Sorting improvements - now sorts by time metadata field
[pyTivo/wmcbrine/lucasnz.git] / plugins / video /
1 import calendar
2 import logging
3 import os
4 import re
5 import struct
6 import thread
7 import time
8 import urllib
9 import zlib
10 from UserDict import DictMixin
11 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
12 from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
14 from Cheetah.Template import Template
15 from lrucache import LRUCache
17 import config
18 import metadata
19 import mind
20 import qtfaststart
21 import transcode
22 from plugin import EncodeUnicode, Plugin, quote
24 from operator import itemgetter
26 logger = logging.getLogger('')
28 SCRIPTDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
30 CLASS_NAME = 'Video'
32 PUSHED = '<h3>Queued for Push to %s</h3> <p>%s</p>'
34 # Preload the templates
35 def tmpl(name):
36 return file(os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'templates', name), 'rb').read()
38 HTML_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE = tmpl('container_html.tmpl')
39 XML_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE = tmpl('container_xml.tmpl')
40 TVBUS_TEMPLATE = tmpl('TvBus.tmpl')
42 EXTENSIONS = """.tivo .mpg .avi .wmv .mov .flv .f4v .vob .mp4 .m4v .mkv
43 .ts .tp .trp .3g2 .3gp .3gp2 .3gpp .amv .asf .avs .bik .bix .box .bsf
44 .dat .dif .divx .dmb .dpg .dv .dvr-ms .evo .eye .flc .fli .flx .gvi .ivf
45 .m1v .m21 .m2t .m2ts .m2v .m2p .m4e .mjp .mjpeg .mod .moov .movie .mp21
46 .mpe .mpeg .mpv .mpv2 .mqv .mts .mvb .nsv .nuv .nut .ogm .qt .rm .rmvb
47 .rts .scm .smv .ssm .svi .vdo .vfw .vid .viv .vivo .vp6 .vp7 .vro .webm
48 .wm .wmd .wtv .yuv""".split()
50 use_extensions = True
51 try:
52 assert(config.get_bin('ffmpeg'))
53 except:
54 use_extensions = False
56 queue = [] # Recordings to push
58 def uniso(iso):
59 return time.strptime(iso[:19], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
61 def isodt(iso):
62 return datetime(*uniso(iso)[:6])
64 def isogm(iso):
65 return int(calendar.timegm(uniso(iso)))
67 class Pushable(object):
69 def push_one_file(self, f):
70 file_info = VideoDetails()
71 file_info['valid'] = transcode.supported_format(f['path'])
73 temp_share = config.get_server('temp_share', '')
74 temp_share_path = ''
75 if temp_share:
76 for name, data in config.getShares():
77 if temp_share == name:
78 temp_share_path = data.get('path')
80 mime = 'video/mpeg'
81 if config.isHDtivo(f['tsn']):
82 for m in ['video/mp4', 'video/bif']:
83 if transcode.tivo_compatible(f['path'], f['tsn'], m)[0]:
84 mime = m
85 break
87 if (mime == 'video/mpeg' and
88 transcode.mp4_remuxable(f['path'], f['tsn'])):
89 new_path = transcode.mp4_remux(f['path'], f['name'], f['tsn'], temp_share_path)
90 if new_path:
91 mime = 'video/mp4'
92 f['name'] = new_path
93 if temp_share_path:
94 ip = config.get_ip()
95 port = config.getPort()
96 container = quote(temp_share) + '/'
97 f['url'] = 'http://%s:%s/%s' % (ip, port, container)
99 if file_info['valid']:
100 file_info.update(self.metadata_full(f['path'], f['tsn'], mime))
102 url = f['url'] + quote(f['name'])
104 title = file_info['seriesTitle']
105 if not title:
106 title = file_info['title']
108 source = file_info['seriesId']
109 if not source:
110 source = title
112 subtitle = file_info['episodeTitle']
113 try:
114 m = mind.getMind(f['tsn'])
115 m.pushVideo(
116 tsn = f['tsn'],
117 url = url,
118 description = file_info['description'],
119 duration = file_info['duration'] / 1000,
120 size = file_info['size'],
121 title = title,
122 subtitle = subtitle,
123 source = source,
124 mime = mime,
125 tvrating = file_info['tvRating'])
126 except Exception, msg:
127 logger.error(msg)
129 def process_queue(self):
130 while queue:
131 time.sleep(5)
132 item = queue.pop(0)
133 self.push_one_file(item)
135 def readip(self):
136 """ returns your external IP address by querying """
137 f = urllib.urlopen('')
138 s =
139 m ='([\d]*\.[\d]*\.[\d]*\.[\d]*)', s)
140 return
142 def Push(self, handler, query):
143 try:
144 tsn = query['tsn'][0]
145 except:
146 logger.error('Push requires a TiVo Service Number')
147 handler.send_error(404)
148 return
150 if not tsn in config.tivos:
151 for key, value in config.tivos.items():
152 if value.get('name') == tsn:
153 tsn = key
154 break
155 try:
156 tivo_name = config.tivos[tsn]['name']
157 except:
158 tivo_name = tsn
160 container = quote(query['Container'][0].split('/')[0])
161 ip = config.get_ip(tsn)
162 port = config.getPort()
164 baseurl = 'http://%s:%s/%s' % (ip, port, container)
165 if config.getIsExternal(tsn):
166 exturl = config.get_server('externalurl')
167 if exturl:
168 if not exturl.endswith('/'):
169 exturl += '/'
170 baseurl = exturl + container
171 else:
172 ip = self.readip()
173 baseurl = 'http://%s:%s/%s' % (ip, port, container)
175 path = self.get_local_base_path(handler, query)
177 files = query.get('File', [])
178 for f in files:
179 file_path = os.path.normpath(path + '/' + f)
180 queue.append({'path': file_path, 'name': f, 'tsn': tsn,
181 'url': baseurl})
182 if len(queue) == 1:
183 thread.start_new_thread(Video.process_queue, (self,))
185'[%s] Queued "%s" for Push to %s' %
186 (time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S'),
187 unicode(file_path, 'utf-8'), tivo_name))
189 files = [unicode(f, 'utf-8') for f in files]
190 handler.redir(PUSHED % (tivo_name, '<br>'.join(files)), 5)
192 class BaseVideo(Plugin):
194 CONTENT_TYPE = 'x-container/tivo-videos'
196 tvbus_cache = LRUCache(1)
198 def video_file_filter(self, full_path, type=None):
199 if os.path.isdir(unicode(full_path, 'utf-8')):
200 return True
201 if use_extensions:
202 return os.path.splitext(full_path)[1].lower() in EXTENSIONS
203 else:
204 return transcode.supported_format(full_path)
206 def send_file(self, handler, path, query):
207 mime = 'video/x-tivo-mpeg'
208 tsn = handler.headers.getheader('tsn', '')
209 try:
210 assert(tsn)
211 tivo_name = config.tivos[tsn].get('name', tsn)
212 except:
213 tivo_name = handler.address_string()
215 is_tivo_file = (path[-5:].lower() == '.tivo')
217 if 'Format' in query:
218 mime = query['Format'][0]
220 needs_tivodecode = (is_tivo_file and mime == 'video/mpeg')
221 compatible = (not needs_tivodecode and
222 transcode.tivo_compatible(path, tsn, mime)[0])
224 try: # "bytes=XXX-"
225 offset = int(handler.headers.getheader('Range')[6:-1])
226 except:
227 offset = 0
229 if needs_tivodecode:
230 valid = bool(config.get_bin('tivodecode') and
231 config.get_server('tivo_mak'))
232 else:
233 valid = True
235 if valid and offset:
236 valid = ((compatible and offset < os.path.getsize(path)) or
237 (not compatible and transcode.is_resumable(path, offset)))
239 #faking = (mime in ['video/x-tivo-mpeg-ts', 'video/x-tivo-mpeg'] and
240 faking = (mime == 'video/x-tivo-mpeg' and
241 not (is_tivo_file and compatible))
242 fname = unicode(path, 'utf-8')
243 thead = ''
244 if faking:
245 thead = self.tivo_header(tsn, path, mime)
246 if compatible:
247 size = os.path.getsize(fname) + len(thead)
248 handler.send_response(200)
249 handler.send_header('Content-Length', size - offset)
250 handler.send_header('Content-Range', 'bytes %d-%d/%d' %
251 (offset, size - offset - 1, size))
252 else:
253 handler.send_response(206)
254 handler.send_header('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
255 handler.send_header('Content-Type', mime)
256 handler.end_headers()
258'[%s] Start sending "%s" to %s' %
259 (time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S'), fname, tivo_name))
260 start = time.time()
261 count = 0
263 if valid:
264 if compatible:
265 if faking and not offset:
266 handler.wfile.write(thead)
267 logger.debug('"%s" is tivo compatible' % fname)
268 f = open(fname, 'rb')
269 try:
270 if mime == 'video/mp4':
271 count = qtfaststart.process(f, handler.wfile, offset)
272 else:
273 if offset:
274 offset -= len(thead)
276 while True:
277 block = * 1024)
278 if not block:
279 break
280 handler.wfile.write(block)
281 count += len(block)
282 except Exception, msg:
284 f.close()
285 else:
286 logger.debug('"%s" is not tivo compatible' % fname)
287 if offset:
288 count = transcode.resume_transfer(path, handler.wfile,
289 offset)
290 else:
291 count = transcode.transcode(False, path, handler.wfile,
292 tsn, mime, thead)
293 try:
294 if not compatible:
295 handler.wfile.write('0\r\n\r\n')
296 handler.wfile.flush()
297 except Exception, msg:
300 mega_elapsed = (time.time() - start) * 1024 * 1024
301 if mega_elapsed < 1:
302 mega_elapsed = 1
303 rate = count * 8.0 / mega_elapsed
304'[%s] Done sending "%s" to %s, %d bytes, %.2f Mb/s' %
305 (time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S'), fname,
306 tivo_name, count, rate))
308 if fname.endswith('.pyTivo-temp'):
309 os.remove(fname)
311 def __duration(self, full_path):
312 return transcode.video_info(full_path)['millisecs']
314 def __total_items(self, full_path):
315 count = 0
316 try:
317 full_path = unicode(full_path, 'utf-8')
318 for f in os.listdir(full_path):
319 if f.startswith('.'):
320 continue
321 f = os.path.join(full_path, f)
322 f2 = f.encode('utf-8')
323 if os.path.isdir(f):
324 count += 1
325 elif use_extensions:
326 if os.path.splitext(f2)[1].lower() in EXTENSIONS:
327 count += 1
328 elif f2 in transcode.info_cache:
329 if transcode.supported_format(f2):
330 count += 1
331 except:
332 pass
333 return count
335 def __est_size(self, full_path, tsn='', mime=''):
336 # Size is estimated by taking audio and video bit rate adding 2%
338 if transcode.tivo_compatible(full_path, tsn, mime)[0]:
339 return os.path.getsize(unicode(full_path, 'utf-8'))
340 else:
341 # Must be re-encoded
342 audioBPS = config.getMaxAudioBR(tsn) * 1000
343 #audioBPS = config.strtod(config.getAudioBR(tsn))
344 videoBPS = transcode.select_videostr(full_path, tsn)
345 bitrate = audioBPS + videoBPS
346 return int((self.__duration(full_path) / 1000) *
347 (bitrate * 1.02 / 8))
349 def metadata_full(self, full_path, tsn='', mime='', mtime=None):
350 data = {}
351 vInfo = transcode.video_info(full_path)
353 if ((int(vInfo['vHeight']) >= 720 and
354 config.getTivoHeight >= 720) or
355 (int(vInfo['vWidth']) >= 1280 and
356 config.getTivoWidth >= 1280)):
357 data['showingBits'] = '4096'
359 data.update(metadata.basic(full_path, mtime))
360 if full_path[-5:].lower() == '.tivo':
361 data.update(metadata.from_tivo(full_path))
362 if full_path[-4:].lower() == '.wtv':
363 data.update(metadata.from_mscore(vInfo['rawmeta']))
365 if 'episodeNumber' in data:
366 try:
367 ep = int(data['episodeNumber'])
368 except:
369 ep = 0
370 data['episodeNumber'] = str(ep)
372 if config.getDebug() and 'vHost' not in data:
373 compatible, reason = transcode.tivo_compatible(full_path, tsn, mime)
374 if compatible:
375 transcode_options = {}
376 else:
377 transcode_options = transcode.transcode(True, full_path,
378 '', tsn, mime)
379 data['vHost'] = (
380 ['TRANSCODE=%s, %s' % (['YES', 'NO'][compatible], reason)] +
381 ['SOURCE INFO: '] +
382 ["%s=%s" % (k, v)
383 for k, v in sorted(vInfo.items(), reverse=True)] +
385 ["%s" % (v) for k, v in transcode_options.items()] +
386 ['SOURCE FILE: ', os.path.basename(full_path)]
389 now = datetime.utcnow()
390 if 'time' in data:
391 if data['time'].lower() == 'file':
392 if not mtime:
393 mtime = os.path.getmtime(unicode(full_path, 'utf-8'))
394 try:
395 now = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
396 except:
397 logger.warning('Bad file time on ' + full_path)
398 elif data['time'].lower() == 'oad':
399 now = isodt(data['originalAirDate'])
400 else:
401 try:
402 now = isodt(data['time'])
403 except:
404 logger.warning('Bad time format: "' + data['time'] +
405 '", using current time')
407 duration = self.__duration(full_path)
408 duration_delta = timedelta(milliseconds = duration)
409 min = duration_delta.seconds / 60
410 sec = duration_delta.seconds % 60
411 hours = min / 60
412 min = min % 60
414 data.update({'time': now.isoformat(),
415 'startTime': now.isoformat(),
416 'stopTime': (now + duration_delta).isoformat(),
417 'size': self.__est_size(full_path, tsn, mime),
418 'duration': duration,
419 'iso_duration': ('P%sDT%sH%sM%sS' %
420 (duration_delta.days, hours, min, sec))})
422 return data
424 def QueryContainer(self, handler, query):
425 tsn = handler.headers.getheader('tsn', '')
426 subcname = query['Container'][0]
427 useragent = handler.headers.getheader('User-Agent', '')
429 if not self.get_local_path(handler, query):
430 handler.send_error(404)
431 return
433 container = handler.container
434 force_alpha = container.getboolean('force_alpha')
435 use_html = query.get('Format', [''])[0].lower() == 'text/html'
437 files, total, start = self.get_files(handler, query,
438 self.video_file_filter,
439 force_alpha)
441 videos = []
442 local_base_path = self.get_local_base_path(handler, query)
443 resort = False
444 for f in files:
445 video = VideoDetails()
446 mtime = f.mdate
447 try:
448 ltime = time.localtime(mtime)
449 except:
450 logger.warning('Bad file time on ' + unicode(, 'utf-8'))
451 mtime = time.time()
452 ltime = time.localtime(mtime)
453 video['captureDate'] = hex(int(mtime))
454 video['textDate'] = time.strftime('%b %d, %Y', ltime)
455 video['name'] = os.path.basename(
456 video['path'] =
457 video['part_path'] =, '', 1)
458 if not video['part_path'].startswith(os.path.sep):
459 video['part_path'] = os.path.sep + video['part_path']
460 video['title'] = os.path.basename(
461 video['is_dir'] = f.isdir
462 if video['is_dir']:
463 video['small_path'] = subcname + '/' + video['name']
464 video['total_items'] = self.__total_items(
465 else:
466 if len(files) == 1 or in transcode.info_cache:
467 video['valid'] = transcode.supported_format(
468 if video['valid']:
469 video.update(self.metadata_full(, tsn,
470 mtime=mtime))
471 else:
472 video['valid'] = True
473 video.update(metadata.basic(, mtime))
475 if 'time' in video and video['time'] != '':
476 if video['time'].lower() == 'oad':
477 video['time'] = video['originalAirDate']
478 resort = True
479 try:
480 video['captureDate'] = hex(isogm(video['time']))
481 video['textDate'] = time.strftime('%b %d, %Y', time.localtime(isogm(video['time'])))
482 resort = True
483 except:
484 logger.warning('Bad time format: "' + video['time'] +
485 '", using current time')
487 if self.use_ts(tsn,
488 video['mime'] = 'video/x-tivo-mpeg-ts'
489 else:
490 video['mime'] = 'video/x-tivo-mpeg'
492 video['textSize'] = metadata.human_size(f.size)
494 videos.append(video)
496 if use_html:
497 t = Template(HTML_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE, filter=EncodeUnicode)
498 else:
499 t = Template(XML_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE, filter=EncodeUnicode)
501 sortby = query.get('SortOrder', ['Normal'])[0].lower()
502 t.sortby = sortby
503 if use_html and resort:
504 if sortby == 'capturedate':
505're-sorting by captureDate, reverse=True')
506 videos.sort(key=itemgetter('captureDate'), reverse=True)
507 elif sortby == '!capturedate':
508're-sorting by captureDate, reverse=False')
509 videos.sort(key=itemgetter('captureDate'), reverse=False)
511 t.container = handler.cname
512 = subcname
513 = total
514 t.start = start
515 t.videos = videos
516 t.quote = quote
517 t.escape = escape
518 t.crc = zlib.crc32
519 t.guid = config.getGUID()
520 t.tivos = config.tivos
521 if use_html:
522 handler.send_html(str(t))
523 else:
524 handler.send_xml(str(t))
526 def use_ts(self, tsn, file_path):
527 if config.is_ts_capable(tsn):
528 if file_path[-5:].lower() == '.tivo':
529 try:
530 flag = file(file_path).read(8)
531 except:
532 return False
533 if ord(flag[7]) & 0x20:
534 return True
535 elif config.has_ts_flag():
536 return True
538 return False
540 def get_details_xml(self, tsn, file_path):
541 if (tsn, file_path) in self.tvbus_cache:
542 details = self.tvbus_cache[(tsn, file_path)]
543 else:
544 file_info = VideoDetails()
545 file_info['valid'] = transcode.supported_format(file_path)
546 if file_info['valid']:
547 file_info.update(self.metadata_full(file_path, tsn))
549 t = Template(TVBUS_TEMPLATE, filter=EncodeUnicode)
550 = file_info
551 t.escape = escape
552 t.get_tv = metadata.get_tv
553 t.get_mpaa = metadata.get_mpaa
554 t.get_stars = metadata.get_stars
555 details = str(t)
556 self.tvbus_cache[(tsn, file_path)] = details
557 return details
559 def tivo_header(self, tsn, path, mime):
560 def pad(length, align):
561 extra = length % align
562 if extra:
563 extra = align - extra
564 return extra
566 if mime == 'video/x-tivo-mpeg-ts':
567 flag = 45
568 else:
569 flag = 13
570 details = self.get_details_xml(tsn, path)
571 ld = len(details)
572 chunk = details + '\0' * (pad(ld, 4) + 4)
573 lc = len(chunk)
574 blocklen = lc * 2 + 40
575 padding = pad(blocklen, 1024)
577 return ''.join(['TiVo', struct.pack('>HHHLH', 4, flag, 0,
578 padding + blocklen, 2),
579 struct.pack('>LLHH', lc + 12, ld, 1, 0),
580 chunk,
581 struct.pack('>LLHH', lc + 12, ld, 2, 0),
582 chunk, '\0' * padding])
584 def TVBusQuery(self, handler, query):
585 tsn = handler.headers.getheader('tsn', '')
586 f = query['File'][0]
587 path = self.get_local_path(handler, query)
588 file_path = os.path.normpath(path + '/' + f)
590 details = self.get_details_xml(tsn, file_path)
592 handler.send_xml(details)
594 class Video(BaseVideo, Pushable):
595 pass
597 class VideoDetails(DictMixin):
599 def __init__(self, d=None):
600 if d:
601 self.d = d
602 else:
603 self.d = {}
605 def __getitem__(self, key):
606 if key not in self.d:
607 self.d[key] = self.default(key)
608 return self.d[key]
610 def __contains__(self, key):
611 return True
613 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
614 self.d[key] = value
616 def __delitem__(self):
617 del self.d[key]
619 def keys(self):
620 return self.d.keys()
622 def __iter__(self):
623 return self.d.__iter__()
625 def iteritems(self):
626 return self.d.iteritems()
628 def default(self, key):
629 defaults = {
630 'showingBits' : '0',
631 'displayMajorNumber' : '0',
632 'displayMinorNumber' : '0',
633 'isEpisode' : 'true',
634 'colorCode' : ('COLOR', '4'),
635 'showType' : ('SERIES', '5')
637 if key in defaults:
638 return defaults[key]
639 elif key.startswith('v'):
640 return []
641 else:
642 return ''