)
102 if av[0]:
103 emit(OPCODES[MARK])
104 emit((av[0]-1)*2+1)
105 elif op in SUCCESS_CODES:
106 emit(OPCODES[op])
107 elif op in ASSERT_CODES:
108 emit(OPCODES[op])
109 skip = _len(code); emit(0)
110 if av[0] >= 0:
111 emit(0) # look ahead
112 else:
113 lo, hi = av[1].getwidth()
114 if lo != hi:
115 raise error, "look-behind requires fixed-width pattern"
116 emit(lo) # look behind
117 _compile(code, av[1], flags)
119 code[skip] = _len(code) - skip
120 elif op is CALL:
121 emit(OPCODES[op])
122 skip = _len(code); emit(0)
123 _compile(code, av, flags)
125 code[skip] = _len(code) - skip
126 elif op is AT:
127 emit(OPCODES[op])
128 if flags & SRE_FLAG_MULTILINE:
129 av = AT_MULTILINE.get(av, av)
130 if flags & SRE_FLAG_LOCALE:
131 av = AT_LOCALE.get(av, av)
132 elif flags & SRE_FLAG_UNICODE:
133 av = AT_UNICODE.get(av, av)
134 emit(ATCODES[av])
135 elif op is BRANCH:
136 emit(OPCODES[op])
137 tail = []
138 tailappend = tail.append
139 for av in av[1]:
140 skip = _len(code); emit(0)
141 # _compile_info(code, av, flags)
142 _compile(code, av, flags)
143 emit(OPCODES[JUMP])
144 tailappend(_len(code)); emit(0)
145 code[skip] = _len(code) - skip
146 emit(0) # end of branch
147 for tail in tail:
148 code[tail] = _len(code) - tail
149 elif op is CATEGORY:
150 emit(OPCODES[op])
151 if flags & SRE_FLAG_LOCALE:
152 av = CH_LOCALE[av]
153 elif flags & SRE_FLAG_UNICODE:
154 av = CH_UNICODE[av]
155 emit(CHCODES[av])
156 elif op is GROUPREF:
157 if flags & SRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE:
158 emit(OPCODES[OP_IGNORE[op]])
159 else:
160 emit(OPCODES[op])
161 emit(av-1)
162 elif op is GROUPREF_EXISTS:
163 emit(OPCODES[op])
164 emit(av[0]-1)
165 skipyes = _len(code); emit(0)
166 _compile(code, av[1], flags)
167 if av[2]:
168 emit(OPCODES[JUMP])
169 skipno = _len(code); emit(0)
170 code[skipyes] = _len(code) - skipyes + 1
171 _compile(code, av[2], flags)
172 code[skipno] = _len(code) - skipno
173 else:
174 code[skipyes] = _len(code) - skipyes + 1
175 else:
176 raise ValueError, ("unsupported operand type", op)
178 def _compile_charset(charset, flags, code, fixup=None):
179 # compile charset subprogram
180 emit = code.append
181 if fixup is None:
182 fixup = _identityfunction
183 for op, av in _optimize_charset(charset, fixup):
184 emit(OPCODES[op])
185 if op is NEGATE:
186 pass
187 elif op is LITERAL:
188 emit(fixup(av))
189 elif op is RANGE:
190 emit(fixup(av[0]))
191 emit(fixup(av[1]))
192 elif op is CHARSET:
193 code.extend(av)
194 elif op is BIGCHARSET:
195 code.extend(av)
196 elif op is CATEGORY:
197 if flags & SRE_FLAG_LOCALE:
198 emit(CHCODES[CH_LOCALE[av]])
199 elif flags & SRE_FLAG_UNICODE:
200 emit(CHCODES[CH_UNICODE[av]])
201 else:
202 emit(CHCODES[av])
203 else:
204 raise error, "internal: unsupported set operator"
207 def _optimize_charset(charset, fixup):
208 # internal: optimize character set
209 out = []
210 outappend = out.append
211 charmap = [0]*256
212 try:
213 for op, av in charset:
214 if op is NEGATE:
215 outappend((op, av))
216 elif op is LITERAL:
217 charmap[fixup(av)] = 1
218 elif op is RANGE:
219 for i in range(fixup(av[0]), fixup(av[1])+1):
220 charmap[i] = 1
221 elif op is CATEGORY:
222 # XXX: could append to charmap tail
223 return charset # cannot compress
224 except IndexError:
225 # character set contains unicode characters
226 return _optimize_unicode(charset, fixup)
227 # compress character map
228 i = p = n = 0
229 runs = []
230 runsappend = runs.append
231 for c in charmap:
232 if c:
233 if n == 0:
234 p = i
235 n = n + 1
236 elif n:
237 runsappend((p, n))
238 n = 0
239 i = i + 1
240 if n:
241 runsappend((p, n))
242 if len(runs) <= 2:
243 # use literal/range
244 for p, n in runs:
245 if n == 1:
246 outappend((LITERAL, p))
247 else:
248 outappend((RANGE, (p, p+n-1)))
249 if len(out) < len(charset):
250 return out
251 else:
252 # use bitmap
253 data = _mk_bitmap(charmap)
254 outappend((CHARSET, data))
255 return out
256 return charset
258 def _mk_bitmap(bits):
259 data = []
260 dataappend = data.append
261 if _sre.CODESIZE == 2:
262 start = (1, 0)
263 else:
264 start = (1L, 0L)
265 m, v = start
266 for c in bits:
267 if c:
268 v = v + m
269 m = m + m
270 if m > MAXCODE:
271 dataappend(v)
272 m, v = start
273 return data
275 # To represent a big charset, first a bitmap of all characters in the
276 # set is constructed. Then, this bitmap is sliced into chunks of 256
277 # characters, duplicate chunks are eliminated, and each chunk is
278 # given a number. In the compiled expression, the charset is
279 # represented by a 16-bit word sequence, consisting of one word for
280 # the number of different chunks, a sequence of 256 bytes (128 words)
281 # of chunk numbers indexed by their original chunk position, and a
282 # sequence of chunks (16 words each).
284 # Compression is normally good: in a typical charset, large ranges of
285 # Unicode will be either completely excluded (e.g. if only cyrillic
286 # letters are to be matched), or completely included (e.g. if large
287 # subranges of Kanji match). These ranges will be represented by
288 # chunks of all one-bits or all zero-bits.
290 # Matching can be also done efficiently: the more significant byte of
291 # the Unicode character is an index into the chunk number, and the
292 # less significant byte is a bit index in the chunk (just like the
293 # CHARSET matching).
295 # In UCS-4 mode, the BIGCHARSET opcode still supports only subsets
296 # of the basic multilingual plane; an efficient representation
297 # for all of UTF-16 has not yet been developed. This means,
298 # in particular, that negated charsets cannot be represented as
299 # bigcharsets.
301 def _optimize_unicode(charset, fixup):
302 try:
303 import array
304 except ImportError:
305 return charset
306 charmap = [0]*65536
307 negate = 0
308 try:
309 for op, av in charset:
310 if op is NEGATE:
311 negate = 1
312 elif op is LITERAL:
313 charmap[fixup(av)] = 1
314 elif op is RANGE:
315 for i in xrange(fixup(av[0]), fixup(av[1])+1):
316 charmap[i] = 1
317 elif op is CATEGORY:
318 # XXX: could expand category
319 return charset # cannot compress
320 except IndexError:
321 # non-BMP characters
322 return charset
323 if negate:
324 if sys.maxunicode != 65535:
325 # XXX: negation does not work with big charsets
326 return charset
327 for i in xrange(65536):
328 charmap[i] = not charmap[i]
329 comps = {}
330 mapping = [0]*256
331 block = 0
332 data = []
333 for i in xrange(256):
334 chunk = tuple(charmap[i*256:(i+1)*256])
335 new = comps.setdefault(chunk, block)
336 mapping[i] = new
337 if new == block:
338 block = block + 1
339 data = data + _mk_bitmap(chunk)
340 header = [block]
341 if _sre.CODESIZE == 2:
342 code = 'H'
343 else:
344 code = 'I'
345 # Convert block indices to byte array of 256 bytes
346 mapping = array.array('b', mapping).tostring()
347 # Convert byte array to word array
348 mapping = array.array(code, mapping)
349 assert mapping.itemsize == _sre.CODESIZE
350 header = header + mapping.tolist()
351 data[0:0] = header
352 return [(BIGCHARSET, data)]
354 def _simple(av):
355 # check if av is a "simple" operator
356 lo, hi = av[2].getwidth()
357 if lo == 0 and hi == MAXREPEAT:
358 raise error, "nothing to repeat"
359 return lo == hi == 1 and av[2][0][0] != SUBPATTERN
361 def _compile_info(code, pattern, flags):
362 # internal: compile an info block. in the current version,
363 # this contains min/max pattern width, and an optional literal
364 # prefix or a character map
365 lo, hi = pattern.getwidth()
366 if lo == 0:
367 return # not worth it
368 # look for a literal prefix
369 prefix = []
370 prefixappend = prefix.append
371 prefix_skip = 0
372 charset = [] # not used
373 charsetappend = charset.append
374 if not (flags & SRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE):
375 # look for literal prefix
376 for op, av in
377 if op is LITERAL:
378 if len(prefix) == prefix_skip:
379 prefix_skip = prefix_skip + 1
380 prefixappend(av)
381 elif op is SUBPATTERN and len(av[1]) == 1:
382 op, av = av[1][0]
383 if op is LITERAL:
384 prefixappend(av)
385 else:
386 break
387 else:
388 break
389 # if no prefix, look for charset prefix
390 if not prefix and
391 op, av =[0]
392 if op is SUBPATTERN and av[1]:
393 op, av = av[1][0]
394 if op is LITERAL:
395 charsetappend((op, av))
396 elif op is BRANCH:
397 c = []
398 cappend = c.append
399 for p in av[1]:
400 if not p:
401 break
402 op, av = p[0]
403 if op is LITERAL:
404 cappend((op, av))
405 else:
406 break
407 else:
408 charset = c
409 elif op is BRANCH:
410 c = []
411 cappend = c.append
412 for p in av[1]:
413 if not p:
414 break
415 op, av = p[0]
416 if op is LITERAL:
417 cappend((op, av))
418 else:
419 break
420 else:
421 charset = c
422 elif op is IN:
423 charset = av
424 ## if prefix:
425 ## print "*** PREFIX", prefix, prefix_skip
426 ## if charset:
427 ## print "*** CHARSET", charset
428 # add an info block
429 emit = code.append
430 emit(OPCODES[INFO])
431 skip = len(code); emit(0)
432 # literal flag
433 mask = 0
434 if prefix:
435 mask = SRE_INFO_PREFIX
436 if len(prefix) == prefix_skip == len(
437 mask = mask + SRE_INFO_LITERAL
438 elif charset:
439 mask = mask + SRE_INFO_CHARSET
440 emit(mask)
441 # pattern length
442 if lo < MAXCODE:
443 emit(lo)
444 else:
445 emit(MAXCODE)
446 prefix = prefix[:MAXCODE]
447 if hi < MAXCODE:
448 emit(hi)
449 else:
450 emit(0)
451 # add literal prefix
452 if prefix:
453 emit(len(prefix)) # length
454 emit(prefix_skip) # skip
455 code.extend(prefix)
456 # generate overlap table
457 table = [-1] + ([0]*len(prefix))
458 for i in xrange(len(prefix)):
459 table[i+1] = table[i]+1
460 while table[i+1] > 0 and prefix[i] != prefix[table[i+1]-1]:
461 table[i+1] = table[table[i+1]-1]+1
462 code.extend(table[1:]) # don't store first entry
463 elif charset:
464 _compile_charset(charset, flags, code)
465 code[skip] = len(code) - skip
467 try:
468 unicode
469 except NameError:
470 STRING_TYPES = (type(""),)
471 else:
472 STRING_TYPES = (type(""), type(unicode("")))
474 def isstring(obj):
475 for tp in STRING_TYPES:
476 if isinstance(obj, tp):
477 return 1
478 return 0
480 def _code(p, flags):
482 flags = p.pattern.flags | flags
483 code = []
485 # compile info block
486 _compile_info(code, p, flags)
488 # compile the pattern
489 _compile(code,, flags)
491 code.append(OPCODES[SUCCESS])
493 return code
495 def compile(p, flags=0):
496 # internal: convert pattern list to internal format
498 if isstring(p):
499 pattern = p
500 p = sre_parse.parse(p, flags)
501 else:
502 pattern = None
504 code = _code(p, flags)
506 # print code
508 # XXX: <fl> get rid of this limitation!
509 if p.pattern.groups > 100:
510 raise AssertionError(
511 "sorry, but this version only supports 100 named groups"
514 # map in either direction
515 groupindex = p.pattern.groupdict
516 indexgroup = [None] * p.pattern.groups
517 for k, i in groupindex.items():
518 indexgroup[i] = k
520 return _sre.compile(
521 pattern, flags | p.pattern.flags, code,
522 p.pattern.groups-1,
523 groupindex, indexgroup