make it compile with g++-3.3
[prop.git] / lib-src / rete /
1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // NOTICE:
3 //
4 // ADLib, Prop and their related set of tools and documentation are in the
5 // public domain. The author(s) of this software reserve no copyrights on
6 // the source code and any code generated using the tools. You are encouraged
7 // to use ADLib and Prop to develop software, in both academic and commercial
8 // settings, and are free to incorporate any part of ADLib and Prop into
9 // your programs.
11 // Although you are under no obligation to do so, we strongly recommend that
12 // you give away all software developed using our tools.
14 // We also ask that credit be given to us when ADLib and/or Prop are used in
15 // your programs, and that this notice be preserved intact in all the source
16 // code.
18 // This software is still under development and we welcome any suggestions
19 // and help from the users.
21 // Allen Leung
22 // 1994
23 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 // This file implements the memorization and token propagation
27 // routines used by the Rete matching algorithm.
28 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 #include <AD/rete/retenet.h>
30 #include <AD/memory/boundtag.h>
32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 // A description of the data structures:
34 // There are 3 kinds of nodes within the network.
35 // (1) And nodes: these nodes have a left and a right input.
36 // A new token, computed as the concatention of the
37 // two inputs, is propagate to its output node if the new
38 // token satisfies the node test.
39 // (2) Not nodes: these nodes also have a left and a right input.
40 // The token from the left node is propagated only if
41 // there is no input from the right.
42 // (3) Terminal nodes: when a token arrives at these nodes it
43 // will be added to the conflict set.
44 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 // Make hidden types visible at top level
48 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
49 typedef ReteNet::NodeId NodeId;
50 typedef ReteNet::RuleId RuleId;
51 typedef ReteNet::Token Token;
52 typedef ReteNet::Node Node;
54 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
55 // Constructor for class
56 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
57 ReteNet::ReteNet(int N, const Node net[])
58 : mem (* new BoundaryTag(4096)), // create new memory manager
59 number_of_nodes (N),
60 network (net)
62 // set up alpha and beta memory.
63 alpha = (AlphaMemo*) mem.c_alloc(sizeof(AlphaMemo) * N);
64 beta = (BetaMemo*) mem.c_alloc(sizeof(BetaMemo) * N);
67 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
68 // Destructor for class
69 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
70 ReteNet::~ReteNet() { delete (&mem); }
72 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
73 // Clears all alpha/beta memory
74 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 void ReteNet::clear()
76 { mem.clear(); // reset the memory manager
77 // reallocate all alpha/beta memory
78 alpha = (AlphaMemo*) mem.c_alloc(sizeof(AlphaMemo) * number_of_nodes);
79 beta = (BetaMemo*) mem.c_alloc(sizeof(BetaMemo) * number_of_nodes);
82 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
83 // Fast inlined copy
84 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
85 template<class T>
86 inline void copy (register T * dest, register T * src, register int n)
87 { for ( ; n > 0; n--) *dest++ = *src++; }
89 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
90 // Routines for memorization management
91 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
93 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
94 // Method: memorize_beta(...)
95 // This method addes a new token ``facts'' to the beta memory
96 // of a node; the beta memory is resized if necessary.
97 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
98 inline void ReteNet::memorize_beta(NodeId n, Fact ** facts)
99 { register BetaMemo& memo = beta[n];
100 if (memo.count == memo.capacity) {
101 int new_capacity = memo.capacity * 3 / 2 + 2;
102 Token * new_facts = (Token *)mem.m_alloc(new_capacity * sizeof(Token));
103 if (memo.tokens) {
104 copy(new_facts,memo.tokens,memo.capacity);
107 memo.capacity = new_capacity;
108 memo.tokens = new_facts;
110 Fact ** new_token = (Fact **)mem.m_alloc(network[n].arity * sizeof(Fact *));
111 copy(new_token,facts,(int)network[n].arity);
112 memo.tokens[memo.count++] = new_token;
115 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
116 // Method: memorize_alpha(...)
117 // This method addes a new token ``facts'' to the alpha memory
118 // of a node; the alpha memory is resized if necessary.
119 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
120 inline void ReteNet::memorize_alpha(NodeId n, Fact * fact)
121 { register AlphaMemo& memo = alpha[n];
122 if (memo.count == memo.capacity) {
123 int new_capacity = memo.capacity * 3 / 2 + 2;
124 Fact ** new_facts = (Fact **)mem.m_alloc(new_capacity * sizeof(Fact *));
125 if (memo.facts) {
126 copy(new_facts,memo.facts,memo.capacity);
129 memo.capacity = new_capacity;
130 memo.facts = new_facts;
132 memo.facts[memo.count++] = fact;
135 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
136 // Method: memorize_not_on_beta(...)
137 // This method addes a new token ``facts'' to the beta memory
138 // of a negation node; the beta memory is resized if necessary.
139 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
140 inline void ReteNet::memorize_not_on_beta(NodeId n, int matches, Fact ** facts)
141 { register BetaMemo& memo = beta[n];
142 if (memo.count == memo.capacity) {
143 int new_capacity = memo.capacity * 3 / 2 + 2;
144 Token * new_facts = (Token *)mem.m_alloc(new_capacity * sizeof(Token));
145 int * new_matches = (int *)mem.c_alloc(new_capacity * sizeof(int));
146 if (memo.tokens) {
147 copy(new_facts,memo.tokens,memo.capacity);
148 copy(new_matches,memo.matches,memo.capacity);
152 memo.capacity = new_capacity;
153 memo.tokens = new_facts;
154 memo.matches = new_matches;
156 Fact ** new_token = (Fact **)mem.m_alloc(network[n].arity * sizeof(Fact *));
157 copy(new_token,facts,(int)network[n].arity);
158 memo.matches[memo.count] = matches;
159 memo.tokens[memo.count++] = new_token;
162 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
163 // Insert a partially constructed token into a node from the beta side
164 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
165 void ReteNet::insert_beta(NodeId n, Fact * facts[])
166 { register const Node& node = network[n];
167 register int i;
169 switch (node.kind) {
170 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171 // Testing node; just apply the test and propagate the token
172 // if the test is satisfied.
173 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
174 case Node::Fork:
175 insert_beta(node.child,facts); insert_beta(n+1,facts); break;
176 case Node::Test:
177 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts))
178 insert_beta(node.child,facts);
179 break;
180 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
181 // Conjunctive node:
182 // Concatenate the new fact with every alpha input memorized;
183 // apply the join on this new token, and propagate the token
184 // if it is satisfied. Also, memorize the new beta input.
185 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
186 case Node::And:
187 { register AlphaMemo& memo = alpha[n];
188 for (i = memo.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
189 facts[node.beta_arity] = memo.facts[i];
190 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts))
191 insert_beta(node.child,facts);
193 memorize_beta(n,facts);
194 } break;
195 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
196 // Negation node:
197 // Concatenate the new fact with every alpha input memorized;
198 // apply the join on this new token, and propagate the token
199 // if *none* of the join is satisfied.
200 // Also, memorize the new beta input.
201 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
202 case Node::Not:
203 { register AlphaMemo& memo = alpha[n];
204 int match_count;
205 for (match_count = 0, i = memo.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
206 facts[node.beta_arity] = memo.facts[i];
207 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts)) match_count++;
209 memorize_not_on_beta(n,match_count,facts);
210 if (match_count == 0) insert_beta(node.child,facts);
211 } break;
212 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
213 // Terminal node: when we get here we call activate(...)
214 // to add the token into the conflict set.
215 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
216 case Node::Bot: activate(node.child,node.arity,facts); break;
217 default: break;
221 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
222 // Insert a partially constructed token into a node from the alpha side
223 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
224 void ReteNet::insert_alpha(NodeId n, Fact * fact)
225 { register const Node& node = network[n];
226 register int i;
228 switch (node.kind) {
229 case Node::Alpha:
230 memorize_alpha(n,fact);
231 insert_alpha(node.child, fact);
232 break;
233 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
234 // Conjunctive node:
235 // Concatenate the new fact with every beta input memorized;
236 // apply the join on this new token, and propagate the token
237 // if it is satisfied. Also, memorize the new alpha input.
238 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
239 case Node::And:
240 { register BetaMemo& memo = beta[n];
241 for (i = memo.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
242 Fact ** facts = memo.tokens[i];
243 facts[node.beta_arity] = fact;
244 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts))
245 insert_beta(node.child,facts);
247 memorize_alpha(n,fact);
248 } break;
249 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
250 // Negation node:
251 // Concatenate the new fact with every beta input memorized;
252 // apply the join on this new token, and propagate the token
253 // to be removed if the join is not satisfied when previously
254 // none was.
255 // Also, memorize the new alpha input.
256 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
257 case Node::Not:
258 { register BetaMemo& memo = beta[n];
259 for (i = memo.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
260 Fact ** facts = memo.tokens[i];
261 facts[node.beta_arity] = fact;
262 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts))
263 if (memo.matches[i]++ == 0) remove_beta(node.child,facts);
265 memorize_alpha(n,fact);
266 } break;
267 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
268 // Terminal node.
269 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
270 case Node::Bot:
271 { Fact * facts[1];
272 facts[0] = fact;
273 activate(node.child,1,facts);
274 } break;
275 default: break;
279 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
280 // Remove a token from a node from the beta side
281 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
282 void ReteNet::remove_beta(NodeId n, Fact * facts[])
283 { register const Node& node = network[n];
284 register int i;
286 switch (node.kind) {
287 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
288 // Testing node: apply the join and if it is satisfied
289 // propagate the token to be removed.
290 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
291 case Node::Fork:
292 remove_beta(node.child,facts); remove_beta(n+1,facts); break;
293 case Node::Test:
294 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts))
295 remove_beta(node.child,facts);
296 break;
297 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
298 // Conjunctive, Negation node:
299 // Concatenate the new fact with every beta input memorized;
300 // apply the join on this new token, and propagate the token
301 // to be removed if it is satisfied. Also, remove the token
302 // from the beta memory.
303 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
304 case Node::And:
305 case Node::Not:
306 { register BetaMemo& l = beta[n];
307 register AlphaMemo& r = alpha[n];
308 for (i = l.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
309 int j;
310 for (j = node.beta_arity - 1; j >= 0; j--)
311 if (l.tokens[i][j] != facts[j]) goto next;
312 for (j = r.count - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
313 facts[node.beta_arity] = r.facts[j];
314 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts))
315 remove_beta(node.child,facts);
317 l.tokens[i] = l.tokens[--l.count];
318 l.matches[i] = l.matches[l.count];
320 next: ;
322 } break;
323 case Node::Bot: deactivate(node.child,node.arity,facts); break;
324 default: break;
328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
329 // Remove a token from a node from the alpha side
330 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
331 void ReteNet::remove_alpha(NodeId n, Fact * fact)
332 { register const Node& node = network[n];
333 register int i;
335 switch (node.kind) {
336 case Node::Alpha:
337 { register AlphaMemo& r = alpha[n];
338 for (i = r.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
339 if (r.facts[i] == fact) {
340 remove_alpha(node.child, fact);
342 r.facts[i] = r.facts[--r.count];
345 break;
347 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
348 // Conjunctive node:
349 // Concatenate the new fact with every alpha input memorized;
350 // apply the join on this new token, and propagate the token
351 // to be removed if it is satisfied. Also, remove the token
352 // from the alpha memory.
353 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
354 case Node::And:
355 { register AlphaMemo& r = alpha[n];
356 register BetaMemo& l = beta[n];
357 for (i = r.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
358 if (r.facts[i] == fact) {
359 for (int j = l.count - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
360 Fact ** facts = l.tokens[j];
361 facts[node.beta_arity] = fact;
362 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts))
363 remove_beta(node.child,facts);
366 r.facts[i] = r.facts[--r.count];
369 } break;
370 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
371 // Negation node:
372 // Concatenate the new fact with every beta input memorized;
373 // apply the join on this new token, and propagate the token
374 // to be removed if it is satisfied. Also, remove the token
375 // from the alpha memory.
376 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
377 case Node::Not:
378 { register AlphaMemo& r = alpha[n];
379 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
380 // Search for the given fact from the alpha side. If it is found,
381 // we'll run the join with the beta side.
382 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
383 for (i = r.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
384 if (r.facts[i] == fact) {
385 register BetaMemo& l = beta[n];
386 for (int j = l.count - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
387 Fact ** facts = l.tokens[j];
388 facts[node.beta_arity] = fact;
389 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
390 // If the join is good, we'll decrement the matching count.
391 // When this count reaches 0, the beta token is propagated.
392 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
393 if (node.join == 0 || beta_test(node.join,facts)) {
394 if (--l.matches[j] == 0) {
395 insert_beta(node.child,facts);
397 l.tokens[j] = l.tokens[--l.count];
398 l.matches[j] = l.matches[l.count];
402 r.facts[i] = r.facts[--r.count];
405 } break;
406 default: break;