3 pp \- prepend the content of the first file in the second
15 (prepend) utility takes the content of the file named by the
17 operand and inserts or prepends it
18 above the first line of the file named by the
20 operand. The file operands are processed in command-line order. If the
22 file is a single dash (\(oq-\(cq) or absent,
24 reads from the standard input.
28 utility exits 0 on success, and 1 if an error occurs.
31 .B pp header.txt spreadsheet.csv
34 Prepend contents of \fBheader.txt\fR to \fBspreadsheet.csv\fR.
37 .B pp - spreadsheet.csv
40 Prepend data it receives from standard input until it receives an EOF (\(oq^D\(cq) character to \fBspreadsheet.csv\fR.
46 Prepend data it receives from standard input until it receives an EOF (\(oq^D\(cq) character to \fBspreadsheet.csv\fR.
48 .MT alessio.chiapperini@\:nullbuffer.com