Merge remote branch 'master'
[prop.git] / tests /
1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is generated automatically using Prop (version 2.0.6),
3 // last updated on Apr 5th, 1995. Please be sure not to alter this file
4 // directly. Instead, refer to the original source file "hashcons2.pcc".
5 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #include <propinc.h>
10 #line 1 "hashcons2.pcc"
12 // This is a simple (and useless) example for testing the hash cons feature
13 // in Prop.
15 #include <iostream.h>
16 #include <new>
18 int balance = 0;
20 #line 10 "hashcons2.pcc"
21 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 // Forward declarations for datatype EXP
23 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 #ifndef datatype_EXP_defined
25 #define datatype_EXP_defined
26 class a_EXP;
27 typedef ConstRef<a_EXP> EXP;
28 #endif
29 class EXP_num;
30 class EXP_add;
31 class EXP_sub;
32 class EXP_mul;
33 class EXP_div;
34 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
35 // Forward declarations for datatype LIST
36 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 #ifndef datatype_LIST_defined
38 #define datatype_LIST_defined
39 class a_LIST;
40 typedef ConstRef<a_LIST> LIST;
41 #endif
42 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 // Definition of datatype EXP
44 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
45 class a_EXP : public RefObj {
46 public:
47 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48 // Variant tags for datatype EXP
49 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 #line 10 "hashcons2.pcc"
51 enum Tag_EXP {
52 tag_num = 0, tag_add = 1, tag_sub = 2, tag_mul = 3, tag_div = 4
55 protected:
56 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
57 // The variant tag and its constructor
58 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 const Tag_EXP tag;
60 inline a_EXP(Tag_EXP t) : tag(t) {}
61 public:
62 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 // Untagging and variant testing functions
64 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
65 inline int untag() const { return tag; }
66 inline friend int boxed(EXP& x) { return 1; }
67 inline friend int untag(EXP& x) { return x->tag; }
68 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
69 // Downcasting functions for datatype EXP
70 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
71 inline friend const EXP_num * _num(EXP& _x_) { return (const EXP_num *)_x_._raw(); }
72 inline friend const EXP_add * _add(EXP& _x_) { return (const EXP_add *)_x_._raw(); }
73 inline friend const EXP_sub * _sub(EXP& _x_) { return (const EXP_sub *)_x_._raw(); }
74 inline friend const EXP_mul * _mul(EXP& _x_) { return (const EXP_mul *)_x_._raw(); }
75 inline friend const EXP_div * _div(EXP& _x_) { return (const EXP_div *)_x_._raw(); }
76 public:
78 #line 15 "hashcons2.pcc"
79 inline void * operator new (size_t n) { balance++; cerr << '+'; return new char [n]; }
80 inline void operator delete (void * x) { balance--; cerr << '-'; delete [] ((char*)x); }
81 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 // Interface for hash consing
83 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
84 friend Bool equal(EXP, EXP);
85 friend unsigned int hash (EXP);
86 static a_EXP * make_hash_cons(a_EXP *);
88 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
89 // Destructor
90 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
91 virtual ~a_EXP();
95 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
96 // Subclass for implementing constructor 'num int ' of EXP
97 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
98 class EXP_num : public a_EXP {
99 public:
100 #line 10 "hashcons2.pcc"
101 int num;
102 public:
103 inline EXP_num(int _x_)
104 : a_EXP(a_EXP::tag_num), num(_x_) {}
105 inline friend EXP num(int _x_)
106 { return a_EXP::make_hash_cons(new EXP_num (_x_)); }
107 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
108 // Destructor
109 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
110 virtual ~EXP_num();
114 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115 // Subclass for implementing constructor 'add (EXP , EXP ) ' of EXP
116 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 class EXP_add : public a_EXP {
118 public:
119 #line 11 "hashcons2.pcc"
120 EXP _1; EXP _2;
121 public:
122 inline EXP_add(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
123 : a_EXP(a_EXP::tag_add), _1(_x_1), _2(_x_2) {}
124 inline friend EXP add(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
125 { return a_EXP::make_hash_cons(new EXP_add (_x_1, _x_2)); }
126 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
127 // Destructor
128 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 virtual ~EXP_add();
133 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
134 // Subclass for implementing constructor 'sub (EXP , EXP ) ' of EXP
135 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
136 class EXP_sub : public a_EXP {
137 public:
138 #line 12 "hashcons2.pcc"
139 EXP _1; EXP _2;
140 public:
141 inline EXP_sub(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
142 : a_EXP(a_EXP::tag_sub), _1(_x_1), _2(_x_2) {}
143 inline friend EXP sub(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
144 { return a_EXP::make_hash_cons(new EXP_sub (_x_1, _x_2)); }
145 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
146 // Destructor
147 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
148 virtual ~EXP_sub();
152 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
153 // Subclass for implementing constructor 'mul (EXP , EXP ) ' of EXP
154 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
155 class EXP_mul : public a_EXP {
156 public:
157 #line 13 "hashcons2.pcc"
158 EXP _1; EXP _2;
159 public:
160 inline EXP_mul(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
161 : a_EXP(a_EXP::tag_mul), _1(_x_1), _2(_x_2) {}
162 inline friend EXP mul(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
163 { return a_EXP::make_hash_cons(new EXP_mul (_x_1, _x_2)); }
164 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
165 // Destructor
166 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
167 virtual ~EXP_mul();
171 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
172 // Subclass for implementing constructor 'div (EXP , EXP ) ' of EXP
173 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
174 class EXP_div : public a_EXP {
175 public:
176 #line 14 "hashcons2.pcc"
177 EXP _1; EXP _2;
178 public:
179 inline EXP_div(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
180 : a_EXP(a_EXP::tag_div), _1(_x_1), _2(_x_2) {}
181 inline friend EXP div(EXP& _x_1, EXP& _x_2)
182 { return a_EXP::make_hash_cons(new EXP_div (_x_1, _x_2)); }
183 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
184 // Destructor
185 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
186 virtual ~EXP_div();
189 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
190 // Definition of datatype LIST
191 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
192 class a_LIST : public RefObj {
193 public:
194 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195 // Untagging and variant testing functions
196 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
197 inline friend int boxed(LIST& x) { return x != 0; }
198 inline friend int untag(LIST& x) { return x ? 1 : 0; }
199 # define nil (LIST)0
200 #line 20 "hashcons2.pcc"
201 EXP _1; LIST _2;
202 public:
203 inline a_LIST(EXP& _x_1, LIST& _x_2) : _1(_x_1), _2(_x_2) {}
204 inline friend LIST list(EXP& _x_1, LIST& _x_2)
205 { return a_LIST::make_hash_cons(new a_LIST (_x_1, _x_2)); }
206 public:
208 #line 21 "hashcons2.pcc"
209 inline void * operator new (size_t n) { balance++; cerr << '>'; return new char [n]; }
210 inline void operator delete (void * x) { balance--; cerr << '<'; delete [] ((char*)x); }
211 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
212 // Interface for hash consing
213 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
214 friend Bool equal(LIST, LIST);
215 friend unsigned int hash (LIST);
216 static a_LIST * make_hash_cons(a_LIST *);
218 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
219 // Destructor
220 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
221 virtual ~a_LIST();
224 #line 24 "hashcons2.pcc"
228 // implement the datatypes.
230 #line 29 "hashcons2.pcc"
231 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
232 // Equality function for EXP
233 // Shallow equality is assumed
234 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
235 Bool equal(EXP _x_, EXP _y_)
237 int _x_tag_ = untag(_x_);
238 int _y_tag_ = untag(_y_);
239 if (_x_tag_ != _y_tag_) return false;
240 switch (_x_tag_) {
241 case 0:
242 if (_num(_x_)->num != _num(_y_)->num) return false;
243 break;
244 case 1:
245 if (_add(_x_)->_2 != _add(_y_)->_2) return false;
246 if (_add(_x_)->_1 != _add(_y_)->_1) return false;
247 break;
248 case 2:
249 if (_sub(_x_)->_2 != _sub(_y_)->_2) return false;
250 if (_sub(_x_)->_1 != _sub(_y_)->_1) return false;
251 break;
252 case 3:
253 if (_mul(_x_)->_2 != _mul(_y_)->_2) return false;
254 if (_mul(_x_)->_1 != _mul(_y_)->_1) return false;
255 break;
256 case 4:
257 if (_div(_x_)->_2 != _div(_y_)->_2) return false;
258 if (_div(_x_)->_1 != _div(_y_)->_1) return false;
259 break;
261 return true;
264 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
265 // Hashing function for EXP
266 // Shallow hashing is used
267 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
268 unsigned int hash(EXP _x_)
270 unsigned int _h_;
271 switch (_h_ = untag(_x_)) {
272 case 0:
273 _h_ = hash(_num(_x_)->num);
274 break;
275 case 1:
276 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_add(_x_)->_1);
277 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_add(_x_)->_2);
278 break;
279 case 2:
280 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_sub(_x_)->_1);
281 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_sub(_x_)->_2);
282 break;
283 case 3:
284 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_mul(_x_)->_1);
285 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_mul(_x_)->_2);
286 break;
287 case 4:
288 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_div(_x_)->_1);
289 _h_ += (unsigned int)(_div(_x_)->_2);
290 break;
292 return _h_;
295 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
296 // Hash consing implementation for EXP
297 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
298 static LHashTable<EXP, EXP> EXP_universe;
299 a_EXP * a_EXP::make_hash_cons(a_EXP * _x_)
300 { EXP _r_(_x_);
301 Ix i = EXP_universe.lookup(_r_);
302 if (i == 0) { EXP_universe.insert(_r_,_r_); return _x_; }
303 else { return EXP_universe.value(i)._pin(); }
306 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
307 // Destructor(s) for class EXP
308 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
309 #line 29 "hashcons2.pcc"
310 a_EXP::~a_EXP() {}
311 EXP_num::~EXP_num() {}
312 EXP_add::~EXP_add() {}
313 EXP_sub::~EXP_sub() {}
314 EXP_mul::~EXP_mul() {}
315 EXP_div::~EXP_div() {}
316 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
317 // Equality function for LIST
318 // Shallow equality is assumed
319 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
320 Bool equal(LIST _x_, LIST _y_)
322 int _x_tag_ = untag(_x_);
323 int _y_tag_ = untag(_y_);
324 if (_x_tag_ != _y_tag_) return false;
325 switch (_x_tag_) {
326 case 0:
327 break;
328 case 1:
329 if ((_x_)->_2 != (_y_)->_2) return false;
330 if ((_x_)->_1 != (_y_)->_1) return false;
331 break;
333 return true;
336 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
337 // Hashing function for LIST
338 // Shallow hashing is used
339 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
340 unsigned int hash(LIST _x_)
342 unsigned int _h_;
343 switch (_h_ = untag(_x_)) {
344 case 0:
345 _h_ = (unsigned int)_x_;
346 break;
347 case 1:
348 _h_ += (unsigned int)((_x_)->_1);
349 _h_ += (unsigned int)((_x_)->_2);
350 break;
352 return _h_;
355 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
356 // Hash consing implementation for LIST
357 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
358 static LHashTable<LIST, LIST> LIST_universe;
359 a_LIST * a_LIST::make_hash_cons(a_LIST * _x_)
360 { LIST _r_(_x_);
361 Ix i = LIST_universe.lookup(_r_);
362 if (i == 0) { LIST_universe.insert(_r_,_r_); return _x_; }
363 else { return LIST_universe.value(i)._pin(); }
366 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
367 // Destructor(s) for class LIST
368 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
369 #line 29 "hashcons2.pcc"
370 a_LIST::~a_LIST() {}
371 #line 29 "hashcons2.pcc"
374 ostream& operator << (ostream& f, EXP e)
377 #line 33 "hashcons2.pcc"
378 { switch (e->untag()) {
379 case a_EXP::tag_num: {
380 #line 34 "hashcons2.pcc"
381 return f << (_num(e)->num); } break;
382 case a_EXP::tag_add: {
383 #line 35 "hashcons2.pcc"
384 return f << '(' << (_add(e))->_1 << " + " << (_add(e))->_2 << ')'; } break;
385 case a_EXP::tag_sub: {
386 #line 36 "hashcons2.pcc"
387 return f << '(' << (_sub(e))->_1 << " - " << (_sub(e))->_2 << ')'; } break;
388 case a_EXP::tag_mul: {
389 #line 37 "hashcons2.pcc"
390 return f << '(' << (_mul(e))->_1 << " * " << (_mul(e))->_2 << ')'; } break;
391 default:; {
392 #line 38 "hashcons2.pcc"
393 return f << '(' << (_div(e))->_1 << " / " << (_div(e))->_2 << ')'; }
396 #line 39 "hashcons2.pcc"
400 ostream& operator << (ostream& f, LIST l)
403 #line 44 "hashcons2.pcc"
404 { if (l) {
405 if ((l)->_2) {
407 #line 47 "hashcons2.pcc"
408 return f << (l)->_1 << ',' << (l)->_2;
409 }} else {
411 #line 46 "hashcons2.pcc"
412 return f << (l)->_1;
414 } else {
416 #line 45 "hashcons2.pcc"
417 return f;
421 #line 48 "hashcons2.pcc"
425 void do_something()
427 cout << "Balance = " << balance << '\n'
428 << "EXP hash table size = " << EXP_universe.size() << '\n'
429 << "LIST hash table size = " << LIST_universe.size() << '\n';
430 EXP e1 = mul(add(num(1),num(2)), add(num(2), num(3)));
431 EXP e2 = mul(add(num(1),num(2)), add(num(2), num(3)));
432 LIST l1 = list(e1, list(e2, nil));
433 cout << l1 << '\n';
434 cout << ((e1 == e2) ? "Good!\n" : "Bad boy! Naughty, naughty boy!\n");
435 cout << ((num(1) == num(1)) ? "Good!\n" : "Bad boy! Naughty, naughty boy!\n");
436 cout << ((num(1) != num(2)) ? "Good!\n" : "Bad boy! Naughty, naughty boy!\n");
437 cout << ((add(e1,e2) == add(e1,e2)) ? "Good!\n" : "Bad boy! Naughty, naughty boy!\n");
438 cout << ((add(e1,e2) != add(e1,num(2))) ? "Good!\n" : "Bad boy! Naughty, naughty boy!\n");
439 cout << "Balance = " << balance << '\n'
440 << "EXP hash table size = " << EXP_universe.size() << '\n'
441 << "LIST hash table size = " << LIST_universe.size() << '\n';
444 int main()
446 do_something();
447 cout << "Balance = " << balance << '\n'
448 << "EXP hash table size = " << EXP_universe.size() << '\n'
449 << "LIST hash table size = " << LIST_universe.size() << '\n';
450 return 0;
453 ----------------------------- Statistics -------------------------------
454 Number of decision nodes merged = 0
455 Number of switches generated = 1
456 Number of ifs generated = 2
457 Number of labels generated = 0
458 Number of gotos generated = 0
459 Number of temporary variables = 0
460 ------------------------------------------------------------------------