[viv] Implement 'does' trait
[pugs.git] / src / perl6 / viv
1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
3 # The start of a gimme5 replacement based on STD parsing.
5 use strict;
6 use 5.010;
7 use warnings FATAL => 'all';
9 use List::Util qw/sum min/;
11 use STD;
12 use utf8;
13 use YAML::XS; # An attempt to replace this with YAML::Syck passed the
14 # tests but produced a different output format that
15 # confused some calling programs. For example, anchors
16 # are usually numbers ascending from 1, and they became
17 # disjoint sets of descending numbers. Also, empty
18 # sequences shown as [] became followed by an empty line.
19 # See also: YAML::Syck in package VAST::package_def below.
20 use Encode;
21 use JSON -convert_blessed_universally;
22 use Scalar::Util 'blessed', 'refaddr';
23 use Storable;
24 use Try::Tiny;
26 our $OPT_match = 0;
27 our $OPT_log = 0;
28 our $OPT_stab = 0;
29 our $OPT_thaw = 0;
30 my $PROG = '';
31 my @did_ws;
33 my @context;
34 $::MULTINESS = '';
36 sub USAGE {
37 print <<'END';
38 viv [switches] filename
39 where switches can be:
40 -e use following argument as program
41 --yaml spit out a parsable abstract syntax tree
42 --concise spit out a short syntaxe tree (default)
43 --p5 spit out a Perl 5 representation (partially impl)
44 --p6 spit out a Perl 6 representation
45 --freeze generate a Storable representation
46 --thaw use existing Storable of AST from filename
47 --stab include the symbol table
48 --pos include position info in AST
49 --match include match tree info in AST
50 --log emit debugging info to standard error
51 END
52 exit;
55 use Actions;
57 sub MAIN {
58 my $output = 'concise';
60 USAGE() unless @_;
61 while (@_) {
62 last unless $_[0] =~ /^-/;
63 my $switch = shift @_;
64 if ($switch eq '--eval' or $switch eq '-e') {
65 $PROG .= Encode::decode_utf8(shift(@_)) . "\n";
67 elsif ($switch eq '--yaml' or $switch eq '-y') {
68 $output = 'yaml';
70 elsif ($switch eq '--concise' or $switch eq '-c') {
71 $output = 'concise';
73 elsif ($switch eq '--p5' or $switch eq '-5') {
74 $output = 'p5';
76 elsif ($switch eq '--p6' or $switch eq '-6') {
77 $output = 'p6';
79 elsif ($switch eq '--freeze') {
80 $output = 'store';
82 elsif ($switch eq '--stab' or $switch eq '-s') {
83 $OPT_stab = 1;
85 elsif ($switch eq '--log' or $switch eq '-l') {
86 $OPT_log = 1;
88 elsif ($switch eq '--pos' or $switch eq '-p') {
89 # obsolete, ignored
91 elsif ($switch eq '--match' or $switch eq '-m') {
92 $OPT_match = 1; # attach match object
94 elsif ($switch eq '--thaw') {
95 $OPT_thaw = 1;
97 elsif ($switch eq '--help') {
98 USAGE();
101 # USAGE() unless -r $_[0];
102 my $r;
103 if ($OPT_thaw) {
104 my $raw = retrieve($_[0]);
105 $::ORIG = $raw->{ORIG};
106 $r = $raw->{AST};
107 for my $cl (keys %{$raw->{GENCLASS}}) {
108 Actions::gen_class($cl, $raw->{GENCLASS}->{$cl});
111 elsif (@_ and -f $_[0]) {
112 $r = STD->parsefile($_[0], actions => 'Actions')->{'_ast'};
114 else {
115 if (not $PROG) {
116 local $/;
117 @ARGV = @_;
118 $PROG = <>;
120 $r = STD->parse($PROG, actions => 'Actions')->{'_ast'};
122 unless ($OPT_thaw) {
123 $::ORIG =~ s/\n;\z//;
124 if ($OPT_stab) {
125 no warnings;
126 $r->{stabs} = $STD::ALL;
129 if ($output eq 'yaml') {
130 my $x = Dump($r);
131 # $x =~ s/\n.*: \[\]$//mg;
132 print $x;
134 elsif ($output eq 'concise') {
135 say concise($r, 80);
137 elsif ($output eq 'p6') {
138 say $r->p6;
140 elsif ($output eq 'p5') {
141 print fixpod($r->p5);
143 elsif ($output eq 'store') {
144 Storable::store_fd({ AST => $r, GENCLASS => \%Actions::GENCLASS,
145 ORIG => $::ORIG }, \*STDOUT);
147 else {
148 die "Unknown output mode";
152 sub hang {
153 my ($leader, $arg) = @_;
155 $arg =~ s/\n/\n$leader/g;
157 return $arg;
160 sub listify {
161 my $r = "";
162 for my $i (0 .. $#_) {
163 $r .= ($i == $#_) ? "\n└─" : "\n├─";
164 $r .= hang($i == $#_ ? " " : "│ ", $_[$i]);
169 sub shred {
170 my ($first, $rest, $tx) = @_;
171 my $out = "";
173 while (length $tx > $first) {
174 $out .= substr($tx, 0, $first);
175 $out .= "\n";
176 $tx = substr($tx, $first);
177 $first = $rest;
180 $out . $tx;
183 sub concise {
184 my ($node, $width) = @_;
186 $width = 30 if $width < 30;
188 if (!ref $node) {
189 return defined($node) ? shred($width, $width, "$node") : "undef";
190 } elsif (blessed($node) && ref($node) =~ /^VAST/) {
191 my @pos =
192 ref($node->{"."}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$node->{"."}} :
193 defined($node->{"."}) ? $node->{"."} :
195 my %nam = %$node;
197 delete $nam{"."};
199 # don't list the same node twice
200 my %inpos = map { ref($_) ? (refaddr($_) , 1) : () } @pos;
202 @pos = map { concise($_, $width-2) } @pos;
204 my @oobnam;
205 my $title = blessed $node;
206 my $x = length($title);
207 for my $ch (sort keys %nam) {
208 next if $ch eq '_fate';
209 if (ref $nam{$ch}) {
210 # hide named children that are just (lists of) positional children
211 if ($inpos{refaddr($nam{$ch})}) { next }
212 if (ref($nam{$ch}) eq 'ARRAY') {
213 my $all = 1;
214 for (@{$nam{$ch}}) { $all = 0 unless ref $_ && $inpos{refaddr $_} }
215 next if $all;
219 my $repr = concise($nam{$ch}, $width-4);
221 if ($repr !~ /\n/ && length $repr < 30) {
222 if ($x + length($ch) + length($repr) + 6 > $width) {
223 $title .= ",\n";
224 $x = 4;
225 } else {
226 $title .= ", ";
227 $x += 2;
229 $title .= "$ch: $repr";
230 $x += length("$ch: $repr");
231 } else {
232 my $hang = " " x (length($ch)+2);
233 push @oobnam, "$ch: " . hang($hang, $repr);
237 $title = hang((@pos ? "│ " : " ") . (@oobnam ? "│ " : " "), $title);
239 my $result = $title;
241 $result .= hang(@pos ? "│ " : " ", listify(@oobnam));
242 $result .= listify(@pos);
244 return $result;
245 } else {
246 my $d = Dump($node);
247 return substr($d, 4, length($d)-5);
251 # viv should likely be abstracted into a module instead of doing this hack... - pmurias
252 sub VIV::SET_OPT {
253 my %opt = @_;
254 $OPT_match = $opt{match};
255 $OPT_log = $opt{log};
258 sub fixpod {
259 my $text = shift;
260 return $text unless $text =~ /\n/;
261 my @text = split(/^/, $text);
262 my $in_begin = 0;
263 my $in_for = 0;
264 for (@text) {
265 $in_begin = $1 if /^=begin\s+(\w+)/;
266 $in_for = 1 if /^=for/;
267 $in_for = 0 if /^\s*$/;
268 my $docomment = $in_begin || $in_for;
269 $in_begin = 0 if /^=end\s+(\w+)/ and $1 eq $in_begin;
270 s/^/# / if $docomment;
272 join('', @text);
275 sub indent {
276 my $x = shift || '';
277 my $i = shift || 1;
278 my $s = ' ' x $i;
279 $x =~ s/^/$s/mg;
283 sub unsingle {
284 my $in = $_[0];
285 my $out = '';
286 while ($in ne '') {
287 $out .= $1 if $in =~ s/^\\([\\'])//;
288 $out .= $1 if $in =~ s/^(.)//;
290 $out;
293 # XXX this is only used for backslash escapes in regexes
294 sub undouble {
295 my $in = $_[0];
296 my $out = '';
297 my %trans = ( 'n' => "\n" );
298 while ($in ne '') {
299 $out .= $trans{$1} // $1 if $in =~ s/^\\(.)//;
300 $out .= $1 if $in =~ s/^(.)//;
302 $out;
305 sub rd {
306 my $in = shift;
307 my $out = '';
308 for my $ch (split //, $in) {
309 $out .= $ch eq "\n" ? '\n' : quotemeta($ch);
311 $out;
314 ###################################################################
316 { package VAST::Base;
318 sub Str { my $self = shift;
319 my $b = $self->{BEG};
320 my $e = $self->{END};
321 return '' if $b > length($::ORIG);
322 substr($::ORIG, $b, $e - $b);
325 sub kids { my $self = shift;
326 my $key = shift() // '.';
327 return () unless exists $self->{$key};
328 my $entry = $self->{$key};
329 return ref($entry) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$entry : $entry;
332 sub emit_p6 { my $self = shift;
333 my @text;
334 if (exists $self->{'.'}) {
335 my $last = $self->{BEG};
336 my $all = $self->{'.'};
337 my @kids;
338 for my $kid (ref($all) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$all : $all) {
339 next unless $kid;
340 if (not defined $kid->{BEG}) {
341 $kid->{BEG} = $kid->{_from} // next;
342 $kid->{END} = $kid->{_pos};
344 push @kids, $kid;
346 for my $kid (sort { $a->{BEG} <=> $b->{BEG} } @kids) {
347 my $kb = $kid->{BEG};
348 if ($kb > $last) {
349 push @text, substr($::ORIG, $last, $kb - $last);
351 if (ref($kid) eq 'HASH') {
352 print STDERR ::Dump($self);
353 die "in a weird place";
355 push @text, scalar $kid->p6;
356 $last = $kid->{END};
359 my $se = $self->{END};
360 if ($se > $last) {
361 push @text, substr($::ORIG, $last, $se - $last);
364 else {
365 # print STDERR "OOPS " . ref($self) . " $$self{TEXT}\n";
366 push @text, $self->{TEXT};
368 wantarray ? @text : join('', @text);
371 sub p6 { my $self = shift; my $lvl = @context;
372 my @text;
373 say STDERR ' ' x $lvl, ref $self, " from ",$self->{BEG}," to ",$self->{END} if $OPT_log;
374 $context[$lvl] = $self;
375 # print STDERR "HERE " . ref($self) . "\n";
376 splice(@context,$lvl);
377 my @bits = $self->emit_p6;
378 my $val = join '', @bits;
379 my @c = map { ref $_ } @context;
380 my $c = "@c " . ref($self);
381 $c =~ s/VAST:://g;
382 print STDERR ' ' x ($lvl-1), "$c returns $val\n" if $OPT_log;
383 wantarray ? @bits : $val;
386 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
387 my @text;
388 if (exists $self->{'.'}) {
389 my $last = $self->{BEG};
390 my $all = $self->{'.'};
391 my @kids;
392 for my $kid (ref($all) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$all : $all) {
393 next unless $kid;
394 if (not defined $kid->{BEG}) {
395 $kid->{BEG} = $kid->{_from} // next;
396 $kid->{END} = $kid->{_pos};
398 push @kids, $kid;
400 for my $kid (sort { $a->{BEG} <=> $b->{BEG} } @kids) {
401 my $kb = $kid->{BEG};
402 if ($kb > $last) {
403 push @text, substr($::ORIG, $last, $kb - $last);
405 if (ref($kid) eq 'HASH') {
406 print STDERR ::Dump($self);
407 die "in a weird place";
409 push @text, scalar $kid->p5;
410 $last = $kid->{END};
413 my $se = $self->{END};
414 if ($se > $last) {
415 push @text, substr($::ORIG, $last, $se - $last);
418 else {
419 # print STDERR "OOPS " . ref($self) . " $$self{TEXT}\n";
420 push @text, $self->{TEXT};
422 wantarray ? @text : join('', @text);
425 sub p5 { my $self = shift; my $lvl = @context;
426 my @text;
427 say STDERR ' ' x $lvl, ref $self, " from ",$self->{BEG}," to ",$self->{END} if $OPT_log;
428 $context[$lvl] = $self;
429 # print STDERR "HERE " . ref($self) . "\n";
430 my @bits = ::try {
431 local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
432 my @args = @_;
433 $args[-1] =~ s/ at .*? line .*?\n$//s if $args[-1] =~ /\n$/s;
434 die Carp::longmess(@args);
436 $self->emit_p5;
437 } ::catch {
438 my $char = $self->{BEG} // $self->{_from} // 0;
439 my $line = 1 + (substr($::ORIG, 0, $char) =~ y/\n/\n/);
440 say STDERR "!!! FAILED at $char (L$line)";
441 print STDERR $_;
442 "<<< ERROR >>>";
444 my $val = join '', @bits;
445 my @c = map { ref $_ } @context;
446 my $c = "@c";
447 $c =~ s/VAST:://g;
448 say STDERR ' ' x ($lvl-1), "$c returns $val\n" if $OPT_log;
449 # Note that we may have skipped levels, so you can't just pop
450 splice(@context,$lvl);
451 wantarray ? @bits : $val;
454 sub gap { my $self = shift;
455 my $after = shift;
456 my $beg = $self->{END};
457 my $end = $after->{BEG};
458 return '' unless $beg && $end;
459 return substr($::ORIG, $beg, $end - $beg);
462 sub base_re_quantifier { my $self = shift; my $x = shift; my $min = shift;
463 my $qm = $self->{quantmod}->Str;
464 $qm =~ s/:(.)/$1/;
465 $qm ||= $::RATCHET ? ':' : '!';
466 $qm =~ s/\+/!/;
467 return [ $self->{SYM}, $qm, $x, $min ];
471 { package VAST::Str; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
472 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
473 return $self->{TEXT};
475 sub emit_p6 { my $self = shift;
476 return $self->{TEXT};
480 { package VAST::Additive; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
481 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
482 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
483 if ($t[0] eq '*') { # *-1
484 $t[0] = '';
490 { package VAST::Adverb; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
491 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
492 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
493 my $adv = pop @t;
494 if ($adv eq ':delete' or $adv eq ':exists') {
495 $adv =~ s/^://;
496 unshift(@t, $adv . ' ');
497 $t[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
503 { package VAST::apostrophe; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
507 { package VAST::arglist; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
511 { package VAST::args; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
515 { package VAST::assertion; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
519 { package VAST::assertion__S_Bang; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
520 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
521 my $ast = $self->{assertion} ? $self->{assertion}->re_ast
522 : RE_noop->new;
523 $ast->{nobind} = 1;
524 RE_assertion->new(assert => '!', re => $ast);
529 { package VAST::assertion__S_Bra; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
530 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
531 my $cclass = $self->Str;
532 $cclass =~ s/\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4})/\\x\{$1\}/g;
533 RE_cclass->new(text => $cclass);
537 { package VAST::assertion__S_Minus; our @ISA = 'VAST::assertion__S_Bra';
540 { package VAST::assertion__S_Plus; our @ISA = 'VAST::assertion__S_Bra';
544 { package VAST::assertion__S_Cur_Ly; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
545 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
546 local $::NEEDMATCH = 0;
547 my $text = $self->{embeddedblock}{statementlist}->p5;
548 $text = "my \$M = \$C;\n" . $text if $::NEEDMATCH;
549 RE_block->new(body => $text, context => 'bool');
554 { package VAST::assertion__S_DotDotDot; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
558 { package VAST::assertion__S_method; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
559 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
560 my $ast = $self->{assertion}->re_ast;
561 $ast->{nobind} = 1;
562 $ast;
567 { package VAST::assertion__S_name; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
568 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
569 my $name = $self->{longname}->Str;
571 if ($self->{nibbler}[0]) {
572 return RE_method_re->new(name => $name,
573 re => $self->{nibbler}[0]{"."}->re_ast);
576 if ($self->{assertion}[0]) {
577 return RE_bindnamed->new(var => $name,
578 atom => $self->{assertion}[0]->re_ast);
581 if ($name eq 'sym' && defined $::ENDSYM) {
582 return RE_sequence->new(
583 RE_method->new(name => $name, sym => $::SYM),
584 RE_method->new(name => $::ENDSYM, nobind => 1));
587 my $al = $self->{arglist}[0];
588 local $::NEEDMATCH = 0;
589 $al = defined $al ? "(" . $al->p5 . ")" : undef;
590 RE_method->new(name => $name, ($name eq 'sym' ? (sym => $::SYM) : ()),
591 rest => $al, need_match => $::NEEDMATCH);
596 { package VAST::assertion__S_Question; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
597 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
598 my $ast = $self->{assertion} ? $self->{assertion}->re_ast
599 : RE_noop->new;
600 $ast->{nobind} = 1;
601 RE_assertion->new(assert => '?', re => $ast);
606 { package VAST::atom; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
607 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
608 if (exists $self->{TEXT}) {
609 RE_string->new(text => $self->{TEXT});
610 } else {
611 $self->{metachar}->re_ast;
617 { package VAST::Autoincrement; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
621 { package VAST::babble; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
625 { package VAST::backslash; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
629 { package VAST::backslash__S_Back; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
633 { package VAST::backslash__S_d; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
637 { package VAST::backslash__S_h; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
641 { package VAST::backslash__S_misc; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
645 { package VAST::backslash__S_n; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
649 { package VAST::backslash__S_s; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
653 { package VAST::backslash__S_stopper; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
657 { package VAST::backslash__S_t; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
661 { package VAST::backslash__S_v; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
665 { package VAST::backslash__S_w; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
669 { package VAST::backslash__S_x; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
673 { package VAST::before; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
677 { package VAST::block; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
681 { package VAST::blockoid; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
682 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
683 "{\n" . ::indent(scalar($self->{statementlist}->p5), 1) . "}";
688 { package VAST::capterm; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
692 { package VAST::cclass_elem; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
696 { package VAST::Chaining; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
700 { package VAST::circumfix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
704 { package VAST::circumfix__S_Bra_Ket; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
708 { package VAST::circumfix__S_Cur_Ly; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
712 { package VAST::circumfix__S_Paren_Thesis; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
716 { package VAST::circumfix__S_sigil; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
720 { package VAST::codeblock; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
724 { package VAST::colonpair; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
725 sub adverbs { my $self = shift;
726 my $val;
727 if (Scalar::Util::blessed $self->{v} &&
728 $self->{v}->isa('VAST::coloncircumfix')) {
729 my $s = $self->{v}->Str;
730 my $val = $s =~ /^<(.*)>$/ ? ::unsingle($1) :
731 $s =~ /^«(.*)»$/ ? ::undouble($1) :
732 $s =~ /^\['(.*)'\]$/ ? ::unsingle($1) :
733 die "Unparsable coloncircumfix";
734 return $self->{k} => $val;
735 } elsif ($self->{v} == 1) {
736 return "sym" => $self->{k};
737 } else {
738 die "Unsupported compile-time adverb " . $self->Str;
744 { package VAST::Comma; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
749 { package VAST::comp_unit; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
750 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
751 "use 5.010;\nuse utf8;\n" . $self->{statementlist}->p5, "\n";
753 sub emit_p6 { my $self = shift;
754 substr($::ORIG, 0, $self->{statementlist}{BEG}),
755 $self->{statementlist}->p5;
760 { package VAST::Concatenation; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
764 { package VAST::Conditional; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
765 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
766 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
767 for (@t) {
768 s/\?\?/?/;
769 s/!!/:/;
776 { package VAST::CORE; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
780 { package VAST::declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
781 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
782 if ($self->{signature}) {
783 return "(" . join(", ", map { $_->{param_var}->Str }
784 $self->{signature}->kids('parameter')) . ")";
785 } else {
786 return $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
792 { package VAST::default_value; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
796 { package VAST::deflongname; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
797 sub adverbs { my $self = shift;
798 map { $_->adverbs } $self->kids('colonpair');
803 { package VAST::def_module_name; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
807 { package VAST::desigilname; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
811 { package VAST::dotty; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
815 { package VAST::dotty__S_Dot; our @ISA = 'VAST::Methodcall';
819 { package VAST::SYM_dotty__S_Dot; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
823 { package VAST::dottyop; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
827 { package VAST::eat_terminator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
831 { package VAST::escape; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
835 { package VAST::escape__S_At; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
839 { package VAST::escape__S_Back; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
843 { package VAST::escape__S_Dollar; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
847 { package VAST::EXPR; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
851 { package VAST::fatarrow; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
855 { package VAST::fulltypename; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
859 { package VAST::hexint; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
863 { package VAST::ident; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
867 { package VAST::identifier; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
871 { package VAST::index; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
876 { package VAST::infix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
879 { package VAST::infix_prefix_meta_operator__S_Bang; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
880 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
881 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
882 $t[1] = '~' if $t[1] eq '=~';
883 $t[1] = '=' if $t[1] eq '==';
884 @t = ('ne', '') if $t[1] eq 'eq';
889 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_ColonEqual; our @ISA = 'VAST::Item_assignment';
890 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
891 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
892 $t[0] = '='; # XXX oversimplified
897 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_ColonColonEqual; our @ISA = 'VAST::Item_assignment';
898 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
899 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
900 $t[0] = '='; # XXX oversimplified
906 { package VAST::infixish; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
910 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_PlusAmp; our @ISA = 'VAST::Multiplicative';
911 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
912 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
913 $t[0] = '&';
918 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_eqv; our @ISA = 'VAST::Chaining';
919 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
920 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
921 $t[0] = 'eq';
926 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_leg; our @ISA = 'VAST::Structural_infix';
927 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
928 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
929 $t[0] = 'cmp';
934 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_EqualEqualEqual; our @ISA = 'VAST::Chaining';
935 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
936 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
937 $t[0] = '=='; # only correct for objects (and ints)
942 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_orelse; our @ISA = 'VAST::Loose_or';
943 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
944 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
945 $t[0] = ' or ';
950 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_andthen; our @ISA = 'VAST::Loose_and';
951 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
952 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
953 $t[0] = ' and ';
958 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_PlusVert; our @ISA = 'VAST::Additive';
959 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
960 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
961 $t[0] = '|';
967 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_Tilde; our @ISA = 'VAST::Concatenation';
968 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
969 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
970 $t[0] = '.';
976 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_TildeTilde; our @ISA = 'VAST::Chaining';
977 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
978 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
979 $t[0] = '=~';
984 { package VAST::SYM_infix__S_TildeVert; our @ISA = 'VAST::Additive';
985 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
986 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
987 $t[0] = '|';
993 { package VAST::integer; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
997 { package VAST::Item_assignment; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1001 { package VAST::Junctive_or; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1005 { package VAST::label; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1009 { package VAST::lambda; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1010 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1011 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
1012 $t[0] = 'sub';
1018 { package VAST::left; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1022 { package VAST::List_assignment; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1026 { package VAST::litchar; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1030 { package VAST::longname; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1031 sub adverbs { my $self = shift;
1032 map { $_->adverbs } $self->kids('colonpair');
1037 { package VAST::Loose_and; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1041 { package VAST::Loose_or; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1045 { package VAST::Loose_unary; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1049 { package VAST::metachar; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1050 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1051 RE_meta->new(text => $self->Str);
1056 { package VAST::metachar__S_Back; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1057 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1058 RE_meta->new(text => $self->Str, min => 1);
1063 { package VAST::metachar__S_Bra_Ket; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1064 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1065 local $::DBA = $::DBA;
1066 local $::RATCHET = $::RATCHET;
1067 local $::SIGSPACE = $::SIGSPACE;
1068 local $::IGNORECASE = $::IGNORECASE;
1069 local @::DECLAST;
1071 my $bodyast = $self->{nibbler}{"."}->re_ast;
1072 RE_bracket->new(decl => \@::DECLAST, re => $bodyast);
1077 { package VAST::metachar__S_Caret; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1081 { package VAST::metachar__S_CaretCaret; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1084 { package VAST::metachar__S_ColonColon; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1087 { package VAST::metachar__S_ColonColonColon; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1090 { package VAST::metachar__S_ColonColonKet; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1094 { package VAST::metachar__S_Cur_Ly; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1095 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1096 local $::NEEDMATCH = 0;
1097 my $text = $self->{embeddedblock}{statementlist}->p5;
1098 $text = "my \$M = \$C;\n" . $text if $::NEEDMATCH;
1099 RE_block->new(body => $text, context => 'void');
1104 { package VAST::metachar__S_Dollar; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1108 { package VAST::metachar__S_DollarDollar; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1112 { package VAST::metachar__S_Dot; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1113 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1114 RE_meta->new(text => $self->Str, min => 1);
1119 { package VAST::metachar__S_Double_Double; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1120 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1121 my $text = ::undouble($self->{quote}{nibble}->Str);
1122 RE_double->new(text => $text);
1127 { package VAST::metachar__S_Lt_Gt; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1128 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1129 $self->{assertion}->re_ast;
1134 { package VAST::metachar__S_mod; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1135 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1136 $self->{mod_internal}->re_ast;
1141 { package VAST::metachar__S_Nch; our @ISA = 'VAST::metachar';
1145 { package VAST::metachar__S_Paren_Thesis; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1146 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1147 local $::DBA = $::DBA;
1148 local $::RATCHET = $::RATCHET;
1149 local $::SIGSPACE = $::SIGSPACE;
1150 local $::IGNORECASE = $::IGNORECASE;
1151 local @::DECLAST;
1153 my $bodyast = $self->{nibbler}{"."}->re_ast;
1154 RE_bindpos->new(var => $::PAREN++,
1155 atom => RE_paren->new(decl => \@::DECLAST, re => $bodyast));
1160 { package VAST::metachar__S_qw; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1161 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1162 # XXX
1163 my @elems = split(' ', $self->{circumfix}{nibble}->Str);
1164 shift @elems;
1165 my $l = ::min(1_000_000_000, map { length } @elems);
1166 RE_qw->new(min => $l, text => $self->Str);
1171 { package VAST::metachar__S_sigwhite; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1172 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1173 RE_method->new(name => 'ws', nobind => 1);
1178 { package VAST::metachar__S_Single_Single; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1179 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1180 my $text = ::unsingle($self->{quote}{nibble}->Str);
1181 RE_string->new(text => $text);
1186 { package VAST::metachar__S_var; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1187 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1188 # We don't un6 because some things need to un6 specially - backrefs
1189 if ($self->{binding}) {
1190 $self->{SYM} =~ /^\$<(.*)>$/ or die "Can't bind backref to " . $self->{SYM};
1191 RE_bindnamed->new(var => $1, atom =>
1192 $self->{binding}{quantified_atom}->re_ast);
1193 } else {
1194 RE_var->new(var => $self->{termish}->p5);
1200 { package VAST::Methodcall; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1201 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1202 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
1203 if (@t > 2) {
1204 my $first = shift @t;
1205 my $second = join '', @t;
1206 @t = ($first,$second);
1208 if ($t[1] eq '.pos') { $t[1] = '.<_pos>'; }
1209 $t[1] =~ s/^(\.?)<(.*)>$/$1\{'$2'\}/;
1210 if ($t[0] =~ /^[@%]/) {
1211 if ($t[1] =~ s/^\.?([[{])/$1/) {
1212 if ($t[1] =~ /,/) {
1213 substr($t[0],0,1) = '@';
1215 else {
1216 substr($t[0],0,1) = '$';
1221 elsif ($t[1] =~ /^[[{]/) {
1222 $t[1] =~ s/^([[{])/.$1/;
1224 elsif ($t[0] =~ s/^&(\w+)/\$$1/) {
1225 $t[1] =~ s/^\(/->(/;
1227 $t[1] =~ s/^\./->/;
1228 my $t = join('', @t);
1229 $t =~ s/^(.*\S)\s*:(delete|exists)/$2 $1/;
1230 # print STDERR ::Dump(\@t);
1236 { package VAST::method_def; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1237 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1238 my $name = $self->{longname} ? $self->{longname}->p5 . " " : "";
1239 my $sig = $self->{multisig}[0] ? $self->{multisig}[0]->p5 : "";
1240 my $body = $self->{blockoid}{statementlist}->p5;
1242 if ($::MULTINESS eq 'multi') {
1243 $::MULTIMETHODS{$name} .= <<EOT
1245 local \@_ = \@_;
1246 return do {
1247 my \$self = shift;
1249 . ::indent($sig . $body, 2) . <<EOT
1254 return '';
1257 # not quite right, this should be an expression
1258 "sub " . $name . "{\n" .
1259 ::indent("no warnings 'recursion';\nmy \$self = shift;\n" .
1260 $sig . $body, 1)
1261 . "}";
1266 { package VAST::methodop; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1270 { package VAST::modifier_expr; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1274 { package VAST::mod_internal; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1278 { package VAST::mod_internal__S_p6adv; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1279 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1280 my $key = $self->{quotepair}{k};
1282 if ($key eq 'dba') {
1283 $::DBA = eval ($self->{quotepair}{circumfix}[0]->Str);
1284 } elsif ($key eq 'lang') {
1285 my $lang = $self->{quotepair}{circumfix}[0]->p5;
1286 return RE_decl->new(body => <<BODY);
1287 my \$newlang = $lang;
1288 \$C = bless(\$C, (ref(\$newlang) || \$newlang));
1289 BODY
1290 } else {
1291 die "unhandled internal adverb $key";
1294 RE_noop->new;
1299 { package VAST::mod_internal__S_ColonBangs; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1303 { package VAST::mod_internal__S_Coloni; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1304 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1305 $::IGNORECASE = 1;
1306 RE_noop->new;
1310 { package VAST::mod_internal__S_Colonr; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1311 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1312 $::RATCHET = 1;
1313 RE_noop->new;
1318 { package VAST::mod_internal__S_Colonmy; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1319 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1320 local $::NEEDMATCH = 0;
1321 my $text = $self->{statement}->p5;
1322 $text = 'my $M = $C; ' . $text if $::NEEDMATCH;
1324 push @::DECLAST, RE_decl->new(body => $text);
1325 RE_noop->new;
1330 { package VAST::mod_internal__S_Colons; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1331 # note that most of this is handled in the parser
1332 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1333 $::SIGSPACE = 1;
1334 RE_noop->new;
1339 { package VAST::mod_internal__S_ColonBangs; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1340 # note that most of this is handled in the parser
1341 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1342 $::SIGSPACE = 0;
1343 RE_noop->new;
1348 { package VAST::module_name; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1352 { package VAST::module_name__S_normal; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1356 { package VAST::morename; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1360 { package VAST::multi_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1364 { package VAST::multi_declarator__S_multi; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1365 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1366 local $::MULTINESS = 'multi';
1367 $self->{"."}->p5;
1372 { package VAST::multi_declarator__S_null; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1376 { package VAST::multi_declarator__S_proto; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1377 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1378 local $::MULTINESS = 'proto';
1379 $self->{"."}->p5;
1384 { package VAST::Multiplicative; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1387 # We don't currently do MMD so no need for later sigs
1388 { package VAST::multisig; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1389 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1390 $self->{signature}[0]->p5;
1395 { package VAST::name; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1399 { package VAST::named_param; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1403 { package VAST::Named_unary; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1406 { package VAST::nibbler; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1410 { package VAST::nofun; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1414 { package VAST::normspace; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1419 { package VAST::nulltermish; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1423 { package VAST::number; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1427 { package VAST::number__S_numish; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1431 { package VAST::numish; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1435 { package VAST::opener; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1439 { package VAST::package_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1443 { package VAST::package_declarator__S_class; our @ISA = 'VAST::package_declarator';
1444 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1445 local $::PKGDECL = 'class';
1446 $self->{package_def}->p5;
1451 { package VAST::package_declarator__S_grammar; our @ISA = 'VAST::package_declarator';
1452 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1453 local $::PKGDECL = 'grammar';
1454 $self->{package_def}->p5;
1459 { package VAST::package_declarator__S_role; our @ISA = 'VAST::package_declarator';
1460 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1461 local $::PKGDECL = 'role';
1462 $self->{package_def}->p5;
1466 { package VAST::package_declarator__S_knowhow; our @ISA = 'VAST::package_declarator';
1467 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1468 local $::PKGDECL = 'knowhow';
1469 $self->{package_def}->p5;
1474 { package VAST::package_def; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1475 sub p5_module_name { my $self = shift;
1476 my $def_module_name = $self->{longname}[0]{name}->Str;
1477 if ($self->{decl}{inpkg}[0] =~ /GLOBAL::(.*)/) {
1478 $::OUR{$def_module_name} = "$1::$def_module_name";
1479 $def_module_name = "$1::$def_module_name";
1481 $def_module_name;
1483 sub emit_p5_header { my $self = shift;
1484 my $header = "";
1485 my $name = $::PKG;
1486 my @extends;
1487 my @does;
1488 for (@{$self->{trait}}) {
1489 my $t = $_->Str;
1490 push(@extends, $t =~ /^is\s+(\S+)/);
1491 push(@does, $t =~ /^does\s+(\S+)/);
1493 @extends = 'Cursor' if $::PKGDECL eq 'grammar' && !@extends;
1495 my $meta = $::PKGDECL eq 'role' ? 'Moose::Role' : 'Moose';
1497 $header .= <<"END";
1498 use $meta ':all' => { -prefix => "moose_" };
1499 use Cursor; # for DEBUG::, etc
1502 $header .= <<"END" for @extends;
1503 moose_extends('$_');
1506 $header .= <<"END" for @does;
1507 moose_with('$_');
1510 $header .= <<"END";
1512 no warnings 'qw', 'recursion';
1513 my \$retree;
1515 \$DB::deep = \$DB::deep = 1000; # suppress used-once warning
1517 use YAML::XS;
1519 \$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die \@_," statement started at line ", 'STD'->lineof(\$::LASTSTATE), "\n" } if \$::DEBUG;
1522 $header;
1525 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1526 my $block = $self->{blockoid}{statementlist} // $self->{statementlist};
1527 local $::RETREE = {};
1528 local $::PROTO = {};
1529 local $::PROTOSIG = {};
1530 local $::PKG = $self->p5_module_name;
1531 local $::MULTIRX_SEQUENCE = 0;
1532 local %::MULTIMETHODS;
1533 my $body1 = $self->emit_p5_header;
1534 my $body3 = $block->p5;
1535 my $body2 = '';
1537 if (%{$::RETREE}) {
1538 $body2 = "\$retree = YAML::XS::Load(Encode::encode_utf8(<<'RETREE_END'));\n" .
1539 Encode::decode_utf8(::Dump($::RETREE)) . "RETREE_END\n";
1541 my $body = $body1 . $body2 . $body3;
1542 my $name = $::PKG;
1544 if (my ($sig) = $self->kids('signature')) {
1545 my @parm = map { $_->Str } $sig->kids('parameter');
1546 my $plist = join ", ", @parm;
1548 $body = <<EOT . $body;
1549 package $name;
1550 require "mangle.pl";
1551 our \%INSTANTIATED;
1552 sub __instantiate__ { my \$self = shift;
1553 my ($plist) = \@_;
1554 my \$mangle = ::mangle($plist);
1555 my \$mixin = "${name}::" . \$mangle;
1556 return \$mixin if \$INSTANTIATED{\$mixin}++;
1557 ::deb(" instantiating \$mixin") if \$::DEBUG & DEBUG::mixins;
1558 my \$eval = "package \$mixin" . q{;
1560 $body .= <<EOT;
1562 eval \$eval;
1563 return \$mixin;
1566 } else {
1567 $body = "package $name;\n" . $body;
1570 my $finalmulti = '';
1572 for my $mm (sort keys %::MULTIMETHODS) {
1573 $finalmulti .= "moose_around $mm => sub {\n my \$orig = shift;\n no warnings 'recursion';\n" .
1574 ::indent($::MULTIMETHODS{$mm}, 1) . <<EOFINAL
1575 \$orig->(\@_);
1582 "{ $body $finalmulti 1; }";
1586 # Perl5 invocations don't carry enough context for a proper binder; in
1587 # particular we can't distinguish named stuff from positionals
1588 { package VAST::parameter; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1589 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1590 my $pvar = $self->{param_var};
1591 my @names;
1592 my $posit = 0;
1594 my $np = $self->{named_param};
1595 while ($np) {
1596 $pvar = $np->{param_var};
1597 push @names, $np->{name} ? $np->{name}{TEXT}
1598 : $np->{param_var}{name}[0]{TEXT};
1599 $np = $np->{named_param};
1601 $posit = 1 unless @names;
1602 my $pname = $pvar->{name}[0]{TEXT};
1603 my $sigil = $pvar->{sigil}{SYM};
1604 my $twigil = $pvar->{twigil}[0] ? $pvar->{twigil}[0]{SYM} : '';
1605 my ($dv) = $self->kids('default_value');
1607 # Is it valid?
1608 my $check = '';
1609 if (($self->{quant} eq '!' || $self->{quant} eq '' && $posit) && !$dv) {
1610 # XXX STD/gimme5 doesn't use ? correctly; will be fixed after
1611 # bootstrap
1612 $check .= $::MULTINESS eq 'multi' ? "last " :
1613 "1"; #"die 'Required argument $pname omitted' ";
1614 $check .= $posit ? 'unless @_'
1615 : 'unless ' . join(" || ", map ("exists \$args{$_}", @names));
1616 $check .= ";\n"
1619 # Get the value
1620 my $value = "undef";
1621 if ($dv) {
1622 $value = $dv->{"."}->p5;
1624 if ($posit) {
1625 $value = '@_ ? shift() : ' . $value;
1627 for (reverse @names) {
1628 $value = "exists \$args{$_} ? delete \$args{$_} : $value";
1630 if ($self->{quant} eq '*') {
1631 $value = ($sigil eq '%') ? '%args' : '@_';
1632 $posit = 0 if $sigil eq '%';
1635 # Store it somewhere useful
1636 if ($twigil eq '*' && $pname eq 'endsym') {
1637 # XXX this optimization needs to be refactored, I think
1638 my ($dv) = $self->kids('default_value');
1639 $::ENDSYM = $dv->{"."}->Str;
1640 $::ENDSYM = substr($::ENDSYM, 1, length($::ENDSYM)-2);
1641 return (0, '');
1644 my $assn;
1645 if ($twigil eq '*') {
1646 $assn = "local ${sigil}::${pname} = $value";
1647 } else {
1648 $assn = "my ${sigil}${pname} = $value";
1651 (!$posit), ($check . $assn);
1656 { package VAST::param_sep; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1660 { package VAST::param_var; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1664 { package VAST::pblock; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1668 { package VAST::pod_comment; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1672 { package VAST::POST; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1676 { package VAST::postcircumfix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1680 { package VAST::SYM_postcircumfix__S_Lt_Gt; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1681 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1682 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
1683 $t[0] = "{'";
1684 $t[-1] = "'}";
1690 { package VAST::postfix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1694 { package VAST::postop; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1698 { package VAST::PRE; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1702 { package VAST::prefix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1706 { package VAST::SYM_prefix__S_Plus; our @ISA = 'VAST::Symbolic_unary';
1707 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1708 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
1709 $t[0] = '0+';
1714 { package VAST::SYM_prefix__S_Vert; our @ISA = 'VAST::Symbolic_unary';
1715 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1716 ('');
1721 { package VAST::prefix__S_temp; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1722 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1723 my $arg = $self->{arg}->p5;
1724 "local $arg = $arg";
1729 { package VAST::quantified_atom; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1730 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1731 if (!@{$self->{quantifier}}) {
1732 return $self->{atom}->re_ast;
1735 if ($self->{quantifier}[0]{SYM} eq ':') {
1736 my $ast = $self->{atom}->re_ast;
1737 $ast->{r} = 1;
1738 return $ast;
1741 my $quant = $self->{quantifier}[0]->re_quantifier;
1743 my $ast = $self->{atom}->re_ast;
1745 RE_quantified_atom->new(atom => $ast, quant => $quant);
1749 { package VAST::quant_atom_list; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1750 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1751 my @kids = map { $_->re_ast } $self->kids("quantified_atom");
1752 # XXX STD work around misparsing of whitespace near quantifiers
1753 for my $i (0 .. @kids - 2) {
1754 if ($kids[$i+1]->isa('RE_quantified_atom')
1755 && $kids[$i+1]{atom}->isa('RE_method')
1756 && $kids[$i+1]{atom}{name} eq 'ws') {
1757 $kids[$i+1]{atom} = $kids[$i];
1758 $kids[$i] = RE_noop->new;
1761 RE_sequence->new(@kids);
1766 { package VAST::quantifier; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1770 { package VAST::quantifier__S_Plus; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1771 sub re_quantifier { my $self = shift;
1772 $self->base_re_quantifier("", 1);
1777 { package VAST::quantifier__S_Question; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1778 sub re_quantifier { my $self = shift;
1779 $self->base_re_quantifier("", 0);
1784 { package VAST::quantifier__S_Star; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1785 sub re_quantifier { my $self = shift;
1786 $self->base_re_quantifier("", 0);
1791 { package VAST::quantifier__S_StarStar; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1792 sub re_quantifier { my $self = shift;
1793 my ($range) = $self->Str =~ /.*(\d+\.\.\d+)$/;
1794 $self->base_re_quantifier($self->{embeddedblock} //
1795 $range // $self->{quantified_atom}->re_ast, 1);
1800 { package VAST::quantmod; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1804 { package VAST::quibble; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1809 { package VAST::quote; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1810 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1811 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
1812 $t[0] =~ s/</qw</;
1813 # print STDERR ::Dump(\@t);
1818 { package VAST::quote__S_Double_Double; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1822 { package VAST::circumfix__S_Fre_Nch; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1823 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1824 'split(/ /, "' . $self->{nibble}->p5 . '", -1)'
1829 { package VAST::quote__S_Lt_Gt; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1833 { package VAST::quotepair; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1837 { package VAST::quote__S_s; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1841 { package VAST::quote__S_Single_Single; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1845 { package VAST::quote__S_Slash_Slash; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1849 { package VAST::regex_block; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1853 { package VAST::regex_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1857 { package VAST::regex_declarator__S_regex; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1858 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1859 local $::RATCHET = 0;
1860 local $::SIGSPACE = 0;
1861 local $::REGEX_DECLARATOR = 'regex';
1862 my $comment = substr($::ORIG, $self->{BEG},100);
1863 $comment =~ s/\n.*//s;
1864 "## $comment\n" . $self->{regex_def}->p5;
1869 { package VAST::regex_declarator__S_rule; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1870 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1871 local $::RATCHET = 1;
1872 local $::SIGSPACE = 1;
1873 local $::REGEX_DECLARATOR = 'rule';
1874 my $comment = substr($::ORIG, $self->{BEG},100);
1875 $comment =~ s/\n.*//s;
1876 "## $comment\n" . $self->{regex_def}->p5;
1881 { package VAST::regex_declarator__S_token; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1882 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1883 local $::RATCHET = 1;
1884 local $::SIGSPACE = 0;
1885 local $::REGEX_DECLARATOR = 'token';
1886 my $comment = substr($::ORIG, $self->{BEG}, 100);
1887 $comment =~ s/\n.*//s;
1888 "## $comment\n" . $self->{regex_def}->p5;
1892 { package VAST::regex_def; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
1893 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
1894 RE_ast->new(kind => $::REGEX_DECLARATOR, decl => \@::DECLAST,
1895 re => $self->{regex_block}{nibble}{"."}->re_ast);
1897 sub protoregex { my $self = shift; my $name = shift;
1898 $::PROTO->{$name} = 1;
1899 $::PROTOSIG->{$name} = ($self->kids("signature"))[0];
1900 <<EOT;
1901 sub ${name}__PEEK { \$_[0]->_AUTOLEXpeek('$name:*',\$retree); }
1902 sub $name {
1903 my \$self = shift;
1904 my \$subs;
1906 local \$::CTX = \$self->callm() if \$::DEBUG & DEBUG::trace_call;
1908 my \$C = \$self->cursor_xact('RULE $name');
1909 my \$S = \$C->{'_pos'};
1911 my \@result = do {
1912 my (\$tag, \$try);
1913 my \@try;
1914 my \$relex;
1915 my \$x;
1916 if (my \$fate = \$C->{'_fate'}) {
1917 if (\$fate->[1] eq '$name') {
1918 \$C->deb("Fate passed to $name: ", ::fatestr(\$fate)) if \$::DEBUG & DEBUG::fates;
1919 (\$C->{'_fate'}, \$tag, \$try) = \@\$fate;
1920 \@try = (\$try);
1921 \$x = 'ALT $name';
1923 else {
1924 \$x = 'ALTLTM $name';
1927 else {
1928 \$x = 'ALTLTM $name';
1930 my \$C = \$C->cursor_xact(\$x);
1931 my \$xact = \$C->{_xact};
1933 my \@gather = ();
1934 for (;;) {
1935 unless (\@try) {
1936 \$relex //= \$C->cursor_fate('$::PKG', '$name:*', \$retree);
1937 \@try = \$relex->(\$C) or last;
1939 \$try = shift(\@try) // next;
1941 if (ref \$try) {
1942 (\$C->{'_fate'}, \$tag, \$try) = \@\$try; # next candidate fate
1945 \$C->deb("$name trying \$tag \$try") if \$::DEBUG & DEBUG::try_processing;
1946 push \@gather, \$C->\$try(\@_);
1947 last if \@gather;
1948 last if \$xact->[-2]; # committed?
1950 \$self->_MATCHIFYr(\$S, "$name", \@gather);
1952 \@result;
1957 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
1958 my $name = $self->{deflongname}[0]{name}->Str;
1959 if (defined $::MULTINESS && $::MULTINESS eq 'proto') {
1960 return $self->protoregex($name);
1962 my $p5name = $name;
1963 my %adv = $self->{deflongname}[0]->adverbs;
1964 local $::SYM = $adv{sym};
1965 local $::ENDSYM;
1966 local $::REV = '';
1967 local $::PLURALITY = 1;
1968 local @::DECL;
1969 local @::DECLAST;
1970 local $::NEEDORIGARGS = 0;
1971 local $::IGNORECASE = 0;
1972 local $::PAREN = 0;
1973 local %::BINDINGS;
1975 my $spcsig = $self->kids('signature') ?
1976 (($self->kids('signature'))[0])->p5 : '';
1977 my $defsig = $::PROTO && $::PROTOSIG->{$name}
1978 ? $::PROTOSIG->{$name}->p5 : '';
1979 if (defined $adv{sym}) {
1980 $p5name = sprintf "%s__S_%03d%s", $name, $::MULTIRX_SEQUENCE++,
1981 ::mangle(split " ", $adv{sym});
1983 local $::DBA = $name;
1984 local $::NAME = $p5name;
1985 local $::ALT = 0;
1986 my $ast = $self->re_ast->optimize;
1988 $::RETREE->{$p5name} = $ast;
1990 my $urbody = $ast->walk;
1991 say STDERR "<<< " . $urbody . ": " . $urbody->p5 if $OPT_log;
1992 my ($body, $ratchet) = $urbody->uncut;
1993 say STDERR "<<< " . $body . ": " . $body->p5 if $OPT_log;
1994 $ast->{dba_needed} = 1;
1995 $ast->clean;
1997 <<TEXT
1998 sub ${p5name}__PEEK { \$_[0]->_AUTOLEXpeek('$p5name', \$retree) }
1999 sub $p5name {
2000 no warnings 'recursion';
2001 my \$self = shift;
2003 TEXT
2004 . ($::NEEDORIGARGS ? " my \@origargs = \@_;\n" : "")
2005 . ::indent($defsig . $spcsig, 1)
2006 . ::indent(join("", @::DECL), 1)
2007 . <<TEXT
2009 local \$::CTX = \$self->callm() if \$::DEBUG & DEBUG::trace_call;
2011 my \$C = \$self->cursor_xact("RULE $p5name");
2012 my \$xact = \$C->xact;
2013 my \$S = \$C->{'_pos'};
2014 TEXT
2015 . join("", map { " \$C->{'$_'} = [];\n" }
2016 grep { $::BINDINGS{$_} > 1 }
2017 sort keys %::BINDINGS)
2018 . ($::SYM ? '$C->{sym} = "' . quotemeta($::SYM) . '";' : '')
2019 . <<END
2020 \$self->_MATCHIFY$ratchet(\$S, "$p5name", ${\ $body->p5 });
2028 { package VAST::Replication; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2032 { package VAST::right; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2036 { package VAST::routine_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2040 { package VAST::routine_declarator__S_method; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2041 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2042 my $comment = substr($::ORIG, $self->{BEG},100);
2043 $comment =~ s/\s*\{.*//s;
2044 "## $comment\n" . $self->{method_def}->p5;
2049 { package VAST::regex_infix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2052 # This is really a tight ternary op, but XXX STD parses it as a loose infix,
2053 # so we need to reassociate. Also, the backend handling is very "fossily"
2054 { package VAST::regex_infix__S_Tilde; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2055 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
2056 my ($left, $right) = map { $_->re_ast } $self->kids('args');
2057 die "internal error: erroneous optimization"
2058 unless $left->isa("RE_sequence") && $right->isa("RE_sequence");
2059 my @lefts = @{ $left->{zyg} };
2060 my @rights = @{ $right->{zyg} };
2062 pop @lefts while $lefts[-1]->isa('RE_method') && $lefts[-1]{name} eq 'ws';
2063 shift @rights while $rights[0]->isa('RE_method') && $rights[0]{name} eq 'ws';
2064 splice @rights, 1, 1 while $rights[1]->isa('RE_method') && $rights[1]{name} eq 'ws';
2066 my $opener = pop @lefts;
2067 my ($closer, $inner) = splice @rights, 0, 2;
2069 my @middle;
2071 my $strcloser = $closer->{text}; #XXX
2073 my $begin = <<TEXT;
2074 local \$::GOAL = "${\ quotemeta $strcloser}";
2075 my \$goalpos = \$C;
2076 TEXT
2077 if ($strcloser !~ /^[])}]$/) {
2078 $begin .= <<TEXT;
2079 my \$newlang = \$C->unbalanced(\$::GOAL);
2080 \$C = bless(\$C, (ref(\$newlang) || \$newlang))
2081 TEXT
2084 push @middle, $opener;
2085 push @middle, $inner;
2086 push @middle, RE_bracket->new(decl => [], re => RE_first->new(
2087 RE_string->new(text => $strcloser),
2088 RE_method->new(name => 'FAILGOAL', nobind => 1,
2089 rest => "(\$::GOAL, '$::DBA', \$goalpos)")));
2091 my $middle = RE_bracket->new(decl => [RE_decl->new(body => $begin)], re =>
2092 RE_sequence->new(@middle));
2094 RE_sequence->new(@lefts, $middle, @rights);
2099 { package VAST::regex_infix__S_Vert; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2100 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
2101 my $altname = $::NAME . "_" . $::ALT++;
2103 RE_any->new(altname => $altname,
2104 zyg => [map { $_->re_ast } $self->kids('args')]);
2109 { package VAST::regex_infix__S_VertVert; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2110 sub re_ast { my $self = shift;
2111 RE_first->new(map { $_->re_ast } $self->kids('args'));
2116 # type erase
2117 { package VAST::scoped; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2118 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2119 if (@{$self->{typename}}) {
2120 " " . $self->{multi_declarator}->p5;
2121 } else {
2122 $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2128 { package VAST::scope_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2132 { package VAST::scope_declarator__S_has; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2133 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2134 my $scoped = $self->{scoped};
2135 my $typename = $scoped->{typename}[0];
2136 my $multi = $scoped->{multi_declarator};
2137 my $decl = $scoped->{declarator} // $multi->{declarator};
2138 my $vdecl = $decl->{variable_declarator};
2139 my $var = $vdecl->{variable};
2140 "moose_has '" . $var->{desigilname}->Str . "' => (" . join (", ",
2141 ($typename ? ("isa => '" . $typename->Str . "'") : ()),
2142 ("is => 'rw'")
2143 ) . ")";
2148 { package VAST::scope_declarator__S_my; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2149 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2150 my $t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2151 $t =~ s/my(\s+)&(\w+)/my$1\$$2/;
2152 $t =~ s/my(\s+)([\$@%])::(\w+)/local$1${2}::$3/;
2158 { package VAST::scope_declarator__S_our; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2162 { package VAST::semiarglist; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2166 { package VAST::semilist; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2170 { package VAST::sibble; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2174 { package VAST::sigil; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2178 { package VAST::sigil__S_Amp; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2182 { package VAST::sigil__S_At; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2186 { package VAST::sigil__S_Dollar; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2190 { package VAST::sigil__S_Percent; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2194 { package VAST::sign; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2198 { package VAST::signature; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2199 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2200 for ($self->kids('param_sep')) {
2201 next if $_->{TEXT} =~ /,/;
2202 die "Unusual parameter separators not yet supported";
2205 # signature stuff is just parsing code
2206 my @seg = ('', '');
2207 for my $pv ($self->kids('parameter')) {
2208 my ($named, $st) = $pv->p5;
2209 $seg[$named] .= $st . ";\n";
2212 if ($seg[1]) { $seg[1] = "my %args = \@_;\n" . $seg[1]; }
2214 $seg[0] . $seg[1];
2219 { package VAST::spacey; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2224 { package VAST::special_variable; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2227 { package VAST::special_variable__S_Dollar_a2_; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2228 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2229 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2230 $t[0] = '$C';
2236 { package VAST::special_variable__S_DollarSlash; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2237 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2238 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2239 $t[0] = '$M';
2240 $::NEEDMATCH++;
2246 { package VAST::statement; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2250 { package VAST::statement_control; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2254 { package VAST::statement_control__S_default; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2258 { package VAST::statement_control__S_for; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2262 { package VAST::statement_control__S_given; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2266 { package VAST::statement_control__S_if; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2267 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2268 join("\n", ("if " . $self->{xblock}->p5)
2269 , (map { "elsif " .$_->p5 } @{$self->{elsif}})
2270 , (map { "else " . $_->p5 } @{$self->{else}}));
2275 { package VAST::statement_control__S_loop; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2276 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2277 my $t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2278 $t =~ s/^loop(\s+\()/for$1/;
2279 $t =~ s/^loop/for (;;)/;
2285 { package VAST::statement_control__S_when; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2286 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2287 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2288 if ($t[1] =~ s/^\s*\(\s*\*\s*\)//) { $t[0] = 'default'; }
2294 { package VAST::statement_control__S_while; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2298 { package VAST::statementlist; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2299 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2300 my @stmts = $self->kids('statement');
2301 # XXX mostly for the benefit of hashes
2302 if (@stmts == 1) {
2303 return $stmts[0]->p5;
2305 join("", map { $_->p5 . ";\n" } @stmts);
2310 { package VAST::statement_mod_cond; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2314 { package VAST::statement_mod_cond__S_if; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2318 { package VAST::statement_mod_cond__S_unless; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2322 { package VAST::statement_mod_loop; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2326 { package VAST::statement_mod_loop__S_for; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2330 { package VAST::statement_mod_loop__S_while; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2334 { package VAST::statement_prefix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2338 { package VAST::statement_prefix__S_do; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2342 { package VAST::statement_prefix__S_try; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2343 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2344 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2345 $t[0] = 'eval';
2351 { package VAST::stdstopper; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2355 { package VAST::stopper; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2359 { package VAST::Structural_infix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2363 { package VAST::sublongname; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2367 { package VAST::subshortname; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2371 { package VAST::Symbolic_unary; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2375 { package VAST::term; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2378 { package VAST::term__S_capterm; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2382 { package VAST::term__S_circumfix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2386 { package VAST::term__S_colonpair; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2387 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2388 my $t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2389 my $val;
2390 if ($t =~ s/^:!//) {
2391 $val = 0
2393 elsif ($t =~ s/^:(\d+)//) {
2394 $val = $1;
2396 else {
2397 $t =~ s/^://;
2398 $val = 1;
2400 if ($t =~ s/^(\w+)$/'$1'/) {
2401 $t .= " => $val";
2403 else {
2404 my ($name,$rest) = $t =~ /^(\w+)(.*)$/s;
2405 $rest =~ s/^<([^\s']*)>/'$1'/ or
2406 $rest =~ s/^(<\S*>)/q$1/ or
2407 $rest =~ s/^(<\s*\S+\s*>)/qw$1/ or
2408 $rest =~ s/^(<.*>)/[qw$1]/; # p5's => isn't scalar context
2409 $t = "'$name' => $rest";
2417 { package VAST::term__S_fatarrow; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2421 { package VAST::term__S_identifier; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2422 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2423 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2424 if ($t[0] eq 'item') {
2425 $t[0] = '\\';
2426 $t[1] =~ s/^\s+//;
2428 if ($t[0] eq 'map' || $t[0] eq 'grep' || $t[0] eq 'sort') {
2429 # XXX this should be more robust, but it belongs in DEEP after
2430 # all arguments are collected anyway
2431 $t[1] =~ s/}\s*,/} /;
2433 if ($t[0] eq 'invert') {
2434 $t[0] = 'reverse';
2436 if ($t[0] eq 'chars') {
2437 $t[0] = 'length';
2439 if ($t[0] eq 'note') {
2440 $t[0] = 'print STDERR';
2442 if ($t[0] eq 'False') {
2443 $t[0] = '0';
2445 if ($t[0] eq 'True') {
2446 $t[0] = '1';
2448 if ($t[0] eq 'Nil') {
2449 $t[0] = '()';
2456 { package VAST::term__S_multi_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2460 { package VAST::term__S_package_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2464 { package VAST::term__S_regex_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2465 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;;
2466 $self->{regex_declarator}->p5;
2471 { package VAST::term__S_routine_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2475 { package VAST::term__S_scope_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2479 { package VAST::term__S_statement_prefix; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2483 { package VAST::term__S_term; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2487 { package VAST::term__S_value; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2491 { package VAST::term__S_variable; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2495 { package VAST::terminator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2496 sub emit_p6 { my $self = shift;
2497 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p6;
2502 { package VAST::terminator__S_BangBang; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2504 { package VAST::terminator__S_for; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2506 { package VAST::terminator__S_if; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2508 { package VAST::terminator__S_Ket; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2510 { package VAST::terminator__S_Ly; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2512 { package VAST::terminator__S_Semi; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2514 { package VAST::terminator__S_Thesis; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2516 { package VAST::terminator__S_unless; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2518 { package VAST::terminator__S_while; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2520 { package VAST::terminator__S_when; our @ISA = 'VAST::terminator'; }
2523 { package VAST::termish; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2528 { package VAST::term; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2531 { package VAST::term__S_name; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2532 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2533 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2534 if (my ($pkg) = ($t[0] =~ /^::(.*)/)) {
2535 $pkg = $::OUR{$pkg} // $pkg;
2536 if (defined $t[1] && $t[1] =~ /^\s*\[/) {
2537 $t[1] =~ s/^\s*\[/->__instantiate__(/;
2538 $t[1] =~ s/\]\s*$/)/;
2539 $t[0] = "$pkg";
2540 } else {
2541 $t[0] = "'$pkg'";
2549 { package VAST::term__S_self; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2550 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2551 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2552 $t[0] = '$self';
2558 { package VAST::term__S_Star; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2562 { package VAST::term__S_undef; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2566 { package VAST::Tight_or; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2569 { package VAST::Tight_and; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2573 { package VAST::trait; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2577 { package VAST::trait_auxiliary; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2581 { package VAST::trait_auxiliary__S_does; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2585 { package VAST::trait_auxiliary__S_is; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2590 { package VAST::twigil; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2593 { package VAST::twigil__S_Dot; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2594 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2595 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2596 $t[0] = 'self->'; # XXX
2602 { package VAST::twigil__S_Star; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2603 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2604 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2605 $t[0] = '::';
2610 { package VAST::twigil__S_Caret; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2611 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2612 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2613 $t[0] = ''; #XXX only correct for sorts
2619 { package VAST::type_constraint; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2622 { package VAST::type_declarator__S_constant; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2623 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2624 my $t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2625 $t =~ s/constant/our/;
2632 { package VAST::typename; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2633 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2634 my @t;
2635 if (ref $context[-1] ne 'VAST::scoped') {
2636 @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2643 { package VAST::unitstopper; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2647 { package VAST::unspacey; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2651 { package VAST::unv; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2655 { package VAST::val; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2659 { package VAST::value; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2663 { package VAST::value__S_number; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2667 { package VAST::value__S_quote; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2671 { package VAST::variable; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2672 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2673 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2674 if (@t >= 2 && $t[0] eq '$') {
2675 if ($t[1] =~ /^\d+$/) {
2676 $t[1] = "M->{$t[1]}";
2677 $::NEEDMATCH = 1;
2678 } elsif ($t[1] =~ /^{/) {
2679 $t[0] = "\$M->";
2680 $::NEEDMATCH = 1;
2688 { package VAST::variable_declarator; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2692 { package VAST::vws; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2696 { package VAST::ws; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2701 { package VAST::xblock; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2702 sub emit_p5 { my $self = shift;
2703 my @t = $self->SUPER::emit_p5;
2704 $t[0] = '(' . $t[0] . ')';
2705 $t[0] =~ s/(\s+)\)$/)$1/;
2710 { package VAST::XXX; our @ISA = 'VAST::Base';
2713 { package REbase;
2714 sub kids { }
2715 sub clone {
2716 my $self = shift;
2717 my $dopp = bless { %$self }, ref($self);
2718 for my $dkid ($dopp->kids) {
2719 $$dkid = $$dkid->clone;
2721 $dopp;
2723 sub new { my $class = shift;
2724 my $self = bless { a => 0, i => $::IGNORECASE ? 1 : 0,
2725 r => $::RATCHET ? 1 : 0, s => $::SIGSPACE ? 1 : 0,
2726 dba => $::DBA, @_ }, $class;
2727 $self->{min} //= $self->calc_min;
2728 $self;
2731 sub optimize { my $self = shift;
2732 for my $kid ($self->kids) {
2733 $$kid = $$kid->optimize;
2735 $self;
2738 sub clean { my $self = shift;
2739 for my $kid ($self->kids) {
2740 $$kid->clean;
2742 delete $self->{r};
2743 delete $self->{s};
2744 delete $self->{a};
2745 delete $self->{i} unless $self->{i_needed};
2746 delete $self->{i_needed};
2747 delete $self->{dba} unless $self->{dba_needed};
2748 delete $self->{dba_needed};
2751 sub calc_min { 0 }
2753 sub walk { my $self = shift;
2754 say STDERR "--> $self" if $OPT_log;
2755 my $exp = $self->_walk;
2756 say STDERR "<-- $exp: ", $exp->p5 if $OPT_log;
2757 if ($self->{r}) {
2758 return DEEP::cut($exp);
2759 } else {
2760 return $exp;
2764 sub _walk {
2765 my $self = shift;
2766 my $result = "";
2767 if ($$self{zyg}) {
2768 foreach my $kid (@{$$self{zyg}}) {
2769 my $x = $kid->walk->p5;
2770 $result .= $x if defined $x;
2773 else {
2774 return ref $self;
2776 return DEEP::raw($result);
2779 sub bind { my $self = shift; my $re = shift;
2780 return $re unless @_;
2781 # SUBSUMEr if we can prove single return
2782 $re = $re->p5;
2783 $re = "\$C->_SUBSUME([" .
2784 join(',', map {"'$_'"} @_) .
2785 "], sub {\n" . ::indent("my \$C = shift;\n" . $re, 2) . "\n })";
2786 DEEP::raw($re);
2789 sub remove_leading_ws { } # this tree node not interested
2790 sub has_trailing_ws { 0 }
2793 { package RE_double; use base "REbase";
2794 sub calc_min { length $_[0]{text} }
2795 sub _walk {
2796 my $self = shift;
2797 my $text = $$self{text};
2798 $$self{i_needed} = 1;
2799 # XXX needs interpolation
2800 if ($$self{i}) {
2801 $text = $::REV ? "(?<=" . ::rd($text) . ")" : ::rd($text);
2802 DEEP::raw('$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?i:' . $text . ')/")');
2804 else {
2805 DEEP::raw("\$C->_EXACT(\"" . ::rd($text) . "\")");
2810 { package RE_string; use base "REbase";
2811 sub calc_min { length $_[0]->{text} }
2812 sub _walk {
2813 my $self = shift;
2814 $$self{i_needed} = 1;
2815 if ($$self{i}) {
2816 my $text = quotemeta($$self{text});
2817 $text = "(?<=$text)" if $::REV;
2818 DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?i:" . ::rd($text) . ")/)");
2820 else {
2821 my $text = $$self{text};
2822 $text =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g;
2823 DEEP::raw("\$C->_EXACT$::REV('$text')");
2828 { package RE_sequence;
2829 sub calc_min { my $self = shift;
2830 ::sum(0, map { $_->{min} } @{ $self->{zyg} });
2833 sub new {
2834 my ($class, @zyg) = @_;
2835 $class->SUPER::new(zyg => \@zyg);
2838 sub wrapone {
2839 my ($self, $outer, $inner) = @_;
2840 my ($out1, $outr) = $outer->uncut;
2841 if ($outr) {
2842 DEEP::raw("if (my (\$C) = (" . $out1->p5 . ")) { " . $inner->p5block . " } else { () }", isblock => 1, precut => !$inner->maybacktrack);
2843 } else {
2844 DEEP::raw("Cursor::lazymap(sub {\n my \$C=\$_[0];\n" .
2845 ::indent($inner->p5) .
2846 "\n}, ${\ $outer->p5 })");
2850 sub _walk {
2851 my $self = shift;
2852 my @result;
2853 my @decl;
2854 if ($$self{zyg}) {
2855 my @kids = @{$$self{zyg}};
2857 while (@kids and ref $kids[0] eq 'RE_decl') {
2858 push @decl, shift(@kids)->walk->p5block;
2861 @kids = reverse @kids if $::REV;
2862 foreach my $kid (@kids) {
2863 my $r = $kid->walk;
2864 push @result, $r;
2867 my $result = pop @result;
2868 for (reverse @result) {
2869 $result = $self->wrapone($_,$result);
2871 @decl ?
2872 DEEP::raw(join('', @decl, $result ? $result->p5 : ''), isblock => 1) :
2873 $result // DEEP::raw('');
2876 sub kids { my $self = shift; map { \$_ } @{$self->{zyg}} }
2878 sub optimize { my $self = shift;
2879 my @ok;
2881 my $afterspace = 0;
2882 for my $kid ($self->kids) {
2883 $$kid->remove_leading_ws if $afterspace;
2884 $afterspace = $$kid->has_trailing_ws($afterspace);
2887 $self = $self->SUPER::optimize;
2889 for my $k (@{$self->{zyg}}) {
2890 next if $k->isa('RE_noop');
2891 if ($k->isa('RE_sequence')) {
2892 push @ok, @{$k->{zyg}};
2893 } else {
2894 push @ok, $k;
2898 return RE_noop->new if @ok == 0;
2899 return $ok[0] if @ok == 1;
2900 $self->{zyg} = \@ok;
2901 $self;
2904 sub remove_leading_ws {
2905 my $self = shift;
2907 for my $kid ($self->kids) {
2908 my $l = $$kid->has_trailing_ws(1);
2909 $$kid->remove_leading_ws;
2910 last unless $l;
2914 sub has_trailing_ws {
2915 my $self = shift;
2916 my $before = shift;
2918 for my $kid ($self->kids) {
2919 $before = $$kid->has_trailing_ws($before);
2922 $before;
2926 { package RE_any; use base "REbase";
2927 sub calc_min { ::min(1_000_000_000, map { $_->{min} } @{$_[0]{zyg}}) }
2928 sub _walk {
2929 my $self = shift;
2930 my @result;
2931 my $alt = 0;
2932 my $altname = $self->{altname};
2933 if ($$self{zyg}) {
2934 my %B = %::BINDINGS;
2935 for my $kid (@{$$self{zyg}}) {
2936 local %::BINDINGS;
2937 my $r = $kid->walk;
2938 for my $b (keys %::BINDINGS) {
2939 $B{$b} = 2 if $::BINDINGS{$b} > 1 or $B{$b};
2941 push @result, $r;
2942 $kid->{alt} = $altname . ' ' . $alt++;
2944 %::BINDINGS = %B;
2946 if (@result == 1) {
2947 $result[0];
2949 else {
2950 for (@result) { $_ = DEEP::chunk($_)->p5; }
2951 $::RETREE->{$self->{altname}} = $self;
2952 $self->{dba_needed} = 1;
2953 my $result = <<"END";
2954 do {
2955 my \@result = do {
2956 my (\$tag, \$try);
2957 my \@try;
2958 my \$relex;
2960 my \$fate;
2961 my \$x;
2962 if (\$fate = \$C->{'_fate'} and \$fate->[1] eq '$altname') {
2963 \$C->deb("Fate passed to $altname: ", ::fatestr(\$fate)) if \$::DEBUG & DEBUG::fates;
2964 (\$C->{'_fate'}, \$tag, \$try) = \@\$fate;
2965 \@try = (\$try);
2966 \$x = 'ALT $altname'; # some outer ltm is controlling us
2968 else {
2969 \$x = 'ALTLTM $altname'; # we are top level ltm
2971 my \$C = \$C->cursor_xact(\$x);
2972 my \$xact = \$C->{_xact};
2974 my \@gather = ();
2975 for (;;) {
2976 unless (\@try) {
2977 \$relex //= \$C->cursor_fate('$::PKG', '$altname', \$retree);
2978 \@try = \$relex->(\$C) or last;
2980 \$try = shift(\@try) // next;
2982 if (ref \$try) {
2983 (\$C->{'_fate'}, \$tag, \$try) = \@\$try; # next candidate fate
2986 \$C->deb("$altname trying \$tag \$try") if \$::DEBUG & DEBUG::try_processing;
2987 push \@gather, ((
2988 @{[ ::indent(join(",\n", @result),3) ]}
2991 $result .= <<'END';
2992 )[$try])->($C);
2993 last if @gather;
2994 last if $xact->[-2]; # committed?
2996 @gather;
2998 @result;
3001 DEEP::raw($result);
3005 sub kids { my $self = shift; map { \$_ } @{$self->{zyg}} }
3007 sub optimize { my $self = shift()->SUPER::optimize;
3008 my @ok;
3010 for my $k (@{$self->{zyg}}) {
3011 if ($k->isa('RE_any')) {
3012 push @ok, @{$k->{zyg}};
3013 } else {
3014 push @ok, $k;
3018 return $ok[0] if @ok == 1;
3019 $self->{zyg} = \@ok;
3020 $self;
3023 # yes, this affects LTM, but S05 specs it
3024 sub remove_leading_ws {
3025 my $self = shift;
3026 for my $kid (@{$$self{zyg}}) {
3027 $kid->remove_leading_ws();
3031 sub has_trailing_ws {
3032 my $self = shift;
3033 my $before = shift;
3034 my $after = 1;
3036 for my $kid ($self->kids) {
3037 $after &&= $$kid->has_trailing_ws($before);
3040 $after;
3044 { package RE_first; use base "REbase";
3045 sub calc_min { ::min(1_000_000_000, map { $_->{min} } @{$_[0]{zyg}}) }
3047 sub new {
3048 my ($class, @zyg) = @_;
3049 $class->SUPER::new(zyg => \@zyg);
3052 sub _walk {
3053 my $self = shift;
3054 my @result;
3055 if ($$self{zyg}) {
3056 my %B = %::BINDINGS;
3057 foreach my $kid (@{$$self{zyg}}) {
3058 local %::BINDINGS;
3059 push @result, $kid->walk->p5;
3060 for my $b (keys %::BINDINGS) {
3061 $B{$b} = 2 if $::BINDINGS{$b} > 1 or $B{$b};
3064 %::BINDINGS = %B;
3066 if (@result == 1) {
3067 DEEP::raw($result[0]);
3069 else {
3070 die("Can't reverse serial disjunction") if $::REV;
3071 for (@result) { $_ = ::indent($_); s/^ */do {\n push \@gather, /; }
3072 my $result = "do {\n my \$C = \$C->cursor_xact('ALT ||');\n my \$xact = \$C->xact;\n my \@gather;\n" .
3073 ::indent(join("\n}\nor \$xact->[-2] or\n", @result)) .
3074 "};\n \@gather;\n}";
3075 DEEP::raw($result);
3079 sub kids { my $self = shift; map { \$_ } @{$self->{zyg}} }
3081 sub remove_leading_ws {
3082 my $self = shift;
3083 for my $kid (@{$$self{zyg}}) {
3084 $kid->remove_leading_ws();
3088 sub has_trailing_ws {
3089 my $self = shift;
3090 my $before = shift;
3091 my $after = 1;
3093 for my $kid ($self->kids) {
3094 $after &&= $$kid->has_trailing_ws($before);
3097 $after;
3101 { package RE_method; use base "REbase";
3102 sub calc_min { 12345 }
3103 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3104 $self->SUPER::clean;
3105 delete $self->{nobind};
3106 delete $self->{need_match};
3107 $self->{rest} = defined $self->{rest};
3109 sub _walk {
3110 my $self = shift;
3111 local $::NEEDMATCH = 0;
3112 my $name = $$self{name};
3113 die "Can't reverse $name" if $::REV;
3114 my $re;
3116 if ($name eq "sym") {
3117 $$self{i_needed} = 1;
3118 $$self{sym} = $::SYM;
3119 $$self{endsym} = $::ENDSYM if defined $::ENDSYM;
3120 if ($$self{i}) {
3121 return DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?i:" . ::rd($::SYM) . ")/)");
3123 else {
3124 return DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G" . ::rd($::SYM) . "/)");
3127 elsif ($name eq "alpha") {
3128 return DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G[_[:alpha:]]/)");
3130 elsif ($name eq "_ALNUM") {
3131 return DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\w/)");
3133 elsif ($name eq "nextsame") {
3135 $re = '$self->SUPER::' . $::NAME . '(@origargs)';
3137 elsif ($name =~ /^\w/) {
3138 my $al = $self->{rest} // '';
3139 $re = '$C->' . $name . $al;
3141 else {
3142 my $al = $self->{rest} // '';
3143 $re = <<"END";
3144 do {
3145 if (not $name) {
3146 \$C;
3148 elsif (ref $name eq 'Regexp') {
3149 if (\$::ORIG =~ m/$name/gc) {
3150 \$C->cursor(\$+[0]);
3152 else {
3156 else {
3157 \$C->$name$al;
3162 if ($name =~ /^\w/ and not $self->{nobind}) {
3163 $::BINDINGS{$name} += $::PLURALITY;
3164 $re = $self->bind(DEEP::raw($re), $name)->p5;
3166 $re = 'do { my $M = $C;' . "\n" . ::indent($re) . "\n; }" if $self->{need_match};
3167 DEEP::raw($re);
3170 sub has_trailing_ws {
3171 my $self = shift;
3172 return $self->{name} eq 'ws';
3175 sub remove_leading_ws {
3176 my $self = shift;
3177 if ($self->{name} eq 'ws' && $self->{nobind}) {
3178 bless $self, 'RE_noop';
3183 { package RE_ast; use base "REbase";
3184 sub calc_min { $_[0]{re}{min} }
3185 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3186 $self->SUPER::clean;
3187 delete $self->{decl};
3188 delete $self->{kind};
3190 sub _walk {
3191 my $self = shift;
3192 if ($$self{decl}) {
3193 for my $decl (@{$$self{decl}}) {
3194 push @::DECL, $decl->walk->p5;
3197 if ($$self{re}) {
3198 $$self{re}->walk;
3202 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{re}, map { \$_ } @{$self->{decl}}; }
3205 { package RE_quantified_atom; use base "REbase";
3206 sub calc_min { $_[0]{quant}[3] * $_[0]{atom}{min} }
3207 # handles cutting itself
3208 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3209 $self->SUPER::clean;
3210 splice @{$self->{quant}}, ($self->{quant}[0] eq '**' ? 3 : 1);
3212 sub new {
3213 my $class = shift;
3214 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
3215 $self->{r} = 0;
3216 $self;
3218 sub _walk {
3219 my $self = shift;
3220 my $result;
3221 local $::PLURALITY = 2;
3222 if (ref $$self{atom}) {
3223 my $quant = "";
3224 my $rep = "_REP";
3225 my $q = $$self{quant};
3226 my $atom = $$self{atom}->walk->p5;
3227 if ($q) {
3228 if ($atom =~ m{ ^ \$C->_PATTERN\(qr/\\G(.*?)/\) $ }sx ) {
3229 my $a = "(?:$1)";
3230 my ($qfer,$how,$rest) = @{$$self{quant}};
3231 my $h = $how eq '!' ? '' :
3232 $how eq '?' ? '?' :
3233 '+';
3234 if ($how eq '?' or $::REV) {
3237 elsif ($qfer eq '**') {
3238 $h = $how eq '!' ? 'g' :
3239 $how eq '?' ? 'f' :
3240 'r';
3241 if (ref $rest) {
3242 if (ref $rest eq "RE_block") {
3243 $rep = "_REPINDIRECT$::REV";
3244 $rest = $rest->walk->p5;
3246 else {
3247 $rep = "_REPSEP$::REV";
3248 $rest = DEEP::chunk($rest->walk)->p5;
3251 else {
3252 $rest = "'$rest'";
3254 $quant = "\$C->$rep$h( $rest, ";
3255 return DEEP::raw($quant .
3256 DEEP::chunk(DEEP::raw($atom))->p5 . ")");
3258 else {
3259 return DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN\(qr/\\G($a$qfer$h)/\)");
3263 my ($qfer,$how,$rest) = @{$$self{quant}};
3264 my $h = $how eq '!' ? 'g' :
3265 $how eq '?' ? 'f' :
3266 'r';
3267 if ($qfer eq '*') {
3268 $quant = "\$C->_STAR$h$::REV(";
3270 elsif ($qfer eq '+') {
3271 $quant = "\$C->_PLUS$h$::REV(";
3273 elsif ($qfer eq '?') {
3274 $quant = "\$C->_OPT$h$::REV(";
3276 elsif ($qfer eq '**') {
3277 if (ref $rest) {
3278 if (ref $rest eq "RE_block") {
3279 $rep = "_REPINDIRECT$::REV";
3280 $rest = $rest->walk;
3282 else {
3283 $rep = "_REPSEP$::REV";
3284 $rest = DEEP::chunk($rest->walk)->p5;
3287 else {
3288 $rest = "'$rest'";
3290 $quant = "\$C->$rep$h( $rest, ";
3292 return DEEP::raw($quant . DEEP::chunk(DEEP::raw($atom))->p5 . ")");
3294 else {
3295 return DEEP::raw($atom);
3298 else {
3299 return DEEP::raw('"' . $$self{atom} . '"');
3301 DEEP::raw($result);
3304 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{atom} }
3307 { package RE_qw; use base "REbase";
3308 sub _walk {
3309 my $self = shift;
3310 DEEP::raw("\$C->_ARRAY$::REV( qw$$self{text} )");
3314 { package RE_method_re; use base "REbase";
3315 sub calc_min { 12345 } # "many"
3316 sub _walk {
3317 my $self = shift;
3318 my $re = $$self{re};
3319 my $name = $$self{name};
3320 die("Can't reverse $name") if $::REV and $name ne 'before';
3321 local $::REV = $name eq 'after' ? '_rev' : '';
3323 local %::BINDINGS;
3324 $re = ::indent($re->walk->p5block);
3325 if (%::BINDINGS) {
3326 for my $binding ( keys %::BINDINGS ) {
3327 next unless $::BINDINGS{$binding} > 1;
3328 $re = <<"END" . $re;
3329 \$C->{'$binding'} = [];
3334 $::REV = '';
3336 $re = DEEP::raw('$C->' . $name . "(" . DEEP::chunk(DEEP::raw($re, isblock => 1))->p5 . ")");
3337 if ($name =~ /^\w/ and not $self->{nobind}) {
3338 $re = $self->bind($re, $name);
3339 $::BINDINGS{$name} += $::PLURALITY;
3341 $re;
3344 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{re} }
3347 { package RE_assertion; use base "REbase";
3348 sub _walk {
3349 my $self = shift;
3350 if ($$self{assert} eq '!') {
3351 my $re = $$self{re}->walk;
3352 DEEP::raw("\$C->_NOTBEFORE( " . DEEP::chunk($re)->p5 .")");
3354 else {
3355 my $re = $$self{re}->walk;
3356 return $re if $re->p5 =~ /^\$C->before/; #XXX
3357 DEEP::raw("\$C->before( " . DEEP::chunk($re)->p5 . ")");
3360 # TODO: Investigate what the LTM engine is doing with assertions and
3361 # optimize harder.
3363 sub has_trailing_ws {
3364 my $self = shift;
3365 my $before = shift;
3367 $before; # Transparent
3370 sub remove_leading_ws {
3371 my $self = shift;
3373 $self->{re}->remove_leading_ws;
3376 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{re} }
3379 { package RE_meta; use base "REbase";
3380 sub _walk {
3381 my $self = shift;
3382 my $text = $$self{text};
3383 my $not = 0;
3384 my $code = "";
3385 if ($text =~ /^(\\[A-Z])(.*)/) {
3386 $text = lc($1) . $2;
3387 $not = 1;
3389 if ($text eq '.') {
3390 if ($::REV) {
3391 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?<=(?s:.))/)";
3393 else {
3394 $code = "\$C->cursor_incr()";
3397 elsif ($text eq '.*') {
3398 $code = "\$C->_SCANg$::REV()";
3400 elsif ($text eq '.*?') {
3401 $code = "\$C->_SCANf$::REV()";
3403 elsif ($text eq '^') {
3404 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\A/)";
3406 elsif ($text eq '^^') {
3407 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?m:^)/)";
3409 elsif ($text eq '$') {
3410 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\z/)";
3412 elsif ($text eq '$$') {
3413 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?m:\$)/)";
3415 elsif ($text eq ':') {
3416 my $extra = $self->{extra} || '';
3417 $code = "(($extra), \$C)[-1]";
3419 elsif ($text eq '::') {
3420 $code = "\$C->_COMMITLTM$::REV()";
3422 elsif ($text eq '::>') {
3423 $code = "\$C->_COMMITBRANCH$::REV()";
3425 elsif ($text eq ':::') {
3426 $code = "\$C->_COMMITRULE$::REV()";
3428 elsif ($text eq '\\d') {
3429 if ($::REV) {
3430 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?<=\\d)/)";
3432 else {
3433 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\d/)";
3436 elsif ($text eq '\\w') {
3437 if ($::REV) {
3438 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?<=\\w)/)";
3440 else {
3441 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\w/)";
3444 elsif ($text eq '\\s') {
3445 if ($::REV) {
3446 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?<=\\s)/)";
3448 else {
3449 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\s/)";
3452 elsif ($text eq '\\h') {
3453 if ($::REV) {
3454 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?<=[\\x20\\t\\r])/)";
3456 else {
3457 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G[\\x20\\t\\r]/)";
3460 elsif ($text eq '\\v') {
3461 if ($::REV) {
3462 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?<=[\\n])/)";
3464 else {
3465 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G[\\n]/)";
3468 elsif ($text eq '»') {
3469 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\b/)";
3471 elsif ($text eq '«') {
3472 $code = "\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G\\b/)";
3474 elsif ($text eq '>>') {
3475 $code = "\$C->_RIGHTWB$::REV()";
3477 elsif ($text eq '<<') {
3478 $code = "\$C->_LEFTWB$::REV()";
3480 elsif ($text eq '<(') {
3481 $code = "\$C->_LEFTRESULT$::REV()";
3483 elsif ($text eq ')>') {
3484 $code = "\$C->_RIGHTRESULT$::REV()";
3486 elsif ($text eq '<~~>') {
3487 $code = "\$C->$::NAME()";
3489 else {
3490 $code = "\$C->_EXACT$::REV(\"$text\")";
3492 if ($not) { # XXX or maybe just .NOT on the end...
3493 $code = "\$C->_NOTCHAR( sub { my \$C=shift;\n" . ::indent($code) . "\n})";
3495 DEEP::raw($code);
3499 { package RE_cclass; use base "REbase";
3500 sub calc_min { 1 }
3501 sub _walk {
3502 my $self = shift;
3503 my $text = $$self{text};
3504 $self->{i_needed} = 1;
3505 $text =~ s!(\/|\\\/)!\\$1!g;
3506 $text =~ s/\s//g;
3507 $text =~ s/\.\./-/g;
3508 $text =~ s/^-\[/[^/;
3509 $text = "(?<=$text)" if $::REV;
3510 if ($$self{i}) {
3511 DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G(?i:$text)/)");
3513 else {
3514 DEEP::raw("\$C->_PATTERN(qr/\\G$text/)");
3519 { package RE_noop; use base "REbase";
3520 sub _walk {
3521 my $self = shift;
3522 DEEP::raw('$C');
3525 sub has_trailing_ws {
3526 my $self = shift;
3527 my $before = shift;
3529 $before;
3533 { package RE_decl; use base "REbase";
3534 # because cutting one of these would be a disaster
3535 sub new {
3536 my $class = shift;
3537 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
3538 $self->{r} = 0;
3539 $self;
3541 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3542 $self->SUPER::clean;
3543 delete $self->{body};
3545 sub _walk {
3546 my $self = shift;
3547 DEEP::raw($$self{body} . ";\n");
3550 sub has_trailing_ws {
3551 my $self = shift;
3552 my $before = shift;
3554 $before;
3558 { package RE_block; use base "REbase";
3559 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3560 $self->SUPER::clean;
3561 delete $self->{context};
3562 delete $self->{body};
3564 sub _walk {
3565 my $self = shift;
3566 my $ctx = $$self{context};
3567 my $text = ::indent($$self{body});
3568 if ($ctx eq 'void') {
3569 return DEEP::raw("scalar(do {\n$text\n}, \$C)");
3571 elsif ($ctx eq 'bool') {
3572 return DEEP::raw("((\$C) x !!do {\n$text\n})");
3574 else {
3575 return DEEP::raw(" sub { my \$C=shift;\n$text\n}");
3579 sub has_trailing_ws {
3580 my $self = shift;
3581 my $before = shift;
3583 $before;
3587 { package RE_bracket; use base "REbase";
3588 sub calc_min { $_[0]->{re}->{min} }
3589 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3590 $self->SUPER::clean;
3591 delete $self->{decl};
3593 sub _walk {
3594 my $self = shift;
3595 my ($re, $r) = $$self{re}->walk->uncut;
3596 my @decl = map { $_->walk } @{$$self{decl}};
3597 DEEP::raw("\$C->_BRACKET$r(" . DEEP::chunk($re, @decl)->p5 . ")");
3600 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{re} }
3602 sub remove_leading_ws {
3603 my $self = shift;
3604 my $re = $$self{re};
3605 $re->remove_leading_ws();
3608 sub has_trailing_ws {
3609 my $self = shift;
3610 my $before = shift;
3611 $$self{re}->has_trailing_ws($before);
3615 { package RE_var; use base "REbase";
3616 sub _walk {
3617 my $self = shift;
3618 my $var = $$self{var};
3619 if ($var =~ /^\$/) {
3620 if ($var =~ /^\$M->{(.*)}/) {
3621 my $p = (substr($1,0,1) eq "'") ? "n" : "p";
3622 DEEP::raw("\$C->_BACKREF$p$::REV($1)");
3624 else {
3625 DEEP::raw("\$C->_EXACT$::REV($var)");
3628 elsif ($var =~ /^\@/) {
3629 DEEP::raw("\$C->_ARRAY$::REV($var)");
3631 elsif ($var =~ /^\%/) {
3632 DEEP::raw("\$C->_HASH$::REV($var)");
3637 { package RE_paren; use base "REbase";
3638 sub calc_min { $_[0]{re}{min} }
3639 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3640 $self->SUPER::clean;
3641 delete $self->{decl};
3643 sub _walk {
3644 my $self = shift;
3645 my $re;
3647 local %::BINDINGS;
3648 $re = ::indent($$self{re}->walk->p5block);
3649 if (%::BINDINGS) {
3650 for my $binding ( keys %::BINDINGS ) {
3651 next unless $::BINDINGS{$binding} > 1;
3652 my $re = <<"END" . $re;
3653 \$C->{'$binding'} = [];
3658 $re = "\$C->_$::REV"."PAREN( " . DEEP::chunk(DEEP::raw($re))->p5 . ")";
3659 DEEP::raw($re);
3662 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{re} }
3664 # yes, () would capture the ws, but we're guaranteed to be past it already
3665 sub remove_leading_ws {
3666 my $self = shift;
3667 my $re = $$self{re};
3668 $re->remove_leading_ws();
3671 sub has_trailing_ws {
3672 my $self = shift;
3673 my $before = shift;
3674 $$self{re}->has_trailing_ws($before);
3678 { package RE_bindpos; use base "REbase";
3679 sub calc_min { $_[0]{atom}{min} }
3680 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3681 $self->SUPER::clean;
3682 delete $self->{var};
3684 sub _walk {
3685 my $self = shift;
3686 my $var = $$self{var};
3687 $::BINDINGS{$var} += $::PLURALITY;
3688 my $re = $$self{atom}->walk;
3689 $self->bind($re, $var);
3692 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{atom} }
3694 sub remove_leading_ws {
3695 my $self = shift;
3696 my $re = $$self{atom};
3697 $re->remove_leading_ws();
3700 sub has_trailing_ws {
3701 my $self = shift;
3702 my $before = shift;
3703 $$self{atom}->has_trailing_ws($before);
3707 { package RE_bindnamed; use base "REbase";
3708 sub calc_min { $_[0]{atom}{min} }
3709 sub clean { my $self = shift;
3710 $self->SUPER::clean;
3711 delete $self->{var};
3713 sub _walk {
3714 my $self = shift;
3715 my $var = $$self{var};
3716 $::BINDINGS{$var} += $::PLURALITY;
3717 my $re = $$self{atom}->walk;
3718 $self->bind($re, $var);
3721 sub kids { my $self = shift; \$self->{atom} }
3723 sub remove_leading_ws {
3724 my $self = shift;
3725 my $re = $$self{atom};
3726 $re->remove_leading_ws();
3729 sub has_trailing_ws {
3730 my $self = shift;
3731 my $before = shift;
3732 $$self{atom}->has_trailing_ws($before);
3736 { package DEEPbase;
3737 sub maybacktrack { 1 }
3739 sub uncut { my $self = shift; $self, ($self->maybacktrack ? '' : 'r') }
3741 sub p5block { shift()->p5 }
3744 { package DEEP::raw; our @ISA = 'DEEPbase';
3745 sub DEEP::raw {
3746 my $text = shift;
3747 bless { text => $text, @_ }, "DEEP::raw";
3750 sub maybacktrack {
3751 my $self = shift;
3752 return !$self->{precut};
3755 sub p5 { my $self = shift;
3756 $self->{isblock} ? ("do {\n" . ::indent($self->{text}) . "\n}")
3757 : $self->{text};
3760 sub p5block { my $self = shift; $self->{text} }
3763 { package DEEPblockbase; our @ISA = 'DEEPbase';
3764 sub p5 { my $self = shift;
3765 "do {\n" . ::indent($self->p5block) . "\n}";
3769 { package DEEP::cut; our @ISA = 'DEEPblockbase';
3770 sub DEEP::cut {
3771 my $child = shift;
3772 bless { child => $child }, "DEEP::cut";
3775 sub p5block { my $self = shift;
3776 "if (my (\$C) = (" . $self->{child}->p5 . ")) { (\$C) } else { () }";
3779 sub uncut {
3780 my $self = shift;
3781 my ($child_uncut) = $self->{child}->uncut;
3782 $child_uncut, 'r';
3786 # NOT a regex bit, but a value
3787 { package DEEP::chunk; our @ISA = 'DEEPbase';
3788 sub DEEP::chunk {
3789 my $child = shift;
3790 bless { child => $child, decl => \@_ }, "DEEP::chunk";
3793 sub p5 {
3794 my $self = shift;
3795 " sub { my \$C=shift;\n"
3796 . ::indent(join("", map { $_->p5block . ";\n" } @{ $self->{decl} }))
3797 . ::indent($self->{child}->p5block) . "\n}";
3801 if ($0 eq __FILE__) {
3802 ::MAIN(@ARGV);
3805 # vim: ts=8 sw=4 noexpandtab smarttab