[t/spec] Remove unneeded .perl method, moritz++.
[pugs.git] / util / gen_prelude.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 use strict;
4 use IPC::Open2;
5 use Getopt::Long;
6 use Config ();
8 # helper code to inline the Standard Prelude in pugs.
10 # Sets up either the inlined Perl 6 source Prelude fallback, or a real
11 # precompiled AST of Prelude.pm.
13 our %Config;
14 our $TEMP_PRELUDE = "Prelude.pm"; # XXX: move this to config.yml?
15 END { unlink $TEMP_PRELUDE unless $Config{keep} };
17 GetOptions \%Config, qw(--inline --pugs|p=s --precompile|i=s@ --verbose|v --touch --output|o=s --keep|k);
19 touch() if $Config{touch};
21 setup_output();
23 inline(), exit 0 if $Config{inline};
24 precomp(), exit 0 if $Config{precompile};
25 usage();
26 exit 1;
28 sub setup_output {
29 if ($Config{output}) {
30 open OUT, "> $Config{output}" or
31 die "open: $Config{output}: $!";
32 } else {
33 *OUT = *STDOUT;
35 binmode OUT;
38 # XXX: with yaml precompilation, this may be bogus.
39 sub touch {
40 # XXX: *ugly* hack! ghc doesn't spot that the include file was changed,
41 # so we need to mark as stale some obj files to trigger a rebuild.
42 # The alternative seems to be to delete them *and* the pugs
43 # executable.
44 print STDERR "Triggering rebuild... " if $Config{verbose};
45 unlink "blib6/lib/Prelude.pm.bin";
46 unlink "blib6/lib/Prelude.pm.bin.pm";
47 #unlink "src/Pugs/PreludePC.hs";
48 #unlink "src/Pugs/Run.hi";
49 #unlink "src/Pugs/Run.o";
50 #unlink "dist/build/Pugs/Run.hi";
51 #unlink "dist/build/Pugs/Run.o";
52 #unlink "dist/build/src/Pugs/Run.hi";
53 #unlink "dist/build/src/Pugs/Run.o";
54 #unlink "pugs$Config::Config{_exe}";
55 print STDERR "done.\n" if $Config{verbose};
58 sub inline {
59 print STDERR "Generating inlined source Prelude... " if $Config{verbose};
61 gen_source($TEMP_PRELUDE);
62 open IN, $TEMP_PRELUDE or
63 die "Couldn't open temp prelude ($TEMP_PRELUDE): $!";
64 my $program = do { local $/; <IN> };
65 close IN;
67 strip_comments($program);
68 $program =~ s{(["\\])}{\\$1}g;
69 $program =~ s{\r?\n}{\\n" ++\n "}g;
71 print OUT <<'.';
72 {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
73 module Pugs.Prelude where
74 import Foreign.C.String
75 import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafePackCStringLen)
76 import System.IO.Unsafe
77 import qualified Data.ByteString as S
78 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
81 Prelude bootstap.
83 > The world was young, the mountains green,
84 > No stain yet on the Moon was seen,
85 > No words were laid on stream or stone,
86 > When Durin woke and walked alone.
90 ----------------------------------------------------------------
91 -- Do not modify this file; it is generated automatically by --
92 -- util/gen_prelude.pl --
93 ----------------------------------------------------------------
95 {-# NOINLINE preludeByteString #-}
96 preludeByteString :: S.ByteString
97 preludeByteString = unsafePerformIO $ unsafePackCStringLen (text__prelude_pm, size__prelude_pm)
99 preludeByteStringLazy :: L.ByteString
100 preludeByteStringLazy = L.fromChunks [preludeByteString]
102 {-# NOINLINE testByteString #-}
103 testByteString :: S.ByteString
104 testByteString = unsafePerformIO $ unsafePackCStringLen (text__test_pm, size__test_pm)
106 testByteStringLazy :: L.ByteString
107 testByteStringLazy = L.fromChunks [testByteString]
109 foreign import ccall unsafe "text__prelude_pm"
110 text__prelude_pm :: CString
111 foreign import ccall unsafe "size__prelude_pm"
112 size__prelude_pm :: Int
114 foreign import ccall unsafe "text__test_pm"
115 text__test_pm :: CString
116 foreign import ccall unsafe "size__test_pm"
117 size__test_pm :: Int
119 preludeStr :: String
121 print OUT qq<preludeStr = "$program"\n\n>;
122 close OUT;
124 print STDERR "done.\n" if $Config{verbose};
127 # concatenate source files. hardcode special treatment to the Prelude,
128 # which is assumed to be the first module in the list.
129 sub gen_source {
130 my($target) = @_;
131 open my $ofh, ">", $target or die "open: $target: $!";
133 my @import_lines;
135 my $prelude = shift @{ $Config{precompile} };
136 warn "*** warning: Prelude.pm should probably be the first --include\n"
137 unless $prelude =~ /Prelude/;
138 open my $ifh, $prelude or die "open: $prelude: $!";
139 while (<$ifh>) {
140 if (/^\s*use (?!v6\b)(\S+)/) {
141 push @import_lines, $_;
142 my $file = $1;
143 my $dir = "ext/$1/lib";
144 $dir =~ s{::}{-}g;
145 $file =~ s{::}{/}g;
146 my $pathname = "$dir/$file.pm";
147 die "Cannot find $pathname" unless -e $pathname;
148 push @{ $Config{precompile} ||= [] }, $pathname;
149 next;
151 last if /^=begin\s+END\s*$/;
152 print $ofh $_;
156 # manhandle the rest of the inlined modules.
157 # we make a guess about what to put in %*INC. it's not perfect.
158 # When module return values are specced, we can make this much
159 # less hacky :-)
160 my %seen;
161 for my $file (@{ $Config{precompile} }) {
162 next if $seen{$file}++; # Do not precompile duplicate entries
164 my $module; # guess what to put in %*INC
165 open my $ifh, $file or die "open: $file: $!";
167 print $ofh "\n{\n";
168 my $program;
169 while (<$ifh>) {
170 $module ||= $1 if /^(?:package|module|class) \s+ ([^-;]+)/x;
171 $program .= $_;
174 die "could not guess module name: $file" unless $module;
176 strip_comments($program);
177 print $ofh $program;
179 print STDERR ", $module" if $Config{verbose};
180 #$module =~ s#::#/#g;
181 print $ofh "\n};\nBEGIN { %*INC<${module}> = '<precompiled>' };\n\n";
182 # (the need for a semicolon in "};" is probably a bug.)
184 # print $ofh @import_lines;
185 print STDERR "... " if $Config{verbose};
188 # Strip comments and docs while preserving the line counts
189 sub strip_comments {
190 $_[0] =~ s{^[ \t]*#.*}{}mg;
191 $_[0] =~ s{^=\w(.*?)^=cut$}{"\n" x ($1 =~ y/\n//)}mesg;
194 sub precomp {
195 my $output = '';
196 if ($Config{output}) {
197 $output = "> $Config{output}";
200 if ($Config{verbose}) {
201 print STDERR "# $Config{pugs} -Iext/Math-Basic/lib -C Parse-Binary $TEMP_PRELUDE $output\n";
202 print STDERR "Generating precompiled Prelude";
205 die "*** Error: $0 needs an already compiled Pugs to precompile the Prelude\n"
206 unless $Config{pugs};
207 gen_source($TEMP_PRELUDE);
210 close OUT;
212 system("$Config{pugs} -Iext/Math-Basic/lib -C Parse-Binary $TEMP_PRELUDE $output");
214 if ($Config{output}) {
215 open IN, '<:crlf', $Config{output} or die "No output found";
216 my @lines = <IN> or do {
217 close IN;
218 unlink $Config{output};
219 die "Output is empty";
221 close IN;
222 open OUT, '>:raw', $Config{output} or die "Cannot write back to output";
223 print OUT @lines;
224 close OUT;
227 die "Pugs ".(($?&255)?"killed by signal $?"
228 :"exited with error code ".($?>>8)) if $?;
230 print STDERR "done!\n" if $Config{verbose};
233 sub usage {
234 print STDERR <<".";
235 usage: $0 --inline src/perl6/Prelude.pm [options]
236 $0 --precompile src/perl6/Prelude.pm --pugs ./pugs.exe [options]
238 Creates a Prelude.hs fallback or a Prelude.pm.bin file (written to stdout),
239 to be loaded by Run.hs.
241 When pugs is built, a fallback Prelude.hs that contains only a quoted
242 version of the Prelude code is inlined into the executable, to be
243 "eval"ed when pugs starts. After the executable is ready, the Standard
244 Prelude is precompiled and stored in Binary format in a (conjecturally)
245 well-defined location for latter runs of pugs to pick up and load quickly.
247 Additional options:
248 --verbose, -v print progress to stderr
249 --touch, -t mark Run.hi and Run.o stale, triggering pugs rebuild
250 --output, -o file to write output to (stdout by default)