[t/spec] Add two new tests that don't work (fudged out).
[pugs.git] / util / importgraph.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 # usage: util/importgraph.pl [--layout=neato]
3 # produces importgraph.ps in the current directory
4 # it expects to run from the top pugs directory with src present
5 # arrows point from importer to importee
7 use strict;
8 use warnings;
9 use File::Find;
10 use GraphViz;
11 use Getopt::Long;
13 my $layout = "neato";
14 my $overlap = "false";
15 my @ignore;
16 GetOptions(
17 "layout=s" => \$layout,
18 "overlap=s" => \$overlap,
19 "ignore=s" => \@ignore,
20 ) or die "invalid command line";
22 my $g = GraphViz->new(
23 layout => $layout,
24 directed => 1,
25 rankdir => 1,
26 overlap => $overlap,
29 my %modules;
30 find sub {
31 return unless /\.hs$/;
33 my ($module_name, $exports, %imports);
35 open my $fh, '<', $_
36 or die "couldn't open $File::Find::name: $!\n";
38 while(<$fh>) {
39 if (/^module \s+ ([\w.]+) (\s* \()?/x) {
40 $module_name = $1;
41 $exports = defined $2;
42 } elsif (/^import \s+ (qualified \s+)? ([\w.]+) (\s* \()?/x) {
43 $imports{$2} = [defined($1), defined($3)];
44 } elsif (/^import|^module/) {
45 warn "Unrecognised import|module: $_";
49 close $fh;
51 unless (defined $module_name) {
52 warn "couldn't find a module in $File::Find::name\n";
53 return;
56 $modules{$module_name} = [\%imports, $exports];
57 }, 'src';
59 #delete $modules{$_} for @ignore;
60 for my $mod (values %modules) {
61 for my $ignore (@ignore) {
62 delete $mod->[0]->{$ignore};
66 # setup some predefined clusters
67 sub setup_mod {
68 my $type = shift;
69 my $name = shift;
70 my $regexp = join '|', map {
71 UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'Regexp') ? $_ : "^\Q$_\E\$" } @_;
72 $regexp = qr/$regexp/;
73 for my $mod (keys %modules) {
74 next unless $mod =~ /$regexp/;
75 $modules{$mod}->[$type] = $name;
76 print "Adding $mod to $name\n";
79 sub setup_cluster { setup_mod(2, @_) }
80 sub setup_rank { setup_mod(3, @_) }
82 setup_cluster('Pugs.Rule', qr/^Pugs\.Rule\b/);
83 setup_cluster('Pugs.AST', qr/^Pugs\.AST\b/);
84 setup_cluster('IMC', qr/^IMC\b/);
85 setup_cluster('RRegex', qr/^RRegex\b/);
86 setup_cluster('Emit', qr/^Emit\b/);
87 setup_rank('parser', qr/^Pugs\.Parser\.\w+$/);
88 setup_rank('parser_program', 'Pugs.Parser.Program');
89 setup_rank('prim', qr/^Pugs\.Prim\.\w+$/);
90 setup_rank('prim_lifts', 'Pugs.Prim.Lifts');
91 setup_rank('embed', qr/^Pugs\.Embed\.\w+$/);
92 setup_rank('codegens', 'Pugs.Compile.Haskell', 'Pugs.Compile.Pugs',
93 qr/^Pugs\.CodeGen\.\w+$/);
95 my ($nodes, $edges) = (0, 0);
96 while (my ($name, $module) = each %modules) {
97 my $cluster = $module->[2];
98 my $rank = $module->[3];
99 $g->add_node($name, color => ($module->[1] ? 'green' : 'black'),
100 (defined $cluster ? (cluster => $cluster) : ()),
101 (defined $rank ? (rank => $rank) : ()),
103 $nodes++;
105 while(my ($k, $edge) = each %{$module->[0]}) {
106 next unless exists $modules{$k}; # only pugs modules
107 my $color = $edge->[1] ? 'green' : $edge->[0] ? "blue" : "black";
108 $g->add_edge($name, $k, color => $color);
109 $edges++;
112 print "$nodes nodes and $edges edges\n";
114 #$g->as_canon("importgraph.dot");
115 #$g->as_png("importgraph.png");
116 $g->as_ps("importgraph.ps");