[t/spec] A few wilder tests for nesting.
[pugs.git] / examples / irclog2html.pl
1 # This is a simple IRC log to HTML converter.
2 # It accepts only logfiles in ilogger2 format, such as those provided by
3 # http://colabti.de/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 (click on "raw text").
4 use v6;
6 # This is our class which calculates the colors of the nicks.
7 class Chat {
8 # 16 different colors should suffice.
9 my $POOL_SIZE = 16;
11 has @.pool;
12 has @.color;
14 # $id is the person id, $time is some kind of time, which is, in this class,
15 # not necessary. But I plan to add a subclass, which does evaluate $time.
16 method tick(Int $id, Int $time) {
17 # As we don't have submethod BUILD support yet, we have to initialize
18 # @.pool now.
19 @.color //= precalc_colors($POOL_SIZE);
21 # If we haven't allocated a color for $id...
22 unless defined @.color[$id] {
23 # Take one from the pool (pop), assign in to $id, and unshift it.
24 @.pool.unshift(@.color[$id] = @.pool.pop);
28 # Precalculate the pool.
29 sub precalc_colors(Int $num) {
30 my @colors = 0..$num-1;
32 @colors .= map: { [calc_color($^i, $num)] };
34 return @colors;
37 # calc_color copied from irclog2html.pl
38 # (http://freshmeat.net/projects/irclog2html.pl/), Copyleft (C) 2000-2002 Jeff
39 # Waugh, licensed under the Terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
40 # or higher.
41 # calc_color expects the total number of colors to assign ($_[2]) and the color
42 # id ($_[1]) and returns a HTML-("#foreground", "#background")-pair with nice
43 # contrast etc.
44 # Take calc_color as a sub w/o errors.
45 sub calc_color(Int $i, Int $ncolors is copy) {
46 $ncolors = 1 if $ncolors == 0; # No division /0.
48 my $a = 0.95; # tune these for the starting and ending concentrations of R,G,B
49 my $b = 0.5;
50 my $rgb = [ [$a,$b,$b], [$b,$a,$b], [$b,$b,$a], [$a,$a,$b], [$a,$b,$a], [$b,$a,$a] ];
51 my $rgbmax = 125; # tune these two for the outmost ranges of colour depth
52 my $rgbmin = 240;
54 my $n = $i % (+$rgb);
55 my $m = $rgbmin + ($rgbmax - $rgbmin) * ($ncolors - $i) / $ncolors;
57 my @c = 0 .. 2;
58 @c .= map: { $rgb[$n][$_] * $m };
59 my $g = @c[0] * 0.3 + @c[1] * 0.59 + @c[2] * 0.11;
60 my $f = $g > 127 ?? "#000000" !! "#ffffff";
61 my $h = sprintf "#%02x%02x%02x", @c;
63 return [$f, $h];
67 # Stop if we weren't given a logfile to process.
68 @*ARGS or die "Usage: $*PROGRAM_NAME logfile\n";
70 my $chat = Chat.new;
71 my ($i, %nick2num) = (1);
73 # Pass I
74 my $fh = open @*ARGS[0] orelse die "Couldn't open \"@*ARGS[0]\": $!\n";
75 my $total = 0;
77 # We read the input file in and populate %nick2num.
78 # %nick2num is a Hash with nicknames as keys and IDs, suitable for $chat.tick,
79 # as values.
80 for $fh.lines {
81 my ($time, $nick, $type, $text) = parse_ilogger2($_) or next;
82 $time ~~ rx:Perl5/^(\d\d):(\d\d)$/;
83 my $utime = $0 * 60 + $1;
85 # We allocate a color only if $nick has said something (e.g. not, if he has
86 # only joined, etc.).
87 if $type eq "PRIVMSG"|"NOTICE" {
88 %nick2num{$nick} //= $i++;
89 $chat.tick(%nick2num{$nick}, $utime);
92 # If $nick has changes its nick, his color should stay.
93 my $nid = %nick2num{$nick};
94 %nick2num{$text} = %nick2num{$nick} if $type eq "NICK";
95 $total++;
98 close $fh;
100 # Pass I
101 $fh = open @*ARGS[0] orelse die "Couldn't open \"@*ARGS[0]\": $!\n";
103 # This is the main coderef which processes a logline and returns HTML.
104 my $process = -> $time, $nick, $type, $text {
105 my $htext;
107 given $type {
108 # PRIVMSG is the standard type of messages.
109 when "PRIVMSG" {
110 # If it was a /ME, we format it differently.
111 $htext = $text ~~ m:Perl5/^\x01(?:ACTION (.*))\x01$/
112 ?? "$nick {qhtml $0}"
113 !! qhtml $text;
116 # Somebody set the topic.
117 when "TOPIC" {
118 $htext = "TOPIC: {qhtml $text}";
121 # It's some other event (JOIN, PART, etc.).
122 default {
123 $htext = chars $text ?? "$type: {qhtml $text}" !! $type;
127 # These are the colors of the nick.
128 # If we don't have a ID for $nick, $nick has never said anything, so we
129 # default to foreground #000 and background #fff.
130 my @nickc = %nick2num{$nick} ?? $chat.color[%nick2num{$nick}] !! ("#000", "#fff");
132 # Now we give our variables to the template.
133 tmpl_logline(
134 # Global foreground/background color
135 globfg => "black",
136 globbg =>
137 $type eq "PRIVMSG"
138 ?? $text ~~ rx:Perl5/^\x01(?:ACTION)/ ?? "#eaeaea" !! "#f5f5f5"
139 !! "#dddddd",
141 # Nick foreground/background color
142 nickfg => @nickc[0],
143 nickbg => @nickc[1],
145 # Nick, time, type of the event
146 nick => $nick,
147 time => $time,
148 type => $type,
150 # Text
151 text => $htext,
153 # Sigil: One of "<" (user has left), ">", (user has joined"), " " (normal
154 # message), or "*" (/ME)
155 sigil =>
156 $type eq "QUIT" ?? qhtml "<" !!
157 $type eq "PART" ?? qhtml "<" !!
158 $type eq "JOIN" ?? qhtml ">" !!
159 $type eq "PRIVMSG"
160 ?? ($text ~~ rx:Perl5/^\x01(?:ACTION)/ ?? qhtml "*" !! "")
161 !! qhtml "*",
165 # First, we output the header.
166 print tmpl_header("Log of «@*ARGS[0]»");
167 print tmpl_logstart();
169 # Then we iterate over $fh and process each logline.
170 for $fh.lines {
171 my ($time, $nick, $type, $text) = parse_ilogger2($_) or next;
173 print
174 $process(time => $time, type => $type, nick => $nick, text => $text);
177 # Finally, we output the footer.
178 print tmpl_logend();
179 print tmpl_end();
181 # This is the sub which expects a logline in ilogger2 format and returns
182 # ($time, $type, $nick, $text).
183 sub parse_ilogger2(Str $line is copy) {
184 $line ~~ rx:Perl5/^\[(\d\d:\d\d)\] (.*)$/ or
185 die "Couldn't parse line »{$line}«!";
186 my ($time, $rest) = @$/;
187 # We want to see if we progress.
188 $*ERR.say($rest);
190 given $rest {
191 when rx:Perl5/^\*\*\* ([^ ]+) has joined ([^ ]+)/ {
192 return ($time, $0, "JOIN", $1);
195 when rx:Perl5/^\*\*\* ([^ ]+) has left/ {
196 return ($time, $0, "PART");
199 when rx:Perl5/^\*\*\* ([^ ]+) has quit IRC \((.*)\)/ {
200 return ($time, $0, "QUIT", $1);
203 when rx:Perl5/^\*\*\* ([^ ]+) is now known as ([^ ]+)/ {
204 return ($time, $0, "NICK", $1);
207 when rx:Perl5/^<([^>]+)> (.*)/ {
208 return ($time, $0, "PRIVMSG", $1);
211 when rx:Perl5/^\* <([^>]+)> (.*)/ {
212 # We reformat /MEs as CTCP ACTIONs.
213 return ($time, $0, "PRIVMSG", "\x01(?:ACTION $1)\x01");
217 return;
220 # Quote HTML
221 # E.g. "a<b" → "a&lt;b"
222 sub qhtml (Str $str is copy) returns Str {
223 $str ~~ s:Perl5:g/([&<>"'-])/{ #"#--vim
224 $0 eq "&" ?? "&amp;" !!
225 $0 eq "<" ?? "&lt;" !!
226 $0 eq ">" ?? "&gt;" !!
227 $0 eq '"' ?? "&quot;" !!
228 $0 eq "'" ?? "&#39;" !!
229 $0 eq "-" ?? "&#45;" !! die
231 $str;
234 # Here-docs not yet implemented, so we have to use multi-line literals...
235 sub tmpl_header($title) {"
236 <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
237 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\">
238 <html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"de\">
239 <head>
240 <title>{qhtml $title}</title>
241 <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />
242 <style>{'
243 body { font-family: Sans; background-color: white; color: black; margin: 0; }
245 h1 { background-color: #41347B; color: #52fe3b; font-family: monospace; margin: 0; text-align: center; font-size: 200%; }
246 h2 { background-color: #41347B; color: #52fe3b; font-family: monospace; margin: 0; text-align: center; font-size: 120%; }
247 h3 { font-size: 150%; margin: 0; }
248 h4 { font-size: 080%; margin: 0; }
250 a { text-decoration: none; }
251 a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
252 h2 a { color: #00dd00; }
253 h2 a:hover { color: #00ff00; }
254 .sidebar a { color: #00dd00; }
255 .sidebar a:hover { color: #00ff00; }
256 .footer a { color: #00dd00; }
257 .footer a:hover { color: #00ff00; }
258 .text a { color: #0000dd; }
259 .text a:hover { color: #0000ff; }
261 .sidebar { display: none; position: absolute; right: 0; left: 85%; background-color: #41347B; color: white; }
262 .text { padding: 10px; }
264 .abstract { background-color: #7B59DE; border: 1px solid black; color: white; padding: 3px; }
265 pre { background-color: #DEDEFF; border: 1px solid black; color: black; padding: 3px; font-family: monospace; }
266 .footer { background-color: #41347B; margin: 0; padding: 3px; color: white; font-size: 80%; }
268 ul.nav { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
270 th, td { vertical-align: top; }
271 div.msg { overflow: auto; }
273 a.link_0, a.link_0:hover { color: gray; }
274 '}</style>
275 <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/style.css\" />
276 <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/info.js\"></script>
277 </head>
278 <body>
280 <h1>IRC Log</h1>
281 <h2>generated by Pugs</h2>
283 <div class=\"text\">
284 <h3>{qhtml $title}</h3>
287 sub tmpl_logstart() {'
288 <table style="width: 100%;">
289 <tr>
290 <th>From/To</th>
291 <th>@</th>
292 <th>&nbsp;</th>
293 <th style="width: 80%;">Text</th>
294 </tr>
297 sub tmpl_logend() {'
298 </table>
301 sub tmpl_logline(
302 Str $globfg, Str $globbg,
303 Str $nickbg, Str $nickfg,
304 Str $time,
305 Str $type,
306 Str $sigil,
307 Str $text,
308 Str $nick,
309 ) {"
310 <tr style=\"color: $globfg; background-color: $globbg\">
311 <td style=\"background-color: $nickbg; color: $nickfg; text-align: center;\">
312 {qhtml $nick}
313 </td>
314 <td>{$time}</td>
315 <td title=\"$type\">{$sigil}</td>
316 <td>{$text}</td>
317 </tr>
320 sub tmpl_end {'
321 </div>
323 <div class="footer">
324 Valid <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">XHTML 1.1</a>.<br />
325 Created using <a href="http://www.pugscode.org/">Pugs</a>, a <a
326 href="http://dev.perl.org/perl6/">Perl 6</a> compiler.
327 </div>
329 </body>
330 </html>