[t/spec] arity-1 tests with a limit.
[pugs.git] / Makefile.PL
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 use 5.006;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
6 use FindBin;
7 BEGIN { chdir $FindBin::RealBin };
8 use inc::Module::Install;
9 use lib 'inc';
10 use Config;
11 use File::Spec;
12 use POSIX qw/uname/;
14 # Hack to prevent recursive calls
15 exit if @ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--with/;
17 my ($ghc, $ghc_version, $ghc_flags, $ghc_pkg) = assert_ghc();
19 my $setup_exe = File::Spec->catfile('.', "Setup$Config{_exe}");
21 rebuild_setup();
22 my $app_dir = `$setup_exe -d`;
23 chomp $app_dir;
25 die "Cannot find application directory '$app_dir'; check to see if Setup.lhs compiles?\n"
26 unless $app_dir;
28 my $bin_dir = File::Spec->catdir($app_dir, 'bin');
29 my $cabal = File::Spec->catfile($bin_dir, "cabal$Config{_exe}");
30 my $cabal_config = File::Spec->catfile($app_dir, 'config');
32 $ENV{PATH} = $bin_dir . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PATH};
34 # First let's see if Cabal is there.
35 print "*** Checking for Haskell dependencies...\n";
36 print "[Automatic Installation]\n";
38 my $rebuilt = 0;
39 $rebuilt += bootstrap_with(Cabal => qr/1\.[46-9]\./, '1.4.0');
40 $rebuilt += bootstrap_with(parsec => qr/2\./, '2.0');
41 $rebuilt += bootstrap_with(network => qr/[12]\./, '1.0');
42 $rebuilt += bootstrap_with(HTTP => qr/300[01]\./, '3000.0');
43 $rebuilt += bootstrap_with(zlib => qr/0\.(?:[4-9]|[1-9]\d)\./, '0.4');
44 $rebuilt += bootstrap_with('cabal-install' => qr/0\.(?:[5-9]|[1-9]\d)\..*9999/, '');
46 if ($rebuilt) {
47 rebuild_setup();
50 print "[Pugs Dependencies]\n";
52 my @deps = qw(
53 stm mtl time utf8-string binary haskeline FindBin MetaObject HsParrot
54 pugs-compat pugs-DrIFT stringtable-atom HsSyck control-timeout
57 # This line is here simply to trick Cabal into creating a default config file.
59 my $rv = `$cabal list -v0 --installed --simple-output`;
61 my $cabal_local_config = "$FindBin::RealBin/third-party/packages/config";
63 # Ok, now we copy the config file to our tree.
64 open IN, '<', $cabal_config or die "Impossible: $cabal_config not found?";
65 open OUT, '>', $cabal_local_config;
66 print OUT << ".";
67 local-repos: "$FindBin::RealBin/third-party/packages/hackage.haskell.org"
69 while (<IN>) {
70 next if /^(?:local-)?repos:/;
71 print OUT $_;
73 close IN;
74 close OUT;
76 $ENV{CABAL_CONFIG_FILE} = $cabal_local_config;
77 system($cabal => 'install', '--user', @deps);
79 do "Configure.PL";
80 print "==> Pugs configuration finished.\n";
82 name ('Perl6-Pugs');
83 version_from ('lib/Perl6/Pugs.pm');
84 abstract_from ('lib/Perl6/Pugs.pm');
85 author ('Audrey Tang <cpan@audreyt.org>');
86 license ('perl');
87 install_script ("pugs$Config{_exe}");
88 install_script ('script/pugscc');
89 install_script ('util/prove6');
90 build_subdirs (map fixpaths($_), grep {
91 -f "$_/Makefile.PL" && not -l "$_/Makefile.PL"
92 } glob("ext/*"), glob("docs/*")
94 my $version = version();
95 $version .= 0 until length($version) >= length('0.123456');
96 $version =~ s{6\.(\d{3})(\d{3})?}{join '.', 6, int($1), int($2||0)}e;
97 version($version);
98 makemaker_args (
99 test => { TESTS => "`perl t/spec/fudgeall pugs t/*/*.t t/*/*/*.t`" }, # , "perl5/*/t/*.t" },
100 MAN1PODS => {},
102 set_postamble ();
103 no_index (
104 directory =>
105 qw< inc debian modules perl5 ext script util docs examples src >
107 sign (1);
108 WritePugs (5);
110 sub set_postamble {
111 unlink (my $build_config = 'current.build.yml');
113 my $find_ver = sub {
114 `$_[0] $_ 2>&1` =~ /(.* (?:version|build) .*)/i && return $1
115 for qw{--version -v -V -? /?};
116 return "unknown";
118 my $config = get_pugs_config(
119 uname => join (" ", (uname)[0,2,4] ),
120 regex_engine => ( $ENV{PUGS_REGEX_ENGINE} ? $ENV{PUGS_REGEX_ENGINE} : 'default' ),
121 embed_flags => 'noparrot nohaskell',
122 # embedded => join (" ", ( $embed_flags =~ /HAVE_PERL5/ ? $Config{perlpath} : 'noperl' ),
123 # ( $embed_flags =~ /HAVE_PARROT/
124 # ? abs_path( File::Spec->catfile( "$ENV{PARROT_PATH}", "parrot" ) )
125 # : 'noparrot' ),
126 # ( $ENV{PUGS_EMBED} =~ /\bhaskell\b/ ? $ghc : 'nohaskell' )
127 # ),
128 # ghc => join (" ", [ assert_ghc() ]->[0], $ghc_version,
129 # ( $ghc_flags =~ /HAVE_READLINE/ ? 'readline' : 'noreadline' ),
130 # ( $ghc_flags =~ /HAVE_HSPLUGINS/ ? 'hsplugins' : 'nohsplugins' ),
131 # ( $threaded ? "threads" : "nothreads" ),
132 # ),
133 ghc => 'noreadline nohsplugins nothreads',
134 cc => $find_ver->( $Config{cc} ),
138 # maybe move this to inc/PugsBuild/MiniYAML.pm ?
139 open my $fh, '>', $build_config or die "Cannot open $build_config for writing";
140 print $fh "# *** NOTE ***\n";
141 print $fh "# This file is generated during Makefile.PL.\n";
142 print $fh "# Changes will not persist after running Makefile.PL\n";
143 for ( sort keys %$config ) {
144 print $fh "$_: $config->{$_}\n";
146 close $fh;
149 my @srcdirs = grep {-d} glob("src"), glob("src/*"), glob("src/*/*"), glob("src/*/*/*");
150 my @srcfiles = map { glob("$_/*.*hs") } @srcdirs;
151 push @srcfiles, map { glob("$_/*.*hs-boot") } @srcdirs;
152 push @srcfiles, map { map { substr($_, 0, -1) } glob("$_/*.*hsc") } @srcdirs;
154 my $version_h = "src/Pugs/pugs_version.h";
155 my $config_h = "src/Pugs/pugs_config.h";
157 my $EMBED_SMOP = ($ENV{PUGS_EMBED} // '') ? '--flags=SMOP' : '';
158 # Ok, now we have Cabal-Install and all the deps. Let's be lazy and write a simple makefile.
159 postamble(<<".");
160 pugs_requirements : @srcfiles $version_h $config_h src/Pugs/Config.hs src/Pugs/Prelude.hs
162 $config_h : lib/Perl6/Pugs.pm util/config_h.pl
163 \$(PERL) util/config_h.pl "$ghc $ghc_flags"
165 $version_h :
166 \$(PERL) util/version_h.pl $version_h
168 pugs$Config{_exe} :: pugs_requirements build_perl5
169 ./Configure.PL
170 \$(RM_F) dist/build/pugs/pugs$Config{_exe}
171 \$(RM_F) Pugs.cabal
172 \$(CP) Pugs.cabal.in Pugs.cabal
173 ./Setup$Config{_exe} configure --user $EMBED_SMOP
174 ./Setup$Config{_exe} build
175 \$(CP) dist/build/pugs/pugs$Config{_exe} .
177 prof :: pugs-prof$Config{_exe}
179 pugs-prof$Config{_exe} :: pugs_requirements build_perl5
180 $cabal install --user -p @deps
181 PUGS_NO_THREADS=true ./Configure.PL
182 \$(RM_F) dist/build/pugs/pugs$Config{_exe}
183 \$(RM_F) Pugs.cabal
184 \$(CP) Pugs.cabal.in Pugs.cabal
185 ./Setup$Config{_exe} configure --user -p --enable-executable-profiling
186 ./Setup$Config{_exe} build
187 \$(CP) dist/build/pugs/pugs$Config{_exe} ./pugs-prof$Config{_exe}
189 install ::
190 \t./Setup$Config{_exe} install --user
192 INST6_ARCHLIB = blib6/arch
193 INST6_SCRIPT = blib6/script
194 INST6_BIN = blib6/bin
195 INST6_LIB = blib6/lib
196 INST6_MAN1DIR = blib6/man1
197 INST6_MAN3DIR = blib6/man3
198 INSTPUGS_LIB = blib6/pugs
200 clean ::
201 \t./Setup$Config{_exe} clean
203 src/Pugs/Config.hs : util/PugsConfig.pm current.build.yml
204 \t\$(PERL) -Iutil -MPugsConfig -e "PugsConfig->write_config_module" > src/Pugs/Config.hs
206 smoke : pugs$Config{_exe} util/run-smoke.pl
207 \t\$(PERL) util/run-smoke.pl . smoke.html
209 upload-smoke : smoke.yml
210 \t\$(PERL) util/smokeserv/smokeserv-client.pl smoke.html smoke.yml
212 smoke-upload : upload-smoke
214 src/Pugs/Prelude.hs : src/perl6/Prelude.pm util/gen_prelude.pl
215 \t\$(PERL) util/gen_prelude.pl -v --touch --inline -i src/perl6/Prelude.pm --output src/Pugs/Prelude.hs
217 build_perl5 ::
218 @{[for_perl5("
219 cd __DIR__ && $^X Makefile.PL && \$(MAKE)
220 ")]}
222 clean ::
223 @{[for_perl5("
224 -cd __DIR__ && \$(TEST_F) \$(FIRST_MAKEFILE) && \$(MAKE) clean
225 ")]}
227 realclean ::
228 @{[for_perl5("
229 -cd __DIR__ && \$(TEST_F) \$(FIRST_MAKEFILE) && \$(MAKE) realclean
230 ")]}
236 sub bootstrap_with {
237 my ($package, $pattern, $version) = @_;
238 my @has_version;
239 if ($package eq 'cabal-install') {
240 @has_version = sort map { /^cabal-install version ($pattern.*)/ ? $1 : () } `$cabal --version`;
242 else {
243 @has_version = sort map { /^version: ($pattern.*)/ ? $1 : () } `$ghc_pkg describe $package`;
246 printf "- %-20s ", $package;
247 if (@has_version) {
248 print "...loaded. ($has_version[0] >= $version)\n";
249 return 0;
252 print "...missing. (would need $version)\n";
253 print "==> Installing $package. This may take a minute or two...\n";
254 sleep 1;
256 chdir "third-party/$package";
258 my ($setup_hs) = glob('Setup.*hs');
259 die "Impossible: No Setup?" unless $setup_hs;
261 use File::Path;
262 File::Path::rmtree(['dist']);
264 system($ghc, qw(--make -O0), -o => $setup_exe, $setup_hs)
265 || system($setup_exe, qw(configure --user))
266 || system($setup_exe, qw(build))
267 || system($setup_exe, qw(install --user))
268 || system($setup_exe, qw(clean))
269 and die << ".";
270 Cannot install $package: $?
271 Please enter the third-party/Cabal directory and install it manually
272 following the instructions of README there.
275 chdir $FindBin::RealBin;
276 return 1;
279 sub for_perl5 {
280 my $cmd = shift;
281 $cmd =~ s{\n}{}g;
282 my @cmds;
283 foreach my $dir (grep { -d } glob('perl5/*')) {
284 -e "$dir/Makefile.PL" or next;
286 # Skip XS modules for now
287 next if glob("$dir/*.xs") or glob("$dir/*.i") or $dir =~ /-\d+/;
289 next unless $dir =~ /Pugs-Compiler-Rule/;
291 my $this = $cmd;
292 $this =~ s{__DIR__}{$dir}g;
293 push @cmds, $this;
295 return join("\n", @cmds);
298 sub rebuild_setup {
299 unlink $_ for qw(Setup.hi Setup.o);
300 unlink $setup_exe;
301 system($ghc, qw(--make -O0), -o => $setup_exe, 'Setup.lhs');