[dfa/Cursor] Implement backslash escapes for character classes
[pugs.git] / util / yaml_harness.pl
1 package Test::Harness::YAML;
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
5 use Benchmark;
6 use Best 0.05 [ [ qw/YAML::Syck 0.85 YAML/], qw/LoadFile DumpFile/ ];
7 use File::Spec;
8 use Getopt::Long;
9 use List::Util 'shuffle';
10 use Test::Harness;
11 use Test::TAP::Model;
12 use Cwd;
13 my $top = getcwd;
15 while (not -f "$top/util/prove6") {
16 die "Not inside pugs directory\n" unless $top;
17 $top =~ s!(.*)/(.*)!!;
20 # Package and global declarations
21 our @ISA = qw(Test::TAP::Model);
22 our $SMOKERFILE = "smoker.yml";
23 our %Config;
25 $Test::Harness::Verbose = 1;
27 $| = 1;
29 sub get_config {
30 GetOptions \%Config, qw(
31 --concurrent|j=i --shuffle|s --exclude|X=s@
32 --output-file|o=s --recurse|r --anonymous|a
33 --include=s@ --dry|n --help|h
35 fix_config();
36 my $Usage = qq{Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]
37 --help, -h This help message.
38 --output-file=FILE, -o Store results in FILE [default: $Config{"output-file"}]
39 --dry, -n Show which tests would be run but don't run them
40 --concurrent=N, -j Run N test jobs concurrently (MSWin requires Paralle::ForkManager)
41 --shuffle, -s Run tests in random order
42 --recurse, -r Recurse into directories on test include list
43 --incude=I1,[I2,...] Include files
44 --exclude=E1,[E2,...] Exclude files
45 --anonymous, -a Do not include ~/smoker.yml data in report
46 } . "\n";
47 die $Usage if $Config{help};
50 sub fix_config {
51 $Config{"concurrent"} ||= $ENV{PUGS_TESTS_CONCURRENT} || 1;
52 local $@;
53 eval { require Parallel::ForkManager; };
54 if ($@) {
55 if ($Config{"concurrent"} > 1 && $^O =~ /MSWin32|msys/) { # On cygwin we are okay.
56 warn "Sorry, concurrency not supported on your platform\n";
57 $Config{"concurrent"} = 1;
59 require POSIX;
61 else {
62 no warnings 'redefine';
63 *run_children = sub {
64 my ($self, $child_count, $all_tests) = @_;
65 my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($child_count);
67 for my $child (1 .. $child_count) {
68 my @own_tests = @{$all_tests}[grep { ($_ % $child_count) == ($child-1) } (0..$#{$all_tests})];
69 my $pid = $pm->start and next;
70 # Inside child process now
71 $self->{_child_num} = $child;
72 $self->run_test($_) for @own_tests;
73 $self->emit_chunk();
74 $pm->finish;
75 # Back in parent process now
76 push @{ $self->{_children} }, $pid;
78 $self->gather_results();
81 $Config{"output-file"} ||= "tests.yml";
82 $Config{"recurse"} = 1 if not defined $Config{"recurse"};
83 # Needed for smokeserv
84 $Config{"pugs-path"} = $ENV{HARNESS_PERL};
85 push @{$Config{"exclude"}}, 'Disabled' if not $Config{"exclude"} or not @{$Config{"exclude"}};
86 _build_include_re();
87 _build_exclude_re();
90 get_config();
92 my $impl = "pugs";
94 @ARGV = sort map glob, "t/*/*.t", "t/*/*/*.t", "ext/*/t/*.t" unless @ARGV;
95 @ARGV = split ' ', `$^X $top/t/spec/fudgeall $impl @ARGV`;
97 my $s = __PACKAGE__->new;
98 $s->run;
99 $s->emit;
100 exit 0;
102 sub all_in {
103 my $start = shift;
105 my @hits = ();
107 local *DH;
108 if ( opendir( DH, $start ) ) {
109 while ( my $file = readdir DH ) {
110 next if $file eq File::Spec->updir || $file eq File::Spec->curdir;
111 next if $file eq ".svn";
112 next if $file eq "CVS";
113 my $currfile = File::Spec->catfile( $start, $file );
114 next if $Config{exclude_re} && $currfile =~ $Config{exclude_re};
116 if ( -d $currfile ) {
117 push( @hits, all_in( $currfile ) ) if $Config{recurse};
118 } else {
119 push( @hits, $currfile ) if $currfile =~ $Config{include_re};
122 } else {
123 warn "$start: $!\n";
126 return @hits;
130 # concurrency temp-file. FIXME: use a real temp file?
131 sub emit_chunk {
132 my($self) = @_;
133 DumpFile("tests.$$.yml", $self->structure);
136 sub emit {
137 my($self) = @_;
138 $self->{_timing}{end} = time;
139 $self->{_timing}{duration} =
140 $self->{_timing}{end} - $self->{_timing}{start};
141 DumpFile($Config{"output-file"}, {
142 meat => $self->structure,
143 map { $_ => $self->{"_$_"} } qw{
144 build_info smoker config revision timing
145 }});
148 sub set_build_info {
149 my($self) = @_;
150 my $executable = $ENV{HARNESS_PERL} || "pugs";
151 $ENV{PERL6LIB} = 'blib6/lib';
152 $self->{_build_info} = join '', qx{$executable -V};
155 sub _build_exclude_re {
156 my $excl = join "|", # map { quotemeta }
157 map { split /,/ } @{ $Config{exclude} };
158 $Config{exclude_re} = qr/($excl)/ if $excl;
161 sub _build_include_re {
162 my @include = map { split /,/ } @{ $Config{include} };
163 s/^\.// for @include;
164 @include = ("t") unless @include;
165 my $include_re = join( "|", map { quotemeta } @include );
166 $Config{include_re} = qr/\.($include_re)$/;
169 sub _init {
170 my($self) = shift;
171 $self->set_build_info;
172 $self->get_smoker;
173 $self->get_revision;
175 $Config{shuffle}+=0;
176 $self->{_config} = \%Config;
177 $self->{_timing}{start} = time;
179 $self->SUPER::_init(@_);
182 sub get_smoker {
183 my($self) = @_;
184 if (!$Config{anonymous}) {
185 $self->{_smoker} = eval { LoadFile($SMOKERFILE) } ||
186 eval { LoadFile(($ENV{HOME}||'')."/$SMOKERFILE") };
187 if (!$self->{_smoker}) {
188 warn<<"AD";
189 Smoker info not found. Please create a file named $SMOKERFILE
190 either in this directory or under your home. You can use the
191 skeleton in util/smoker-example. Alternatively, say "--anonymous"
192 on the command line to withold your identity (and this message).
196 #$self->{_smoker} ||= { name => "anonymous" };
199 sub get_tests {
200 my($self) = @_;
201 my @tests;
202 @ARGV = File::Spec->curdir unless @ARGV;
203 push( @tests, -d $_ ? all_in( $_ ) : $_ ) for @ARGV;
205 @tests = grep { $_ !~ $Config{exclude_re} } @tests if $Config{exclude_re};
207 if ( @tests ) {
208 if ($Config{shuffle}) {
209 @tests = shuffle(@tests);
210 } else {
211 # default FS order isn't guaranteed sorted; and sorting
212 # helps diffing raw YAML results.
213 @tests = sort @tests;
215 if ( $Config{dry} ) {
216 print join( "\n", @tests, "" );
217 exit 0;
218 } else {
219 print "# ", scalar @tests, " tests to run\n" if $Test::Harness::debug;
222 $self->{_config}{test_count} = scalar @tests;
223 @tests;
226 sub get_revision {
227 my($self) = @_;
228 my $rev_get_cmd = $Config{"pugs-path"}.' -V:pugs_revision';
229 do { $self->{_revision} = $1 if /pugs_revision: (\d+)\r?$/ } for `@{[$rev_get_cmd]}`;
230 $self->{_revision} ||= "unknown";
231 print "$rev_get_cmd returns revision '@{[$self->{_revision}]}'\n";
234 sub run {
235 my $self = shift;
236 return $self->SUPER::run(@_) if $Config{concurrent} == 1;
237 my @tests = $self->get_tests;
238 $self->run_children($Config{concurrent}, \@tests);
241 sub run_children {
242 my ($self, $child_count, $all_tests) = @_;
243 for my $child (1 .. $child_count) {
244 my @own_tests = @{$all_tests}[grep { ($_ % $child_count) == ($child-1) } (0..$#{$all_tests})];
245 defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!";
246 if ($pid) {
247 push @{ $self->{_children} }, $pid;
248 } else {
249 $self->{_child_num} = $child;
250 $self->run_test($_) for @own_tests;
251 $self->emit_chunk();
252 exit 0;
255 $self->gather_results();
258 # the wait here is sequential rather than nonblocking / as-they-come, because
259 # we want to preserve ordering anyway and it's probably okay to keep a few
260 # zombies around for a relatively short while.
261 sub gather_results {
262 my($self) = @_;
263 my $kid;
264 for my $pid (@{ $self->{_children} }) {
265 my $file = "tests.$pid.yml";
266 warn sprintf "waiting for chunk #%d...\n", ++$kid;
267 waitpid($pid, 0) or die "waitpid: $!";
268 my $chunk = LoadFile($file) or die "can't parse chunk ($file)";
269 push @{ $self->{meat}{test_files} }, @{$chunk->{test_files}};
270 unlink $file or die "unlink: $!";
272 warn "all chunks completed.\n";
275 sub run_test {
276 my $self = shift;
277 my $test = shift;
278 my @rest = @_;
279 my $kid = $self->{_child_num} ? "[$self->{_child_num}] " : "";
281 local $ENV{PUGS_TIMEOUT} ||= 60;
282 my $t = timeit( 1,
283 sub { $self->SUPER::run_test($test, @rest) }
285 warn " ".timestr($t)."\n";
288 __END__
289 # Simple YAML test harness written over Test::Harness::Straps.
290 # Hacked up from mini_harness.plx in the Test::Harness dist.
291 # (And some stuff stolen from prove, too.)
293 # Please improve me!
295 # TODO:
296 # 1. Modularize this.
297 # 2. Get to work concurrently with 'make test'
298 # 3. 'make smoke' make target that uploads the results of this
299 # to a server somewhere.