Add new RHEL7 logvol objects to master
[pykickstart.git] / pykickstart / commands /
2 # Chris Lumens <>
3 # David Lehman <>
5 # Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
7 # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
8 # copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
9 # General Public License v.2. This program is distributed in the hope that it
10 # will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the
12 # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
15 # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
16 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat
17 # trademarks that are incorporated in the source code or documentation are not
18 # subject to the GNU General Public License and may only be used or replicated
19 # with the express permission of Red Hat, Inc.
21 from pykickstart.base import BaseData, KickstartCommand
22 from pykickstart.errors import KickstartValueError, formatErrorMsg
23 from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser
25 import gettext
26 import warnings
27 _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("pykickstart", x)
29 class F17_BTRFSData(BaseData):
30 removedKeywords = BaseData.removedKeywords
31 removedAttrs = BaseData.removedAttrs
33 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
34 BaseData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
35 self.format = kwargs.get("format", True)
36 self.preexist = kwargs.get("preexist", False)
37 self.label = kwargs.get("label", "")
38 self.mountpoint = kwargs.get("mountpoint", "")
39 self.devices = kwargs.get("devices", [])
40 self.dataLevel = kwargs.get("data", None)
41 self.metaDataLevel = kwargs.get("metadata", None)
43 # subvolume-specific
44 self.subvol = kwargs.get("subvol", False)
45 = kwargs.get("name", None) # required
47 def __eq__(self, y):
48 if not y:
49 return False
51 return self.mountpoint == y.mountpoint
53 def __ne__(self, y):
54 return not self == y
56 def _getArgsAsStr(self):
57 retval = ""
58 if not self.format:
59 retval += " --noformat"
60 if self.preexist:
61 retval += " --useexisting"
62 if self.label:
63 retval += " --label=%s" % self.label
64 if self.dataLevel:
65 retval += " --data=%s" % self.dataLevel
66 if self.metaDataLevel:
67 retval += " --metadata=%s" % self.metaDataLevel
68 if self.subvol:
69 retval += " --subvol --name=%s" %
71 return retval
73 def __str__(self):
74 retval = BaseData.__str__(self)
75 retval += "btrfs %s" % self.mountpoint
76 retval += self._getArgsAsStr()
77 return retval + " " + " ".join(self.devices) + "\n"
79 class F17_BTRFS(KickstartCommand):
80 removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords
81 removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs
83 def __init__(self, writePriority=132, *args, **kwargs):
84 KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs)
85 self.op = self._getParser()
87 # A dict of all the RAID levels we support. This means that if we
88 # support more levels in the future, subclasses don't have to
89 # duplicate too much.
90 self.levelMap = { "RAID0": "raid0", "0": "raid0",
91 "RAID1": "raid1", "1": "raid1",
92 "RAID10": "raid10", "10": "raid10",
93 "single": "single" }
95 self.btrfsList = kwargs.get("btrfsList", [])
97 def __str__(self):
98 retval = ""
99 for btr in self.btrfsList:
100 retval += btr.__str__()
102 return retval
104 def _getParser(self):
105 # Have to be a little more complicated to set two values.
106 def btrfs_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser):
107 parser.values.format = False
108 parser.values.preexist = True
110 def level_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser):
111 if value in self.levelMap:
112 parser.values.ensure_value(option.dest, self.levelMap[value])
114 op = KSOptionParser()
115 op.add_option("--noformat", action="callback", callback=btrfs_cb,
116 dest="format", default=True, nargs=0)
117 op.add_option("--useexisting", action="callback", callback=btrfs_cb,
118 dest="preexist", default=False, nargs=0)
120 # label, data, metadata
121 op.add_option("--label", dest="label", default="")
122 op.add_option("--data", dest="dataLevel", action="callback",
123 callback=level_cb, type="string", nargs=1)
124 op.add_option("--metadata", dest="metaDataLevel", action="callback",
125 callback=level_cb, type="string", nargs=1)
128 # subvolumes
130 op.add_option("--subvol", dest="subvol", action="store_true",
131 default=False)
133 # parent must be a device spec (LABEL, UUID, &c)
134 op.add_option("--parent", dest="parent", default="")
135 op.add_option("--name", dest="name", default="")
137 return op
139 def parse(self, args):
140 (opts, extra) = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno)
141 data = self.handler.BTRFSData()
142 self._setToObj(self.op, opts, data)
143 data.lineno = self.lineno
145 if len(extra) == 0:
146 raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=_("btrfs must be given a mountpoint")))
148 if len(extra) == 1 and not data.subvol:
149 raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=_("btrfs must be given a list of partitions")))
150 elif len(extra) == 1:
151 raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=_("btrfs subvol requires specification of parent volume")))
153 if data.subvol and not
154 raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=_("btrfs subvolume requires a name")))
156 data.mountpoint = extra[0]
157 data.devices = extra[1:]
159 # Check for duplicates in the data list.
160 if data in self.dataList():
161 warnings.warn(_("A btrfs volume with the mountpoint %s has already been defined.") % data.label)
163 return data
165 def dataList(self):
166 return self.btrfsList