Updated documentation for TimedRotatingFileHandler relating to how rollover files...
[python.git] / Lib / pyclbr.py
1 """Parse a Python module and describe its classes and methods.
3 Parse enough of a Python file to recognize imports and class and
4 method definitions, and to find out the superclasses of a class.
6 The interface consists of a single function:
7 readmodule_ex(module [, path])
8 where module is the name of a Python module, and path is an optional
9 list of directories where the module is to be searched. If present,
10 path is prepended to the system search path sys.path. The return
11 value is a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are the names of
12 the classes defined in the module (including classes that are defined
13 via the from XXX import YYY construct). The values are class
14 instances of the class Class defined here. One special key/value pair
15 is present for packages: the key '__path__' has a list as its value
16 which contains the package search path.
18 A class is described by the class Class in this module. Instances
19 of this class have the following instance variables:
20 module -- the module name
21 name -- the name of the class
22 super -- a list of super classes (Class instances)
23 methods -- a dictionary of methods
24 file -- the file in which the class was defined
25 lineno -- the line in the file on which the class statement occurred
26 The dictionary of methods uses the method names as keys and the line
27 numbers on which the method was defined as values.
28 If the name of a super class is not recognized, the corresponding
29 entry in the list of super classes is not a class instance but a
30 string giving the name of the super class. Since import statements
31 are recognized and imported modules are scanned as well, this
32 shouldn't happen often.
34 A function is described by the class Function in this module.
35 Instances of this class have the following instance variables:
36 module -- the module name
37 name -- the name of the class
38 file -- the file in which the class was defined
39 lineno -- the line in the file on which the class statement occurred
40 """
42 import sys
43 import imp
44 import tokenize # Python tokenizer
45 from token import NAME, DEDENT, NEWLINE, OP
46 from operator import itemgetter
48 __all__ = ["readmodule", "readmodule_ex", "Class", "Function"]
50 _modules = {} # cache of modules we've seen
52 # each Python class is represented by an instance of this class
53 class Class:
54 '''Class to represent a Python class.'''
55 def __init__(self, module, name, super, file, lineno):
56 self.module = module
57 self.name = name
58 if super is None:
59 super = []
60 self.super = super
61 self.methods = {}
62 self.file = file
63 self.lineno = lineno
65 def _addmethod(self, name, lineno):
66 self.methods[name] = lineno
68 class Function:
69 '''Class to represent a top-level Python function'''
70 def __init__(self, module, name, file, lineno):
71 self.module = module
72 self.name = name
73 self.file = file
74 self.lineno = lineno
76 def readmodule(module, path=[]):
77 '''Backwards compatible interface.
79 Call readmodule_ex() and then only keep Class objects from the
80 resulting dictionary.'''
82 dict = _readmodule(module, path)
83 res = {}
84 for key, value in dict.items():
85 if isinstance(value, Class):
86 res[key] = value
87 return res
89 def readmodule_ex(module, path=[]):
90 '''Read a module file and return a dictionary of classes.
92 Search for MODULE in PATH and sys.path, read and parse the
93 module and return a dictionary with one entry for each class
94 found in the module.
96 If INPACKAGE is true, it must be the dotted name of the package in
97 which we are searching for a submodule, and then PATH must be the
98 package search path; otherwise, we are searching for a top-level
99 module, and PATH is combined with sys.path.
101 return _readmodule(module, path)
103 def _readmodule(module, path, inpackage=None):
104 '''Do the hard work for readmodule[_ex].'''
105 # Compute the full module name (prepending inpackage if set)
106 if inpackage:
107 fullmodule = "%s.%s" % (inpackage, module)
108 else:
109 fullmodule = module
111 # Check in the cache
112 if fullmodule in _modules:
113 return _modules[fullmodule]
115 # Initialize the dict for this module's contents
116 dict = {}
118 # Check if it is a built-in module; we don't do much for these
119 if module in sys.builtin_module_names and not inpackage:
120 _modules[module] = dict
121 return dict
123 # Check for a dotted module name
124 i = module.rfind('.')
125 if i >= 0:
126 package = module[:i]
127 submodule = module[i+1:]
128 parent = _readmodule(package, path, inpackage)
129 if inpackage:
130 package = "%s.%s" % (inpackage, package)
131 return _readmodule(submodule, parent['__path__'], package)
133 # Search the path for the module
134 f = None
135 if inpackage:
136 f, file, (suff, mode, type) = imp.find_module(module, path)
137 else:
138 f, file, (suff, mode, type) = imp.find_module(module, path + sys.path)
139 if type == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
140 dict['__path__'] = [file]
141 path = [file] + path
142 f, file, (suff, mode, type) = imp.find_module('__init__', [file])
143 _modules[fullmodule] = dict
144 if type != imp.PY_SOURCE:
145 # not Python source, can't do anything with this module
146 f.close()
147 return dict
149 stack = [] # stack of (class, indent) pairs
151 g = tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)
152 try:
153 for tokentype, token, start, end, line in g:
154 if tokentype == DEDENT:
155 lineno, thisindent = start
156 # close nested classes and defs
157 while stack and stack[-1][1] >= thisindent:
158 del stack[-1]
159 elif token == 'def':
160 lineno, thisindent = start
161 # close previous nested classes and defs
162 while stack and stack[-1][1] >= thisindent:
163 del stack[-1]
164 tokentype, meth_name, start, end, line = g.next()
165 if tokentype != NAME:
166 continue # Syntax error
167 if stack:
168 cur_class = stack[-1][0]
169 if isinstance(cur_class, Class):
170 # it's a method
171 cur_class._addmethod(meth_name, lineno)
172 # else it's a nested def
173 else:
174 # it's a function
175 dict[meth_name] = Function(module, meth_name, file, lineno)
176 stack.append((None, thisindent)) # Marker for nested fns
177 elif token == 'class':
178 lineno, thisindent = start
179 # close previous nested classes and defs
180 while stack and stack[-1][1] >= thisindent:
181 del stack[-1]
182 tokentype, class_name, start, end, line = g.next()
183 if tokentype != NAME:
184 continue # Syntax error
185 # parse what follows the class name
186 tokentype, token, start, end, line = g.next()
187 inherit = None
188 if token == '(':
189 names = [] # List of superclasses
190 # there's a list of superclasses
191 level = 1
192 super = [] # Tokens making up current superclass
193 while True:
194 tokentype, token, start, end, line = g.next()
195 if token in (')', ',') and level == 1:
196 n = "".join(super)
197 if n in dict:
198 # we know this super class
199 n = dict[n]
200 else:
201 c = n.split('.')
202 if len(c) > 1:
203 # super class is of the form
204 # module.class: look in module for
205 # class
206 m = c[-2]
207 c = c[-1]
208 if m in _modules:
209 d = _modules[m]
210 if c in d:
211 n = d[c]
212 names.append(n)
213 super = []
214 if token == '(':
215 level += 1
216 elif token == ')':
217 level -= 1
218 if level == 0:
219 break
220 elif token == ',' and level == 1:
221 pass
222 # only use NAME and OP (== dot) tokens for type name
223 elif tokentype in (NAME, OP) and level == 1:
224 super.append(token)
225 # expressions in the base list are not supported
226 inherit = names
227 cur_class = Class(fullmodule, class_name, inherit, file, lineno)
228 if not stack:
229 dict[class_name] = cur_class
230 stack.append((cur_class, thisindent))
231 elif token == 'import' and start[1] == 0:
232 modules = _getnamelist(g)
233 for mod, mod2 in modules:
234 try:
235 # Recursively read the imported module
236 if not inpackage:
237 _readmodule(mod, path)
238 else:
239 try:
240 _readmodule(mod, path, inpackage)
241 except ImportError:
242 _readmodule(mod, [])
243 except:
244 # If we can't find or parse the imported module,
245 # too bad -- don't die here.
246 pass
247 elif token == 'from' and start[1] == 0:
248 mod, token = _getname(g)
249 if not mod or token != "import":
250 continue
251 names = _getnamelist(g)
252 try:
253 # Recursively read the imported module
254 d = _readmodule(mod, path, inpackage)
255 except:
256 # If we can't find or parse the imported module,
257 # too bad -- don't die here.
258 continue
259 # add any classes that were defined in the imported module
260 # to our name space if they were mentioned in the list
261 for n, n2 in names:
262 if n in d:
263 dict[n2 or n] = d[n]
264 elif n == '*':
265 # don't add names that start with _
266 for n in d:
267 if n[0] != '_':
268 dict[n] = d[n]
269 except StopIteration:
270 pass
272 f.close()
273 return dict
275 def _getnamelist(g):
276 # Helper to get a comma-separated list of dotted names plus 'as'
277 # clauses. Return a list of pairs (name, name2) where name2 is
278 # the 'as' name, or None if there is no 'as' clause.
279 names = []
280 while True:
281 name, token = _getname(g)
282 if not name:
283 break
284 if token == 'as':
285 name2, token = _getname(g)
286 else:
287 name2 = None
288 names.append((name, name2))
289 while token != "," and "\n" not in token:
290 tokentype, token, start, end, line = g.next()
291 if token != ",":
292 break
293 return names
295 def _getname(g):
296 # Helper to get a dotted name, return a pair (name, token) where
297 # name is the dotted name, or None if there was no dotted name,
298 # and token is the next input token.
299 parts = []
300 tokentype, token, start, end, line = g.next()
301 if tokentype != NAME and token != '*':
302 return (None, token)
303 parts.append(token)
304 while True:
305 tokentype, token, start, end, line = g.next()
306 if token != '.':
307 break
308 tokentype, token, start, end, line = g.next()
309 if tokentype != NAME:
310 break
311 parts.append(token)
312 return (".".join(parts), token)
314 def _main():
315 # Main program for testing.
316 import os
317 mod = sys.argv[1]
318 if os.path.exists(mod):
319 path = [os.path.dirname(mod)]
320 mod = os.path.basename(mod)
321 if mod.lower().endswith(".py"):
322 mod = mod[:-3]
323 else:
324 path = []
325 dict = readmodule_ex(mod, path)
326 objs = dict.values()
327 objs.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(getattr(a, 'lineno', 0),
328 getattr(b, 'lineno', 0)))
329 for obj in objs:
330 if isinstance(obj, Class):
331 print "class", obj.name, obj.super, obj.lineno
332 methods = sorted(obj.methods.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))
333 for name, lineno in methods:
334 if name != "__path__":
335 print " def", name, lineno
336 elif isinstance(obj, Function):
337 print "def", obj.name, obj.lineno
339 if __name__ == "__main__":
340 _main()