2 * Bug-fixes, code optimization and noticiable speedups
3 * Added color support for all plot elements
4 * Added support for a new plot property: marker edge width
8 * Merged with ImageAnalyzer (and so the version jump)
9 * New plot-property dialog to customize line an marker style
10 (color is not jet supported)
11 * Various bug-fixes and cleanups.
14 * Implemented coordinate picker tool
15 * Added menu toggle to make plot minor tick grid (mainly for log plots)
16 * Fixed autoscale bug triggered sometime after a newplot command
17 * Autoscale axis each time a new data set is added
20 * import cleanup and better portability
21 * Better autoscaling of plots
22 * Autoscale menu entry
23 * Remember axis range when changing scale (log <-> linear)
25 * New about dialog ;).