[t/spec] Unfudge log tests in real-bridge.t.
[pugs.git] / misc / Parser-Mini / pil1_json_emit_pir.pl
1 =pod
3 PIL2-JSON Parrot-like code emitter
4 by fglock
6 ../../pugs -CPIL2-JSON -e ' say "hello "; say 1 + 1 ' | \
7 ../../pugs pil2_json_emit_pir.pl
9 #! /usr/bin/parrot
10 ... TODO
12 =cut
14 use v6-alpha;
16 # -- Language specific
18 my $id = "V000";
20 sub emit_Main ( $global, $main ) {
21 "#! /usr/bin/parrot\n" ~
22 $global ~
23 ".sub \"main\" @ANON\n" ~
24 $main ~
25 ".end\n"
27 sub emit_Stmt ( $s ) { $s }
28 sub emit_Code ( $body, $is_multi, $lvalue, @params, $type ) {
29 " # ??? - block \{ \n" ~
30 $body ~
31 " # end block"
33 sub emit_Assign( $to, $from ) { $from ~ ' ' ~ $to ~ " # ??? assign =\n" }
34 sub emit_Bind( $to, $from ) { $from ~ ' ' ~ $to ~ " # ??? bind :=\n" }
35 sub emit_Sub ( $name, $body, $is_multi, $lvalue, @params, $type ) {
36 if @params.elems > 1 {
37 for 0 .. @params.elems-2 -> $i {
38 # if there are many invocants, separate them with ',' instead of ':'
39 if @params[$i+1] ~~ m:perl5 {:$} {
40 @params[$i] ~~ s:perl5 {:$}{,};
44 my $param_list = @params.join(" ");
45 $param_list ~~ s:perl5 {,$}{}; # remove last ','
47 ".sub $name\n" ~
48 " # TODO - param list (" ~ $param_list ~ ")\n" ~
49 $body ~
50 ".end\n"
52 sub emit_App ( $function, @args, $context, $invocant ) {
53 my $p_fun = $id++;
54 my $ret =
55 " .local pmc $p_fun\n" ~
56 " $p_fun = new .PerlUndef\n" ~
57 " $p_fun = find_name $function\n";
59 my @p_args;
60 my @s1;
61 my @s2;
62 for @args -> $val {
63 my $p_arg = $id++;
64 push @p_args, $p_arg;
65 $ret ~=
66 " .local pmc $p_arg\n" ~
67 " $p_arg = new .PerlUndef\n" ~
68 " $p_arg = assign $val\n";
69 push @s1, '16';
70 push @s2, $p_arg;
72 my $p_ret = $id++;
73 $ret ~=
74 " .local pmc $p_ret\n" ~
75 " $p_ret = new .PerlUndef\n" ~
76 " set_args '(" ~ @s1.join(', ') ~ ")', " ~ @s2.join(', ') ~ "\n" ~
77 " get_results \"(0)\", $p_ret\n" ~
78 " invokecc $p_fun\n";
80 sub emit_Pad ( $scope, @symbols, $statements ) {
81 " # TODO - _start_pad \n" ~
82 @symbols.map:{
83 emit_Variable($_) ~ " my # ???\n"
84 } ~
85 "$statements\n" ~
86 " # TODO - _end_pad\n";
88 sub emit_Variable ( $s is copy ) {
89 return $s;
91 # rewrite PIL2 '"&infix:+"' to p6 '&infix:<+>'
92 # but don't re-quote '&main::zz'
93 $s ~~ s:perl5 /^"(.*)"$/$0/;
94 $s ~~ s:perl5 {\&(.+fix:)([^:].*)}{&$0:<$1>};
96 # XXX fix corner cases like 'infix:<:>' and '&main::infix:<aaa>'
97 $s ~~ s:perl5 {(fix::<)(.*?)>$}{fix:<$1>};
98 $s ~~ s:perl5 {fix::$}{fix:<:>};
102 sub emit_Int ( $s ) { $s }
103 sub emit_Str ( $s ) { $s }
104 sub emit_Rat ( $a, $b ) { "$a $b / " }
105 sub emit_parameter(
106 $name, $is_invocant, $is_lvalue, $is_lazy, $is_named,
107 $is_optional, $is_writable, $context, $default )
109 #say "(param=$name, $is_invocant, $is_lvalue, $is_lazy, $is_named, ",
110 # "$is_optional, $is_writable, <", $context.perl, ">, <$default>)";
112 # ??? - "paramDefault"
113 # ??? - what is the syntax for $is_lvalue
114 # ??? - what is the PIL for 'is copy'
116 # $context = [["CxtSlurpy", [[["MkType", ["Int"] ]]] ]]
117 my $is_slurpy = $context[0][0] eq '"CxtSlurpy"';
118 my $type = emit_Variable( $context[0][1][0][0][1] );
120 my $s;
121 $s ~= $type eq 'main' ?? '' !! ($type ~ ' ');
122 $s ~= $is_slurpy ?? '*' !! '';
124 $s ~= $is_named eq 'true' ?? ':' !! '';
125 $s ~= emit_Variable( $name );
126 $s ~= $is_optional eq 'true' ?? '?' !! ''; # '!' is default
127 $s ~= ' is rw ' if $is_writable eq 'true';
128 $s ~= ' is lazy ' if $is_lazy eq 'true';
129 $s ~= $is_invocant eq 'true' ?? ':' !! ',';
130 return $s;
132 sub emit_parameter_with_default( $param, $default ) {
133 return $param if $default eq '';
134 # rewrite '$name,' to '$name = default,'
135 my ($name, $separator) = $param ~~ m:perl5 {(.*)(.)};
137 $default ~
138 $name ~
139 ' = ' ~
140 $separator
143 # -- Main program
144 # this is the same for all languages
146 push @*INC, './';
147 require 'pil2_json_emit.pm';
149 # slurp stdin - xinming++
150 my $pil2 = ** $*IN.slurp;
152 my @b = tokenize( $pil2 );
153 # say "Tokens: ", @b.join('><');
155 my $ast = parse( << { >>, 'hash', << } >>, @b );
156 # say $ast.perl;
158 my $program = traverse_ast( $ast );
159 say $program;