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3 <!--Warning, preformatted content! -->
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7 <title> Postfix Rate Controls</title>
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14 <h1><a href="big-picture.html"><img src="small-picture.gif" width="115" height="45"></a> Postfix Rate Controls</h1>
16 <hr>
18 <p> <strong> Note: this web page is no longer maintained. It exists
19 only to avoid breaking links in web pages that describe earlier
20 versions of the Postfix mail system. </strong> </p>
22 <a href="docs.html">Up one level</a> |
23 <a href="basic.html">Basic Configuration</a> | <a href="uce.html">UCE
24 Controls</a> | Rate Controls | <a href="resource.html">Resource
25 Controls</a> | <a href="rewrite.html">Address Manipulation</a>
27 <h2> Introduction</h2>
29 Building a high-performance mail delivery system is one thing;
30 building one that does not knock over other systems is a different
31 story. Some mailers suffer from the <i>thundering herd</i> syndrome:
32 they literally flood other systems with mail. Postfix tries to be
33 a fast mailer and a good neighbor at the same time.
35 <p>
37 On the inbound side, the Postfix <a href="smtpd.8.html">SMTP
38 server</a> has defenses in place against malicious or confused
39 clients. They won't protect against an all-out denial of service
40 attack on your infrastructure, but then nothing will except pulling
41 the plug.
43 <p>
45 Unless indicated otherwise, all parameters described here are in
46 the <b></b> file. If you change parameters of a running
47 Postfix system, don't forget to issue a <b>postfix reload</b>
48 command.
50 <ul>
52 <a href="#process">Process limits</a>
54 <p>
56 <a href="#destination">Destination concurrency</a>
58 <p>
60 <a href="#recipients">Recipient limits</a>
62 <p>
64 <a href="#postponing">Always postponing delivery</a>
66 <p>
68 <a href="#backoff">Backoff from dead hosts</a>
70 <p>
72 <a href="#slowdown">Slowing down bad clients</a>
74 </ul>
76 <a name="process"><h2> Process limits</h2>
78 The <b>default_process_limit</b> parameter (default: 100) gives
79 direct control over inbound and outbound delivery rates. This
80 parameter controls the number of concurrent processes that implement
81 a Postfix service (smtp client, smtp server, local delivery, etc.).
82 On small systems, or on systems connected via dialup networks, a
83 <b>default_process_limit</b> of 10 is probably more than adequate.
84 Use a larger value if your machine is a major mail hub.
86 <p>
88 You can override this setting for specific Postfix daemons by
89 editing the <b></b> file. For example, if you do not
90 wish to receive 100 SMTP messages at the same time, you could specify:
92 <dl>
94 <dd> <pre>
95 # ==========================================================================
96 # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
97 # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
98 # ==========================================================================
99 . . .
100 smtp inet n - - - 5 smtpd
101 . . .
103 </pre>
105 </dl>
107 <a name="destination"><h2> Destination concurrency</h2>
109 So, you have this huge mailhub with tons of disk and memory, and
110 have configured Postfix to run up to 1000 SMTP client processes at
111 the same time. Congratulations. But do you really want to make 1000
112 simultaneous connections to the same remote system? Probably not.
116 The Postfix queue manager comes to the rescue. This program implements
117 the analog of the TCP <i> slow start</i> flow control strategy:
118 when delivering to a site, send a small number of messages first,
119 then increase the rate as long as all goes well; back off in the
120 face of congestion.
124 The <b>initial_destination_concurrency</b> parameter (default: 2)
125 controls how many messages are initially sent to the same destination
126 before adapting delivery concurrency. Of course, this setting is
127 effective only as long as it does not exceed the <b><a
128 href="#process">process limit</a></b> and the destination concurrency
129 limit for the specific mail transport channel.
133 The <b>default_destination_concurrency_limit</b> parameter
134 (default: 20) controls how many messages may be sent to the same
135 destination simultaneously. You can override this setting for
136 specific delivery channels (<b>local, smtp, uucp</b> etc.). The
137 <b></b> file recommends the following:
139 <dl>
141 <dd> <b>local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2</b>
143 <dd> <b>default_destination_concurrency_limit = 20</b>
145 </dl>
147 The <b>local_destination_concurrency_limit</b> parameter controls
148 how many messages are delivered simultaneously to the same local
149 recipient. The recommended limit is low because delivery to the
150 same mailbox must happen sequentially, so massive parallelism is
151 not useful. Another good reason to limit delivery concurrency to
152 the same recipient: if the recipient has an expensive shell command
153 in her <b>.forward </b> file, or if the recipient is a mailing list
154 manager, you don't want to run too many instances at the same time.
158 A destination concurrency limit of 20 for SMTP delivery seems enough
159 to noticeably load a system without bringing it to its knees. Be
160 careful when changing this to a much larger number.
162 <a name="recipients"><h2> Recipient limits</h2>
164 The <b>default_destination_recipient_limit</b> parameter (default:
165 50) controls how many recipients a Postfix delivery agent (<b>smtp</b>,
166 <b>uucp</b>, etc.) will send with each copy of an email message.
167 If an email message has more than
168 <b>$default_destination_recipient_limit</b> recipients at the same
169 destination, the list of recipients will be broken up into smaller lists,
170 and multiple copies of the message will be sent.
174 You can override this setting for specific Postfix delivery agents
175 (<b>smtp, uucp,</b> etc.). For example:
177 <dl>
179 <dd> <b>uucp_destination_recipient_limit = 100</b>
181 </dl>
183 would limit the number of recipients per <b>UUCP</b> delivery to 100.
187 You must be careful when increasing the recipient limit; some SMTP
188 servers abort the connection when they run out of memory or when
189 a hard recipient limit is reached, so the mail won't get through.
193 The <b>smtpd_recipient_limit</b> parameter (default: 1000)
194 controls how many recipients the SMTP server will take per delivery.
195 That's more than any reasonable SMTP client would send. The limit
196 exists just to protect the local mail system against a malicious
197 or confused client.
199 <a name="postponing"><h2> Always postponing delivery</h2>
201 The <b>defer_transports</b> parameter allows you to specify what
202 mail should always be deferred until Postfix is explicitly asked
203 to deliver.
207 A small site that is on-line only part of the time, and
208 that wants to defer all deliveries until the command <b>sendmail
209 -q</b> is executed (e.g., from a PPP dialout script) would use:
213 <dl>
215 <dd><b>defer_transports = smtp</b>
217 </dl>
221 An ISP can use the <b>defer_transports</b> feature for customers
222 that are off-line most of the time. The customer can trigger delivery
223 by issuing an <b>ETRN</b> command at the SMTP port. The following
224 examples show how to configure such a customer:
228 <dl>
230 <dt>/etc/postfix/
234 <dd><b>defer_transports = hold</b>
238 You can specify any number of transports here. The example gives
239 just one.
243 <dt>/etc/postfix/<a href="transport.5.html">transport</a>:
247 <dd><b> &nbsp; hold:[]</b>
249 <dd><b> &nbsp; hold:[]</b>
253 The [] are necessary to avoid MX lookups, which might point to your
254 local machine. The second entry is necessary only if you want to
255 relay mail for customer subdomains.
259 <dt>/etc/postfix/
263 <dd><b>hold &nbsp; unix &nbsp; - &nbsp; - &nbsp; n &nbsp; - &nbsp; - &nbsp; smtp</b>
267 This is just the <b></b> entry for regular SMTP, with the
268 first field changed to <b>hold</b>.
270 </dl>
272 <a name="backoff"><h2> Backoff from unreachable hosts</h2>
274 When a Postfix delivery agent (<b>smtp, local, uucp,</b> etc.)
275 is unable to deliver a message it may blame the message itself or
276 the receiving party.
278 <ul>
280 <li> If the delivery agent blames the message, the queue manager
281 gives the queue file a time stamp into the future, so it won't be
282 looked at for a while. By default, the amount of time to cool down
283 is the amount of time that has passed since the message arrived.
284 This results in so-called <i>exponential backoff</i> behavior.
288 <li> If the delivery agent blames the receiving party (for example
289 a local recipient user, or a remote host), the queue manager not
290 only advances the queue file time stamp, but also puts the receiving
291 party on a "dead" list so that it will be skipped for some amount
292 of time.
294 </ul>
298 As you would expect, this whole process is governed by a bunch of
299 little parameters.
301 <dl>
303 <dt> <b>queue_run_delay</b> (default: 1000 seconds) <dd> How
304 often the queue manager scans the queue for deferred mail.
308 <dt> <b>maximal_queue_lifetime</b> (default: 5 days) <dd> How
309 long a message stays in the queue before it is sent back as
310 undeliverable. Specify 0 for mail that should be returned
311 immediately after the first unsuccessful delivery attempt.
315 <dt> <b>minimal_backoff_time</b> (default: 1000 seconds) <dd> The
316 minimal amount of time a message won't be looked at, and the minimal
317 amount of time to stay away from a "dead" destination.
321 <dt> <b>maximal_backoff_time</b> (default: 4000 seconds) <dd> The
322 maximal amount of time a message won't be looked at after a delivery
323 failure.
327 <dt> <b>qmgr_message_recipient_limit</b> (default: 20000) <dd> The
328 size of many in-memory queue manager data structures. Among others,
329 this parameter limits the size of the short-term, in-memory "dead"
330 list. Destinations that don't fit the list are not added.
332 </dl>
334 <a name="slowdown"><h2> Slowing down bad clients</h2>
336 First of all, no defense will protect against an all-out denial of
337 service attack. I just don't want to raise impossible expectations.
338 But there are a few simple things one can do in order to deal with
339 confused or malicious client programs.
343 Some defenses are part of a more general strategy: for example,
344 how long a line of text may be before it is broken up into pieces,
345 and how much text may be carried in a multi-line message header.
346 See the <a href="resource.html">resource controls</a> documentation
347 for details.
351 The Postfix <a href="smtpd.8.html">SMTP server</a> increments a
352 per-session error counter whenever a client request is unrecognized
353 or unimplemented, or whenever a client request violates <a
354 href="uce.html">UCE restrictions</a> or other reasons. The error
355 counter is reset when a message is transferred successfully.
359 As the per-session error count increases, the SMTP server changes
360 behavior. The idea is to limit the damage by slowing down the
361 client. The behavior is controlled by the following parameters:
365 <dl>
367 <a name="smtpd_error_sleep_time">
369 <dt> <b>smtpd_error_sleep_time</b> (default: 1 second) <dd> When
370 the per-session error count is small, the SMTP server pauses only
371 when reporting a problem to a client. The purpose is to prevent
372 naive clients from going into a fast <i>connect-error-disconnect</i>
373 loop.
377 <a name="smtpd_soft_error_limit">
379 <dt> <b>smtpd_soft_error_limit</b> (default: 10) <dd> When the
380 per-session error count exceeds this value, the SMTP server sleeps
381 <b>error_count</b> seconds before responding to a client request.
385 <a name="smtpd_hard_error_limit">
387 <dt> <b>smtpd_hard_error_limit</b> (default: 20) <dd> When
388 the per-session error count exceeds this value, the SMTP server
389 disconnects.
391 </dl>
395 Unfortunately, the Postfix SMTP server does not yet know how to
396 limit the number of connections <i> from the same client</i>,
397 other than by limiting the total number of SMTP server processes
398 (see <a href="#process">process limit</a>). Things could be worse:
399 some mailers don't even implement an SMTP server process limit.
400 That's of course no excuse. I'm still looking for a good solution.
402 <hr>
404 <a href="docs.html">Up one level</a> |
405 <a href="basic.html">Basic Configuration</a> | <a href="uce.html">UCE
406 Controls</a> | Rate Controls | <a href="resource.html">Resource
407 Controls</a> | <a href="rewrite.html">Address Manipulation</a>
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