convert usage of fail* to assert*
[python.git] / Lib / test /
1 import httplib
2 import StringIO
3 import socket
5 from unittest import TestCase
7 from test import test_support
9 HOST = test_support.HOST
11 class FakeSocket:
12 def __init__(self, text, fileclass=StringIO.StringIO):
13 self.text = text
14 self.fileclass = fileclass
15 = ''
17 def sendall(self, data):
18 += data
20 def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=None):
21 if mode != 'r' and mode != 'rb':
22 raise httplib.UnimplementedFileMode()
23 return self.fileclass(self.text)
25 class NoEOFStringIO(StringIO.StringIO):
26 """Like StringIO, but raises AssertionError on EOF.
28 This is used below to test that httplib doesn't try to read
29 more from the underlying file than it should.
30 """
31 def read(self, n=-1):
32 data =, n)
33 if data == '':
34 raise AssertionError('caller tried to read past EOF')
35 return data
37 def readline(self, length=None):
38 data = StringIO.StringIO.readline(self, length)
39 if data == '':
40 raise AssertionError('caller tried to read past EOF')
41 return data
44 class HeaderTests(TestCase):
45 def test_auto_headers(self):
46 # Some headers are added automatically, but should not be added by
47 # .request() if they are explicitly set.
49 import httplib
51 class HeaderCountingBuffer(list):
52 def __init__(self):
53 self.count = {}
54 def append(self, item):
55 kv = item.split(':')
56 if len(kv) > 1:
57 # item is a 'Key: Value' header string
58 lcKey = kv[0].lower()
59 self.count.setdefault(lcKey, 0)
60 self.count[lcKey] += 1
61 list.append(self, item)
63 for explicit_header in True, False:
64 for header in 'Content-length', 'Host', 'Accept-encoding':
65 conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
66 conn.sock = FakeSocket('blahblahblah')
67 conn._buffer = HeaderCountingBuffer()
69 body = 'spamspamspam'
70 headers = {}
71 if explicit_header:
72 headers[header] = str(len(body))
73 conn.request('POST', '/', body, headers)
74 self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.count[header.lower()], 1)
76 class BasicTest(TestCase):
77 def test_status_lines(self):
78 # Test HTTP status lines
80 body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\n\r\nText"
81 sock = FakeSocket(body)
82 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
83 resp.begin()
84 self.assertEqual(, 'Text')
85 self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
87 body = "HTTP/1.1 400.100 Not Ok\r\n\r\nText"
88 sock = FakeSocket(body)
89 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
90 self.assertRaises(httplib.BadStatusLine, resp.begin)
92 def test_partial_reads(self):
93 # if we have a lenght, the system knows when to close itself
94 # same behaviour than when we read the whole thing with read()
95 body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nText"
96 sock = FakeSocket(body)
97 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
98 resp.begin()
99 self.assertEqual(, 'Te')
100 self.assertFalse(resp.isclosed())
101 self.assertEqual(, 'xt')
102 self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
104 def test_host_port(self):
105 # Check invalid host_port
107 for hp in ("", ""):
108 self.assertRaises(httplib.InvalidURL, httplib.HTTP, hp)
110 for hp, h, p in (("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]:8000", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b",
111 8000),
112 ("", "", 80),
113 ("", "", 80),
114 ("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b", 80)):
115 http = httplib.HTTP(hp)
116 c = http._conn
117 if h !=
118"Host incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (h,
119 if p != c.port:
120"Port incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (p,
122 def test_response_headers(self):
123 # test response with multiple message headers with the same field name.
124 text = ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
125 'Set-Cookie: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE";'
126 ' Version="1"; Path="/acme"\r\n'
127 'Set-Cookie: Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1";'
128 ' Path="/acme"\r\n'
129 '\r\n'
130 'No body\r\n')
131 hdr = ('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"'
132 ', '
133 'Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"')
134 s = FakeSocket(text)
135 r = httplib.HTTPResponse(s)
136 r.begin()
137 cookies = r.getheader("Set-Cookie")
138 if cookies != hdr:
139"multiple headers not combined properly")
141 def test_read_head(self):
142 # Test that the library doesn't attempt to read any data
143 # from a HEAD request. (Tickles SF bug #622042.)
144 sock = FakeSocket(
145 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
146 'Content-Length: 14432\r\n'
147 '\r\n',
148 NoEOFStringIO)
149 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="HEAD")
150 resp.begin()
151 if != "":
152"Did not expect response from HEAD request")
154 def test_send_file(self):
155 expected = 'GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n' \
156 'Accept-Encoding: identity\r\nContent-Length:'
158 body = open(__file__, 'rb')
159 conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
160 sock = FakeSocket(body)
161 conn.sock = sock
162 conn.request('GET', '/foo', body)
163 self.assertTrue(
165 def test_chunked(self):
166 chunked_start = (
167 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
168 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
169 'a\r\n'
170 'hello worl\r\n'
171 '1\r\n'
172 'd\r\n'
174 sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + '0\r\n')
175 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
176 resp.begin()
177 self.assertEquals(, 'hello world')
178 resp.close()
180 for x in ('', 'foo\r\n'):
181 sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + x)
182 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
183 resp.begin()
184 try:
186 except httplib.IncompleteRead, i:
187 self.assertEquals(i.partial, 'hello world')
188 self.assertEqual(repr(i),'IncompleteRead(11 bytes read)')
189 self.assertEqual(str(i),'IncompleteRead(11 bytes read)')
190 else:
191'IncompleteRead expected')
192 finally:
193 resp.close()
195 def test_negative_content_length(self):
196 sock = FakeSocket('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
197 'Content-Length: -1\r\n\r\nHello\r\n')
198 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
199 resp.begin()
200 self.assertEquals(, 'Hello\r\n')
201 resp.close()
203 def test_incomplete_read(self):
204 sock = FakeSocket('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\nHello\r\n')
205 resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
206 resp.begin()
207 try:
209 except httplib.IncompleteRead as i:
210 self.assertEquals(i.partial, 'Hello\r\n')
211 self.assertEqual(repr(i),
212 "IncompleteRead(7 bytes read, 3 more expected)")
213 self.assertEqual(str(i),
214 "IncompleteRead(7 bytes read, 3 more expected)")
215 else:
216'IncompleteRead expected')
217 finally:
218 resp.close()
221 class OfflineTest(TestCase):
222 def test_responses(self):
223 self.assertEquals(httplib.responses[httplib.NOT_FOUND], "Not Found")
225 class TimeoutTest(TestCase):
226 PORT = None
228 def setUp(self):
229 self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
230 TimeoutTest.PORT = test_support.bind_port(self.serv)
231 self.serv.listen(5)
233 def tearDown(self):
234 self.serv.close()
235 self.serv = None
237 def testTimeoutAttribute(self):
238 '''This will prove that the timeout gets through
239 HTTPConnection and into the socket.
241 # default -- use global socket timeout
242 self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
243 socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
244 try:
245 httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT)
246 httpConn.connect()
247 finally:
248 socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
249 self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
250 httpConn.close()
252 # no timeout -- do not use global socket default
253 self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
254 socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
255 try:
256 httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT,
257 timeout=None)
258 httpConn.connect()
259 finally:
260 socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
261 self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), None)
262 httpConn.close()
264 # a value
265 httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT, timeout=30)
266 httpConn.connect()
267 self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
268 httpConn.close()
271 class HTTPSTimeoutTest(TestCase):
272 # XXX Here should be tests for HTTPS, there isn't any right now!
274 def test_attributes(self):
275 # simple test to check it's storing it
276 if hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPSConnection'):
277 h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT, timeout=30)
278 self.assertEqual(h.timeout, 30)
280 def test_main(verbose=None):
281 test_support.run_unittest(HeaderTests, OfflineTest, BasicTest, TimeoutTest,
282 HTTPSTimeoutTest)
284 if __name__ == '__main__':
285 test_main()