[t/spec] Note that tests being skipped are out of sync with the spec.
[pugs.git] / Setup.lhs
1 #!/usr/bin/env runghc
2 > {-# GHC_OPTIONS -fno-warn-deprecation #-}
3 > import Distribution.Simple
4 > import System.Directory
5 > import System.Environment
6 > -- import System.Cmd (rawSystem)
7 >
8 > main :: IO ()
9 > main = do
10 > args <- getArgs
11 > if args == ["-d"] then putStrLn =<< getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal" else do
12 >-- writeBuildInfo
13 > defaultMainWithHooks defaultUserHooks
14 >-- where
15 >-- writeBuildInfo = rawSystem "perl" ["Configure.PL"]