[Spec] Add .minmax method along the lines of the .min and .max methods.
[pugs.git] / examples / ca_wolfram.pl
1 use v6;
3 ##
4 # Script to output Wolfram-esque cellular automata
6 # usage: 'perl ca_wolfram.pl', followed by:
7 # -r rule_number (Specify in decimal, integer from 0 to 255)
8 # -s steps (Specify number of steps to display)
9 # -w width
10 # -i initial_state
11 # -t true_char
12 # -f false_char
15 use Getopt::Std;
16 my %opts = getopts( 'rswitf' );
19 # options, with some reasonable defaults
20 my $rule_number = %opts<r> || 110;
21 my $steps = %opts<s> || 30;
22 my $width = %opts<w> || 30;
23 my $initial = %opts<i> || 'right';
24 my $true_char = %opts<t> || 'x';
25 my $false_char = %opts<f> || '.';
28 # Single cell in the left, right, or middle for initial state
29 my $left = $steps;
30 my $right = $width + $steps - 1;
31 $width += ( $steps * 2 );
32 my $middle = int( $width / 2 );
36 # Initialize and fill up the array with 0
37 my Bool @line = 0 xx ($width-1);
40 # Set an initial state on the left, right, or middle
41 given $initial {
42 when 'left' { @line[$left] = 1 }
43 when 'right' { @line[$right] = 1 }
44 when 'middle' { @line[$middle] = 1 }
48 # Unpack the Wolfram rule number into a hash
50 my Bool %rule_hash;
51 for ( 0 .. 7 ) -> $key {
52 %rule_hash{$key} = ?($rule_number +& (1 ~ 0 x $key) );
56 # Print the rule hash, using shiny, new sprintf
57 say "Rule $rule_number:";
58 for %rule_hash.keys -> $key {
59 say sprintf("%03b",$key) ~ " becomes " ~ +%rule_hash{$key};
63 # Render the output on the screen.
64 my $beginprint = $steps;
65 my $endprint = @line.elems() - $steps;
67 while ( $steps-- ) {
68 my $newline = (+<<@line[ $beginprint .. $endprint ]).join("") ;
69 $newline ~~ s:g/1/$true_char/;
70 $newline ~~ s:g/0/$false_char/;
71 say $newline;
73 my @old_line = @line;
75 for ( 0 .. $width - 3 ) -> $index {
76 my $index_key = :2((+<<@old_line[ $index .. $index + 2 ]).join(""));
77 @line[ $index + 1 ] = %rule_hash{$index_key};