modargs: New function: pa_modargs_get_value_double().
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5 <!--
6 This file is part of PulseAudio.
8 PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
11 License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
16 Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
21 USA.
22 -->
24 <manpage name="pulseaudio" section="1" desc="The PulseAudio Sound System">
26 <synopsis>
27 <cmd>pulseaudio [<arg>options</arg>]</cmd>
28 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--help</opt></cmd>
29 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--version</opt></cmd>
30 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--dump-conf</opt></cmd>
31 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--dump-modules</opt></cmd>
32 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--dump-resample-methods</opt></cmd>
33 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--cleanup-shm</opt></cmd>
34 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--start</opt></cmd>
35 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--kill</opt></cmd>
36 <cmd>pulseaudio <opt>--check</opt></cmd>
37 </synopsis>
39 <description>
40 <p>PulseAudio is a networked low-latency sound server for Linux, POSIX and Windows systems.</p>
41 </description>
43 <options>
45 <option>
46 <p><opt>-h | --help</opt></p>
48 <optdesc><p>Show help.</p></optdesc>
49 </option>
51 <option>
52 <p><opt>--version</opt></p>
54 <optdesc><p>Show version information.</p></optdesc>
55 </option>
57 <option>
58 <p><opt>--dump-conf</opt></p>
60 <optdesc><p>Load the daemon configuration file
61 <file>daemon.conf</file> (see below), parse remaining
62 configuration options on the command line and dump the resulting
63 daemon configuration, in a format that is compatible with
64 <file>daemon.conf</file>.</p></optdesc>
65 </option>
67 <option>
68 <p><opt>--dump-modules</opt></p>
70 <optdesc><p>List available loadable modules. Combine with
71 <opt>-v</opt> for a more elaborate listing.</p></optdesc>
72 </option>
74 <option>
75 <p><opt>--dump-resample-methods</opt></p>
76 <optdesc><p>List available audio resamplers.</p></optdesc>
77 </option>
79 <option>
80 <p><opt>--cleanup-shm</opt></p>
82 <optdesc><p>Identify stale PulseAudio POSIX shared memory
83 segments in <file>/dev/shm</file> and remove them if
84 possible. This is done implicitly whenever a new daemon starts
85 up or a client tries to connect to a daemon. It should normally
86 not be necessary to issue this command by hand. Only available
87 on systems with POSIX shared memory segments implemented via a
88 virtual file system mounted to <file>/dev/shm</file>
89 (e.g. Linux).</p></optdesc>
90 </option>
92 <option>
93 <p><opt>--start</opt></p>
95 <optdesc><p>Start PulseAudio if it is not running yet. This is
96 different from starting PulseAudio without <opt>--start</opt>
97 which would fail if PA is already running. PulseAudio is
98 guaranteed to be fully initialized when this call
99 returns. Implies <opt>--daemon</opt>.</p></optdesc>
100 </option>
102 <option>
103 <p><opt>-k | --kill</opt></p>
105 <optdesc><p>Kill an already running PulseAudio daemon of the
106 calling user (Equivalent to sending a SIGTERM).</p></optdesc>
107 </option>
109 <option>
110 <p><opt>--check</opt></p>
112 <optdesc><p>Return 0 as return code when the PulseAudio daemon
113 is already running for the calling user, or non-zero
114 otherwise. Produces no output on the console except for errors
115 to stderr.</p></optdesc>
116 </option>
119 <option>
120 <p><opt>--system</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
122 <optdesc><p>Run as system-wide instance instead of
123 per-user. Please note that this disables certain features of
124 PulseAudio and is generally not recommended unless the system
125 knows no local users (e.g. is a thin client). This feature needs
126 special configuration and a dedicated UNIX user set up. It is
127 highly recommended to combine this with
128 <opt>--disallow-module-loading</opt> (see below).</p></optdesc>
129 </option>
131 <option>
132 <p><opt>-D | --daemonize</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
134 <optdesc><p>Daemonize after startup, i.e. detach from the
135 terminal.</p></optdesc>
136 </option>
138 <option>
139 <p><opt>--fail</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
141 <optdesc><p>Fail startup when any of the commands specified in
142 the startup script <file></file> (see below)
143 fails.</p></optdesc>
144 </option>
146 <option>
147 <p><opt>--high-priority</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
149 <optdesc><p>Try to acquire a high Unix nice level. This will
150 only succeed if the calling user has a non-zero RLIMIT_NICE
151 resource limit set (on systems that support this), or we're
152 called SUID root (see below), or we are configure to be run as
153 system daemon (see <arg>--system</arg> above). It is recommended
154 to enable this, since it is only a negligible security risk (see
155 below).</p></optdesc>
156 </option>
158 <option>
159 <p><opt>--realtime</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
161 <optdesc><p>Try to acquire a real-time scheduling for
162 PulseAudio's I/O threads. This will only succeed if the calling
163 user has a non-zero RLIMIT_RTPRIO resource limit set (on systems
164 that support this), or we're called SUID root (see below), or we
165 are configure to be run as system daemon (see
166 <arg>--system</arg> above). It is recommended to enable this
167 only for trusted users, since it is a major security risk (see
168 below).</p></optdesc>
169 </option>
171 <option>
172 <p><opt>--disallow-module-loading</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
174 <optdesc><p>Disallow module loading after startup. This is a
175 security feature since it disallows additional module loading
176 during runtime and on user request. It is highly recommended
177 when <arg>--system</arg> is used (see above). Note however, that
178 this breaks certain features like automatic module loading on hot
179 plug.</p></optdesc>
181 </option>
183 <option>
184 <p><opt>--exit-idle-time</opt><arg>=SECS</arg></p>
186 <optdesc><p>Terminate the daemon when idle and the specified
187 number of seconds passed.</p></optdesc>
188 </option>
190 <option>
191 <p><opt>--scache-idle-time</opt><arg>=SECS</arg></p>
193 <optdesc><p>Unload autoloaded samples from the cache when the
194 haven't been used for the specified number of
195 seconds.</p></optdesc>
196 </option>
198 <option>
199 <p><opt>--log-level</opt><arg>[=LEVEL]</arg></p>
201 <optdesc><p>If an argument is passed, set the log level to the
202 specified value, otherwise increase the configured verbosity
203 level by one. The log levels are numerical from 0 to 4,
204 corresponding to <arg>error</arg>, <arg>warn</arg>,
205 <arg>notice</arg>, <arg>info</arg>, <arg>debug</arg>. Default
206 log level is <arg>notice</arg>, i.e. all log messages with lower
207 log levels are printed: <arg>error</arg>, <arg>warn</arg>,
208 <arg>notice</arg>.</p></optdesc>
209 </option>
211 <option>
212 <p><opt>-v</opt></p>
214 <optdesc><p>Increase the configured verbosity level by one (see
215 <opt>--log-level</opt> above). Specify multiple times to
216 increase log level multiple times.</p></optdesc>
217 </option>
219 <option>
220 <p><opt>--log-target</opt><arg>={auto,syslog,stderr,file:PATH}</arg></p>
222 <optdesc><p>Specify the log target. If set to <arg>auto</arg>
223 (which is the default), then logging is directed to syslog when
224 <opt>--daemonize</opt> is passed, otherwise to
225 STDERR. If set to <arg>file:PATH</arg>, logging is directed to
226 the file indicated by PATH.</p></optdesc>
227 </option>
229 <option>
230 <p><opt>--log-meta</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
232 <optdesc><p>Show source code location in log messages.</p></optdesc>
233 </option>
235 <option>
236 <p><opt>--log-time</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
238 <optdesc><p>Show timestamps in log messages.</p></optdesc>
239 </option>
241 <option>
242 <p><opt>--log-backtrace</opt><arg>=FRAMES</arg></p>
244 <optdesc><p>When FRAMES is greater than 0, log for each message a
245 stack trace up to the number of specified stack frames.</p></optdesc>
246 </option>
248 <option>
249 <p><opt>--p | --dl-search-path</opt><arg>=PATH</arg></p>
251 <optdesc><p>Set the search path for dynamic shared objects
252 (plugins).</p></optdesc>
253 </option>
255 <option>
256 <p><opt>--resample-method</opt><arg>=METHOD</arg></p>
258 <optdesc><p>Use the specified resampler by default (See
259 <opt>--dump-resample-methods</opt> above for possible
260 values).</p></optdesc>
261 </option>
263 <option>
264 <p><opt>--use-pid-file</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
266 <optdesc><p>Create a PID file. If this options is disabled it is possible to run multiple sound servers per user.</p></optdesc>
267 </option>
269 <option>
270 <p><opt>--no-cpu-limit</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
272 <optdesc><p>Do not install CPU load limiter on platforms that
273 support it. By default, PulseAudio will terminate itself when it
274 notices that it takes up too much CPU time. This is useful as a
275 protection against system lockups when real-time scheduling is
276 used (see below). Disabling this meachnism is useful when
277 debugging PulseAudio with tools like <manref name="valgrind"
278 section="1"/> which slow down execution.</p></optdesc>
279 </option>
281 <option>
282 <p><opt>--disable-shm</opt><arg>[=BOOL]</arg></p>
284 <optdesc><p>PulseAudio clients and the server can exchange audio
285 data via POSIX shared memory segments (on systems that support
286 this). If disabled PulseAudio will communicate exclusively over
287 sockets. Please note that data transfer via shared memory
288 segments is always disabled when PulseAudio is running with
289 <opt>--system</opt> enabled (see above).</p></optdesc>
290 </option>
292 <option>
293 <p><opt>-L | --load</opt><arg>="MODULE ARGUMENTS"</arg></p>
295 <optdesc><p>Load the specified plugin module with the specified
296 arguments.</p></optdesc>
297 </option>
299 <option>
300 <p><opt>-F | --file</opt><arg>=FILENAME</arg></p>
302 <optdesc><p>Run the specified script on startup. May be
303 specified multiple times to specify multiple scripts to be run
304 in order. Combine with <opt>-n</opt> to disable loading of the
305 default script <file></file> (see below).</p></optdesc>
306 </option>
307 <option>
308 <p><opt>-C</opt></p>
310 <optdesc><p>Open a command interpreter on STDIN/STDOUT after
311 startup. This may be used to configure PulseAudio dynamically
312 during runtime. Equivalent to
313 <opt>--load</opt><arg>=module-cli</arg>.</p></optdesc>
314 </option>
315 <option>
316 <p><opt>-n</opt></p>
318 <optdesc><p>Don't load default script file
319 <file></file> (see below) on startup. Useful in
320 conjunction with <opt>-C</opt> or
321 <opt>--file</opt>.</p></optdesc>
322 </option>
325 </options>
327 <section name="Files">
329 <p><file>~/.config/pulse/daemon.conf</file>,
330 <file>@PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR@/daemon.conf</file>: configuration settings
331 for the PulseAudio daemon. If the version in the user's home
332 directory does not exist the global configuration file is
333 loaded. See <manref name="pulse-daemon.conf" section="5"/> for
334 more information.</p>
336 <p><file>~/.config/pulse/</file>,
337 <file>@PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR@/</file>: the default configuration
338 script to execute when the PulseAudio daemon is started. If the
339 version in the user's home directory does not exist the global
340 configuration script is loaded. See <manref name=""
341 section="5"/> for more information.</p>
343 <p><file>~/.config/pulse/client.conf</file>,
344 <file>@PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR@/client.conf</file>: configuration settings
345 for PulseAudio client applications. If the version in the user's
346 home directory does not exist the global configuration file is
347 loaded. See <manref name="pulse-client.conf" section="5"/> for
348 more information.</p>
350 </section>
352 <section name="Signals">
354 <p><arg>SIGINT, SIGTERM</arg>: the PulseAudio daemon will shut
355 down (Same as <opt>--kill</opt>).</p>
357 <p><arg>SIGHUP</arg>: dump a long status report to STDOUT or
358 syslog, depending on the configuration.</p>
360 <p><arg>SIGUSR1</arg>: load module-cli, allowing runtime
361 reconfiguration via STDIN/STDOUT.</p>
363 <p><arg>SIGUSR2</arg>: load module-cli-protocol-unix, allowing
364 runtime reconfiguration via a AF_UNIX socket. See <manref
365 name="pacmd" section="1"/> for more information.</p>
367 </section>
369 <section name="UNIX Groups and users">
371 <p>Group <arg>pulse-rt</arg>: if the PulseAudio binary is marked
372 SUID root, then membership of the calling user in this group
373 decides whether real-time and/or high-priority scheduling is
374 enabled. Please note that enabling real-time scheduling is a
375 security risk (see below).</p>
377 <p>Group <arg>pulse-access</arg>: if PulseAudio is running as a system
378 daemon (see <opt>--system</opt> above) access is granted to
379 members of this group when they connect via AF_UNIX sockets. If
380 PulseAudio is running as a user daemon this group has no
381 meaning.</p>
383 <p>User <arg>pulse</arg>, group <arg>pulse</arg>: if PulseAudio is running as a system
384 daemon (see <opt>--system</opt> above) and is started as root the
385 daemon will drop priviliges and become a normal user process using
386 this user and group. If PulseAudio is running as a user daemon
387 this user and group has no meaning.</p>
388 </section>
390 <section name="Real-time and high-priority scheduling">
391 <p>To minimize the risk of drop-outs during playback it is
392 recommended to run PulseAudio with real-time scheduling if the
393 underlying platform supports it. This decouples the scheduling
394 latency of the PulseAudio daemon from the system load and is thus
395 the best way to make sure that PulseAudio always gets CPU time
396 when it needs it to refill the hardware playback
397 buffers. Unfortunately this is a security risk on most systems,
398 since PulseAudio runs as user process, and giving realtime
399 scheduling priviliges to a user process always comes with the risk
400 that the user misuses it to lock up the system -- which is
401 possible since making a process real-time effectively disables
402 preemption.</p>
404 <p>To minimize the risk PulseAudio by default does not enable
405 real-time scheduling. It is however recommended to enable it
406 on trusted systems. To do that start PulseAudio with
407 <opt>--realtime</opt> (see above) or enabled the appropriate option in
408 <file>daemon.conf</file>. Since acquiring realtime scheduling is a
409 priviliged operation on most systems, some special changes to the
410 system configuration need to be made to allow them to the calling
411 user. Two options are available:</p>
413 <p>On newer Linux systems the system resource limit RLIMIT_RTPRIO
414 (see <manref name="setrlimit" section="2"/> for more information)
415 can be used to allow specific users to acquire real-time
416 scheduling. This can be configured in
417 <file>/etc/security/limits.conf</file>, a resource limit of 9 is recommended.</p>
419 <p>Alternatively, the SUID root bit can be set for the PulseAudio
420 binary. Then, the daemon will drop root priviliges immediately on
421 startup, however retain the CAP_NICE capability (on systems that
422 support it), but only if the calling user is a member of the
423 <arg>pulse-rt</arg> group (see above). For all other users all
424 capababilities are dropped immediately. The advantage of this
425 solution is that the real-time priviliges are only granted to the
426 PulseAudio daemon -- not to all the user's processes.</p>
428 <p>Alternatively, if the risk of locking up the machine is
429 considered too big to enable real-time scheduling, high-priority
430 scheduling can be enabled instead (i.e. negative nice level). This
431 can be enabled by passing <opt>--high-priority</opt> (see above)
432 when starting PulseAudio and may also be enabled with the
433 approriate option in <file>daemon.conf</file>. Negative nice
434 levels can only be enabled when the appropriate resource limit
435 RLIMIT_NICE is set (see <manref name="setrlimit" section="2"/> for
436 more information), possibly configured in
437 <file>/etc/security/limits.conf</file>. A resource limit of 31
438 (corresponding with nice level -11) is recommended.</p>
439 </section>
441 <section name="Environment variables">
443 <p>The PulseAudio client libraries check for the existance of the
444 following environment variables and change their local configuration accordingly:</p>
446 <p><arg>$PULSE_SERVER</arg>: the server string specifying the server to connect to when a client asks for a sound server connection and doesn't explicitly ask for a specific server.</p>
448 <p><arg>$PULSE_SINK</arg>: the symbolic name of the sink to connect to when a client creates a playback stream and doesn't explicitly ask for a specific sink.</p>
450 <p><arg>$PULSE_SOURCE</arg>: the symbolic name of the source to connect to when a client creates a record stream and doesn't explicitly ask for a specific source.</p>
452 <p><arg>$PULSE_BINARY</arg>: path of PulseAudio executable to run when server auto-spawning is used.</p>
454 <p><arg>$PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG</arg>: path of file that shall be read instead of <file>client.conf</file> (see above) for client configuration.</p>
456 <p>These environment settings take precedence -- if set -- over the configuration settings from <file>client.conf</file> (see above).</p>
458 </section>
460 <section name="Authors">
461 <p>The PulseAudio Developers &lt;@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@&gt;; PulseAudio is available from <url href="@PACKAGE_URL@"/></p>
462 </section>
464 <section name="See also">
466 <manref name="pulse-daemon.conf" section="5"/>, <manref name="" section="5"/>, <manref name="pulse-client.conf" section="5"/>, <manref name="pacmd" section="1"/>
467 </p>
468 </section>
470 </manpage>