set default back to text for reading row types
[postmodern.git] / postmodern / util.lisp
1 (in-package :postmodern)
3 (defun to-identifier (name)
4 "Used to allow both strings and symbols as identifier - converts
5 symbols to string with the S-SQL rules."
6 (if (stringp name)
7 name
8 (to-sql-name name)))
10 (defun sequence-next (sequence)
11 "Shortcut for getting the next value from a sequence."
12 (query (:select (:nextval (to-identifier sequence))) :single))
14 (defmacro make-list-query (relkind)
15 "Helper macro for the functions that list tables, sequences, and
17 `(sql (:select 'relname :from '
18 :inner-join ' :on (:= 'relnamespace 'pg-namespace.oid)
19 :where (:and (:= 'relkind ,relkind)
20 (:not-in 'nspname (:set "pg_catalog" "pg_toast"))
21 ( 'pg-class.oid)))))
23 (defmacro make-exists-query (relkind name)
24 "Helper macro for the functions that check whether an object
25 exists."
26 `(sql (:select (:exists (:select 'relname :from 'pg_catalog.pg_class :inner-join 'pg_catalog.pg_namespace :on
27 (:= 'pg_class.relnamespace 'pg_namespace.oid)
28 :where (:and (:= 'pg_class.relkind ,relkind)
29 (:= 'pg_namespace.nspname (:any* (:current_schemas nil)))
30 (:= 'pg_class.relname (to-identifier ,name))))))))
32 (defun list-tables (&optional strings-p)
33 "Return a list of the tables in a database. Turn them into keywords
34 if strings-p is not true."
35 (let ((result (query (make-list-query "r") :column)))
36 (if strings-p result (mapcar 'from-sql-name result))))
38 (defun table-exists-p (table)
39 "Check whether a table exists. Takes either a string or a symbol for
40 the table name."
41 (query (make-exists-query "r" table) :single))
43 (defun list-sequences (&optional strings-p)
44 "Return a list of the sequences in a database. Turn them into
45 keywords if strings-p is not true."
46 (let ((result (query (make-list-query "S") :column)))
47 (if strings-p result (mapcar 'from-sql-name result))))
48 (defun sequence-exists-p (sequence)
49 "Check whether a sequence exists. Takes either a string or a symbol
50 for the sequence name."
51 (query (make-exists-query "S" sequence) :single))
53 (defun list-views (&optional strings-p)
54 "Return a list of the views in a database. Turn them into keywords
55 if strings-p is not true."
56 (let ((result (query (make-list-query "v") :column)))
57 (if strings-p result (mapcar 'from-sql-name result))))
58 (defun view-exists-p (view)
59 "Check whether a view exists. Takes either a string or a symbol for
60 the view name."
61 (query (make-exists-query "v" view) :single))
63 (defun table-description (table &optional schema-name)
64 "Return a list of (name type null-allowed) lists for the fields of a
65 table. If SCHEMA-NAME is specified, only fields from that schema are
66 returned."
67 (let ((schema-test (if schema-name (sql (:= 'pg-namespace.nspname schema-name)) "true")))
68 (mapcar #'butlast
69 (query (:order-by (:select 'attname 'typname (:not 'attnotnull) 'attnum :distinct
70 :from '
71 :inner-join ' :on (:= 'pg-type.oid 'atttypid)
72 :inner-join ' :on (:and (:= 'pg-class.oid 'attrelid)
73 (:= 'pg-class.relname (to-identifier table)))
74 :inner-join ' :on (:= 'pg-namespace.oid 'pg-class.relnamespace)
75 :where (:and (:> 'attnum 0) (:raw schema-test)))
76 'attnum)))))
78 (defun coalesce (&rest args)
79 (some (lambda (x) (if (eq x :null) nil x)) args))