use oid constants
[postmodern.git] / cl-postgres / messages.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-postgres)
3 ;; For more information about the PostgreSQL scocket protocol, see
4 ;;
6 (defmacro define-message (name id (&rest arglist) &body parts)
7 "This macro synthesizes a function to send messages of a specific
8 type. It takes care of the plumbing -- calling writer functions on a
9 stream, keeping track of the length of the message -- so that the
10 message definitions themselves stay readable."
11 (let ((writers nil)
12 (socket (gensym))
13 (strings ())
14 (base-length 4)
15 (extra-length ()))
16 (setf writers
17 (mapcar (lambda (part)
18 (let ((name (gensym)))
19 (ecase (first part)
20 (uint
21 (incf base-length (second part))
22 `(,(integer-writer-name (second part) nil) ,socket ,(third part)))
23 (string
24 (push `(,name ,(second part)) strings)
25 (incf base-length 1) ;; The null terminator
26 (push `(enc-byte-length ,name) extra-length)
27 `(write-str ,socket ,name))
28 (bytes
29 (push `(,name ,(second part)) strings)
30 (push `(length ,name) extra-length)
31 `(write-bytes ,socket ,name)))))
32 parts))
33 (push `(write-uint4 ,socket (+ ,base-length ,@extra-length))
34 writers)
35 (when id
36 (push `(write-uint1 ,socket ,(char-code id)) writers))
37 `(defun ,name ,(cons socket arglist)
38 (declare (type stream ,socket)
39 #.*optimize*)
40 (let ,strings ,@writers))))
42 ;; Try to enable SSL for a connection.
43 (define-message ssl-request-message nil ()
44 (uint 4 80877103))
46 ;; Sends the initial message and sets a few parameters.
47 (define-message startup-message nil (user database)
48 (uint 4 196608) ;; Identifies protocol 3.0
49 (string "user")
50 (string user)
51 (string "database")
52 (string database)
53 (string "client_encoding")
54 (string *client-encoding*)
55 (uint 1 0)) ;; Terminates the parameter list
57 ;; Identify a user with a plain-text password.
58 (define-message plain-password-message #\p (password)
59 (string password))
61 (defun bytes-to-hex-string (bytes)
62 "Convert an array of 0-255 numbers into the corresponding string of
63 \(lowercase) hex codes."
64 (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) bytes)
65 #.*optimize*)
66 (let ((digits #.(coerce "0123456789abcdef" 'simple-base-string))
67 (result (make-string (* (length bytes) 2) :element-type 'base-char)))
68 (loop :for byte :across bytes
69 :for pos :from 0 :by 2
70 :do (setf (char result pos) (aref digits (ldb (byte 4 4) byte))
71 (char result (1+ pos)) (aref digits (ldb (byte 4 0) byte))))
72 result))
74 (defun md5-password (password user salt)
75 "Apply the hashing that PostgreSQL expects to a password."
76 (declare (type string user password)
77 (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) salt)
78 #.*optimize*)
79 (flet ((md5-and-hex (sequence)
80 (bytes-to-hex-string (md5:md5sum-sequence sequence))))
81 (let* ((pass1 (md5-and-hex (enc-string-bytes (concatenate 'string password user))))
82 (pass2 (md5-and-hex (concatenate '(vector (unsigned-byte 8) *) (enc-string-bytes pass1) salt))))
83 (concatenate 'string "md5" pass2))))
85 ;; Identify a user with an MD5-hashed password.
86 (define-message md5-password-message #\p (password user salt)
87 (string (md5-password password user salt)))
89 (define-message gss-auth-buffer-message #\p (buf)
90 (bytes buf))
92 ;; Send a query, the simple way.
93 (define-message query-message #\Q (query)
94 (string query))
96 ;; Parse a query
97 (define-message simple-parse-message #\P (query)
98 (uint 1 0) ;; Name of the prepared statement
99 (string query)
100 (uint 2 0)) ;; Parameter types
102 ;; Parse a query, giving it a name.
103 (define-message parse-message #\P (name query)
104 (string name)
105 (string query)
106 (uint 2 0))
108 ;; Close a named parsed query, freeing the name.
109 (define-message close-prepared-message #\C (name)
110 (uint 1 #.(char-code #\S)) ;; Prepared statement
111 (string name))
113 (defun formats-to-bytes (formats)
114 "Formats have to be passed as arrays of 2-byte integers, with 1
115 indicating binary and 0 indicating plain text."
116 (declare (type vector formats)
117 #.*optimize*)
118 (let* ((result (make-array (* 2 (length formats))
119 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
120 :initial-element 0)))
121 (loop :for format :across formats
122 :for pos :from 1 :by 2
123 :do (when format (setf (elt result pos) 1)))
124 result))
126 ;; Bind the unnamed prepared query, asking for the given result
127 ;; formats.
128 (define-message simple-bind-message #\B (formats)
129 (uint 1 0) ;; Name of the portal
130 (uint 1 0) ;; Name of the prepared statement
131 (uint 2 0) ;; Number of parameter format specs
132 (uint 2 0) ;; Number of parameter specifications
133 (uint 2 (length formats)) ;; Number of result format specifications
134 (bytes (formats-to-bytes formats))) ;; Result format
136 ;; This one was a bit too complex to put into define-message format,
137 ;; so it does everything by hand.
138 (defun bind-message (socket name result-formats parameters)
139 "Bind a prepared statement, ask for the given formats, and pass the
140 given parameters, that can be either string or byte vector.
141 \(vector \(unsigned-byte 8)) parameters will be sent as binary data, useful
142 for binding data for binary long object columns."
143 (declare (type stream socket)
144 (type string name)
145 (type vector result-formats)
146 (type list parameters)
147 #.*optimize*)
148 (let* ((n-params (length parameters))
149 (param-formats (make-array n-params :element-type 'fixnum))
150 (param-sizes (make-array n-params :element-type 'fixnum))
151 (param-values (make-array n-params))
152 (n-result-formats (length result-formats)))
153 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) n-params n-result-formats))
154 (loop :for param :in parameters
155 :for i :from 0
156 :do (flet ((set-param (format size value)
157 (setf (aref param-formats i) format
158 (aref param-sizes i) size
159 (aref param-values i) value)))
160 (declare (inline set-param))
161 (cond ((eq param :null)
162 (set-param 0 0 nil))
163 ((typep param '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)))
164 (set-param 1 (length param) param))
166 (unless (typep param 'string)
167 (setf param (serialize-for-postgres param)))
168 (etypecase param
169 (string
170 (set-param 0 (enc-byte-length param) param))
171 ((vector (unsigned-byte 8))
172 (set-param 1 (length param) param)))))))
173 (write-uint1 socket #.(char-code #\B))
174 (write-uint4 socket (+ 12
175 (enc-byte-length name)
176 (* 6 n-params) ;; Input formats and sizes
177 (* 2 n-result-formats)
178 (loop :for size :of-type fixnum :across param-sizes
179 :sum size)))
180 (write-uint1 socket 0) ;; Name of the portal
181 (write-str socket name) ;; Name of the prepared statement
182 (write-uint2 socket n-params) ;; Number of parameter format specs
183 (loop :for format :across param-formats ;; Param formats (text/binary)
184 :do (write-uint2 socket format))
185 (write-uint2 socket n-params) ;; Number of parameter specifications
186 (loop :for param :across param-values
187 :for size :across param-sizes
188 :do (write-int4 socket (if param size -1))
189 :do (when param
190 (if (typep param '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)))
191 (write-sequence param socket)
192 (enc-write-string param socket))))
193 (write-uint2 socket n-result-formats) ;; Number of result formats
194 (loop :for format :across result-formats ;; Result formats (text/binary)
195 :do (write-uint2 socket (if format 1 0)))))
197 ;; Describe the anonymous portal, so we can find out what kind of
198 ;; result types will be passed.
199 (define-message simple-describe-message #\D ()
200 (uint 1 #.(char-code #\S)) ;; This is a statement describe
201 (uint 1 0)) ;; Name of the portal
203 ;; Describe a named portal.
204 (define-message describe-prepared-message #\D (name)
205 (uint 1 #.(char-code #\S)) ;; This is a statement describe
206 (string name))
208 ;; Execute a bound statement.
209 (define-message simple-execute-message #\E ()
210 (uint 1 0) ;; Name of the portal
211 (uint 4 0)) ;; Max amount of rows (0 = all rows)
213 ;; Flush the sent messages, force server to start responding.
214 (define-message flush-message #\H ())
216 ;; For re-synchronizing a socket.
217 (define-message sync-message #\S ())
219 ;; Tell the server we are about to close the connection.
220 (define-message terminate-message #\X ())
222 ;; To get out of the copy-in protocol.
223 (define-message copy-done-message #\c ())
225 (defun copy-data-message (socket data)
226 (declare (type string data)
227 #.*optimize*)
228 (write-uint1 socket 100)
229 (write-uint4 socket (+ 4 (length data)))
230 (enc-write-string data socket))
232 (define-message copy-fail-message #\f (reason)
233 (string reason))