Preliminary support for metadata from DVR-MS/WMV/ASF, via mutagen. Much
[pyTivo/TheBayer.git] / xmpp /
1 ##
2 ##
3 ## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Alexey "Snake" Nezhdanov
4 ##
5 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 ## any later version.
9 ##
10 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
15 # $Id:,v 1.20 2005/07/13 13:22:52 snakeru Exp $
17 """
18 Simple roster implementation. Can be used though for different tasks like
19 mass-renaming of contacts.
20 """
22 from protocol import *
23 from client import PlugIn
25 class Roster(PlugIn):
26 """ Defines a plenty of methods that will allow you to manage roster.
27 Also automatically track presences from remote JIDs taking into
28 account that every JID can have multiple resources connected. Does not
29 currently support 'error' presences.
30 You can also use mapping interface for access to the internal representation of
31 contacts in roster.
32 """
33 def __init__(self):
34 """ Init internal variables. """
35 PlugIn.__init__(self)
36 self.DBG_LINE='roster'
37 self._data = {}
38 self.set=None
39 self._exported_methods=[self.getRoster]
41 def plugin(self,owner,request=1):
42 """ Register presence and subscription trackers in the owner's dispatcher.
43 Also request roster from server if the 'request' argument is set.
44 Used internally."""
45 self._owner.RegisterHandler('iq',self.RosterIqHandler,'result',NS_ROSTER)
46 self._owner.RegisterHandler('iq',self.RosterIqHandler,'set',NS_ROSTER)
47 self._owner.RegisterHandler('presence',self.PresenceHandler)
48 if request: self.Request()
50 def Request(self,force=0):
51 """ Request roster from server if it were not yet requested
52 (or if the 'force' argument is set). """
53 if self.set is None: self.set=0
54 elif not force: return
55 self._owner.send(Iq('get',NS_ROSTER))
56 self.DEBUG('Roster requested from server','start')
58 def getRoster(self):
59 """ Requests roster from server if neccessary and returns self."""
60 if not self.set: self.Request()
61 while not self.set: self._owner.Process(10)
62 return self
64 def RosterIqHandler(self,dis,stanza):
65 """ Subscription tracker. Used internally for setting items state in
66 internal roster representation. """
67 for item in stanza.getTag('query').getTags('item'):
68 jid=item.getAttr('jid')
69 if item.getAttr('subscription')=='remove':
70 if self._data.has_key(jid): del self._data[jid]
71 raise NodeProcessed # a MUST
72 self.DEBUG('Setting roster item %s...'%jid,'ok')
73 if not self._data.has_key(jid): self._data[jid]={}
74 self._data[jid]['name']=item.getAttr('name')
75 self._data[jid]['ask']=item.getAttr('ask')
76 self._data[jid]['subscription']=item.getAttr('subscription')
77 self._data[jid]['groups']=[]
78 if not self._data[jid].has_key('resources'): self._data[jid]['resources']={}
79 for group in item.getTags('group'): self._data[jid]['groups'].append(group.getData())
80 self._data[self._owner.User+'@'+self._owner.Server]={'resources':{},'name':None,'ask':None,'subscription':None,'groups':None,}
81 self.set=1
82 raise NodeProcessed # a MUST. Otherwise you'll get back an <iq type='error'/>
84 def PresenceHandler(self,dis,pres):
85 """ Presence tracker. Used internally for setting items' resources state in
86 internal roster representation. """
87 jid=JID(pres.getFrom())
88 if not self._data.has_key(jid.getStripped()): self._data[jid.getStripped()]={'name':None,'ask':None,'subscription':'none','groups':['Not in roster'],'resources':{}}
90 item=self._data[jid.getStripped()]
91 typ=pres.getType()
93 if not typ:
94 self.DEBUG('Setting roster item %s for resource %s...'%(jid.getStripped(),jid.getResource()),'ok')
95 item['resources'][jid.getResource()]=res={'show':None,'status':None,'priority':'0','timestamp':None}
96 if pres.getTag('show'): res['show']=pres.getShow()
97 if pres.getTag('status'): res['status']=pres.getStatus()
98 if pres.getTag('priority'): res['priority']=pres.getPriority()
99 if not pres.getTimestamp(): pres.setTimestamp()
100 res['timestamp']=pres.getTimestamp()
101 elif typ=='unavailable' and item['resources'].has_key(jid.getResource()): del item['resources'][jid.getResource()]
102 # Need to handle type='error' also
104 def _getItemData(self,jid,dataname):
105 """ Return specific jid's representation in internal format. Used internally. """
106 jid=jid[:(jid+'/').find('/')]
107 return self._data[jid][dataname]
108 def _getResourceData(self,jid,dataname):
109 """ Return specific jid's resource representation in internal format. Used internally. """
110 if jid.find('/')+1:
111 jid,resource=jid.split('/',1)
112 if self._data[jid]['resources'].has_key(resource): return self._data[jid]['resources'][resource][dataname]
113 elif self._data[jid]['resources'].keys():
114 lastpri=-129
115 for r in self._data[jid]['resources'].keys():
116 if int(self._data[jid]['resources'][r]['priority'])>lastpri: resource,lastpri=r,int(self._data[jid]['resources'][r]['priority'])
117 return self._data[jid]['resources'][resource][dataname]
118 def delItem(self,jid):
119 """ Delete contact 'jid' from roster."""
120 self._owner.send(Iq('set',NS_ROSTER,payload=[Node('item',{'jid':jid,'subscription':'remove'})]))
121 def getAsk(self,jid):
122 """ Returns 'ask' value of contact 'jid'."""
123 return self._getItemData(jid,'ask')
124 def getGroups(self,jid):
125 """ Returns groups list that contact 'jid' belongs to."""
126 return self._getItemData(jid,'groups')
127 def getName(self,jid):
128 """ Returns name of contact 'jid'."""
129 return self._getItemData(jid,'name')
130 def getPriority(self,jid):
131 """ Returns priority of contact 'jid'. 'jid' should be a full (not bare) JID."""
132 return self._getResourceData(jid,'priority')
133 def getRawRoster(self):
134 """ Returns roster representation in internal format. """
135 return self._data
136 def getRawItem(self,jid):
137 """ Returns roster item 'jid' representation in internal format. """
138 return self._data[jid[:(jid+'/').find('/')]]
139 def getShow(self, jid):
140 """ Returns 'show' value of contact 'jid'. 'jid' should be a full (not bare) JID."""
141 return self._getResourceData(jid,'show')
142 def getStatus(self, jid):
143 """ Returns 'status' value of contact 'jid'. 'jid' should be a full (not bare) JID."""
144 return self._getResourceData(jid,'status')
145 def getSubscription(self,jid):
146 """ Returns 'subscription' value of contact 'jid'."""
147 return self._getItemData(jid,'subscription')
148 def getResources(self,jid):
149 """ Returns list of connected resources of contact 'jid'."""
150 return self._data[jid[:(jid+'/').find('/')]]['resources'].keys()
151 def setItem(self,jid,name=None,groups=[]):
152 """ Creates/renames contact 'jid' and sets the groups list that it now belongs to."""
153 iq=Iq('set',NS_ROSTER)
154 query=iq.getTag('query')
155 attrs={'jid':jid}
156 if name: attrs['name']=name
157 item=query.setTag('item',attrs)
158 for group in groups: item.addChild(node=Node('group',payload=[group]))
159 self._owner.send(iq)
160 def getItems(self):
161 """ Return list of all [bare] JIDs that the roster is currently tracks."""
162 return self._data.keys()
163 def keys(self):
164 """ Same as getItems. Provided for the sake of dictionary interface."""
165 return self._data.keys()
166 def __getitem__(self,item):
167 """ Get the contact in the internal format. Raises KeyError if JID 'item' is not in roster."""
168 return self._data[item]
169 def getItem(self,item):
170 """ Get the contact in the internal format (or None if JID 'item' is not in roster)."""
171 if self._data.has_key(item): return self._data[item]
172 def Subscribe(self,jid):
173 """ Send subscription request to JID 'jid'."""
174 self._owner.send(Presence(jid,'subscribe'))
175 def Unsubscribe(self,jid):
176 """ Ask for removing our subscription for JID 'jid'."""
177 self._owner.send(Presence(jid,'unsubscribe'))
178 def Authorize(self,jid):
179 """ Authorise JID 'jid'. Works only if these JID requested auth previously. """
180 self._owner.send(Presence(jid,'subscribed'))
181 def Unauthorize(self,jid):
182 """ Unauthorise JID 'jid'. Use for declining authorisation request
183 or for removing existing authorization. """
184 self._owner.send(Presence(jid,'unsubscribed'))