Better display in ToGo when navigating pyTivo shares (this still doesn't
[pyTivo/wmcbrine/lucasnz.git] /
1 import logging
2 import re
3 import socket
4 import struct
5 import time
6 from threading import Timer
7 from urllib import quote
9 import Zeroconf
11 import config
12 from plugin import GetPlugin
14 SHARE_TEMPLATE = '/TiVoConnect?Command=QueryContainer&Container=%s'
15 PLATFORM_MAIN = 'pyTivo'
16 PLATFORM_VIDEO = 'pc/pyTivo' # For the nice icon
18 class ZCListener:
19 def __init__(self, names):
20 self.names = names
22 def removeService(self, server, type, name):
23 self.names.remove(name.replace('.' + type, ''))
25 def addService(self, server, type, name):
26 self.names.append(name.replace('.' + type, ''))
28 class ZCBroadcast:
29 def __init__(self, logger):
30 """ Announce our shares via Zeroconf. """
31 self.share_names = []
32 self.share_info = []
33 self.logger = logger
34 self.rz = Zeroconf.Zeroconf()
35 self.renamed = {}
36 old_titles = self.scan()
37 address = socket.inet_aton(config.get_ip())
38 port = int(config.getPort())
39'Announcing shares...')
40 for section, settings in config.getShares():
41 try:
42 ct = GetPlugin(settings['type']).CONTENT_TYPE
43 except:
44 continue
45 if ct.startswith('x-container/'):
46 if 'video' in ct:
47 platform = PLATFORM_VIDEO
48 else:
49 platform = PLATFORM_MAIN
50'Registering: %s' % section)
51 self.share_names.append(section)
52 desc = {'path': SHARE_TEMPLATE % quote(section),
53 'platform': platform, 'protocol': 'http'}
54 tt = ct.split('/')[1]
55 title = section
56 count = 1
57 while title in old_titles:
58 count += 1
59 title = '%s [%d]' % (section, count)
60 self.renamed[section] = title
61 info = Zeroconf.ServiceInfo('_%s._tcp.local.' % tt,
62 '%s._%s._tcp.local.' % (title, tt),
63 address, port, 0, 0, desc)
64 self.rz.registerService(info)
65 self.share_info.append(info)
67 def scan(self):
68 """ Look for TiVos using Zeroconf. """
69 VIDS = '_tivo-videos._tcp.local.'
70 names = []
72'Scanning for TiVos...')
74 # Get the names of servers offering TiVo videos
75 browser = Zeroconf.ServiceBrowser(self.rz, VIDS, ZCListener(names))
77 # Give them a second to respond
78 time.sleep(1)
80 # Any results?
81 if names:
82 config.tivos_found = True
84 # Now get the addresses -- this is the slow part
85 for name in names:
86 info = self.rz.getServiceInfo(VIDS, name + '.' + VIDS)
87 if info and 'TSN' in
88 tsn =['TSN']
89 address = socket.inet_ntoa(info.getAddress())
90 port = info.getPort()
91 config.tivos[tsn] = {'name': name, 'address': address,
92 'port': port}
93 config.tivos[tsn].update(
96 return names
98 def shutdown(self):
99'Unregistering: %s' % ' '.join(self.share_names))
100 for info in self.share_info:
101 self.rz.unregisterService(info)
102 self.rz.close()
104 class Beacon:
105 def __init__(self):
106 self.UDPSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
107 self.UDPSock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
108 = []
110 self.platform = PLATFORM_VIDEO
111 for section, settings in config.getShares():
112 try:
113 ct = GetPlugin(settings['type']).CONTENT_TYPE
114 except:
115 continue
116 if ct in ('x-container/tivo-music', 'x-container/tivo-photos'):
117 self.platform = PLATFORM_MAIN
118 break
120 if config.get_zc():
121 logger = logging.getLogger('pyTivo.beacon')
122 try:
123 = ZCBroadcast(logger)
124 except:
125 logger.error('Zeroconf failure')
126 = None
127 else:
128 = None
130 def add_service(self, service):
132 self.send_beacon()
134 def format_services(self):
135 return ';'.join(
137 def format_beacon(self, conntype, services=True):
138 beacon = ['tivoconnect=1',
139 'method=%s' % conntype,
140 'identity={%s}' % config.getGUID(),
141 'machine=%s' % socket.gethostname(),
142 'platform=%s' % self.platform]
144 if services:
145 beacon.append('services=' + self.format_services())
146 else:
147 beacon.append('services=TiVoMediaServer:0/http')
149 return '\n'.join(beacon) + '\n'
151 def send_beacon(self):
152 beacon_ips = config.getBeaconAddresses()
153 beacon = self.format_beacon('broadcast')
154 for beacon_ip in beacon_ips.split():
155 if beacon_ip != 'listen':
156 try:
157 packet = beacon
158 while packet:
159 result = self.UDPSock.sendto(packet, (beacon_ip, 2190))
160 if result < 0:
161 break
162 packet = packet[result:]
163 except Exception, e:
164 print e
166 def start(self):
167 self.send_beacon()
168 self.timer = Timer(60, self.start)
169 self.timer.start()
171 def stop(self):
172 self.timer.cancel()
173 if
176 def recv_bytes(self, sock, length):
177 block = ''
178 while len(block) < length:
179 add = sock.recv(length - len(block))
180 if not add:
181 break
182 block += add
183 return block
185 def recv_packet(self, sock):
186 length = struct.unpack('!I', self.recv_bytes(sock, 4))[0]
187 return self.recv_bytes(sock, length)
189 def send_packet(self, sock, packet):
190 sock.sendall(struct.pack('!I', len(packet)) + packet)
192 def listen(self):
193 """ For the direct-connect, TCP-style beacon """
194 import thread
196 def server():
197 TCPSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
198 TCPSock.bind(('', 2190))
199 TCPSock.listen(5)
201 while True:
202 # Wait for a connection
203 client, address = TCPSock.accept()
205 # Accept (and discard) the client's beacon
206 self.recv_packet(client)
208 # Send ours
209 self.send_packet(client, self.format_beacon('connected'))
211 client.close()
213 thread.start_new_thread(server, ())
215 def get_name(self, address):
216 """ Exchange beacons, and extract the machine name. """
217 our_beacon = self.format_beacon('connected', False)
218 machine_name = re.compile('machine=(.*)\n').search
220 try:
221 tsock = socket.socket()
222 tsock.connect((address, 2190))
223 self.send_packet(tsock, our_beacon)
224 tivo_beacon = self.recv_packet(tsock)
225 tsock.close()
226 name = machine_name(tivo_beacon).groups()[0]
227 except:
228 name = address
230 return name