Issue #2183: Simplify and optimize bytecode for list comprehensions.
[python.git] / Lib /
1 """Import hook support.
3 Consistent use of this module will make it possible to change the
4 different mechanisms involved in loading modules independently.
6 While the built-in module imp exports interfaces to the built-in
7 module searching and loading algorithm, and it is possible to replace
8 the built-in function __import__ in order to change the semantics of
9 the import statement, until now it has been difficult to combine the
10 effect of different __import__ hacks, like loading modules from URLs
11 by, or restricted execution by
13 This module defines three new concepts:
15 1) A "file system hooks" class provides an interface to a filesystem.
17 One hooks class is defined (Hooks), which uses the interface provided
18 by standard modules os and os.path. It should be used as the base
19 class for other hooks classes.
21 2) A "module loader" class provides an interface to search for a
22 module in a search path and to load it. It defines a method which
23 searches for a module in a single directory; by overriding this method
24 one can redefine the details of the search. If the directory is None,
25 built-in and frozen modules are searched instead.
27 Two module loader class are defined, both implementing the search
28 strategy used by the built-in __import__ function: ModuleLoader uses
29 the imp module's find_module interface, while HookableModuleLoader
30 uses a file system hooks class to interact with the file system. Both
31 use the imp module's load_* interfaces to actually load the module.
33 3) A "module importer" class provides an interface to import a
34 module, as well as interfaces to reload and unload a module. It also
35 provides interfaces to install and uninstall itself instead of the
36 default __import__ and reload (and unload) functions.
38 One module importer class is defined (ModuleImporter), which uses a
39 module loader instance passed in (by default HookableModuleLoader is
40 instantiated).
42 The classes defined here should be used as base classes for extended
43 functionality along those lines.
45 If a module importer class supports dotted names, its import_module()
46 must return a different value depending on whether it is called on
47 behalf of a "from ... import ..." statement or not. (This is caused
48 by the way the __import__ hook is used by the Python interpreter.) It
49 would also do wise to install a different version of reload().
51 """
52 from warnings import warnpy3k
53 warnpy3k("the ihooks module has been removed in Python 3.0", stacklevel=2)
54 del warnpy3k
56 import __builtin__
57 import imp
58 import os
59 import sys
61 __all__ = ["BasicModuleLoader","Hooks","ModuleLoader","FancyModuleLoader",
62 "BasicModuleImporter","ModuleImporter","install","uninstall"]
64 VERBOSE = 0
73 class _Verbose:
75 def __init__(self, verbose = VERBOSE):
76 self.verbose = verbose
78 def get_verbose(self):
79 return self.verbose
81 def set_verbose(self, verbose):
82 self.verbose = verbose
84 # XXX The following is an experimental interface
86 def note(self, *args):
87 if self.verbose:
88 self.message(*args)
90 def message(self, format, *args):
91 if args:
92 print format%args
93 else:
94 print format
97 class BasicModuleLoader(_Verbose):
99 """Basic module loader.
101 This provides the same functionality as built-in import. It
102 doesn't deal with checking sys.modules -- all it provides is
103 find_module() and a load_module(), as well as find_module_in_dir()
104 which searches just one directory, and can be overridden by a
105 derived class to change the module search algorithm when the basic
106 dependency on sys.path is unchanged.
108 The interface is a little more convenient than imp's:
109 find_module(name, [path]) returns None or 'stuff', and
110 load_module(name, stuff) loads the module.
114 def find_module(self, name, path = None):
115 if path is None:
116 path = [None] + self.default_path()
117 for dir in path:
118 stuff = self.find_module_in_dir(name, dir)
119 if stuff: return stuff
120 return None
122 def default_path(self):
123 return sys.path
125 def find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir):
126 if dir is None:
127 return self.find_builtin_module(name)
128 else:
129 try:
130 return imp.find_module(name, [dir])
131 except ImportError:
132 return None
134 def find_builtin_module(self, name):
135 # XXX frozen packages?
136 if imp.is_builtin(name):
137 return None, '', ('', '', BUILTIN_MODULE)
138 if imp.is_frozen(name):
139 return None, '', ('', '', FROZEN_MODULE)
140 return None
142 def load_module(self, name, stuff):
143 file, filename, info = stuff
144 try:
145 return imp.load_module(name, file, filename, info)
146 finally:
147 if file: file.close()
150 class Hooks(_Verbose):
152 """Hooks into the filesystem and interpreter.
154 By deriving a subclass you can redefine your filesystem interface,
155 e.g. to merge it with the URL space.
157 This base class behaves just like the native filesystem.
161 # imp interface
162 def get_suffixes(self): return imp.get_suffixes()
163 def new_module(self, name): return imp.new_module(name)
164 def is_builtin(self, name): return imp.is_builtin(name)
165 def init_builtin(self, name): return imp.init_builtin(name)
166 def is_frozen(self, name): return imp.is_frozen(name)
167 def init_frozen(self, name): return imp.init_frozen(name)
168 def get_frozen_object(self, name): return imp.get_frozen_object(name)
169 def load_source(self, name, filename, file=None):
170 return imp.load_source(name, filename, file)
171 def load_compiled(self, name, filename, file=None):
172 return imp.load_compiled(name, filename, file)
173 def load_dynamic(self, name, filename, file=None):
174 return imp.load_dynamic(name, filename, file)
175 def load_package(self, name, filename, file=None):
176 return imp.load_module(name, file, filename, ("", "", PKG_DIRECTORY))
178 def add_module(self, name):
179 d = self.modules_dict()
180 if name in d: return d[name]
181 d[name] = m = self.new_module(name)
182 return m
184 # sys interface
185 def modules_dict(self): return sys.modules
186 def default_path(self): return sys.path
188 def path_split(self, x): return os.path.split(x)
189 def path_join(self, x, y): return os.path.join(x, y)
190 def path_isabs(self, x): return os.path.isabs(x)
191 # etc.
193 def path_exists(self, x): return os.path.exists(x)
194 def path_isdir(self, x): return os.path.isdir(x)
195 def path_isfile(self, x): return os.path.isfile(x)
196 def path_islink(self, x): return os.path.islink(x)
197 # etc.
199 def openfile(self, *x): return open(*x)
200 openfile_error = IOError
201 def listdir(self, x): return os.listdir(x)
202 listdir_error = os.error
203 # etc.
206 class ModuleLoader(BasicModuleLoader):
208 """Default module loader; uses file system hooks.
210 By defining suitable hooks, you might be able to load modules from
211 other sources than the file system, e.g. from compressed or
212 encrypted files, tar files or (if you're brave!) URLs.
216 def __init__(self, hooks = None, verbose = VERBOSE):
217 BasicModuleLoader.__init__(self, verbose)
218 self.hooks = hooks or Hooks(verbose)
220 def default_path(self):
221 return self.hooks.default_path()
223 def modules_dict(self):
224 return self.hooks.modules_dict()
226 def get_hooks(self):
227 return self.hooks
229 def set_hooks(self, hooks):
230 self.hooks = hooks
232 def find_builtin_module(self, name):
233 # XXX frozen packages?
234 if self.hooks.is_builtin(name):
235 return None, '', ('', '', BUILTIN_MODULE)
236 if self.hooks.is_frozen(name):
237 return None, '', ('', '', FROZEN_MODULE)
238 return None
240 def find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir, allow_packages=1):
241 if dir is None:
242 return self.find_builtin_module(name)
243 if allow_packages:
244 fullname = self.hooks.path_join(dir, name)
245 if self.hooks.path_isdir(fullname):
246 stuff = self.find_module_in_dir("__init__", fullname, 0)
247 if stuff:
248 file = stuff[0]
249 if file: file.close()
250 return None, fullname, ('', '', PKG_DIRECTORY)
251 for info in self.hooks.get_suffixes():
252 suff, mode, type = info
253 fullname = self.hooks.path_join(dir, name+suff)
254 try:
255 fp = self.hooks.openfile(fullname, mode)
256 return fp, fullname, info
257 except self.hooks.openfile_error:
258 pass
259 return None
261 def load_module(self, name, stuff):
262 file, filename, info = stuff
263 (suff, mode, type) = info
264 try:
265 if type == BUILTIN_MODULE:
266 return self.hooks.init_builtin(name)
267 if type == FROZEN_MODULE:
268 return self.hooks.init_frozen(name)
269 if type == C_EXTENSION:
270 m = self.hooks.load_dynamic(name, filename, file)
271 elif type == PY_SOURCE:
272 m = self.hooks.load_source(name, filename, file)
273 elif type == PY_COMPILED:
274 m = self.hooks.load_compiled(name, filename, file)
275 elif type == PKG_DIRECTORY:
276 m = self.hooks.load_package(name, filename, file)
277 else:
278 raise ImportError, "Unrecognized module type (%r) for %s" % \
279 (type, name)
280 finally:
281 if file: file.close()
282 m.__file__ = filename
283 return m
286 class FancyModuleLoader(ModuleLoader):
288 """Fancy module loader -- parses and execs the code itself."""
290 def load_module(self, name, stuff):
291 file, filename, (suff, mode, type) = stuff
292 realfilename = filename
293 path = None
295 if type == PKG_DIRECTORY:
296 initstuff = self.find_module_in_dir("__init__", filename, 0)
297 if not initstuff:
298 raise ImportError, "No __init__ module in package %s" % name
299 initfile, initfilename, initinfo = initstuff
300 initsuff, initmode, inittype = initinfo
301 if inittype not in (PY_COMPILED, PY_SOURCE):
302 if initfile: initfile.close()
303 raise ImportError, \
304 "Bad type (%r) for __init__ module in package %s" % (
305 inittype, name)
306 path = [filename]
307 file = initfile
308 realfilename = initfilename
309 type = inittype
311 if type == FROZEN_MODULE:
312 code = self.hooks.get_frozen_object(name)
313 elif type == PY_COMPILED:
314 import marshal
316 code = marshal.load(file)
317 elif type == PY_SOURCE:
318 data =
319 code = compile(data, realfilename, 'exec')
320 else:
321 return ModuleLoader.load_module(self, name, stuff)
323 m = self.hooks.add_module(name)
324 if path:
325 m.__path__ = path
326 m.__file__ = filename
327 try:
328 exec code in m.__dict__
329 except:
330 d = self.hooks.modules_dict()
331 if name in d:
332 del d[name]
333 raise
334 return m
337 class BasicModuleImporter(_Verbose):
339 """Basic module importer; uses module loader.
341 This provides basic import facilities but no package imports.
345 def __init__(self, loader = None, verbose = VERBOSE):
346 _Verbose.__init__(self, verbose)
347 self.loader = loader or ModuleLoader(None, verbose)
348 self.modules = self.loader.modules_dict()
350 def get_loader(self):
351 return self.loader
353 def set_loader(self, loader):
354 self.loader = loader
356 def get_hooks(self):
357 return self.loader.get_hooks()
359 def set_hooks(self, hooks):
360 return self.loader.set_hooks(hooks)
362 def import_module(self, name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[]):
363 name = str(name)
364 if name in self.modules:
365 return self.modules[name] # Fast path
366 stuff = self.loader.find_module(name)
367 if not stuff:
368 raise ImportError, "No module named %s" % name
369 return self.loader.load_module(name, stuff)
371 def reload(self, module, path = None):
372 name = str(module.__name__)
373 stuff = self.loader.find_module(name, path)
374 if not stuff:
375 raise ImportError, "Module %s not found for reload" % name
376 return self.loader.load_module(name, stuff)
378 def unload(self, module):
379 del self.modules[str(module.__name__)]
380 # XXX Should this try to clear the module's namespace?
382 def install(self):
383 self.save_import_module = __builtin__.__import__
384 self.save_reload = __builtin__.reload
385 if not hasattr(__builtin__, 'unload'):
386 __builtin__.unload = None
387 self.save_unload = __builtin__.unload
388 __builtin__.__import__ = self.import_module
389 __builtin__.reload = self.reload
390 __builtin__.unload = self.unload
392 def uninstall(self):
393 __builtin__.__import__ = self.save_import_module
394 __builtin__.reload = self.save_reload
395 __builtin__.unload = self.save_unload
396 if not __builtin__.unload:
397 del __builtin__.unload
400 class ModuleImporter(BasicModuleImporter):
402 """A module importer that supports packages."""
404 def import_module(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
405 parent = self.determine_parent(globals)
406 q, tail = self.find_head_package(parent, str(name))
407 m = self.load_tail(q, tail)
408 if not fromlist:
409 return q
410 if hasattr(m, "__path__"):
411 self.ensure_fromlist(m, fromlist)
412 return m
414 def determine_parent(self, globals):
415 if not globals or not "__name__" in globals:
416 return None
417 pname = globals['__name__']
418 if "__path__" in globals:
419 parent = self.modules[pname]
420 assert globals is parent.__dict__
421 return parent
422 if '.' in pname:
423 i = pname.rfind('.')
424 pname = pname[:i]
425 parent = self.modules[pname]
426 assert parent.__name__ == pname
427 return parent
428 return None
430 def find_head_package(self, parent, name):
431 if '.' in name:
432 i = name.find('.')
433 head = name[:i]
434 tail = name[i+1:]
435 else:
436 head = name
437 tail = ""
438 if parent:
439 qname = "%s.%s" % (parent.__name__, head)
440 else:
441 qname = head
442 q = self.import_it(head, qname, parent)
443 if q: return q, tail
444 if parent:
445 qname = head
446 parent = None
447 q = self.import_it(head, qname, parent)
448 if q: return q, tail
449 raise ImportError, "No module named " + qname
451 def load_tail(self, q, tail):
452 m = q
453 while tail:
454 i = tail.find('.')
455 if i < 0: i = len(tail)
456 head, tail = tail[:i], tail[i+1:]
457 mname = "%s.%s" % (m.__name__, head)
458 m = self.import_it(head, mname, m)
459 if not m:
460 raise ImportError, "No module named " + mname
461 return m
463 def ensure_fromlist(self, m, fromlist, recursive=0):
464 for sub in fromlist:
465 if sub == "*":
466 if not recursive:
467 try:
468 all = m.__all__
469 except AttributeError:
470 pass
471 else:
472 self.ensure_fromlist(m, all, 1)
473 continue
474 if sub != "*" and not hasattr(m, sub):
475 subname = "%s.%s" % (m.__name__, sub)
476 submod = self.import_it(sub, subname, m)
477 if not submod:
478 raise ImportError, "No module named " + subname
480 def import_it(self, partname, fqname, parent, force_load=0):
481 if not partname:
482 raise ValueError, "Empty module name"
483 if not force_load:
484 try:
485 return self.modules[fqname]
486 except KeyError:
487 pass
488 try:
489 path = parent and parent.__path__
490 except AttributeError:
491 return None
492 partname = str(partname)
493 stuff = self.loader.find_module(partname, path)
494 if not stuff:
495 return None
496 fqname = str(fqname)
497 m = self.loader.load_module(fqname, stuff)
498 if parent:
499 setattr(parent, partname, m)
500 return m
502 def reload(self, module):
503 name = str(module.__name__)
504 if '.' not in name:
505 return self.import_it(name, name, None, force_load=1)
506 i = name.rfind('.')
507 pname = name[:i]
508 parent = self.modules[pname]
509 return self.import_it(name[i+1:], name, parent, force_load=1)
512 default_importer = None
513 current_importer = None
515 def install(importer = None):
516 global current_importer
517 current_importer = importer or default_importer or ModuleImporter()
518 current_importer.install()
520 def uninstall():
521 global current_importer
522 current_importer.uninstall()